Stealing Shiloh

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by K. A Knight

  Stealing Shiloh

  The Forsaken Book Two

  K. A Knight

  Loxley Savage


  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment.

  Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This is a Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance and is not suited for those under the age of 18.

  Created with Vellum

  Copyright II

  Copyright @ 2020 Loxley Savage & K. A Knight

  Stealing Shiloh (The Forsaken Book 2)

  First publication: March 27, 2020

  Editing by Jess Rousseau with Elemental Editing

  Proofreading by Meghan Leigh Daigle with Bookish Dreams Editing

  Cover by Daqri Bernardo with Covers by Combs

  Formatting by Vellum

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Loxley Savage & K. A Knight

  [email protected]

  [email protected]



  Special Thanks

  A Savage Knight Book



  1. Shiloh

  2. Trov

  3. Cryk

  4. Joss

  5. Nul

  6. Shiloh

  7. Shiloh

  8. Cryk

  9. Trov

  10. Nul

  11. Joss

  12. Shiloh

  13. Trov

  14. Shiloh

  15. Shiloh

  16. Cryk

  17. Shiloh

  18. Shiloh

  19. Joss

  20. Trov

  21. Shiloh

  22. Shiloh

  23. Cryk

  24. Nul

  25. Joss

  26. Shiloh

  27. Shiloh

  28. Cryk

  29. Shiloh

  30. Trov

  31. Nul

  32. Shiloh

  33. Joss

  34. Shiloh

  35. Trov

  36. Shiloh

  37. Shiloh

  38. Cryk

  39. Trov

  40. Shiloh

  41. Nul

  42. Joss

  43. Cryk

  44. Trov

  45. Shiloh

  Dear Readers

  About The Authors

  Loxley Savage

  Also By K.A Knight

  Also By Loxley Savage


  This is a dark, alien, sci-fi, reverse harem romance. There is dark themes and explicit scenes. If such material triggers or offends you, please do not read this book.

  This book is written in ‘British English.’


  To all those affected by the coronavirus…

  Whether it be from illness, loss of income, those suffering from anxiety its caused, fear for your families, worried about food and necessities…

  This book is for you. Together we can get through this. YOU can get through this. Let’s not forget what it is to be human. Find sympathy, empathy, donate when you can, reach out to support those in need, offer aid to the elderly and to the sick. Remember what it feels like to have a sense of community. We will get through this, we will survive. Someday history books will tell of our tale, let’s give them something monumental to remember us by.

  Xoxo Katie and Lox

  Special Thanks

  To Jess:

  For being amazing and kick ass! We adore the shit out of you!

  To our betas:

  Katie, Claudia, Desiree, Kelly R,

  Kelly G, Jessica, and Andrea


  Thank you for all your hard work on this project!

  To the readers:

  Thank you for taking the time to read our words. We love what we do, and we wouldn’t be here without your support!

  A Savage Knight Book


  •Albenos - city where Forsaken Mountain is, large city

  •Ashwon - a small flowered plant which lights up when touched

  •Bakket - dagger

  •Batil - Oxious’s Totiv Army

  •Bjorv - alien bacon, too hard for humans to chew

  •Blarens - alarms

  •Bols - bunks for unmated males

  •Breshva - bakery

  •Brot - brother

  •Charlyn - bird like a chicken

  •Click - a human minute

  •Cornif - tall tree with black leaves

  •Drykken - abandoned Klans

  •Fenra - a wide plant similar to a tree with heat concealing bark

  •Fizylebree - a potent flower used in healing elixirs

  •Grapt - alien beer

  •Harvest House - place where Shiloh grew up, trained to be mates to the aliens

  •Hovers - floating lights

  •Hitrel - gun that shoots energy

  •Hubrek - vines which feed on blood

  •Kile - a mile

  •Kingret - where Totiv warrior children are sent to train

  •Klan Avuk - Shiloh’s Klan

  •Klan Gryme - suspected of aiding the Yarek

  •Klan Marix - Carmen’s Klan

  •Klan Zolki - helping Avuk with medical issues

  •Launchet - powerful explosive weapon on Avuk’s spaceships

  •Lijik - laser gun

  •Lorenthis - Champion city where Klan Marix now live with their mate

  •Lotren - city centre

  •Mishan - insult, similar to that of asshole

  •Morfka - alien elevator, moves in all directions

  •Mylenum - like a coco/coffee

  •Narkett - serrated sword

  •Nile - a large net surrounding and protecting a planet

  •Okkren - alien hovering car

  •Oprey - double axe-like weapon

  •Oxious - alien planet

  •Parfyn - alien giant snake

  •Pravvar - alien expensive alcohol, drink that you drop a shot inside of

  •Qube - scanner allows entrance to rooms

  •Retlas - short alien tree, their needle-like leaves poke out at all angles, like an odd combination of Earth’s cactus and pine trees.

