Stealing Shiloh

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Stealing Shiloh Page 6

by K. A Knight

  I moan as it shares its warmth with me and have to stifle another when the other guys join him. Blood from my Klan kisses my skin, making my insides incinerate.

  “Why is she so vekking cold?” Trov growls.

  “Well,” the smallest of the Klan starts, the one who sacrificed his arm to the vine monster. “Humans don’t have a thick outer shell. Their skin is weak and susceptible to fluctuations in temperature. For example, if she’s left out here in the cold much longer, her fingers, toes, and nose may freeze right off her body.”

  “What?” Trov exclaims, horrified.

  “Let’s warm her then,” the handsome one with styled hair coos, moving to my side. I watch in awe as his skin seems to catch fire. A scaled pattern develops under the surface, swirling with bright yellow and luminous oranges. The pattern is unique, indescribable, and something I haven’t seen on Earth. Each scale is different, like the unparalleled beauty of a snowflake. Their bodies look like custom-made mosaics created by skilled craftsmen. He steps to my left side and wraps his body around me, warming me instantly.

  The others join him, and before I know it, I’m in the middle of one big puppy—err…alien pile.

  “Thank you,” I whisper, the words almost lost in my throat. The warmth from their bodies seeps into mine. Their touch on my skin is exploratory but gentle, their frames so hard against my softness.

  “Get her down,” Trov growls. “I want to take our new mate home.”

  An alien with unkempt hair reaches above me and unhooks my arms. I hiss as I pull them down, my shoulders aching from being bound for so long. The sting of blood rushing back into my hands makes me wince.

  “Are-are you o-okay?” the small one inquires.

  I nod and smile at him, unable to trust my voice to respond. I’d imagined this moment so many times in my life, the moment I would meet my Klan. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be like this…with me naked on a frozen mountaintop, covered in the blood of my Klan as thousands of onlookers watched. Never did I imagine someone could look upon me with such adoration, with such lust-filled eyes. Never did I think I’d be shown this much kindness and tender care.

  They say all good stories start with great beginnings.

  My story?

  Safe to say it’s beginning like a fucked up fairy tale, one I can’t wait to write. To all the princesses out there…eat your heart out.

  Disney ain’t got nothing on this.



  A silent conversation passes between my new alien mates, and then I’m hoisted into the big one’s—Trov’s—arms as he spreads his wings once again. I hold onto him tighter, clasping my hands behind his warm neck, my legs gripped by his rough palm.

  “Are we going to fly?” I ask, excitement coursing through my tone.

  “Yes,” is all he says, but I perk up like a little kid at the mere thought. I’ve always wanted to fly. I mean, who hasn’t? Not like on an airplane, but in a ship, like a spaceship, or with real wings? Hell yes! Seeing the stars pass and the world fade? That high you get when you stand on the edge of a tall roof or ledge?

  Hell yes.

  Fuck, maybe I am just as crazy as Carmen…nah.

  My nerves fade away, quickly replaced with excitement as Trov takes a running start and launches us off the mountain and into the cold air. I cuddle closer, even as a scream of exhilaration slips from my lips. He grins down at me, flashing fang as he flaps, holding me tightly to his hard body before pulling his wings in and diving towards the ground. He watches me closely as I laugh, spreading my arms out like I’m flying.

  I’m fucking flying!

  The feeling of weightlessness, of being free, flows through me, pushing all my fears and worries for the future away. This moment of free falling, of freedom, is what I seek. His eyes twinkle as he sees my reaction. A smile plasters itself on my face when my other mates fly past us. Trov grins and pulls us out of our dive, flapping his mighty wings and heading higher.

  Is he prolonging this? Taking me flying…because I enjoyed it?

  “More!” I laugh as he flies circles around the mountain, showing off to the crowd below us, who is still watching and cheering.

  The exhilaration made me forget the battle they just faced, forget the fact I’m stark naked in front of hundreds of aliens. The warmth from Trov’s skin heats my body, keeping me nice and toasty against the frigid breeze.

