Big Mike's Boy

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Big Mike's Boy Page 12

by Richard Peter Johnson

  “Don’t worry, I’m fine,” I said. “It just… felt too good. I couldn’t handle it.”

  There was a collected sigh of relief from all of them and I could actually see the anxiety and worry leave their bodies. I took a few sips from the glass of water and felt my head clear with each passing second. I quickly felt like myself again.

  “Now… Who wants to watch me drink a bucketful of cum?” I announced.

  They all smiled and, like me, returned to their normal selves. My dad grabbed the bucket and sloshed it around a few times. He grabbed the camera to get some video of how much errant semen had been collected before passing the bucket to me. I was amazed by the depth of the puddle in it. I did some quick mental math. They’d all cum in/on me about three times. Sure, some only did it twice, but others did it four times, at least, so three seemed like a nice median. Let’s see here… 30 burly men, times 3 cum shots a piece, equals 90. Now how much semen does the average man produce per cum shot? I think I read somewhere that it was about a teaspoon. Now sure, most of their ejaculations just had to be more than a teaspoon (5 mL), but again, some probably weren’t. Gotta’ go with the average. Okay so, 90 teaspoons… A teaspoon is about .17 ounces. So… 1,530… (move the decimal)… 15.3 ounces, or, let me make the conversion… 452 mL!!!! That’s three ounces more than a can of beer! Holy fuck! I had nearly two full cups of cum that I needed to consume. But I wasn’t going to let that stop me. Oh, hell no.

  I thought about the perversity of what I was about to do and it made my dick pulse. I looked around once more at my assemblage of uncles. They stood there waiting with bated breath, seemingly as excited by the prospect of what was about to happen as I was. I gave them all a big smile and then lifted up the bucket.

  I tipped it up and got my first taste of the collected cum from thirty men. It tasted absolutely amazing! The blend of all of their bitter, salty, sweet, sour and umami semen mixed together to form an elixir that excited each one of my taste buds at the same time. This was like drinking the nectar of the Gods. Mother’s milk. A cold bottle of water (or beer) on a hot summer’s day after mowing the lawn. It was just perfect. The only complaint I might have was the temperature of it. It wasn’t warm like a normal cum shot. No, this had cooled somewhat, but in no way did this distract from the taste or my enjoyment.

  I gulped it down, taking joy in nearly overflowing my mouth each time. There was so much of it! I lowered the bucket twice to catch my breath and each time, shoelaces of semen hung down from the sides of my mouth. I saw a few of my uncles starting to get hard at the sight. Then I would tip it back up and start chugging again. My belly rapidly filled with their fluids and I found that I couldn’t swallow as much as I had been. Some of it flowed out from around my lips and slowly cascaded down my body.

  “Fuck, that’s hot!” someone said.

  It took me a few minutes to consume all of that cum, but I was still disappointed when it was all gone. I lowered the bucket and saw their amazed eyes. It was good, but not enough. I reached into the bucket and scraped the sides, collecting as much in my hand as I could, as though it was cake batter in a bowl. But this was much better. It was baby batter and tasted more desirable than a cake. I brought my hand to my lips and slurped out the pool of white cream that was in it. When I looked up again, many of them were jerking off. I did this three more times, feeding myself their spunk. I licked it off of my fingers, ensuring I could collect each drop.

  By the time I was done, I had a cock in my face and based on the owner’s moans, he was close. I opened my mouth, wrapping my lips around it. He shot his load inside of my mouth, adding more to the lake of semen still sitting in my stomach. And then another uncle stepped up, filling me once more. And then another. And another. They might have all stepped up, as far as I could tell. I didn’t keep count.

  When there was no more semen left to drink, my dad helped me to my feet. I could feel all of their cream slosh around in my stomach. My belly stuck out a bit, bloated by all of the cum I’d drank. Dad escorted me to the shower and washed me down. Most of them ended up joining us but, since they’d all been well satisfied by yours truly, not one of them even glanced at the others in there with us. Dad helped me dress and my uncles all hugged me good bye, telling me that it was the best Christmas party of their lives. I couldn’t have agreed more.

  I passed out on the way home, simply exhausted from everything that I’d done. Dad literally carried me into the house like a baby, stripped me and laid me in the bed.

  “I love you, dad,” I said.

  “I love you, too, Noah,” he replied. “You were amazing tonight. I am so proud of you.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, sleepily. “I had fun.”

  “I promise you, they all did, as well. Now go to sleep. You need it.”

  I drifted off on a cloud of sheer bliss and satisfaction.


  When I woke up, weak sunlight was shining through the window. It was either early morning or late evening. I tried to lift myself up to look at the alarm clock, but my body was too sore. My muscles absolutely refused to accommodate me. I heard kitchen utensils clanking around. The smell of cooking food wafted through the air, making my stomach grumble in desire. I guess that it had finally digested my creamy meal from the night before.

