Big Mike's Boy

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Big Mike's Boy Page 9

by Richard Peter Johnson

  “Well, the only way you’re getting back in here now is if you slip inside with me,” my uncle countered.

  Wait. Did he just suggest what I thought he was suggesting? I look up at my dad who seemed to be considering the proposal.”

  “What do you think, son? Ready for your first double penetration?”


  “Come on. You took my fist. This should be like a walk in the park for you.”


  “Don’t worry, I’ll give you the bottle,” he said, as though that would provide me with all of the reassurance I would need. But it did the trick. I nodded. “Come on, son. You know the rules. You’ve got to tell me what you want.”

  “Put your dick in me dad. I want to feel both of you in my ass,” I said.

  “Good boy,” he replied. I half expected him to pat me on the head like a dog.

  He grabbed a bottle out of the nightstand and sat it on top. He told Uncle Terry to shift me up. My uncle just lifted me with his cock still buried deep. He set me back down in just the perfect place for my dad to get in. Dad handed me the bottle and told me to take some deep puffs. As I did, he reached down and shoved a few fingers in my hole, telling me that it had to be loosened up a bit if he was going to have any chance of getting in there. I didn’t complain. It actually felt good.

  I could feel his dick poking up right in the area where his fingers were. In one deft move, he pulled those fingers out and slipped his prick inside. Both he and Uncle Terry pulled at my hips until dad’s dick got fully seated inside of me.

  “Take two more,” dad said. Both of them held still until I was done. “Ready?”

  I nodded and with that, both men started to use my asshole for their pleasure. The stretch of those two thick shafts was intense. Maybe not as bad as dad’s hand, but still…At first they were stabbing at me randomly, which was a bit uncomfortable, but soon they found their rhythms and it all got much better. Sometimes they were alternating who was going in and who was pulling out. I liked that because no matter what, someone was plunging deep into my bowels. At other times, they were driving in together. I liked that because their combined super cock stretched me out considerably. Let me just say that I felt nothing wrong with what was happening to my hole. It all felt good. They kept checking to see if I was okay, but not by just by asking.

  “Shit, you like that double dicking, nephew?”

  “Yes, Uncle Terry.”

  “Feels good, doesn’t it, son?”

  “Yes, dad. It feels great!”

  Their words were dirty and erotic, but the tone behind them informed me that they wanted to be sure everything was alright. I was grateful for their concern, but it was unwarranted. I was having one of the best times of my life.

  It took over twenty minutes of constant pounding before my uncle finally popped, once more slamming into me good and hard before blowing his wad. I could feel the pulsing of his cock as it splashed his seed all over my father’s dick. The thought actually set me off. I came while my uncle was filling me. My cum squirted on my dad’s belly, making us both good and slimy. The two orgasming men that were part of the same sandwich he was in was dad’s undoing. How could his body resist with my uncle’s throbbing and my squeezing? He howled as he joined in the cum party, all three of us going off almost simultaneously, two inside of me. What an amazing feeling.

  It took a few minutes before my uncle recovered from his second orgasm in less than an hour, but once he did, I could feel some of their combined jizz start to ooze out. Terry told my dad to stay right where he was and instructed me to lift my ass a bit so that gravity would not aid the escaping fluid. He left the room and came back less than a minute later with a glass.

  “We’re going to have to do this fast, before too much leaks out,” he said.

  He told me to make sure my ass didn’t go down when my dad removed himself and escaped from underneath me. I did my best. He held the glass up to my dripping hole and told my dad to grab the camera for some close ups. When they were both set, my uncle told me to push.

  When I did, four loads of cum shot out of my bowels, squirting into the glass held a few centimeters away, just enough so that they could get a good shot of the action. I was able to watch it happen up on the big screen. What an incredible sight to behold. I pushed several times until I could force no more out of me. Then they had me kneel with the glass beneath me. More oozed out. Eventually, my uncle shoved a few fingers into me and scraped out whatever clung to my insides, adding it to the whitish pool in the glass.

