Bitter Wars- Ashes

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Bitter Wars- Ashes Page 19

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘I’m sorry Kinlan.’ Adonia shuddered, keeping her eyes off him as she continued to wipe herself.

  ‘You don’t have to apologise it was the elf’s fault…Now, my proposal?’ she paused from trying to clean the dress and looked at him heavy eyed, she didn’t even have the stomach to drink, she was nervous or just as terrified as the elven boy. Kinlan looked over at her expression before settling her fears with a smile. ‘You don’t have to give me an answer straight away Adonia, I understand that it is a very hefty request.’ He took another sip of his goblet before standing up to lay his hand on her shoulder. ‘I would love to say that we have all the time in the world but with the Tainted at our heels and Reckson surrounding us…’ he quickly tried to shift the conversation to a lighter tone. ‘Think of our subjects, we live in very dark times, such a joining will bring joy to all. A royal wedding as it is already gives the country a boost in moral but to see you; Adonia Hardgrave alive and well, think of their reactions.’

  ‘…I agree with you Kinlan.’ She sighed heavily. ‘But please may I think this over?’

  ‘Of course, take your time. Your highness.’ He gave her a respectful bow before leaving the room.

  Adonia leant against her hand against her forehead as she took gentle, shaky sips of wine.

  How can this be happening? The thought alone disgusted her, but she thought about what he had said, how it would give hope to so many people in these times. She had to remember who she was, she was a Hardgrave. She had to put her people before her.

  I’ve grown selfish over the years. She insulted herself which made her almost weep. I stayed with the elves when I should have gone back, I raised Argonar in the wilds. And Fenrir…

  She snarled at the thought of him. I should have just taken the charge, instead I- I selfishly fell for a stupid man. Adonia began to shudder at her inner thoughts, she punished herself for her actions but knew she really didn’t have much of a choice. With what was left of the Alexandrian armies’ then maybe there was a chance, maybe she could reconcile the relations between Alexander and Reckson, then perhaps they still had a chance to save this place.

  She took her goblet and walked toward a balcony that overlooked the castle. It was a lot smaller than her own family home, yet she didn’t care about that, she only looked around, thoughts spiralling through her mind enough to make her sick.

  All I have to do is marry him, then… Adonia shuddered. An heir…There’ll need to be an heir. That’s all it would take, an exchange of vows and passionless nights to save them, a sacrifice Adonia was slowly beginning to consider. After all she had nothing else left to live for, nothing else to keep going. If death wasn’t the answer then perhaps this was. Adonia gave a final gulp of her drink and went to seek out Kinlan until she heard a distinctive whip crack, followed by a yell below her. She quickly looked down onto the courtyard below and could see the young elf from before being thrown into the dirt and held down while a whip snapped at the bare skin on his back. Adonia stuttered for a moment, her mind still in jumbles over her thoughts until that flame sparked back to her.

  ‘S-stop!’ she yelled but her first attempt wasn’t loud enough for the soldiers to hear, until she tried again. ‘STOP!’ the soldiers looked up at her, they couldn’t tell who she was so continued. Her anger boiled which forced her to pick up the skirt of her dress and run through the castle to save the boy. She wasn’t lost in these halls; the cracks of the whip and the cries of the boy guided her way until she threw open the heavy doors that led out into the courtyard. ‘I said stop!’ she yelled out again as she ran toward them, then eventually shoved one of the soldiers back. They were taken back by the woman’s instincts to help the elven child, she pushed them away and helped the child to his feet. He wept in her arms and clung onto her tightly like a child to its mother. ‘It’s alright now, you’re safe.’ Adonia hushed to him. ‘I won’t let them hurt you any longer.’

  ‘M’Lady, it was by Kinlan’s orders that this boy was to be punished, stand aside.’

  ‘Kinlan’s orders?’ she rose with the boy still clinging to her. ‘Kinlan ordered for this barbaric treatment? He’s just a boy you monsters!’

  ‘We’re just following orders, the servants must be in check, mind your place woman.’ In an instant Adonia lashed out at the soldier with a punch to the face, it took the other soldiers off guard with such a strike, a slap maybe but not a full-blown punch. Her old habits of getting into brawls continued to thrive as she continued to lash out, even as the other guards tried to pull her away.