  A few minutes later, dad entered the room, carrying a tray. He’d made spaghetti and meatballs and it smelled wonderful.

  “You need the carbs,” he said. “And even though I’m sure you drank down enough protein last night, I felt the meatballs would be a nice touch.”

  “Thanks, dad,” I replied and tried to sit up again.

  I got a little closer this time, but still couldn’t do it all by myself. Dad helped. As soon as my backside hit the mattress, a lightning bolt of pain shot up my spine. Now my muscles seemed to work and I jumped a little, shifting my body so that my rectum wasn’t taking all of my weight. I hissed through my teeth because of it.

  “Pretty sore, huh? Well, I’m not surprised. You were fucking incredible last night,” he said. I felt a blush heating my skin.

  “Thanks,” I said shyly.

  “Seriously, son. I’ve… been around and I’ve NEVER seen anything like that. You took all of us several times cocks and hands. And watching you drink that bucket of cum? It was unbelievable.”

  “Did you get it all on camera?” I asked.

  “Of course I did,” he replied excitedly. I didn’t reply, I just looked down at my lap, almost shamefully. “You don’t regret last night, do you?”

  “No. Not really,” I said softly. “I’m just worried about what they’ll all think of me. Like, am I just a slut to them now? Something to fuck whenever the need arises and dumped whenever their done? And what about you? How do feel watching your son- the man that you say you’re in love with- acting like that? I just feel like you all might have lost your respect for me, is all.”

  “Are you kidding me? I am proud of you. I never thought I could possibly love you more. But seeing you last night? Having so much fun? Doing all of the amazing things you did?” he said before putting his finger under my chin and forcing me to look into his eyes. “Noah, I didn’t think I could love anyone more than I loved you. But you proved me wrong. I love you so much more today than I did yesterday. And it’s not because of what you did. Not really. It’s because of how happy you made all of us. How happy you made me. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. And not just because of the sex. I… I can’t explain it, really. Just know that I love you. I’m proud of you. I respect you more now than I ever have and I’m sure your uncles will feel the same way.”

  There was tears in his eyes. I couldn’t help but to join him. We hugged tightly for a few minutes, our tears rolling down the other’s skin.

  “I love you, dad.”

  “I love you too, Noah. So much,” he said, and I could feel his love for me emanating from him. All too soon we released each other from our tight embrace. “Now eat. You need to get your strength back up
. I’ll get you a Gatorade. That’ll help with your soreness.”

  When he returned with my drink, he also carried another tray. We sat on his bed, side by side and ate dinner together. Before we turned in, I sucked his cock again, though he told me it wasn’t necessary. But I persisted and he finally let me do it. After all, since that first night, I hadn’t gone a single day without his seed inside of me.

  The next day I felt better. Well, at least good enough to get out of the bed. My dad insisted on taking me to the firehouse. I really didn’t want to go, still worried about how my uncles would react. But I didn’t need to. I was met with smiles and hugs. All of them talked to me like an adult for the first time, not some little kid. My dad was right. They respected me for my actions. And all of them asked for a copy of the video my dad had shot. It made me blush.

  After that, things were great. My dad and I ended up getting married, if you can believe it. I’d never figured him as the kind to settle down with anyone. But, as he said in his vows,

  “I’ll never find another soul in this world that complements mine as much as yours does. I’ll never find anyone more perfect for me than you. I never thought I could feel as much love for someone as I do for you. And I never want to be without that love. Ever.”

  Of course I cried.

  Though my dad and I were now husband and husband, that didn’t change our… extracurricular activities much. However, I did relax my “one night a week rule”, so that others shared our bed more frequently. Don’t get me wrong, most nights it was still only he and I, but my uncles would stop by more often to play with us. I never complained.

  Our Christmas parties became a regular thing, we even added our fun to the 4th of July parties, as well. Dad also came up with a way to celebrate my uncle’s birthdays- he started loaning me out. He gives me to them for one day/night for some time alone with me, doing whatever it is they want to do. At first it bothered me a bit, but once dad assured me that he’d still make sure I got his load inside of me at least once a day, I was alright with being a loaner. As long as it made my uncles happy.

  Also, I’m proud to announce that, not only can I double fist more regularly, I’ve even taken two hands and a cock into me. All of my uncles and my dad insist that they’ve never seen that before, not even in the raunchiest porn they’ve ever watched. I’m actually working on taking a foot into me now. We’ll see how that goes.

  And, in case you are wondering, yes, I finished school. I am now an official fire investigator, taking over when the one in our town retired. By the way, he joins us in bed on occasion, too.

  To be honest, my life couldn’t possibly be better. There’s no way that I could feel happier than I do. My dad and uncles feel the same way. When I was younger I’d never thought anything like this was possible. Who knew that going to jerk off in my dad’s room that day would send me down this path? I surely could not have predicted it. But it happened. And I am so thrilled that it did. I love my dad. I love my husband. I love all of my uncles, as well. And I’m definitely Big Mike’s boy, through and through.





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