The Little Washington's Relatives

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The Little Washington's Relatives Page 7

by Lillian Elizabeth Roy



  "What shall we play to-day?" asked Anne Davis, as the four cousinsemerged from the breakfast-room.

  "Anything you like," replied Martha politely.

  "Did Jim come home last night?" asked Jack.

  "Sure! And his mammy doesn't know he had anything to do with that tea,"laughed George.

  "Well, let's call him and decide on some game," said Jack. So Jim waswhistled for, and his shining face soon appeared from thekitchen-areaway.

  As the five playmates wandered across the lawn to the ever-welcomemeeting-place of lilac bushes, they heard a shrill call and John soonappeared from the hedge through which he crept.

  "We don't know what to play," explained Martha to John, as the latestmember to the party wondered at the calm and quietness of the warriors.

  "Let's finish Bunker Hill," he suggested.

  "Oh, we're sick of Boston! It's all right in a way, but not for a secondtime," said George, thinking of the battle of the day before.

  "Then let's have a fight on Long Island, when the British drove theAmericans from Brooklyn, to cross the East River to their main army,"said John.

  "I don't want that either! Can't we go somewhere or do somethingdifferent?" asked Martha.

  "If Washington's army had only used submarines or airships like they doat present, we could have heaps of fun that way," hinted Jack meaningly.

  "Oh, say, why can't we build an aeroplane and try it?" cried Georgeeagerly.

  "What of?" asked John.

  "Where can we fly?" said Anne.

  "Well, we might experiment back of the barns. There's a telegraph wirewhich runs across our property there, and we can run a plane down thewire that steadies the pole," explained George.

  "Or we could stretch a wash-line near the ground from the barn-eaves tothe pole, and toboggan an airship down that way," added Jack.

  "I'd rather play Washington crossing the Delaware, or at his farm whenhe was through being president of the United States," said John,tenaciously clinging to the times of his ancestors.

  "No one can cross the ice on the river when it's fall!" scorned Georgeconclusively.

  "Then we can have the farm!" insisted John.

  "Hoh, we have farm enough--no one wants to _play_ farmer!" objectedGeorge.

  "Oh, well! Play anything then--I don't care!" snapped John.

  But a call from the veranda settled all such troubles. "Children, whowants to go on a picnic?"

  "I do! I do!" sounded from every throat, and the children speedilyrushed over to ask questions about the proffered treat.

  "Everybody secure permission at home, and meet us here in half an hour.I'll look after the luncheon, so hurry up," said Mrs. Parke.

  Everything else was forgotten in the bustle of preparing for theunexpected outing.

  "Where are we going, mother?" asked Martha.

  "Why, aunty wishes to see Mount Vernon, so I thought it would be a finedrive there in the machine. We can have lunch in the woods along theroad, and be home again before night," explained Mrs. Parke.

  Before she had quite finished speaking the children were shouting andjumping with delight. Jim alone stood silently by, his face expressinghis state of mind, for he had no idea that he was to be included in thisjoyous party.

  "Hey, Jim! What's the matter? Aren't you glad and excited about it?"cried George, catching him by his thin little arms and whirling himaround in a dizzy dance.

  "Whad should Ah be glad affer?" mourned Jim.

  "Because you're going, too, if mammy will consent," said Mrs. Parkekindly.

  "Me! Kin Ah ride wid yo' all to dat Mount Wernon?" yelled Jim shrilly.Then not waiting for a reply he rushed away, and was soon out of sightaround the corner of the house.

  Every one laughed, and John was told to run home and get his coat andcap. In a few moments Jim was back again, talking six ways at once.

  "Mammy say, da's fine! Is Ah goin' t' dress up lak fo' chu'ch? Is wegoin' right off quick? Has Ah got time t' have granny sew buttons on m'boiled shirt an' get a baff?"

  "Yes, yes, yes! Run along and do everything you say," laughed Mrs.Parke, giving Jim a gentle push in the direction of the kitchen.

  In half an hour's time every one was waiting on the veranda steps forJim. The large car was puffing impatiently to be on the road, when agayly bedecked personage emerged from the areaway.

  "Oo-oh! It's Jim!" yelled George, clapping Jack's back.

  "So 'tis!" breathed Martha as if a louder tone would dispel theillusion.

  "Is Ah dressed enuff?" asked Jim, beaming.

  "I should think so--the best of the lot of us!" admired Jack.