  ‘What’s all that commotion?’ Griffiths’ youngest asked her brother as she paused from her crafts. Henrick looked over at the window before standing to investigate, that’s when he saw the woman taking on armed guards.

  ‘What in the Divine?’ he couldn’t tell who it was but was quick to see for himself. ‘Stay here.’ He instructed his younger sister before hastily making his way through the castle to the scene. By the time Henrick reached them more soldiers and elves joined the scene, all watching this strange woman fighting just as well as a man. ‘Enough!’ Henrick called out, his voice was hardly intimating, but everyone knew to follow the young lord. The guards parted as he came in close, some of the soldiers finally managed to pry Adonia off and Henrick’s face lost all colour when he saw who she was. ‘A-Adonia?’

  ‘Henrick?’ she panted.

  ‘By the Divine let go of her! What do you think you are doing?!’ the guards instantly let go of her, Henrick approached and held her face before tightly hugging her. ‘How are you alive? Everyone said you were dead.’

  ‘It’s a long story, listen, I want that boy to get help.’ she said as she pointed to the injured elf. ‘And I want Kinlan out here now.’

  ‘Hold them.’ Kinlan’s voice echoed coldly, several guards suddenly pushed both Henrick and Adonia to the ground and pinned them there. Kinlan stood on top of the stone steps and looked over like an ancient statue, displeased at her actions.

  ‘K-Kinlan?’ Henrick shuddered nervously. ‘Adonia what’s going on?’ he looked at Adonia who held a calmer, yet angrier demeanour.

  ‘You ordered that boy’s lashes?!’ she yelled out. Kinlan calmly made his way down the steps and slowly approached her.

  ‘That dress cost me more than that elf will ever make in his life, he deserved to be punished.’

  ‘How can you be so heartless!?’ Kinlan knelt down to her and lightly wiped her dirt covered cheek with a handkerchief which she quickly moved her face away from.

  ‘He is just an elf.’ her heart boiled with a new anger, how and why could he be so disrespectful? How is this the respected king she had heard so much about?

  ‘Every Alexandrian subject deserves dignity and respect no matter what background they come from!’

  ‘…Your father used to say exactly the same thing, but if you give vermin an inch then they will take a mile.’ he stood up slowly and threw the handkerchief to the ground before her. ‘Take them both to the dungeons.’ Both Adonia and Henrick were dragged to the dungeons below, Adonia put up more of a fight while Henrick was kept in a frightened confusion even as they were locked away in a prison cell together.

  ‘Kinlan, king or not my father won’t stand for this!’

  ‘Your fathers under my thumb boy, never forget that.’

  ‘Why Kinlan?!’ Adonia yelled as she gripped the bars. He looked at her slightly but gave a smile.

  ‘It’ll give you time to think about my offer.’

  ‘I’ll never marry a tyrant like you!’

  ‘You will in time, now I want you both to calm down and you both can wait here until Griffiths returns.’

  The pair were left in the darkness alone even as Adonia continued to yell at nothingness even long after Kinlan left them. Once he realised, he truly was trapped down here, Henrick slowly slid down the cell wall and sat on the cold damp floor.

  ‘What in the Divines’ name is going on Adonia?’ she gave a heavy, frustrated sigh before letting go of the bar
s and turning to him.

  ‘I haven’t got a clue.’ She slumped herself next to him then leant her head against the stone wall trying her hardest to breath against the constricting clothing. ‘Henrick?’


  ‘Can you loosen this? It’s hard to breathe.’ He stared at her wide eyed and embarrassed. ‘It’s only a dress.’ That’s when she could see it, how nervous she used to be around Greymire around the idea of being unclothed. Even if she wore an undergarment she could see the fear in his face at the idea, but to ease her discomfort he nervously fumbled with the ties at the back giving his best effort to loosen them even with the lack of knowledge of the clothing. It wasn’t as lose as she would have liked but at least she could breathe more easily now.

  ‘Now, would you care to explain what happened to you?’ Adonia explained her story in some detail, she left out her son and her more intimate details at her time in the village. As far as he knew, Adonia was saved by Greymire, taken in by elves then discovered that it was his father that ordered the kill. ‘A-Adonia, I’m so sorry.’

