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Maxwell (A Rogue Enforcers Novella)

Page 8

by Livell James

  “Are you guys shifters? I can sense something. I just can’t figure it out, I’ve never been around this scent.” Max said without thinking about how weird it must’ve sounded.

  “Seems like you’ve never smelled a grizzly, Maxwell. You know, Mississippi is the bear state after all.” Jared teased.

  Max took another step back, getting a good look at the two.

  “Bears huh? So, two bears and a falcon to take down a whole pack of wolves?”

  “You do realize that the grizzly is one of the largest land animals in the United States, right? Besides, who says we have to use our animals to take on the pack?” Jake said as he moved closer to the jeep.

  Max knew he was right. The three of them together had a lot of muscle and manpower. Why did he even question it to begin with?

  “You’re right man. We’ll just have to be sure to never turn our backs to them. I’ve never been in a showdown with one but some of the other Enforcers have told me stories. You guys want to ride with me or follow? I will have to take flight when we get closer in order to find the road from the ground. I guess I didn’t really pay that much attention before. I only had one thing on my mind and that was getting Alley out of there.”

  The twins both turned to face each other and agreed to ride with Maxwell.

  After making sure it was okay if they left the Jeep parked there for a couple of hours, they both got into the SUV with Max and headed out. It wasn’t long before they pulled off the road into the same drive that Max had stopped before.

  “I will be back shortly guys; I will try to do this unseen this time. Someone from the pack noticed me before and the whole pack freaked out. We don’t need to do anything to send them into alert. Give me ten minutes tops.” Max didn’t give them time to reply before he had dropped his shorts and taken flight.

  “Damn he’s fast,” He heard Jared say as he stepped out of the red SUV to look up at the sky, watching as Max flew.

  It seemed that as fast as he had taken off, he had returned.

  “I found it, the drive into the pack’s land is just right up the road,” Max said as he pulled his shorts back on.

  “There’s only one small problem. They had a gate and a fence around the it. I mean not a problem for me as I can fly in, but how the hell are we going to get you two in there?” Max asked them as he got back into the driver’s seat and headed down the road once again.

  “There has to be a way in. I mean if the fence isn’t electric, I am sure we can get under it. Bears are excellent diggers you know.” Jake smirked.

  Not doubting the guys, Max just continued to drive. It was only a couple of miles, maybe three before they passed the gate for the pack drive. He knew he’d passed it, but wanted to make sure no one was standing guard before they just drove up to the gate. He did notice that there were cameras on either side one facing the road and the other facing towards the driveway.

  “We will have to park down the road a little and come back. I’m sure it will be better for us to go in through the woods anyway than it would be walking right up on them from the road.”

  The twins agreed and Max pulled off the road about fifty yards away from the gate.

  They all approached the fence with caution, making sure it wasn’t charged. Jared then reached out to slap it with his hand a couple of times before grabbing it.

  “This fence is weak.” Jared pushed as the fence wobbled.

  “We didn’t come here to break these folk’s property. We just need to find a way in,” Max said as he walked up beside him.

  “That’s fine. Just watch.” Jared had noticed the fence had no pole across the bottom and nothing attached it to the ground. He was able to push the fence up with just his foot, giving plenty of room for them to crawl under.

  “Not very secure huh?” Jake laughed as Jared held the fence for him and Max to crawl under.

  Max could have flown over, but it was easier this way rather than shifting and putting his clothes back on.

  “Well I guess that wasn’t such a problem after all,” Max said just before he stood up.

  But boy was he wrong.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alley had gone back into the house and locked herself into the bedroom. She wondered if Max had seen her and just kept going anyway. Sadness filled her thoughts and her stomach begin to ache. Not because of the sadness, but because she hadn’t eaten—at least, that was what she told herself. Could she even eat right now with her nerves on edge the way they were? Both of her animals had been restless all morning, but had chosen to stay quiet and she was happy that they both were calm. The weird thing was usually when her fox was hungry, she paced in her mind until they had food. Her fox had to learn the hard way though and in prison you don’t always get food when you’re hungry, and hunting other prisoners was frowned upon. Maybe now that the wolf was present, it calmed the fox.

  She may have been overthinking things a bit; no, she knew she was overthinking things. The biggest issue she had on her mind was would Max come back for her?

  Taking in a deep breath, she walked over to the window again, forgetting that all she could see was that big ass tree. After pacing the floor for a while, she decided to go out for a walk, maybe some fresh air would help her calm her thoughts. Maybe she would even let the fox go for a run. Hopefully everyone would know it was her and not attack her for today’s lunch. She laughed at herself for the silly joke, but the animal didn’t think it was funny at all.

  I can’t be wolf lunch, I don’t care if one lives in here with us or not.

  Well you know I would also be wolf food, even if I am the wolf side here.

  Could you two just knock it off? Alley wondered how she was going to deal with both animals going back in forth in her thoughts. The fox had always been quite until recently when she had become chattier.

  Maybe the fox had sensed the wolf long before Alley even know it was a part of her.