  “Trov!” comes a warning yell. He huffs but tucks in his wings, slowing us down, and descends to the ground.

  I pout in irritation when his booted feet land on the sand at the base of the mountain, seeing my other mates watching us. The one with the fancy hair grins at me, his eyes darting to my breasts, making my nipples pucker in response. The smaller, nervous one looks away, as if my nakedness makes him uncomfortable, while the other one with the messy hair just shakes his head.

  “Come on, flyer, let’s get you home,” the flirty one teases.

  They turn and Trov follows after them, still keeping me cupped to his chest like a baby. Like he can’t bear to not be touching me. It could be to keep me warm, seeing as though his body is like a heater, but I doubt it. I don’t find myself minding though. In his large arms, covered by his huge body, I feel relaxed for the first time since I woke up here.

  A feeling of safety washes through me…

  Safety? How strange.

  I don’t even know these aliens, other than they are to be my mates, and yet I feel safe with them. So safe, in fact, that I snuggle closer to his heat. My eyes almost shut as we stride through a gate and under an archway, stepping out into the streets.

  My reprieve in the arms of this strong alien quickly diminishes as we pass through lines filled with cheering aliens, all jostling to get a look at me, to get closer to us. Trov growls and snarls at them, wrapping his wings tighter around us to protect me from their prying eyes and searching hands, while my other mates make a protective circle. They hurry then, pushing through the crowd and heading to a…is that a car?

  It’s circular and silver, hovering off the ground. Even though it floats, it does remind me of a car from Earth, with the purr of an engine and the windows around the top.

  “What’s that?” I question, and the flirty alien turns around, walking backwards as he watches me obsessively when he answers.

  “An okkren, it will take us to our home. You are more than welcome to sit on my knee, flyer,” he offers with a grin, licking his lips. “I’m Cryk. Pleasure to meet you, little flyer.” Cryk runs his eyes down my body hungrily. I can feel the heat of his eyes as if he’s touching me with his fire fingers. Sparks follow in the wake of his gaze and I shiver against Trov, clenching my thighs together as my pussy turns embarrassingly wet from that look alone.

  Trov stops abruptly, lifting his head and sniffing the air like a dog. Then, just as suddenly, his head jerks down, his wide eyes locking on me, his full lips curling into a lust-filled growl. “You smell like need.”

  I swallow hard, my eyes flying wide as the other alien, the flirty one, laughs self-confidently. “She undoubtedly can’t wait to get a piece of this. Our girl is sex crazed, aren’t you?”

  “Cryk.” The second smallest one sighs and looks at me with a guilty smile. “Sorry about him, Shiloh. You will get used to him.”

  “Oh, she will get very used to me,” Cryk purrs, running his hand down his chest and cupping his cock for me. “Because I intend to become very familiar with her over and over again.”

  I turn my gaze away, my cheeks heating at the display, but they clash with the still watchful eyes of Trov. He searches my face before a small, almost unnoticeable smile crosses his wide lips. As quickly as it was there, it vanishes, and we start walking again, heading towards the okkren. I guess I better get used to the language, I’m here forever.


  It hits me suddenly as we duck into the car.

  I’m going to be here for the rest of my life.

  I will never see Earth again

  I have a whole new language, new world, and society to learn and understand. The immensity of it all overwhelms me as Trov sits down, pulling me into his lap. I can feel my anxiety building, my heart racing as sweat forms on my brow. Then, I start to hyperventilate.

  The world darkens at the corners of my eyes with my panic, and my ears start to ring. No, no, it’s too much. I can’t—

  “Look at me,” comes a demand.

  I blink my eyes, focusing through the blur to the smallest and most nervous of my mates. He crouches before me, all of them staring at me where I sit on Trov’s lap. He drops his hands, and I realize he was cupping my cheeks, and I find myself missing his comforting touch. “It’s okay, I promise, just breathe in and out, that’s it, slow your breathing and heart.’’ His voice is soft and melodic, and I find myself relaxing until I feel somewhat normal again.

  He smiles and ducks his head timidly before sitting back down opposite me with my other mate. Cryk is to my left, watching me worriedly. “Are you okay, little flyer?”

