A Perfect Match

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A Perfect Match Page 10

by Bethany Hauck

  “You look like you’re enjoying yourself, lass,” Hamish commented.

  “Aye,” Peigi told him, grinning, “I’m having so much fun.”

  Peigi wasn’t lying, she was having a good time. Since arriving at Gleann she’d been accepted fully by the McCabes, especially the women. Her new sisters were everything she’d ever hoped for and never got from Doxy. They all helped each other and enjoyed spending time together.

  When her new sisters realized she only had the two older dresses with her, they’d dug through their own trucks to provide her with three more. She felt it was enough clothing to last her for a long time, but they didn’t. Kirstie, Nellie and, Mairi had spent hours getting her measurements and looking through the bolts of material in Gleann’s storeroom. They’d already started to make her three more.

  Even the servants treated her well. The cook asked what her favorite foods were the day she arrived, and since then the older woman had made at least one of them each day. She knew Hamish had something to do with that, and she already loved the older man who insisted she call him Da. She worried about what King James was going to say and do when he arrived because she already loved this family and never wanted to leave.

  “Did you have musicians at your Keep very often?” Hamish asked her, interrupting her thoughts.

  “Aye,” Peigi answered, “but I didn’t spend much time in the great hall, so I didn’t get to see them very often.”

  “Why is that?” Hamish asked.

  “Because I lived in the village, not the castle,” Peigi told him. Hamish frowned and she asked, “does that surprise you?”

  “It does. I learned something about you today, Peigi, that was a bit of a surprise,” Hamish told her.

  “What’s that?” Peigi asked.

  “That you’re the daughter of a Laird,” Hamish answered. “You forgot to tell me that.”

  “It still doesn’t change the fact that I’m a bastard,” Peigi told him.

  “Nay, it doesn’t. But it may help King James decide favorably with you and Craig,” Hamish explained. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me more about your family?”

  “I’ll tell you everything once I know what King James is going to do,” Peigi told him. “If he annuls the marriage, I can’t go back to my Keep, and I don’t want word to travel that I was here.”

  “Because of your sister?” Hamish asked.

  “Aye, I can’t let her find me,” Peigi answered. “I won’t marry Laird McNary.”

  “He’s older than me,” Hamish said and grinned. “I’m not sure he’d even know what to do with a lass as young as you anymore.”

  “I wasn’t going to wait around and find out,” Peigi said and grinned back.

  “You said your brother’s name is Gory,” Hamish continued, hoping to learn more, “I don’t know anyone in the Highlands with that name. It’s very unusual.”

  “Aye,” Peigi answered. She could say more, but decided that was another secret she’d keep to herself for now.

  “Not as unusual as Doxy,” Craig said and Hamish laughed.

  “Did your parents have more traditional names?” Hamish asked as he watched Craig get up from his chair.

  “They did,” Peigi answered.

  “Her Mither’s name was Millie,” Craig added as he offered Peigi his hand. “Are you ready to dance with me again?”

  Peigi smiled up at him as he pulled her out of the chair. “Aye,” she answered.

  Hamish watched them walk to the edge of the other couples and join the dance. His son was happy, and he would do whatever he could to keep him that way. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was worried. If the King ordered the marriage to be annulled, what could he do? If he allowed Craig to run off it could cause problems for the entire clan.

  Peigi Farland was a mystery, but one he was unraveling slowly. Each day he seemed to learn something new about her, and he liked her more. She was strong, and fit in with the rest of the McCabe women. Today he learned she was a Laird’s daughter, and her mither’s name was Millie. So she was the daughter of Millie Farland and an unknown Laird.

  Millie Farland, he’d heard that name before, but where? He sat back in his chair, thinking. Millie Farland. He tried to go over every conversation he’d ever had with tinkers, merchants, musicians, and even those just traveling through. He’d always made it a point to talk with them all, they were always a wealth of information on the gossip at other Keeps. Somewhere he’d heard the name Millie Farland. Millie Farland. He kept thinking the name over and over. Where had he heard that name?