  She grabbed the hoodie that her cousin had given her and headed out the door. He father was standing just outside, leaning against a tree, and he stopped her before she was able to take off for a run.

  “Where are you headed, Alley?”

  “Just doing for a run, my animal is restless.”

  “Have you given any more thought of letting your wolf try to shift?”

  Alley really didn’t know how to answer that, because she hadn’t given it any thought at all, but she didn’t want to piss the man off or cause him to try to force her into exploring her wolf side. She wanted to. The time just wasn’t now, she had only just gotten her mind in sync with the fox. She took the hoodie off her head and stared him in the eyes.

  “I have given it thought, I’m just not ready.” She hoped that would be good enough, but that was not the case.

  “You must Alley, it is part of you. I will not let you deny my side of you. I am your father, whether you like it or not you know, and it’s time you and I started making up for lost time—and that includes your wolf,” he replied as he stared back with a stern look.

  She wanted nothing more than to run, to run as far away from him as she could. Why did he suddenly want to be in her life? He only wanted to control it, like he’d always done with her mom. She hadn’t been with him since Alley was born, but it always seemed he had her in his clutches. Alley stepped to the side and another question crossed her mind.

  “Is my brother yours too? He isn’t, is he? That’s why his blood made my fox stronger. He is full fox. You had that over on mom, didn’t you? Josh had only known you as his dad.” She had no idea why this thought had suddenly crossed her mind, but she always knew something was off with him and her brother. How her mom had always taken time to protect him when Alford was around. It all seemed so clear in that moment.

  “Well aren’t you the smart one? Did your fancy fox come up with this thought? Your mother had him a few months before I met her. His father ran off and was never seen again. I met your mom and fell in love with her and Josh, and you were conceived a few
months later. I vowed to always be there for you both, but my pack wouldn’t have it.” He cleared his throat. “I left to protect the two of you.”

  Alley wanted nothing more than to believe him, but she didn’t really know if she could trust this man at all. If he wanted to protect them so much, maybe he should have been there during all those times she needed him. She had just escaped prison a few days ago, did she really need protecting? Suddenly everyone she came into contact with felt the need to protect her, but there was only one person she wanted protecting her and he’d flown off without even noticing her—or had he?

  A large grey wolf approached them before shifting into its human form.

  “Tig, why are you running?” Alford asked as he walked closer.

  Her long lost uncle had just showed up naked, again not a big deal for shifters to be naked around each other, but this was a weird way to meet her uncle for the first time.

  “There are three guys walking the fence line. I think they came in under the fence. I told you we needed to secure it better,” Tig said as he panted for breath.

  Alley may not have ever met him, but she couldn’t help herself with her smartass comeback.

  “I guess the prison should have secured their fence better as well before I went under it huh?”

  He dad stood quite for a moment with a smirk on his face, and in that moment, Alley saw herself. A little part of her that she got from him—the smartass smirk.

  “Meet your niece Tig,” Alford said, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder.

  “Now let’s go see what business these guys have on our land,” he said as they both shifted and took off running.

  Alley’s fox and wolf spoke to her at the same time. Go with them, let’s run. She wanted to fight them, not knowing what they would be running into, but she gave in and shifted as her fox leaped before it took off behind them. Two other wolves joined in and soon they were upon the three guys. It’s Maxwell, she thought to herself before running to place herself between the wolves and the other three men. She let herself shift, hoping that her dad and his pack would do the same.

  “He’s not here to hurt anyone, he came for me,” Alley said as she turned to put her arm around Max. She felt the sun hit her skin and realized once again she was standing there in front of all the men naked, just as Max took his shirt off to cover her.

  “What do you mean, he’s here for you Alley? They are trespassing and you know how wolves feel about people coming onto their territory, and no one is taking my daughter.” Alford moved forward, placing himself between Alley and the others.

  It didn’t look like it phased Max at all. “Sir, I am here for Alley; I have sworn to protect her. She will be coming with me; I don’t give a shit if you’re her dad or not. She is my mate.”

  Alley blushed and placed her hand on his chest.

  “You felt it too?” she asked.

  Max only nodded as a reply before her dad grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away from him, causing the twins to step forward.

  “We don’t want any trouble. We’re only here to get Alley and make sure she is safe, and I think the safest place for her is with Max. I mean, if they are mates you know there is really nothing you can do to stop it,” Jared said, looking like he was holding his bear back from shifting.

  “How the fuck can they be mates? Are you a fox? A wolf?” Tig grimaced as he asked Maxwell.

  “He’s a black falcon, and my fox has claimed him as her mate. I have no idea how it happened either, but when an animal finds its mate, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them from being together. I know you want me to be a part of your pack Dad, but this is not my home. I don’t belong here,” Alley said as she again placed herself between Alford and Maxwell.

  “It’s not whether you belong here or not Alley. You’re staying here so I can protect you,” Alford replied, grabbing at her to pull her away from Max again.

  This time it didn’t sit so well with Max.