  When no more could be collected and I was finally able to sit down, my uncle presented my with the glass. There was over an inch of combined cum in there.

  “Here you go, nephew. Bottoms up.”

  I swirled the cum around a little. It was mostly white, but had a little brown or reddish tint to it. Not much, just enough to show that there was more than jizz in there. If my uncle thought it would turn me off from the gift he’d given me, he was sadly mistaken. I tilted the glass up, holding a little bit away from my mouth so that the scene could be shot in detail and dumped all of that thick, creamy fluid into my mouth. When it filled up, I swallowed it down hungrily. I had to do that four times before no more would come out. Then I started licking the inside of the glass, making sure to put on a good show. I lapped at that stuff like it was candy. And to me, it kind of was. I wish I could have discerned the two different batches of goo that I was lapping at, so I could get a good taste of my uncle’s brand, but that was impossible. I could still hope that he’d have enough to go once more, this time splashing on my tongue, but there was always the next time. And I knew- I just knew that there would be a next time. There was no way I was going to let this be just a one off. No way in Hell.

  “Fuck, kid. That was hot,” Uncle Terry said. “Man, you’ve got a hell of a son over here, Big Mike.”

  “Trust me, I know,” my dad said, smiling warmly at me. I could almost feel the love radiating from him.

  After the show was over, we all climbed into the bed, me sandwiched once more between their two husky frames. The bed seemed a little tighter, but with such large men and myself trying to fit in it, it really wasn’t a big surprise.

  “Did you have fun, son?”

  “You know I did, dad.”

  “Good, so you wouldn’t be opposed to another go at it?”

  “Of course not. But not every night. I still need to be alone with you. But maybe next week…?” I said. He smiled at me.

  “You’ve got a deal. Good night.”

  “Good night, dad,” I said, kissing him deeply.

  “You still taste like cum,” he said after the kiss.

  “I know. Isn’t it wonderful?” I replied. “Good night, Uncle Terry.”

  “Good night, kid. You make a wonderful nephew,” he replied. I turned my head to kiss him, but the best I got was one on the cheek. Good enough for me.

  I snuggled down between these two men and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep in moments. I had a strange dream that night. I dreamt that I was at the firehouse, laying on a couple of cots that had been pushed together. I was completely naked and was holding my legs back, exposing that most private of places. I was surrounded by my dad and all of my uncles. All of them. They were in a ring around me and they were undressed as well. Right before they were going to descend upon me, the alarm went off, meaning that there was a fire they had to respond to. What a let- down. My brain slowly came to realize that it wasn’t the fire alarm going off. Instead it was the alarm clock chirping away, forcing me to wake up right before I was going to get gang banged by the lot of them. How rude.


  I rubbed my eyes as I came awake, squeezed between my two lovers. Dad got out of the bed first, heading for the bathroom. I could feel that my uncle was awake, as well. At least part of him was, anyway. His hard cock had found a way to slip between my thighs. I flexed my muscles, gripping it and making him moan. He put his arm around me and pulled me t
ightly against him.

  “You’re a damn good kid, you know that?” he mumbled.

  “Thanks, Uncle Terry.”

  Just then my dad came back in.

  “Come on, Terry. Time to get up and go to work,” he said loudly.

  “But what am I going to do with this hard on,” Terry asked as he flipped the sheets away, rolled over and gripped his hard cock, waggling it at my dad.

  “I’ll take care of it,” I responded. “You still owe me an oral load, anyway.”

  Terry smiled at me and said,

  “A real damn good kid.”

  And with that, I slid down the bed until I was face to face with his hard manhood.

  “Whatever,” my dad said. “I’m going to cook breakfast. Don’t take too long in here or you’re going to miss it.” Just then I took my uncle’s cock into my mouth.

  “Don’t… un… think that’s… ah… gonna’ be an… (oh, God)… issue,” he groaned.

  I sucked my uncle’s cock good and hard, taking it all of the way down, milking it with my hand and really enjoying playing with his foreskin. It was my first one, so it was lots of fun. I had him shooting his load in about five minutes. Of course I gobbled it down, savoring the taste of him. I couldn’t help but compare his brand to my father’s. It was alright. More savory than sweet like my dad’s and nowhere near as thick. But it was still good and I enjoyed it immensely.