  ‘It wasn’t you Henrick…I came here to kill Griffiths, and even though he’s your father I still intend to go through with it.’

  ‘Isn’t there another way? Can’t he have a trial?’ Adonia stared at him, insulted he would even think of a way out for his father. Her family were slaughtered without remorse, he deserved the same fate.

  ‘And who would judge him? Kinlan? Something is very wrong here Henrick…I don’t think it was just Griffiths.’

  ‘What are you implying? That Kinlan was responsible?’

  ‘Why else would he do this?’

  ‘You were attacking a man like a common thug!’

  ‘What did you just call me?’ she glared, he backed away in fear, he saw how she could fight. But Adonia recoiled, a common thug. No better than the men that assaulted her, the men that picked fights out of the blue, she had only lived there for a couple of months, had she really sunken to that level? ‘Forgive me.’ She sighed as she held herself closer. ‘That village and its inhabitants…You had to learn to be tough for them to leave you alone.’

  ‘Even the fighting?’

  ‘Especially the fighting, when I first travelled north, I was almost raped, I had to fight. There were no negotiations with people like that.’

  ‘How did you survive in such a village?’

  ‘…I made friends, a few friends actually.’ She softened as she thought of them, Barmic, Arthur and Jenny. How even with their rough exteriors they treated her with nothing but kindness, they could have treated her with Fenrir’s outlook; a noble that looked down on them. ‘They treated me well, yes the north is dangerous, but there are still some people with kindness in their hearts.’ Henrick didn’t know how to respond, he only knew the safety of castle walls and if he ever did venture out it would always be under heavy guard. Though both nobles they were never raised the same, Griffiths clearly had a very clear outlook that not all men were the same, that the people born of poverty were beneath him and were his to control. Adonia knew of her status and knew to be grateful for it, but those who worked for her family were all treated with respect. It was harder for Henrick to see the settlers of the Badlands to be kind, his teachings of them to be savages was engraved into his mind.

  ‘Henrick…Will you stand with me?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘No matter what happens, will you support me as your friend?’

  ‘Adonia I…’ he said sheepishly as he placed his hand on her shoulder. ‘You will always be my friend but…Your asking for me to support my father’s murder…I know what he did is unforgiveable but he’s still my father Adonia.’ She gave an exhale out her nose then leant against the wall again, she knew she couldn’t convince him, and she knew it was unfair to expect as much, all Adonia could do now was wait.

  After what felt like hours in the dungeons, Adonia finally heard a different noise, the rattling of keys and the door opening from the stairs above. Adonia sneered as two figures came into view, the men grinned as they stared at her like a captive animal.

  ‘How much does she know?’ Griffiths asked as he leant against the bars.

  ‘Not enough apparently.’

  ‘Father!’ Henrick shot to his feet and held onto the bars.

  ‘My son, Kinlan? Why did you feel the need to lock him up as well?’

  ‘Because he knows that she’s here, every guard that’s seen and knows of her presence here I’ve personally ordered their execution.’

  ‘My guards?! Do you have any idea how many men I need to protect this place from those vermin outside?’

  ‘Quiet, I’ve got my own men here and they know to obey my command.’ Henrick recoiled back and stood close to Adonia, fearing for his own life.

  ‘I heard that Dukan is dead, is that your doing?’ Griffiths said to Adonia, she glared at the man, fuelled by nothing but hatred then eventually spoke.

  ‘It wasn’t my blade that killed him, but I’m glad he’s dead.’ They could hear the anger in her voice. Kinlan lightly chuckled as he leant in closer to her.

  ‘You honestly think Griffiths is the mastermind?’ Kinlan said as he knelt down to her. ‘I needed the Hardgraves out of the way, you all grew too weak to rule but we still needed a Hardgrave, you were meant to be spared that night, but no one prepared for Greymire. Then the fool took you away for himself, I honestly thought you died back then, and all hope was lost.’ Adonia shook as she gritted her teeth.