  Jim minced over to display his fine feathers to the eyes that comprisedhis world. He had on a pair of patent leather pumps outgrown by George,a pair of Scotch plaid socks such as were worn by children some yearsago. Between the top of the socks and his claret-colored velveteenbreeches, his dark-brown bowed legs made a somber break. His starchedshirt was too tight, but to obviate this failure, young mammy had pinneda lace jabot in front, where the black cloth Eton opened. A straw alpinehat presented to Jim's father by Mr. Graham, topped this unusualcostume.

  Although some of the children felt like giggling, they were too polite,and thought too much of Jim to let him see what they thought of histravelling costume. So, with heart bounding joyously, he climbed in "widdee comp'ny" in the automobile.

  It was a long but delightful drive to Mount Vernon, and on the waythere, Mrs. Parke told the children many interesting things inconnection with the Washingtons.

  "Of course we all know how Mount Vernon came to belong to GeorgeWashington, don't we?"

  "We do!" exclaimed George, looking at Martha and his cousins.

  "I don't, Mrs. Parke--and I don't b'lieve Jim does," said John.

  "Ah knows that Garge General Washerton was the fust fadder uv discountry, but Ah nebber hearn who its mudder was," replied Jim seriously.

  Every one shouted with laughter at the unexpected remark, and thechauffeur smiled, too.

  "I'll tell you about Mount Vernon first, and then we may have time toexplain to Jim about the parentage of America," said Mrs. Parke, pattingthe woolly head beside her.

  "I have read to you how Augustine Washington, father of our famousGeorge Washington, was twice married. Two sons of the first marriage andsix children of the second marriage. At the father's death, his estatewas divided among the children. The oldest son inherited an estate nearHunting Creek, afterward called Mount Vernon by him, after his friendand beloved hero, Admiral Vernon.

  "This estate consisted originally of 2,500 acres, but later considerableland was added to it, until it became one of the best country estates inVirginia.

  "The second son by the first marriage inherited an estate inWestmoreland. George Washington was left the land and mansion where hisparents lived at the time of the father's death. Each of the otherchildren inherited farms of from six to eight hundred acres.

  "Soon after leaving school George went to live with his brother at MountVernon, the mistress of which was a sister of William Fairfax, distantlyrelated to Lord Fairfax. In this way George became acquainted withWilliam Fairfax, who invited the youth to visit him at Belvoir.

  "During this visit George made the acquaintance of the sons anddaughters of his host, and also received a recommendation to LordFairfax for a position of surveyor.

  "The study of practical surveying formed an important part ofWashington's career, as it stood him in such good stead later in life.

  "Lawrence Washington had pulmonary trouble and was told to seek a milderclimate. George was a great favorite with the oldest member of theWashington family, and he induced him to accompany him to the Barbadoesto recuperate his health, but as it did no good he returned home, andshortly after passed away.

  "In his will he appointed George Washington one of his executors, andthe estate of Mount Vernon was bequeathed to his daughter. In case ofher death without heirs the prop
erty was to pass to George. Thus it wasthat at the early death of the daughter of Lawrence, Mount Vernon becamethe property of George Washington."

  "But he didn't need it when he married Martha Custis, 'cause you told usone day that she had a big estate of her own," said Martha.

  "Yes, she was the mistress of a fine plantation called 'White House,'and from this home she was married to her second husband, GeorgeWashington. But soon after this union she removed to Mount Vernon, whichwas ever after known as her home and family residence.

  "To make this house a fitting home for the bride George ordered manyitems of art and luxury from his agent in England. Among other things heordered a bust of Frederick the Great, little dreaming that not manyyears hence his walls would be adorned by a portrait sent him by themonarch himself and autographed with the words, 'From the oldest generalin Europe to the greatest general in the world.'

  "Among the memoranda of his estate, business and house bookkeeping therecan still be seen in the library or study at Mount Vernon many of theaged papers filed away since the day he first entered the items on hisaccounts.

  "We will also see some of the 'tabby-colored' gowns sent to MarthaWashington from England, and the laces, fans, shell combs and satinslippers worn by her and never dreaming at that time that a group ofdistant descendants would visit the place to gaze at the articles sheonce wore or handled as we do everyday things."

  "Mother, will we see some of Washington's swords and guns?" askedGeorge, plainly showing the bent of his desire.

  "Yes, we will see many interesting things belonging to GeneralWashington, from the time he first became owner of Mount Vernon to theday he passed away forever. Since the organization formed to protect andhold this place sacred to the memory of the illustrious Washington manythings not originally belonging to the estate were received and placedon exhibition there for the public to see. Among some of these relicsare the treasured articles belonging to descendants of the friends ofWashington, and the interesting narratives of how they came into thepossession of the articles furnished historical stories."