  •Ruvrix - bar in center of Lorenthis

  •Sprykkyn - spear

  • Tackaryn - alien honey’d tea

  •Totiv - alien race

  •Ularic acid - alien acid

  •Unok - wall surrounding the city of Lorenthis

  •Vekking, vekked, vekk - fucking, fucked, fuck

  •Vranyx - the venom from a wokkren fang

  •Vultana - claiming ceremony

  •Wokkren - shark with spiked horns along its back

  •Xandix, - potent, deadly poison in gas form

  •Yarek - bad aliens who have no planet of their own, invaded Earth before the Great War

  •Yilo - rug/carpet floori

  •Zarl - challenge ceremony to claim another mate

  •Zulta - another planet, covered in rocks and cave, a dead planet.



  I wake up shivering, the cold startling me into consciousness. I’m never cold, my mates make sure of it. They are so attentive that even if I shiver once, they are instantly there like giant, alien blankets, warming me with their hard bodies and large hands…

  My four mates…

  Where are they?

  My lids are heavy, and it takes a while, but when I finally force them open, I squint, trying to see, except everything is dark. Why is it dark? Feeling along the floor, I freeze for a moment. The floor is icy, and it’s not the normal chill of the spaceship vessel I now call home, but something new.

  Something alien.

  Something arctic cold and dirty. My mates would never let me tremble on the ground covered in filth. They’re generals, after all, and have a reputation to uphold, not to mention the cleaning bots which I’ve started to name… So if I’m not with my mates…where the fuck am I?

  Shuffling backwards, I bring my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them as I wait for my eyes to adjust, scenting the air for the potent smell of my mates. Sweet and spicy, exotic and foreign. I gasp in horror when my eyes finally adjust to the darkness, freezing in terror.

  It’s a cell.

  I’m in a cell.

  I raise my hands, finding them tightly chained together. A shimmering glow emanates from around the chain, and when I try to break them, it only tightens further around my wrists. A hiss escapes my mouth through clenched teeth as the restraints cut into tender skin, making me gasp in pain before I seal my lips shut.

  Something is really wrong.

  This isn't like when I woke up on Forsaken Mountain, this is something worse. I can feel it, like a blur of a memory shielded by fog, and panic builds inside me the more it slips away. It’s telling me to flee, to run and get free.

  But…from what?

  Or who?

  I desperately reach for the memory, trying to remember what happened to land me here, did I do something wrong? No, Trov wouldn’t care even if I did, and he would never allow anyone to take me from them. Cryk would distract them and run away with me, while Joss amazed them with logic, and Nul snuck up behind them.

  Swallowing, I realise my mouth is really dry, and I’m beyond thirsty. Wherever I am, I’ve been asleep for a while. My whole body aches and shivers, my empty stomach rumbling. Rubbing my bound hands together to try and warm up my frozen fingers, I cry out in pain when I catch on a painful patch of skin on the back of my left hand.

  Lifting it up, I turn it to see what’s wrong with the small amount of light in the cell. There, across my skin, is a burned spot—no, it’s eroded. Like acid was dripped on it. I blame my fogginess and disorientation for not noticing it earlier, but now that I have, my eyes sting and tears well at how painful it is. The top layer of my skin is missing.

  Fucking gone.

  And that’s not the only place. I feel it on my legs and arms too.

  What happened to me?

  Where are my mates?

  Where is my Klan?

  A noise interrupts my thoughts, and my head snaps up. I’ve heard that sound before, and somewhere deep inside me, something is screaming at me. I shut my eyes and grasp the memories, like barbs sticking through my skull as I peel back the grogginess.