  I try to reply, “Fine,” but my voice cracks. “Fine, I’m fine.” They can tell I’m lying, but they let it drop. “Where do you live?” I inquire, changing the subject and trying to distract myself from my impending future. Trov’s arms now feel constrictive, not protective, so I slip from his hold and slide into the seat between him and Cryk. Both of their large, wide frames tower over me, making me feel tiny between them. I tuck my knees into my chest, hugging them with my arms, suddenly aware of my nakedness. Trov frowns at me and shuffles closer, pinning me between them while Cryk casually drapes an arm around my shoulder. His red fingers dance across the bare skin of my shoulder, making me shiver.

  “You’ll see,” is all Trov offers.

  I find my gaze going to the other two. If they introduced themselves, I can’t remember their names. I blame the shock of it all. They must see the question on my face, because the one to the left, not the one who calmed me, leans forward with a friendly smile.

  “I’m Joss, this is Nul. I believe you’ve met Trov and Cryk already.”

  I nod and smile at them, trying to calm my still racing heart. “I, well, shit. Nice to meet you, I guess? That seems hardly enough when we’re now supposed to spend the rest of our lives together,” I mumble nervously, lowering my head.

  Cryk reaches across and lifts my chin with a finger. “How about ‘oh my wonderful mates, how large and sexy you are, take me now?’” he replies, mimicking my voice, all high and breathy, and I giggle, which makes him smile.

  “No?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows. “How about, let’s vekk?”

  “Vekk?” I repeat, frowning in confusion.

  “Means fuck,” he whispers seductively, leaning closer.

  “Cryk!” Nul protests, and when I look at him, he glances away, but I could swear I see him blush.

  “You are a serious flirt,” I remark, and he grins wider.

  “Don’t you forget it. I’m also your sexiest mate,” he teases.

  “Enough,” Trov snaps. “We are here.”

  I lean across him to look out the window, keeping my breasts covered with my arm, wanting to see where exactly here is. Trov lays a hand on my back to steady me, and when I do, I gasp.

  A fucking spaceship…

  They live on a fucking spaceship…wait. Is that—

  “Did you name your ship J-Lo?”



  My little flyer is gorgeous. Beyond stunning. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I climbed through the frozen ground and found my human mate. Flowing red hair hangs down her back in waves, and her pale skin is dappled with spots the same colour as her hair.

  How kismet is it that a red Klan mates with a human woman with red vekking hair?

  Ah, destiny.

  “What is wrong with J-Lo for a name?” My attention jerks to my grumpy Klan mate, Trov. “We selected it specifically to honour a human female of great importance on Earth.”

  Shiloh giggles, still covering up all the places on her body my eyes want to see and my cock wants to explore. “J-Lo isn’t exactly of great importance. I mean, she’s a queen in her own right, but she isn’t like a president or some brilliant scientist or anything.”


  Loving seeing Trov shook up, I interrupt him, “No arguing with the human. If anyone knows about Earth, it’s someone who used to vekking live there.”

  Shiloh winces a little when I mention that she no longer calls Earth her home. “There, there, little flyer, you’ll love living in space.” I reach out and stroke her hair, feeling the softness between my fingers. “There’s something freeing out there, not being stuck on the ground. Plus, we can walk around naked without our neighbours noticing.”

  Shiloh blushes, and Trov reaches across her to slap my arm. “What was that for?” I ask innocently, but I damn well know why. “Oh. Did I make you uncomfortable, Shiloh?” Her blush deepens, spreading from her cheeks, down her neck, to the bit of her chest exposed over her arms. “Being a bit uncomfortable is something you’re going to need to get used to,” I whisper into her ear, tugging a lock of her hair. “Because I intend to put you in many compromising positions to see how you might react, how your body will respond, and which noises you might make.”

  Shiloh does her best to ignore me, twisting away to stare out the window as we near our battleship. In spite of her disregard for my dirty talk, I see the way her body reacts. She clenches her thighs, and the sweet smell of wetness pooling there drifts to my nose, telling me she heard perfectly.

