Harrowed Heir

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Harrowed Heir Page 18

by Sarah E. Burr

  Ezarath assessed her party as he drifted by them on his way toward the professor’s high table on the far side of the room. “Is Duke Pettraud not joining us?”

  Casimeer and Daghir exchanged looks of surprise. “Duke Pettraud? My, my, another sovereign within our midst.” Daghir’s gaze narrowed. “And I thought the Academy abstained from the politics of the realm, Ezarath.”

  Throwing a look over his shoulder, Ezarath’s brow furrowed at the younger man’s obstinance. “Hush, now, Kareem. Duke Pettraud is simply here to join his wife.”

  “So, we won’t be expecting any more ducal delegations? Thank the Virtues.” Kareem raised an eyebrow Jax’s way before slinking off after the headmaster, clearly not expecting an answer.

  Ziri came to Jax’s side and leaned close. “I don’t like a man ruled by hubris, Duquessa. Might I suggest that I keep an eye on him?”

  Jax nodded, keeping her own voice low. “I certainly didn’t like what we overheard just now. He’s up to something to undermine Ezarath…” She considered a brewing theory. If word got out that precious items from the Academy were being stolen under Ezarath’s watch, the Board of Trustees could act to remove the aging headmaster, clearing the way for Daghir to take the helm. She recalled the gaps in Daghir’s alibi. Could the deputy headmaster have orchestrated the attack on Master Gautherd and the theft of the documents simply to advance in his career?

  Jax and her friends followed the others across the room to join them at the dinner table. She claimed a seat beside Ezarath, directly across from Daghir. She wanted to observe their behavior around each other during dinner to see if she could detect anything amiss.

  Ziri and George took chairs on the opposite ends of the table, while Carriena sat where she had at lunch, on Ezarath’s left.

  Just as Jax placed her napkin across her lap, the dining hall door moaned open and two more figures appeared.

  “Virtues,” Vera’s lilting voice exclaimed when she reached the table, “if I had known this was to be a formal affair, I would not have let the Duchess put me to shame.” She eyed the bodice of Jax’s gown with envy.

  Jax spied a frown forming on Ezarath’s lips. “I’d prefer you to focus on your studies, Mistress Nightingale, not the latest fashions.”

  “Yes, Virtues forbid we have any fun while we are here.” Vera chuckled as she sat down next to Casimeer.

  Master Lotus waited for Vera to take her seat before claiming his near George. “Forgive me if this is impertinent, Duchess, but it is a delight to dine with such beauty.”

  Before Jax could give a cool response, Carriena grumbled, “You’ve never mentioned my beauty before, Rowan.”

  Lotus gave her a charming smile. “Forgive me, dear Carriena.”

  Jax managed to conceal a snort of laughter, as Lotus did not return the compliment Carriena was fishing for.

  As Chef Peregane placed a decanter of wine in front of Ezarath, Daghir looked around the room, his voice booming. “Where’s Yokudran? Isn’t he joining us?”

  “Apologies!” the healer’s voice rang out. He materialized in a nearby side doorway. With hurried steps, Yokudran approached the table. “Master Gautherd was being rather difficult, insisting he be discharged from the infirmary.”

  “I hope you didn’t allow it.” Ezarath reached for the decanter and filled his glass before handing the jug to Jax.

  Yokudran dabbed at his sweaty forehead. “If you know the secret to getting that man to listen, I’d love to be enlightened, Headmaster.”

  “Wouldn’t we all?” Casimeer chuckled.

  “I’m afraid Master Gautherd was eager to return to the archives. Virtues help me, from the sound of it, he plans to stay there all night.” Yokudran sighed. “The Lord Praesidio insisted on accompanying him downstairs, which, thankfully, Gautherd conceded to.”

  Daghir frowned. “I’d rather Lord Ashcroft be more focused on the items missing from our collection. This isn’t the time for him to be playing babysitter.”

  Ezarath stared coolly at the deputy headmaster. “I’m sure the Lord Praesidio has his reasons.”