  “I am only going to warn you once. Let her go and let us leave peacefully,” Max said, trying to reason with the man.

  Alford pushed Alley, causing her to fall to the ground, as he took a swing at Max’s head. Just as he dodged the hit, both twins jumped and grabbed Alford by the arm.

  “There may be more of you, but I can assure you that none of you want to challenge my brother and I. Max asked you nicely to let us leave peacefully. Now if you will excuse us, we will be on our way.” Jared moved, placing himself in front of Alford.

  “I can also assure you that you three don’t want to take on my full pack, and if you keep pushing me, that’s what’s about to happen. Now I suggest you back the fuck up and let me have a moment with my daughter,” Alford replied as he stepped around Jared.

  Placing his hand on Alley’s shoulder, Alford pulled her aside.

  “You know I want you to stay here and be a part of my pack, but I will let you make your own decision. If you say this man is your mate, then I have to take your word for it. I would rather he was a wolf, or hell, a fox for that matter. He is a fucking bird, Alley.”

  “He’s not just a fucking bird, he’s a black falcon and yes he is my mate. Besides, since when did you care so much about my life? There has to be something in it for you if I become part of your pack,” she replied.

  “I told you Alley, I want you here with me and the pack so we can protect you. To keep you from having to run, to keep the humans from finding you. There is no other reason besides the ones I have already told you. I thought it would be nice to have my daughter around for a change. It seems you have made up your mind. So, go with them, but promise me you will at least give me a chance to be the father I have failed to be up until now.” He spoke a little softer this time before walking up to face Max.

  “You promise me you will not let anything happen to my daughter ever again. You took your eyes off of her once and my Betas took her from you. If that ever happens again and you let any other person lay their hands on her, I can promise you that you will not get away this easy next time. If you’re the mate she claims you are then you damn sure better protect her with everything in your being.” Alford snarled.

  Max gritted his teeth and squinted his eyes, giving him a look like he could have ripped his head off and fed it to the bears. He however knew he was lucky they didn’t opt for a fight. So, he just shook his head and agreed with the man.

  “You have nothing to worry about, I can promise you that.”

  The three guys put Alley in front of them and walked back towards the SUV, but Max had forgotten the one valuable thing he had told the twins before.

  Never turn your back on them.

  He felt something hit him in the back, something with non-human force. A wolf, a rather large wolf. He caught a glimpse just before falling to the ground. Alford.

  “What the fuck, that was a shit move.” Jake said before shifting, his bear three times larger than the wolf. Jared shifted right behind him and stepped up standing beside him.

  “I’m going to get the others.” A smaller man said before he shifted and ran in the opposite direction. He didn’t get far before Max shifted and flew in front of the wolf, shifting just before kicking him, causing him to change back into his human.

  “You’re not going anywhere to get anyone.” Max kneeled to grab the man by the neck.

  “The rumors are true what they say about you wolves. You can’t be trusted,” he said as he slung the man at Alfords feet.

  “You gave me your word, yet you came at me from behind. If that is how you want to play this game, I don’t think it will end well for you and your wolves. I can take flight right now and make one phone call. One call that will bring the wrath of a dragon, and he will come with others. Now I am going to try this again. Alley and these two bears are coming with me. If you try to stop us this time, there will be hell for you to pay. I promised you I would protect you daughter, and now I see I will also have to protect her from you. Now if you don’t mind, we will be leaving
now.” Max took Alley by the hand and pushed past Alford. Alford moved and told his pack to stand down, knowing it probably was for the best as Alley and Max walked away and headed for the truck.

  The twins shifted, grabbed their clothes and walked off behind them, making sure not to turn their backs on the wolves. They had made that mistake once already.

  Don’t let her out of your grasp this time.

  Alley had never felt more relief than she had when she saw Max standing in front of her. She had given thought about what it would be like to be part of a pack, until that moment—the moment they locked eyes. Her fox knew without a doubt that was her mate. They all knew, the fox, the wolf, and Alley. Besides, the fact that her father had become an asshole, attempting to attack Max and the twins, made it clear she wanted nothing to do with his pack. She was out of there and was almost sure she never wanted to come back.

  Alford had never been a part of her life and she was okay with that now. After dropping the twins off back at the restaurant. Alley and Max now had to decide what the best place was for Alley to keep herself undercover and live a life as close to normal as possible. She had not given much thought before that Maxwell had called her his mate first. As crazy as it seemed, she was totally comfortable with it, and even telling her father that Max was her mate felt good to her.

  “Do you feel the connection, Alley?” Max looked over at her with a huge grin on his face.

  “I feel something Max. I have never felt this way about someone I just met. The fox and the wolf swear we are mates. I am okay with it myself; I have always heard we as shifters will know when we find our mates,” she replied.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Maxwell had never had these feelings for anyone before now either, but he played it off well, not wanting to seem as if he was pushing himself on her. Oh, he wanted to push himself on her more than he wanted to do anything else at the moment. The falcon paced inside him. We have to claim her.


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