Bitter Wars- Ashes

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Bitter Wars- Ashes Page 5

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘It was Greymire’s’

  ‘He gave you his sword?’

  ‘…Just before he died, he was the one who saved me when my family was attacked trained me how to fight.’

  ‘You two married right?’ she glanced at him slightly, but he only offered the same innocent smile. ‘The sashes.’ she looked down at her wrist and at the white sash that almost felt like a natural part of her body, so much so she barely even noticed it anymore.

  ‘We did marry, even if it was short lived.’

  ‘He was definitely a hero, plus he’s one of the best Knight cards in Capture.’ Adonia couldn’t help but innocently snigger at his comment which made him chuckle with her.

  ‘I’ll have to play you properly sometime.’

  ‘You played a good game, Da just knows all the tricks, I think if you ever beat him, he’ll eat his own beard.’ Adonia smiled as they walked on, Arthur crossed his arms behind his head as he stretched then looked back at Adonia. ‘So, what was “Half-Blood” like?’ she smiled at the recollection of their previous conversation.

  ‘He was really uptight when we first met, definitely treated Greymire as his commander and I as his wife, but I soon saw a different side to him, he was kind and loving, a true brother to Greymire, you would have really liked him.’ Arthur offered a smile.

  ‘Fen is the only elf I grew up with so I always saw myself more human than elf but, people still look at me differently I can’t imagine what it would be like to grow up as a half-elf.’

  ‘He did say it was hard, people both elves and human treated him badly, all except Greymire and his mother, she raised him like her very own son.’

  ‘That’s why I’m grateful to Da…He said he found me abandoned in the streets as a baby, he always told me by the time I could walk I was nearly as tall as him.’ He chuckled. ‘He might be a dwarf and me an elf, but he’s still my father.’

  As the evening came to, Adonia continued to play different card games with Arthur while Barmic attempted to lure Fenrir out of his room with food.

  ‘Fen! Fenrir come on oot yer’ve been in that room fae a day noo.’ he called out but only the silence of the locked door replied.

  ‘She ain’t pissed at ye aboot whit ye did Fen if that’s whit’s getting tae ye.’ the silence continued. Barmic gave a sigh and placed a plate of food on the floor outside of his door. ‘Food’s ootside, get it before the rats dae.’ Fenrir’s door remained closed even as Barmic left to return to the tavern.

  ‘Any sign of him?’ Arthur asked Barmic as he placed down a card.

  ‘He’ll come oot when he wants tae, cannae force him.’

  ‘Barmic where are your girls at?!’ a customer called out which made Barmic look around his tavern and true to his word, none of the female staff were around.

  ‘Takin’ a break, they’ll be oot tomorra.’ Adonia pursed her lips together which Barmic was quick to notice and gave a chuckle as he watched the game.

  ‘Ye want tae ken why A keep whores.’

  ‘I didn’t ask.’ She blushed which made him chuckle more.

  ‘A blind man can see ye discomfort…They’re all good girls, but they come from broken hames, abusive husbands, so they want a way oot.’


  ‘A never force a girl tae work fae me, these girls all came ‘ere from elsewhere, some of ‘em stay whores get some gold in their purse, some get marrit, it’s all their choice. Aye, if someone paid me that much money A’d soon be oot providing me services tae the lasses of the world.’

  ‘For crying out loud Da.’ Arthur exclaimed as he pinched the bridge of his nose in embarrassment which made Barmic burst out with laughter.

  ‘Oh, protect the sweet virgin ears.’ He joked as he cupped his hands over Arthur’s ears. ‘One day Arthur yer’ll meet a nice lass, n ye can take ‘er in those stables-.’

  ‘Da!’ the three laughed together at the innocent teasing until Adonia was tired enough to go to bed.

  The hallways were quieter tonight without the presence of the other women, she nervously looked over to the door at the end of the hallway and saw rats eating the meal that Barmic had left. A part of her wanted Fenrir to starve for his attack on her, but her innocence crept through wanting him to at least tell her how to get to Griffiths. She hastily walked toward his door, swatting the air in front of her to frighten the rats away. As soon as they saw the approaching human they quickly scurried away. Adonia sighed as she glanced down at his ruined food, some of it could be salvaged, but the very thought of eating food that a rat had touched churned her stomach. She brushed off her feelings and returned to unlock her door where she was suddenly pulled inside where she was bombarded with excited hands and squeals. Adonia threw herself back from the surprise to see all the working girls in her room, all with beaming smiles.