  After he took a quick shower, we went to the kitchen to eat breakfast, which I declined. When asked why, I replied,

  “Because I don’t want to wash the taste of cum out of my mouth.” That made them both laugh heartily.

  I kissed them both good bye as they walked out the door, both of them commenting about my jizz flavored kisses. Then they left, once again leaving me in that empty house. At least today I had stuff to do. I really didn’t until I walked into the bedroom and saw the state of the place. The sheets were stained with God knows what. The bottle of lube had tipped over and was dripping on the carpet. The whole room stunk of sex and stale semen. It all needed a good cleaning.

  When dad got home, he damn near attacked me.

  “Last night was so fucking hot. Wait until you see the video!”

  We wolfed down dinner while watching me get fucked by both of them separately and then both together. But the finale of me drinking their cum was the best. Soon dad was mounting me and fucking me like there was no tomorrow. Afterwards, he said,

  “I can’t wait until next week. I’ve scheduled a date with your Uncle Vinny. And I made Terry swear to keep his mouth shut under threat of never letting him have you again. Vinny’s going to be so surprised!”

  And that’s how it was. It pretty much went the same as the week before. The shock. The accusations. The recriminations from me. And then we all had sex. Over the next few months- every Monday night, like clockwork- dad had invited pretty much all of my uncles over, surprising each one. He lived for it. Funny thing was, not a single one of them said no. They all ended up in bed with us. And they all loved to be called uncle.

  By the time Christmas had rolled around, dad and I had been lovers for almost six months, which meant that I’d also had sex with about25 of my uncles. Then it was time for the annual Christmas party and I still hadn’t made my famous chicken parm for them. Dad had the wonderful idea of inviting me to cook it for all of them. Gee, thanks, dad. But I really didn’t mind. I always loved Christmas with my uncles and now, since pretty much all of them had been with me, this one hinted at being even better.

  All of the firehouses in the area had a deal, covering for the other houses’ Christmas parties, so if an alarm happened, the others would cover it. That way each house could have their own party without risk of being disturbed. For some reason, dad made sure that I flushed myself out, extra deep. I didn’t know why. Perhaps he planned on us having some fun after the party was over. I cooked dinner for them and we all had a wonderful time. We always waited until after the Chief’s visit to do the gift exchange since some of the presents could get a bit racy at times.

  Every year they always gave me a gift, usually a gift card or a video game- that kind of thing. This time was different- I got a dildo. And not just any dildo. This one had two cocks attached to it so I could always double fuck myself if the need ever arose. With all of them coming to visit, I doubted that it would. But it was still a fun, if not practical gift. I couldn’t wait to add it to my repertoire with my dad. He always loved videoing me playing with myself while fucking a dildo.

  We had even put some of those videos online at an amateur site, including one of me being fisted, each video got rave reviews. We were never secretive about our relationship to one another, which many people found enticing. We did anything our online friends asked of us and had only one unbreakable rule- no faces. We even got leather S&M type masks when the demands to watch us suck each other off became too numerous to ignore. We ended up getting a third one to give my uncles when they would join in on these videos. Sure, it usually broke my “once a week” rule, since these were usually filmed on “bonus days”, but it was always a good time.

  Anyway, my dad was the last to go at the gift exchange. What I’d found odd was, he had no wrapped gift to give. He told me not to worry about it, though. He assured me that he had a great gift to give. I suspected that it possibly involved lending me to one of my uncles for the night, but I was way off.

  When it was time for my dad to give his gift, he stood up and announced,

  “Gentlemen, as you can see, I have no package to give, but I assure you that I have a gift for all of you, my son included. Over the past few months, whether you all knew it or not, you’ve all pretty much have had sex with my son.”

  Many of the guys looked at each other, seemingly surprised by this announcement. Apparently, they’d all kept the secret my dad made them swear to. Only three of them looked dumbfounded- the one we hadn’t gotten to yet and the two with wives who were “straight”.