  “You look troubled, Love,” Davina said, reaching over and grabbing his hand.

  “Nay,” Hamish said, giving her fingers a squeeze, “just trying to remember something.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help you?” Davina asked.

  “Nay,” Hamish assured her, “it will come to me.” Davina smiled and nodded at him.

  Then he started to put things together. Millie Farland. It couldn’t be. He thought more about everything he knew about Peigi. Could it be? He started laughing, and Davina turned to him once more.

  “What is it?” she asked. “I’m glad to see you laughing, you’ve seemed so worried since Craig came home.”

  “I think I’ll keep this thought to myself until after King James’ arrival tomorrow,” Hamish said, patting the back of her hand, “but if I’m right, everything may just work out fine.”

  “I do hope you’re right,” Davina said. “They make such a lovely couple, and I’d hate to see them torn apart.”

  Hamish smiled at her and then stood. He offered her his hand. “Would you like to dance with me, Love?” he asked.

  “Always,” Davina answered.


  “I hate this,” Craig said to Hamish, Eadan, and James as the four of them stood in the yard and waited for the King’s arrival. The others were in the hall, waiting to serve the King whatever he might want or need.

  “But it will be over soon,” Hamish tried to assure him. “Trust me.”

  “I’m trying to, Da,” Craig told him. “You do seem more confident today. Did something happen?”

  “I have a hunch, but I’m not sure I’m right,” Hamish told him, “but I hope I am.”

  “What are you planning to do, Da?” Eadan asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Hamish answered, “I’m going to figure it out as we go along.”

  Their conversation ended as King James rode through the gates. Cory McKinnon rode at the King’s side with two dozen guards right behind. They rode their horses up to where the McCabes waited to greet them and dismounted.

  “Hamish, it’s good to see you,” King James said.

  “Welcome to Gleann, Your Majesty,” Hamish said. “We’ve arranged a meal to celebrate your arrival. We can eat whenever you’re ready.”

  “My men will appreciate it,” King James told him. “We’ve been traveling for some time. I’ll tell you now to ease your mind, we found the men that attacked you, and they’ve been taken care of.”

  “Did you find out why they attacked us?” Hamish asked.

  “Aye,” King James answered. “They were mercenaries, and since we’re at peace right now, they haven’t been able to find work. They’ve been attacking travelers all along the Lowlands in both England and Scotland.”

  “Why?” Eadan asked.

  “They needed coin, or valuables they could sell,” King James answered. “Your Da and his men killed quite a few of them, but we found at least twenty more in a camp they’d built in the forest. After capturing their leader, we learned they were also the men that attacked the travelers from Jedburgh. They’d decided to move north, and look for merchants coming out of Edinburgh. Did you find your son yet, Hamish? My messenger said he was still missing as of his last trip here.”

  “Aye,” Hamish answered, putting a hand on Craig’s shoulder. “Craig finally healed enough to travel and arrived home a few days ago.”

  “Good, good,” King
James said and then threw a glance at Cory McKinnon.

  “A lass found him and nursed him back to health,” Hamish added. “Without her care, he most likely wouldn’t have survived.”

  “I’m sure you’re very grateful to her, as am I. I’d like to meet her one day and offer my thanks,” King James said graciously.

  “She’s here,” Hamish said. “Craig fell in love with her, and the two of them wed before returning to Gleann.”

  “Nay!” Cory McKinnon said, “that can’t be.”

  “Quiet!” King James said to Cory. Then he turned back to Hamish and said, “I’m going to need to speak to both you and your son somewhere private.”

  “Aye,” Hamish said, and led them into the castle, already knowing what was coming.


  Chapter 10. Confessions

  “I don’t understand, Da,” Craig said as the two of them left his Da and Eadan’s study, “why are you insisting King James meet Peigi? What if he sends her away? You didn’t even tell him her name.”