  “Indeed, I do.” Ashcroft suddenly appeared behind an empty chair, having somehow slipped inside the dining hall undetected. His irked expression revealed he clearly did not appreciate the words the professors had spoken behind his back. “I was ensuring Master Gautherd had a knight assigned to keep watch while he went about his work. He deserves the same amount of protection as you all do.” With a swooping motion, he indicated to the Praesidio escorts, now hidden in the shadows, who had skillfully accompanied each professor into the dining hall, unnoticed.

  Ashcroft sat at the grand high table next to George. Based on the furtive looks Jax noticed flying between the professors, the Lord Praesidio’s attendance at dinner was not a regular occurrence.

  “I am still in a state of shock over the whole ordeal.” Mistress Nightingale fanned herself with a delicate hand. “Has any progress been made in finding Master Gautherd’s attacker?”

  Ashcroft’s expression grew grim. “I’m afraid not.”

  She shivered. “There must be hundreds of places for a wayward soul to hide. I am relieved we have each been assigned an armed guard for protection.”

  “Indeed, it is a relief,” Jax interjected, eager to guide the conversation away from hounding Ashcroft. “I’m sure the Lord Praesidio has everything well in hand. Let us try to forget such unpleasantness for now and focus on our shared company. Master Lotus, I understand you hail from Mensina?”

  Rowan brought his wineglass to his lips and took a deep sip. “Yes, Your Grace. My family hails from a small barony in northern Mensina.”

  Jax paused as Chef Peregane rolled in a serving cart, laden with covered dishes. “I take it you’ve met my grandfather?” she asked once the chef had placed the platters in the center of the high table.

  “My house is not influential enough to warrant such an honor, Your Grace.” He gave her a tight smile. “I’m afraid my father is merely the master of his own home on the Baron’s estate.”

  Jax nodded understanding. While Lotus appeared to be of noble birth, his father did not hold a proper title. Even amongst the elite nobles, there was inequality and division.

  “Have you always been interested in herbology, Master Lotus?” Carriena asked, and for the first time, Jax realized that the Academy’s resident flora expert was named after a plant, which she found quite humorous.

  Master Lotus scooped some braised venison onto his plate before answering. “I have always enjoyed getting my hands dirty.”

  “I never would have guessed.” Mistress Nightingale scoffed as she prodded the leaves of her salad around her plate. “I felt like you had me doing most of your dirty work earlier today, Rowan. It took me nearly all afternoon to clean the soil from under my fingernails.”

  Master Lotus gave her a tight-lipped smile that did not reach his eyes. “If you recall, Vera, we were repotting the larkweed sprouts. I am cursed with being allergic to its pollen. I break out in a terrible rash…which is why I asked for your help.”

  Jax’s gaze flickered to the man’s long-sleeved robes, wondering if they covered an unintended allergic reaction. If so, it would make sense why he would not want blistered or otherwise unsightly arms to be on display, regardless of the warm weather.

  Nightingale dabbed her inviting lips with her napkin. “What a terrible affliction for an herbalist to be averse to his own livelihood.”

  Lotus rolled his eyes. “I hardly make a living from cultivating larkweed. It’s rarely used for medicinal purposes anymore.”

  Master Yokudran spoke up. “I’d like to see it banned from practice altogether. It often does more harm than good.”

  “Then why do you grow it?” Jax turned to Master Lotus.

  “It’s still used in several Ancient Faith rituals.” Lotus could not contain a slight sneer. “The Academy keeps it on hand for its practitioners.”

  “Which we are very grateful for.” Casimeer bowed his head.
  Vera sighed. “I suppose with Lady Persephone’s impending ascension, there will be a resurgence of the Faith in the eastern parts of the realm.”

  Her mention of the Tandorian woman set to inherit Duchess Delphinia’s crown captured Jax’s attention. “Resurgence? What makes you say that, Mistress Nightingale?”

  Vera smiled conspiratorially as if sharing a great secret. “Well, I suppose this isn’t common knowledge to most, but Lady Persephone only came to be Duchess Delphinia’s heir in recent years, being the last surviving member of the Duchess’s bloodline. Because she was never meant to ascend the throne, she had more freedom in her early years, spending much of her time traveling the continent. Along the way, she fell in love with a Zaltorian, a shaman of the Ancient Faith. Of course, once she became Duchess Delphinia’s heir, the Duchess forbid their love, as she absolutely despised the Ancient Faith. She set about trying to arrange a more suitable marriage for Persephone.” Vera paused, her calculated gaze studying Casimeer for a moment. “It made Lady Persephone extremely bitter, although she continued to see her beau in secret. Now that the Duchess is gone, I suppose Lady Persephone will be free to follow her heart.”