  “But now, it’s time to have some real fun. If you all want to and if my son approves, thought I doubt he’ll stop us, I think it’s well past time that my son enjoys his first gang bang. That is my gift to all of you. Anyone who doesn’t want to may feel free to just walk away.”

  No one got up. Not even the so- called “straight” ones.

  “Do you have any objections, son?”

  “Of course not,” I replied confidently.

  “Well then, should we retire upstairs and have some fun?”

  As one mass unit, they scrambled upstairs, myself included. When I turned to look, my dad was heading out the door. When he saw me looking confused, he said,

  “I’ve got to get some stuff out of the car.”

  I just shrugged and leapt up the stairs, truly excited for what the night had in store for me. By the time I got to their barracks, they had pushed some of the cots together to made one large bed. This rang a bell in my head and brought me back to the dream I’d have my first night with Uncle Terry. Who knew that dreams really did come true? Most of the men in the room were already starting to strip down. My eyes went wide seeing all of those manly men with their thick bodies and low hanging cocks, most of which were starting to inflate. It was like a smorgasbord. I decided to join them and started to strip.

  “We need to take showers first?” one of them asked. Since I wasn’t looking at their mouths, I couldn’t tell who it was that asked. But if I had to guess, it was probably Uncle Jason’s voice.

  “Nah, I’m good. I like the smell of a sweaty man,” I replied. They all smiled.

  As I was pulling off my last sock, my dad showed up. He was carrying tripod and a small gym bag, the contents of which he pulled out one at a time and tossed on the makeshift king sized bed.

  “Let’s see here… We’ve got a few different types of lubricants. “Astroglide”, some “K-Y”, and a couple of big bottles of J-Lube. Hey, someone go get me a bowl or something to put this in.”

  Someone in the crowd walked out, but was
back before my dad had finished pulling out the three “Gatorade” bottles that were filled to the top with the thick lubricant. Obviously dad thought we’d need a lot of the stuff that night.

  “Alright… what else? Umm… Oh! The camera. Who wants to set that up on the tripod for us? And then… here we go, I brought five bottles of poppers. Why don’t you hold onto those, Noah. You’re probably going to be using them the most. Oh, and here’s a medicine bottle with some cotton balls in it. Why don’t you go ahead and prep that like a good boy. Umm… Oh! I brought some condoms in case anyone felt the need. Anyone?”

  No one spoke up. Dad tossed the condoms over his shoulder and onto the floor.

  “Nah, didn’t think so,” he said as he flipped the bag over and shook it to make sure it was empty. “Well, I guess that’s it. Anything else we need we can get here. Oh! We need a cup! Like a coffee cup or glass or something like that. And while you’re going to get that, grab a box of gloves!”

  “What are the gloves for, dad?” I asked, pretty much expecting the answer I got.

  “In case anyone wants to fist you,” he replied. Though the box of gloves made an appearance, they were never used. But that’s getting ahead of the story.

  There was an excited murmur in the crowd. Although almost all of the guys here had fucked me, dad had refused to let any of them fist me. I don’t know why, but it made it like a little something special for us. Well, I guess it wasn’t so special that night. But recall, this was his Christmas present to his friends, co- workers and my multitude of uncles. And I had no desire to argue against it.

  “Oh! Noah, why don’t you come downstairs with me so we can… talk for a second,” my dad said. I just shrugged and told the assemblage,

  “Now don’t any of you go and get soft now. I’m sure I’ll be raring to go once I come back up.”

  “Don’t take too long!” someone said. I just smiled as I followed my dad down the stairs.

  I have to say, it was a liberating experience to be walking around the fire station completely naked. It was something I’d never thought about before, but I found it exciting. I even climbed into the truck, thinking about how much fun it would be to go for a ride on it at that exact moment. But sadly it was not meant to be. Besides, I had 29 guys waiting upstairs (my dad was number 30), all waiting to get inside of me. That promised to be even more fun. I followed my dad to the back door, which he cracked open.


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