  King James had done exactly what they’d expected, and once the study door was closed he informed Craig he’d agreed to a marriage between him and Isla McKinnon. He didn’t want to force the issue, but he was tired of Cory McKinnon hounding him about his unwed sister. The King wasn’t happy to find that Craig was already married, and he suggested he might have to annul the marriage to keep peace with Cory McKinnon. Craig started to protest, but Hamish had stopped him, suggesting King James meet and talk with Peigi before making a decision. Luckily King James agreed.

  “Trust me, son,” Hamish stopped and said, “I’ve lived in this castle and been Laird here for a long time. There are things I know that you don’t. I truly believe it’s all going to work out fine.”

  “I wish I could say I felt the same,” Craig told him, but trusting his Da he nodded, and Hamish started walking again. Craig was dreading the coming conversation as they reached his bedchamber, where Peigi had been told to stay.

  They opened the door to find not just Peigi, but all the woman with her, offering their support. Mungo lay at her feet, but he raised his head and looked at the door to see who entered. The women all stood and faced the two men together, surrounding Peigi in case the news was bad.

  “What’s happening?” Jacqueline was the first to ask.

  “No decisions have been made yet, but King James would like to meet Peigi,” Hamish answered.

  “Is he going to send me away?” Peigi asked, trying not to show how afraid she was.

  “Stay strong, lass. We won’t leave your side while you speak with the King,” Hamish tried to assure her, but he didn’t answer her question.

  “Never,” Craig said at the same time. “I won’t allow it. If he does, I’ll leave with you. I won’t marry the woman King James wants me to.”

  “Enough, son,” Hamish said gently. “I’ve asked you to trust me.”

  “We’re all coming too,” Lynsey got up and said, then she looked around and was happy to see all her sisters by marriage nod their agreement. “Uncle James is going to listen to me if I have to throw a tantrum to get his attention. It’ll be worth the spanking Rory will give me if Peigi and Craig’s marriage stands.”

  “There’s no need for all of you to be there,” Hamish tried to tell them. They all frowned and shook their heads at him. He knew there was no point arguing with them when they moved even closer to Peigi. Hamish had never been so proud of his family.

  “Come then,” Craig told Peigi, offering his arm. “Let’s go prove to our King that we belong together.”

  Craig led Peigi out of the room. Hamish and the women followed. Craig walked slowly, trying to put off the confrontation as long as possible. He was already running scenarios through his head on what to do if King James ordered the annulment.

  “I’m nervous,” Peigi admitted quietly so only Craig could hear.

  “Aye,” he answered, “So am I. I should tell you, when we get to the hall there are others there with the King. We won’t be alone.”

  Peigi nodded and they descended the stairs together. Craig felt a tightening in his chest as they reached the hall. He wanted to grab Peigi and run out the door of the castle. He couldn’t lose her now that he found her. They stepped through the doorway and into the hall where the King and many others were waiting.

  “Gory!” Peigi suddenly screamed. Craig was dumbfounded when she let go of his arm and flew into Cory McKinnon’s arms. “I knew you’d come for me. I knew it!”

  “Peigi?” Cory said, “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at home?”

  “Oh, Gory,” Peigi started to ramble, “it was horrible after you left, Doxy returned and insisted she was in charge of the Keep while you were away. You won’t believe what she wanted me to do. I had to run away and hide until you returned.”

  “Don’t call her Doxy, that isn’t her name,” Cory scolded. “I’ve told you that before.”

  “It’s the only name I’ll use for her,” Peigi said, lifting her chin defiantly and looking up at him. “She arranged for me to marry Laird McNary,” she whispered the rest, “and wanted to witness the bedding.”

  “She did what? Laird McNary? Nay, nay, nay. I won’t allow it, but we can talk about that later. Now explain to me what you are doing here,” Cory said.

  “Laird McKinnon,” King James interrupted, “who is this woman?”

  “My sister,” Cory answered. “Peigi Farland.”

  “My wife,” Craig said at the same time, “Peigi McCabe.”

  “Different mithers?” King James asked.

  “Aye,” Cory answered, “but that doesn’t make a difference to me, Peigi is my sister.”