  Jax mused over this new information. She had not realized Delphinia’s heir was sympathetic to the Ancient Faith. Tandora had long been one of the last remaining duchies to forbid the practice of the religion. I suppose this is good news for me. If Lady Persephone was at odds with Delphinia, the tentative peace agreement between their nations had a greater chance of succeeding if Jax welcomed Persephone’s future consort to the arena with open arms, regardless of his ties to the Ancient Faith.

  “Lady Persephone must have been quite shocked to receive the news of her aunt’s death.” Ezarath’s glasses shimmered in the flickering flames from the chandelier overhead.

  Vera shrugged. “A very distant aunt, Headmaster. And yes, Lady Persephone was quite stunned by the sudden turn of events, but not entirely surprised. Duchess Delphinia was a decrepit antique, after all.”

  Jax concealed an escaped snort by burying her nose in her napkin. The late Tandorian sovereign hadn’t been that old.

  “Are you well acquainted with the new Duchess, then?” Carriena leaned forward to look down the table at Vera.

  “Yes, you could say that. When it became clear that Persephone would ascend one day to the Tandorian throne, I was employed by Duchess Delphinia to tutor her heir and educate her on the politics of the realm.” Vera beamed with pride at her role. “Since we’re about the same age, we became good friends. I wanted to stay on as an advisor, but when she heard about the dire need for educators at the Academy, she insisted I go.”

  “How very selfless of her.” Deputy Daghir’s lips twitched with a smirk.

  Jax cleared her throat. “I want to take a moment to express my deep sorrow for the lives lost during the War Council due to Qylvard Savant’s treachery.” She met the eyes of both Daghir and Casimeer before focusing on Daghir, for she knew he had served in the Kwatalarian Duchess’s court. “Duchess Amyra fell victim to a cruel play for power, orchestrated by Savant,” Jax spoke. “As for Duchess Katalina,” she added, shifting her attention to Casimeer, “her death was all the more tragic, as she was killed in an ambush by Savant’s forces while simply trying to return to her duchy.”

  Casimeer lowered his eyes for a few moments before looking up again. “I appreciate your sympathy, Duquessa. Duchess Katalina always held you in high regard, and I am heartened to know the feeling was mutual.”

  Jax pressed her lips together in a demure smile. She did not bother correcting the man, as there was no point. While Katalina had chosen to untangle herself from the Coalition of Right, her own megalomania in regard to ruling over her people had been anything but just.

  “I wish I could say the same.” Deputy Daghir poured himself another glass of wine.

  Ezarath visibly swelled in anger at Jax’s side. “I say—”

  Jax placed a hand on Ezarath’s forearm. She did not need the headmaster to reprimand his subordinates on her behalf. “I’m glad to know the Academy will reopening to students soon,” she said, changing the subject. “After so much turmoil, it is good to see a sense of normalcy returning to the realm.”

  Master Yokudran shifted in his chair. “I don’t know if things will ever go back to being normal, Your Grace. Not with the changes you have enacted throughout your holdings.” He paused, seeming to realize that all eyes had focused on him. “I don’t mean that as a negative, Your Grace,” he clarified, quickly recovering from his gaffe. “In fact, normal has not been working for the common-born for a long time.”

  “How are things on Isla DeLacqua with the Duchess’s recent changes?” Carriena asked. “I am eager to hear of my homeland.”

  Jax, too, was curious to hear from someone other than her advisors and the newly elected DeLacquan officials.

  “As well as could be hoped for, Mistress Carriena.” Yokudran’s features brightened with pride. “Purpose has been restored in the souls of mankind to build a better place for us all, not the select elite.”

  Jax noted Yokudran’s eyes narrowed at Daghir for a brief moment before a smile returned to his jovial face.

  “Forgive me if this is out of line, Duchess, but do you plan to bring such change to your other new holdings?”