  “No.” The word escapes my lips before I can stop it as images piece themselves together in my pounding head. Terror rolls through me as tears stream down my cheeks.

  My eyes fly open, and my heart skips a beat as the last piece of the puzzle completes the horrifying picture.

  I’m no longer with my Klan…

  I was stolen.



  Three weeks ago…

  Groaning, I open my eyes with a pained frown. My head is stuffy, like cotton wool, and I have a weird taste in my mouth. The flavour reminds me of blood…then it hits me.

  The Harvest.

  Those awful aliens who tested us with vial after vial of blood as my friends screamed around me, their cries like a symphony of pain.

  Speaking of the other Harvest Girls…

  Where are they?

  I suck in a sharp breath then as the faces of the other girls flit through my head. Carmen, my feisty and sassy friend. If anyone is okay, it’s her. She’s my best friend in the Harvest House—was, I guess. No one can take that girl down. Hell, death would even spit that crazy bitch back. A sad smile tilts my lips when Daisy’s innocent face comes into my mind. God, let her be okay.



  We knew this was coming, of course, being given to a Klan of aliens. We spent so long being taught to be perfect mates that we never actually learned how we were to be given. For a moment, I wonder what my life would be like if the Great War hadn't happened all those years ago, if we didn’t defeat the Yarek with the help of the Totiv, if we didn’t make them a deal. To be the reward in exchange for their help when all hope was lost. Still, all these years later, this is where I am.

  An old treaty dictates how my life is to go as a Harvest Girl—bred, taught, and brought up to be the perfect mate to the aliens that came to Earth’s aid so long ago. Shaking my head and those thoughts away, I concentrate on where I am now. It wouldn’t do me any good to rage at the unfairness of my life, it is what it is. I can’t change it, but maybe, just maybe, I can have a choice in how I react to my future.

  Looking around at what appears to be the top of the mountain I’m chained to, I’m beginning to think it isn’t an auction like I imagined every time I thought of being given to aliens. It was always that, or I visualised that they picked us out and handed us over like a fucking delivery.

  Here you go, sir, one human female for you.

  I wonder if we came with an instruction manual.

  I snort out a panicked laugh at that and then slow my breathing as much as I can, trying to analyse the situation and keep a calm head. My hands are chained above my head to a post behind me, and I’m in that god-awful dress they forced me to wear on the ship ride over here—all white and frilly, hanging to my ankles like some ancient Victorian nightgown.

  Pure, all to make me look pure, which is a lie of course. I’m not, neither Carmen nor I are. Even Harper is questionable. After all, it is my body.

  Mine, dammit.

  If I wanted to fuck someone, I did. Mainly because I was following Carmen in a last-ditch effort to control my fate. Unlike my crazy best friend, who was looking forward to being an alien’s mate, I had my concerns.

  We all did, and whispered them to each other at night, letting the dark take our fears and hold them for us. As Harvest Girls, it was our birthright, our responsibility, to become mates to our alien saviours.

  But what if that was wrong?

  What if we were meant for a different life? Why should a blood test at birth decide my whole future? Not that those thoughts ever made a difference—even if we wanted a different destiny, we could never obtain one.

  We were marked as human stock and would never have been safe or left alone, hunted for the rest of our lives and handed over wrapped in a bow to the aliens. I tried to escape once and got to the next town, but it did me no good. Carmen came with me of course. Mainly because it was an adventure, not because she wanted to escape. Someone saw us, and they just knew what we were.

  Harvest Girls.

  We were picked up and taken back to Harvest House, locked in our rooms with double lessons to make us realise that we were nothing more than a womb.


  Sighing, I glance around, wondering when the aliens will show up. Thank fuck I’m not afraid of heights, because I’m clearly at the peak of this mountain. A shiver racks my body when the cold wind whips through the thin cotton of my dress, tightening my nipples against the fabric. The sky is different than Earth’s, even the st
ars and moons are. For starters, there are two moons and the stars are all in the wrong positions. I can’t see the Big Dipper or Orion’s Belt… The North Star is nowhere to be found, still watching over Earth and the family I never got a chance to meet, a world I never got to explore. Clearing my head of those thoughts, I glance around but can’t see much of the mountain or anything else. Surely I haven’t just been left up here?


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