  She likes my dirty talk.

  A growl escapes my lips before I can stop it. Shiloh startles, looking at me with wide eyes.

  Reaching towards her, I trail a finger down her soft jaw line. “Don’t be scared, little flyer. I just can’t contain my desire for you.” I hear her gasp, her little heartbeat racing, and a smile tugs at my lips from knowing I have an effect on her. “Perhaps if you weren’t sitting naked next to me, I wouldn’t be so tempted to taste you.”

  Something white hits my face, and I pull it off, glowering across the okkren. Nul smirks at me, nodding towards the item. I pick it up—a blanket.

  I hold the blanket out for Shiloh to take. “For you. I can help you tie it around yourself.”

  “I think I should do the tying,” Joss interjects. “Your fingers have done enough already. Besides, no one knows knots better than me.”

  “He has a point,” Nul adds.

  “No one asked you,” I growl at Nul, crossing my arms over my chest.

  Shiloh is busy draping the blanket over her perfect skin. Once she’s satisfied most of her is covered, she slips from between Trov and me, and walks over to a beckoning Joss. “Turn around, Shiloh, so I can tighten this around your neck.” She spins, now facing me, using one hand to hold the blanket closed over her ass and the other behind her neck. I can’t see what his hands are doing, but I can see his eyes. Joss’s brows are furrowed in concentration. He pulls out a bakket and cuts some pieces loose, tossing the extra fabric onto the ground. “Hold your hair up for me please,” he instructs. “Don’t worry, I’ve got the blanket.”

  Shiloh tentatively lets go of the fabric, using both hands to hold up her luscious hair. More ripping and cutting noises follow, the blanket tightening around her curvy figure as Joss completes his masterpiece. Gently, he grips her hips and encourages her to face him. “Hold still while I finish,” he orders. She drops her hair, her hands hanging loosely at her sides as Joss slices away the extra cloth bunched near her neck. “All done. What do you think?”

  Shiloh looks down at her body. “H-How did you make this? It’s amazing!”

  Shiloh spins, the blanket dress swirling around her thighs, and I find myself wishing it was a little shorter, wishing I was the one who made her eyes light up like that. She looks like a damn goddess, and all she’s wearing is a repurposed blanket.

  I am vekked.

  Joss used his need for perfection and made somethin
g truly beautiful. The dress does nothing to hide Shiloh’s curves—the swell of her breasts, the indentation of her waist, the thickness of her plump ass.

  Vekk, there goes my cock again.

  I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait until we get a Vultana before claiming this girl.

  “Whoa,” Shiloh exclaims as the small okkren enters the loading dock inside the hull of J-Lo. I feel the same way every time I return after being on land. “This is incredible.”

  I nod in agreement. “Welcome home, Shiloh.”

  She turns to me with a huge smile on her face. “Thank you, Cryk.”


  She said my name.

  Hearing it tumble through her perfect lips and sliding off her pink tongue pulls another groan from my throat. I can’t wait to hear her scream it when I bury my cock in her hot heat.

  Dammit, Cryk, get a hold of yourself.

  Shaking my head to clear it of naughty thoughts, I stand and head to the door. Hissing of the air chambers sealing around us reaches my ears as the okkren parks fluidly inside. Once the okkren lowers its landing gear, settling into its parking space for the near future, its doors open on their own. I jump down and back out of the way, allowing the others to exit. Trov follows me, then turns to face an unsure Shiloh with his arms up. “Let me help you down.”

  She reaches for his hands. “Okay.” Trov releases her fingers and grips her narrow waist, picking her up effortlessly before placing her on the ground.

  “Would you like a tour?” I ask, holding out my hand.

  “Sure!” she replies excitedly.

  Shiloh slips her fingers into my grasp. I plant a kiss on the back of her hand, earning me one of those blushing smiles I can’t seem to get enough of.

  As we walk through the massive parking garage, I point out the various ships and tell her their function. Her grip tightens on my fingers when we enter the morfka. The others move to follow us in, but I depress the button to engage the doors before they can enter.


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