  “Asking me to divulge state secrets is a bit out of line, Master Yokudran,” Jax teased. “But it fills me with endless joy to know the people of Isla DeLacqua are prospering.”

  Yokudran’s round cheeks grew red before them.

  “How is Master Vyanti faring?” she asked, not wanting the man to remain embarrassed. “Do the isles agree with him?”

  Yokudran dissolved into chortling snorts. “He is not one to shy away from criticism of our island air. I think he yearns to return to Saphire, although he feels duty-bound to continue serving elsewhere.”

  Don’t we all. Jax took a thoughtful sip of the sweet wine.

  They continued making light conversation throughout the rest of the meal. Jax did her best to ask probing questions of the others seated at the table, in hopes of discovering something that might shed light on the missing documents. Kareem Daghir clearly had no love for Saphire. With his Duchess dead as a result of the War Council, Jax wondered if he had personally chosen to remain on the side of the Coalition of Right. If he had gotten wind of the providence documents, perhaps he believed Savant could use them to his advantage, claiming Hestes for himself in the name of the Coalition.

  Master Casimeer did not strike her as someone who would work as an agent of Savant, but it was possible he could do so out of love and loyalty to Deputy Daghir. Then there was Vera Nightingale, who had been in service of Tandora. While her friend Lady Persephone might be glad about Delphinia’s demise, perhaps Vera was not. After all, Vera had not sounded entirely enthused about being shipped off to teach at the Academy when she could have been a valued courtier for a new sovereign.

  Just as Chef Peregane placed a shimmering platter of fig pudding in the center of the table, the main door to the dining hall moaned open, revealing one of the Praesidio. Lord Ashcroft quickly rose and met the man halfway, the two conferring in muted mumbles. Jax glanced around the table. All eyes were anxiously watching the exchange. Had Master Gautherd remembered something about his attacker? Had the location of the documents been discovered?

  The Praesidio knight handed something to Lord Ashcroft and bowed before making a hasty retreat. In turn, Ashcroft approached the table with a calculated expression etched on his features.

  Ezarath leaned forward eagerly. “What is it?”

  “Has Master Gautherd’s attacker been located?” Carriena asked the question likely on everyone’s mind.

  “Unfortunately, no. The intruder still remains on the loose.” Lord Ashcroft’s sharp gaze scanned the table accusingly before directing his next words to Ezarath. “Two of the Academy kestrels returned with letters for you, Headmaster.” He held out a pair of tightly bound scrolls in hi
s palm.

  Ezarath twiddled with his glasses, reading the seals on each scroll. “Ah, wonderful. I wasn’t expecting responses so soon.”

  “Responses to what?” Daghir raised an eyebrow.

  Ezarath scowled at him. “Never you mind, Deputy.”

  Jax casually leaned closer to the headmaster in an attempt to get a better look at the wax seals herself. A familiar signet on one of the missives caught her eye. Vyanti? What is the headmaster doing writing to my court physician?

  Ezarath hurriedly stuffed the letters into the pockets of his robes. “Thank you, Ashcroft.”

  The Lord Praesidio looked like he wanted to inquire further about the documents Ezarath had just pocketed, but he held his tongue. “Also, it has been arranged for your assigned sentries to be relieved by members of the evening patrol. They’ll keep watch over you all during the night. Rest easy in that you will be well protected.” Ashcroft caught Jax’s eye and winked.

  Jax quickly surveyed the table for any incriminating reactions to Lord Ashcroft’s announcement. She was glad to know the Praesidio would continue to monitor their suspects during the night. If the culprit had planned to sneak off with the providence documents, this latest development would thwart their plans for the time being.

  She grew disheartened at everyone’s impassive stares. Could she be following the wrong trail in believing that one of the Academy professors had to be in on this scheme? Maybe there was an intruder sneaking through the myriad of passages, staying one step ahead of the Praesidio this entire time…

  She banished the thought away. The Praesidio were not the type of knights who would simply allow an outsider to sneak into the Academy. Whoever had stolen the providence documents had to have already been inside the fortress by the time the Saphire delegation arrived.

  After Lord Ashcroft retreated to his seat, the mood of the room grew more subdued. His announcement that the culprit had still not been found was a chilly reminder that all was not right in the world, despite their attempts at pretending everything was fine.


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