  “I see,” King James said, then stood back and thought about what was happening

  “Gory?” Craig said to Peigi as he approached her and Cory.

  “Peigi couldn’t pronounce my name when she was little,” Cory answered for her and shrugged, “she’s always called me Gory. I don’t mind.”

  “And Doxy, your sister, is really Isla McKinnon?” Craig asked.

  “Aye,” Peigi answered, as she made a sound of disgust, “but I’ll never call her that. Doxy suits her.”

  “You and I are going to have a long talk later, wife,” Craig said to her.

  “Why?” Peigi asked. She had a feeling she knew what kind of talk they were going to have. Part of her dreaded it, and another part was excited by it.

  “Gory and Doxy?” Craig asked. “If I would have known their real names, this would have been taken care of already.”

  “But that’s what I’ve always called them. This is my brother, Gory, that’s his name, I didn’t lie about that, and I’ll never call my sister anything but Doxy. It’s what my mither called her, and half the village,” Peigi explained.

  “But that is not her name, and I will deal with Isla when we get home,” Cory told her. “That’s what I’ve been away doing. I’ve searched everywhere for her, and she was as the Keep all this time.”

  “You never told me what you were doing,” Peigi said, “you just left me at the keep, and then Doxy came home and I couldn’t stand being there.”

  “Are you sure she’s still there?” Cory asked. “She’s been missing for months.”

  “Aye,” Peigi answered, “at least she was when I left.”

  “How could she be missing? You took her with you when you left Aberdeen,” Craig said. “I remember she couldn’t sit a horse too well when you left.”

  “Aye,” Cory explained, “but she snuck out at the inn we stayed at one night and took sanctuary in an abbey. They wouldn’t let me speak to her. I went back a sennight later and she’d already left.”

  “Wait,” Peigi finally said, as everything sank in. “Is Doxy the woman you want Craig to marry?” When Cory looked away, she added, “I won’t allow it, Gory!”

  “Isla, not Doxy,” Cory again corrected her, “and it’s not up to you. You are a woman and this is a man’s decision. King James and I have talked, and come t
o an agreement.”

  “Nay!” Peigi said, she put her hands on her hips and stomped on Cory’s foot.

  “Ow,” he said, hopping on one foot, “stop that, Peigi, or for the first time in your life, I’ll be putting you over my knee.”

  “You will not touch my wife in that way,” Craig said, stepping forward and taking Peigi’s arm to pull her back towards him.

  “She won’t be your wife much longer,” Cory said, taking her other arm. “You will marry Isla.”

  “Nay!” Craig and Peigi said at the same time.

  “Enough,” King James told the three of them. “Let go of the lass.” When they both did be gently look Peigi’s arm and pulled her over to stand next to him. He leaned close to her and said quietly, “take a breath, lass, it’s all going to be well.” Peigi wasn’t sure what he meant, but she did as he asked. He nodded at her approvingly before turning his attention back to the two men.

  “Do you like your sister Isla, McKinnon?” King James finally asked.

  “Nay,” Cory answered, “but I am responsible for her.”

  “Do you like this sister?” King James asked, nodding towards Peigi.

  “Aye,” Cory answered, “very much.”

  “Is her happiness important to you?” Kind James asked him.

  “Aye,” Cory again answered, “it is.”

  “Are you happy here?” King James turned and asked Peigi.

  “Aye,” Peigi said, looking around the room at the rest of the McCabes. “The McCabes are all a part of my family now.” She smiled at them and they all nodded back at her. She made eye contact with Hamish and he winked.

  Hamish stood with his arms crossed, a grin on his face. She knew last night when he was asking her about her family he would eventually figure out where she’d come from. She never suspected that Doxy was the one the King wanted Craig to marry and it was Gory insisting on the wedding. If she would have known, she would have told him more.

  All her sisters by marriage stood behind Hamish, and behind them were her new brothers by marriage, some of them with children in their arms. Never had she been accepted so quickly by people. She was willing to fight to stay with them if she had to.


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