  ‘Surprise Addie!’ Jenny smiled as she took Adonia’s hand and pulled her towards the girls again.

  ‘Jenny what’s going on?’ she asked concerned.

  ‘Jenny, she looks like a frightened mouse why didn’t you tell her?’

  ‘That’s what a surprise is idiot…Addie we didn’t have much of a chance to talk to each other, so I got the girls here so we could have some girl time.’

  ‘What do you mean by… Girl time?’

  ‘Firstly, we’re gonna get you in some nice clothes.’ She said as she tugged at Adonia’s tunic. ‘Then, wow look at this hair.’ She sounded hypnotised as she held Adonia’s long hair letting it slide off her hand only for her to scoop it back up again. ‘It’s like silk.’

  ‘How would you know what silk is like?’ a girl sniggered.

  ‘Gent had a silk handkerchief once, rich man, felt like nothing I’ve ever touched before.’ Adonia was nervous, she didn’t know their intentions, but she felt as if she could trust Jenny and her friends.

  ‘Here, swiped it from the tavern.’ A girl pulled a cork out of an old bottle before taking a swig of the drink and passing it around.

  She began to relax as the alcohol flowed and laughed along with them, it was here she realised their plans, to be away from the men while they joked and played together, Adonia was given a variety of dresses to try on and parade around the room. At first, she was uncomfortable with the low-cut clothing, but the more they drank and joked the more she had fun with it. It reminded her of her times with Faleena and how they would try on dresses for the day but never the fun game of this, they mocked and complemented each other, it felt different to have female company.

  ‘So, Addie.’ A girl asked as Jenny brushed Adonia’s hair. ‘Why did you become a soldier?’

  ‘Well…I didn’t have a choice really, where I lived was very dangerous, so I had to learn how to protect myself.’

  ‘Who taught you?’

  ‘…Greymire…’ the girls sparked up giving excited swoons at the mention of the man.

  ‘Now that’s a man.’

  ‘I wouldn’t even ask for payment.’

  ‘You’re so lucky.’ They all commented one after the other which made her smile.

  ‘Wasn’t he married though?’

  ‘Aren’t half our clients?’ the women laughed.

  ‘Shut up girls, come on Addie what was he like? Was he really as tall as they say?’

  ‘Huge.’ She smiled as she picked up the bottle and took a drink. ‘I didn’t even reach his shoulders and yes he was very, very handsome.’ The girls gave a collective sigh and continued their comments about Greymire and other handsome men they met through their line of work.

  ‘I envy that Hardgrave girl he married.’ One of the girls giggled. ‘I bet he looked amazing.’ She wriggled her eyebrows which made Adonia blush.

  ‘Have you ever seen him Addie? Even a shirt off on a hot day, details girl.’

  ‘…Well…Actually.’ The women swooned again which made her blush as she was bombarded with questions about Greymire’s physique. To them Adonia was just a random woman who had the pleasure of working alongside him, they had no idea
that she was the Hardgrave girl that married him and had the luck of seeing all their desires.

  ‘I bet your husband was jealous.’ Jenny chuckled as she lightly lifted Adonia’s white sash on her wrist. ‘Brave man to leave his wife in the care of the King’s finest. Wow, this is a nice piece Addie, must have cost a fortune.’ Like her hair Jenny was mesmerised at the fine quality of her sash, it didn’t shine as pure white when it was first tied to her, but the embellishes still shone through.

  ‘I never asked.’ She gave a sad smile. Even with drink in her system Jenny recognised this look well enough.

  ‘Widow?’ Adonia replied with a slow nod, Jenny squeezed her hand slightly and offered a one-armed embrace of comfort before lightening the mood again. ‘Married or not at least you had a good view.’ She said with a smile which Adonia couldn’t help but chuckle at. Once they had their fill of gossip about the late hero, they moved onto another man within their home.

  ‘Has any of you girls ever had that elf here?’ one of the girls asked the group.

  ‘The little one? Aww he’s adorable but far too young.’

  ‘No, I meant the mean looking one, he’s a looker.’