  Questions and answers about the general and his home so soon to be seenby the children occupied much time, and when these historical factsbegan to lose interest for the juvenile members of the party Mrs. Davissuggested that they stop and have their picnic lunch, after which theywould conclude the trip.

  This met with great approval, and soon every one was busy munchingchicken sandwiches or enjoying juicy fruit. Half an hour was the timeallotted for lunch, and then Mrs. Parke gave the signal for every one toclimb back in the automobile.

  When they arrived at the stately mansion they were impressed by theelegance of the place, and the children were overawed to find visitorsthere from every known part of the world.

  They followed the official guide about and heard the descriptions of thearticles exhibited. In the kitchen, the old-fashioned fireplace, thecrane, the pot-hangers, iron pots and teakettles amused the girls. Theladies admired the old china kept in the cumbersome cupboards, and theboys smiled at the heavy solid chairs and tables once used by the slavesand servants of the Washingtons.

  In the general's private den, or study, were still found the yellow-agedpapers, pens, ink horns and other items used by him in the management ofhis properties.

  In the chambers the visitors found many interesting things tosee--four-posted beds, quaint chairs, low rockers with most uncomfortablestraight backs, queer dressers and wardrobes.

  The garments and toilette articles were carefully protected in glasscases, and everything was labelled plainly so all could read thedescriptions and dates when used.

  On the homeward ride Martha said: "Well, both those ancestors seem morereal to me now than ever before."

  "Yes, but it won't be any fun playing war with broomsticks again, afterseeing the great swords and other weapons shown there," said George,feeling that he had lost much of the delusion of boyhood.

  "Why don't you ask your father for real guns--I mean the pea-shooters youcan buy at a toy shop," suggested Jack.

  "Why, of course, mother. Will you ask him about it?" said Georgeeagerly.

  "If I were you, Kate, I would. Jack has a rifle that shoots peas orbeans, and it takes a load of care from my mind, for I know he can'tinjure anything with a dried pea. And boys will have some form of gun,you know, especially if they are forever playing George Washington, inthe days of Indian wars and revolutions," said Mrs. Davis.

  "I'll ask father and we'll see what he thinks," replied Mrs. Parke.

  "One won't be enough! Martha and Jim each need one, and John will haveto get one, too," reminded George anxiously.

  "John had better ask his father if he will consent to this new plan ofdefense," laughed Mrs. Parke.

  "Ah rickon mah mammy won't 'ject to a pea-gun 'cause it hain't so bad asan axe, yo' knows," murmured Jim.

  "Hoh, I guess not! And John's folks will be glad to know he won't bescalped again, even if we play Braddock and the Indians, like that othertime," added George, thinking of the great battle between the French andBritish at the time the hedge was broken down.

  "If we could only have those guns while Jack and Anne are visiting us wecould have the real battles of Long Island, Harlem and Jersey," sighedJohn.

  "Mother, you must try and have father tend to it next time he passes atoy shop in Washington, won't you?" begged George eagerly.

  "I'll tell him what aunty said, and leave it to his own good judgmentwhether you should have a pea-shooter or a new form of punishment,"teased Mrs. Parke.

  But George and Martha understood their mother so well that they feltsure she would advise the guns at once, so they chattered all about theforthcoming battles to be fought the moment the rifles arrived from thestore.

  That night Mr. Parke heard all about Mount Vernon from four excitedchildren and the two ladies, who now and then were permitted to add aword or explain a remark; but the most interesting topic of conversationwas the question of pea-shooters.

  Finally Mr. Parke admitted he was defeated in his arguments againstrifles in days of disarmament, so the children felt quite sure he wouldorder the proper weapons for home defense.

  A few days after the visit to Mount Vernon a large box came from a shopdevoted entirely to toys and games for children. The excited juvenilemembers of the family stood impatiently waiting while the lid wasremoved, for they had expected guns, but not in such a packing case.

  The first thing taken out was a long envelope addressed to "Soldiers andDefenders of America." Upon opening it Mrs. Parke smiled and read aloud:

  "'The contents of this box to be presented to the different members ofthe Continental army, to wit: George and Martha Parke, Jack and AnneDavis, John Graham and Jim (Jackson) as addressed on each packageherein, upon the satisfactory recital, learned by heart, of the maximsand rules learned and followed by George Washington from the time heattended Mr. Williams' school, and written by Sir Matthew Hale under thetitle of "Contemplations." As each student satisfactorily recites these"Contemplations" to Mrs. Parke and Mrs. Davis, he or she may take andbecome the owner of the package addressed to him or her.'"


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