  ‘Yeah if he wasn’t an elf.’

  Adonia leaned up slightly as Jenny continued to plat her hair.

  ‘Does it matter?’ she asked with a drunken slur which made the other girls wince slightly which confused Adonia, they were prostitutes that probably have serviced more men than she had ever met, why would an elf bother them?

  ‘I heard that elves are different, down there.’

  ‘That’s not true.’ Another girl snorted.

  ‘Well have you ever seen one?’

  ‘No but that’s got to be stupid right? I mean they look like humans why would that be different?’

  ‘Ugh, I dunno, and I don’t want to find out…Yeah that elf is alright, but I wouldn’t, you?’


  ‘…No.’ the girls went around in a circle agreeing about never being or would desire to be with an elf. Maybe that was it too. Adonia thought as she remembered in her drunken haze when Ivory was refused, not only was it a law that forbade it but maybe the rumours that they were atomically different, that something was wrong or strange. Such false information that had been passed down for generations had slowly become imbedded into people’s minds as fact.

  It felt strange to even think of Fenrir as attractive considering how he treated her, but it was his eyes and that voice. In fact, the more she thought the more she realised he was good looking but briskly shook her head which made Jenny laugh.

  ‘Just got the thought in your head didn’t ya?’

  ‘If he wasn’t such a bastard then.’ She shook her head of the thought again. ‘…Nothing to do with him being an elf.’

  ‘Even if it’s different?’ the same girl asked. ‘Though I have never seen it myself, I’m pretty sure it’s the same, I mean it has to be right? Elves and humans can still have children together.’

  ‘I guess.’ The girl slurred. ‘Still wouldn’t though.’ The girls started to drop off one by one, some fell asleep while others chose to work through the night, Adonia laid beside Jenny both tired and drunk. She lightly twiddled the end of her plat that Jenny tied for her before giving a tired sigh.

  ‘Jen, do you like being a prostitute?’ she sighed.

  ‘Learned to like it…Been doing it since I grew tits.’ She laughed, Adonia wanted to join but she glanced over and all she could think at that age Adonia studied and played like a child should.

  ‘But why…?’

  ‘Father was quick to the bottle and quicker with his fists…Mother ran away, so it was run and find work or die…I can’t read or write, so I had to do something for money…’ Jenny smiled as she twiddled her fingers then glanced over at Adonia. ‘I was so glad the day I met Barmic, I used to work in Nebine…Prostitutes there, you don’t have a say, you don’t get to have fun, you don’t feel safe…I was probably robbed more times than I serviced but then it would be my fault and…’ she shuddered slightly. ‘The man I worked under told me if I didn’t make his money back, he’d do things to me, awful things. He plucked one girl’s eye out then…She was found dead in the street, and because she was a prostitute no one cared. If anything, the people seemed happy about it, getting filth of the streets I suppose. But Barmic found me just before this guy was going to do whatever he wanted to do to me, asked for my services.’ She giggled. ‘But it was only to get me away, he said if I wanted to, I could come live here with the girls. I’ve never been happier, Barmic is kind and looks after us, he doesn’t want the money we earn says it belongs to us. He lets us stay here as it brings in more customers, anyone hurts us he throws them out himself. I like Barmic.’

  ‘Not so much of a law against humans and dwarfs is there?’ Jenny scoffed and slowly shook her head.

  ‘He wouldn’t…’

  ‘You ever asked?’

  ‘I’m sure he’d be up for the night but…That’s all it would be.’ Adonia repeated herself with a smile which made Jenny playfully shove her. ‘If I go for Barmic you go for that elf.’

  ‘Ah but there’s the problem.’


  ‘You actually like Barmic.’ Jenny laughed again before rolling onto her side and propped herself up on her elbow.

  ‘Barmic’s a sweetheart, if you haven’t noticed he’s adopted two elves and half the working girl population. He always did say that I didn’t have to be a prostitute anymore but…Like a lot of the girls here I needed the money and old habits die hard.’

  ‘Has he ever tried talking you out of it?’

  ‘No, but it ain’t his ways, he knows we laugh at people who think they take the moral high ground for being celibate and look down at us like scum. But the funny thing is, those kind of people are usually the first to look us out, I mean Griffiths is a great example, he loves his whores.’

  ‘I can imagine.’ Adonia sneered, she always thought him the sort, it didn’t surprise her in the slightest that he was unfaithful to his wife and was a frequent at hiring prostitutes.

  ‘I hope you get to Griffiths and kick his ass; we’ve lost too many good people to him.’

  ‘I will soon, just need to figure out how to get into his castle.’ Jenny smiled as she rolled back onto her back and gave a relaxed sigh before shutting her heavy eyes to sleep and Adonia was soon to follow.

  As Adonia awoke she realised she was alone, the women who were scattered across her room last night that were asleep were gone along with Jenny. She rubbed her aching head slightly and looked down at the risqué dress that flattered her curves which made her chuckle.

  What did we get up to? She rose from her bed and looked at herself in the mirror, while she wasn’t confident in such a dress but as she looked at her clothes that loosely draped the dresser table she realised they needed to be cleaned and decided to keep the more feminine clothes on. Adonia gathered her clothes and went down to the tavern downstairs. Already she could feel the eyes, she could see men staring up and down at her body, she clutched her bundled clothes closer to her chest and went to quickly walk outside to wash her clothes.

  ‘How much girl?’ a large man blocked her way to the door, she stared angrily but held her clothes tighter.

  ‘I’m not a prostitute, stand aside.’

  ‘Not a whore and you’re dressed like that?’ he stood closer.

  ‘I’m warning you now, back off!’ she stomped her foot forward as her anger grew, he could see a fire burning within her and considering he could easily overwhelm her, he put his hands up and backed away, letting her escape to the outside. Adonia quickly hurried out, more desperate than ever to wash and return to her normal clothes.

  Maybe I can borrow clothes from Arthur? We are roughly the same size. There was a small group of women further in the village that washed sheets and clothes in several large barrels of water, nervously she joined them and without a word began to work. The others simply ignored each other as th
ey toiled through their work, some made idle chatter while others gently hummed to themselves. Adonia was brisk to start with, desperate to clean her familiar, safe clothes, but then she took her time as she admired the red tunic. She remembered how Greymire had this specially made for her, how it was her training clothes, her daily clothes and the clothes she fought in within the depths of a war. She mended the tears, cleaned the blood and dirt that she had gained over the years. She hardly wore this at the elven camp but the memories this simple piece of clothing held it fascinated her.

  ‘Nasty bruise on your shoulder girl.’ An older woman called out to her as she gathered her own washing.

  ‘O-oh it’s not a bruise it’s a…It’s…’ Adonia sighed as she remembered that even women here never had tattoos. ‘It’s nothing, thank you for your concern.’ The woman glared at Adonia confused but was quick to turn on her heel and return home.

  The phoenix of Alexander. She sighed in her mind. Where is it when you need it? Adonia wringed her clothes before returning to the tavern and hung her clothes in the room to dry. She used this time to read a book before the dust consumed it completely. It confused her slightly as to why have a bookshelf if most of the people here are illiterate, probably that’s the reason they’re covered in dust. She gently scanned the pages of history until a sudden scream snapped at her peace.

  ‘Someone help!’ a woman cried out, Adonia leapt to her feet and quickly exited her room to the cries. It wasn’t hard to find the source of the screaming woman. Adonia pounded on the locked door.

  ‘Open this door right now!’

  ‘Fuck off!’ a muffled voice yelled while the screaming continued. She braced in an instant and rammed the wooden door with her shoulder. It took two powerful rams until the door was broken down, there she saw the young woman, her dress ripped, and her bruised and bloodied face streamed with tears.


  ‘You again?!’ it was the same man as earlier, but this time he was joined by two other men, no doubt they all tried to have their way with her. Adonia was quick to ready herself for a fight. One charged toward her which she was quick to dodge and offer her own punch. A dress was something not to fight in, it kept getting in the way and dragged her down when she needed to be swift. Another threw a punch which caught her off-guard and sent her stumbling out of the door, right into the arms of another man which made him fall backwards. She struggled quickly as the man who threw a punch picked up a wooden stool and went to attack her while she was down. But the man that caught her quickly wrapped his arm around her and swiftly moved so the stool struck his back instead of her. It was then as his head came over her shoulder, she saw the white hair. It was Fenrir. He hissed in pain as the wood shattered against his back, launching forward with Adonia still locked in his arm.


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