  ‘You see I know about that little myth that’s followed your bloodline, sacrifice the daughter and such, you were supposed to be next, but killing off the others bought you more time, the Tainted needs their sacrifice don’t they, how can they do that when the entire line is wiped out?’ Kinlan stood up and gave a key over to Griffiths. ‘I gave Griffiths the order and paid him handsomely, everything you see was paid for with your family’s blood…I really was hoping you’d be more willing…I’d rather just have my own way with that beautiful body of yours until you produced an heir…But the kingdom won’t be so easily fooled to have a random heir from a Hardgrave so many believe to still be dead. Now I am going to ask you one last time, will you willingly marry me?’ Griffiths confidently opened the cell; a woman isn’t that hard to overpower, and he knew his son would never have it in him to attack. ‘Careful Griffiths, she’s a strong one.’

  ‘She’s a woman.’ He sniggered, just as Griffiths opened the door, Adonia instantly went to attack, but even with her dress loosened she still found it difficult to fight.

  ‘K-Kinlan!’ Griffiths yelled as he tried to fight her off, Kinlan ignored him and went straight to Henrick and forced him to his knees, then held a dagger hard to his cheek.

  ‘Adonia.’ She looked over her shoulder quickly and instantly let go of Griffiths, all she could see was Arthur’s merciless murder. She knew to stop, but as she let go, Griffiths violently grabbed her from behind, trying to subdue her. ‘Now I don’t know what you’ve been doing these past years, but I can’t deny you’ve turned a little feral. As much as I didn’t like the man, I know Greymire doesn’t fight like that.’

  ‘Do whatever you want to me just let Henrick go, he’s not involved in this.’

  ‘If that’s not a willing answer.’ Griffiths attempted a chuckle as he held her tighter, his face close to hers, disgusted, Adonia quickly let her head fall forward before hurling it back into Griffiths’ face.

  ‘Divines’ sake Griffiths.’ Kinlan sighed as Griffiths winced as the blood began to trickle from his nose. ‘I will make this very clear, if any man even thinks of having his way with her, I will have him killed. I can’t risk her carrying a child that is not mine.’ Kinlan forced Henrick to stand but still kept the dagger pressed to his cheek as he led him out of the cell and further into the dungeon. ‘One wrong move Adonia and I slit his throat.’ She remained silent as Griffiths forced her out and followed him, that’s when she saw the true horror of this place, i
t wasn’t just a dungeon, it was a torture chamber.

  Adonia was stripped down to her undergarments as she was chained to the walls in the chambers, she daren’t fight back in fear of Henrick, she had no idea if Kinlan would actually kill him, if he was willing to kill her family, a simple Griffiths boy would be nothing. Blood stained the walls and floor, various tools were left to heat in the sweltering fire, whips and shackles lined the floor and rats devoured the bodies of those deceased and dying. Another soon entered the chambers, a tall man who wore a bloodstained leather apron and a thick sack over his head.

  ‘She likes to play soldier, so let’s show her what happens to a disobedient little soldier, avoid anywhere where the eye can see her flesh, I don’t want a visually damaged queen.’ the torturer took a piece of coal and wiped it against Adonia’s skin, lining where he would be able to see her flesh. Both her forearms were marked just before her elbow, her collarbone was also marked.

  ‘Her legs sire?’

  ‘Queens don’t need to walk.’ with her new markings Adonia was stripped bare, she nervously gulped as she tried to struggle from her shackles. The torturer walked over to the wall and took a simple leather whip and forced Adonia to face the wall. ‘I want that removed.’ Kinlan said as he now saw the tattoo on her shoulder. The torturer gave a single nod and swung back his arm to give a sharp crack against her skin. Blood immediately poured out from her fresh wound and trickled down her back, she gave a loud scream of pain. ‘Silence her!’ the man took a small rag and stuffed it into her mouth but tied a bandage around her head to prevent her from spitting out the rag.

  ‘Father! Father stop this!’ Henrick yelled out to save his friend. Griffiths sneered at his defenceless son which gave Kinlan a new tactic.

  ‘Silence the boy, will you? I think his tongue might get him in trouble.’

  ‘Kinlan he’s my son!’

  ‘It’ll be you too if you forget your place.’ As the torturer turned to Kinlan with a pair of metal plyers in his hands Henrick found this spark of bravery, which indeed got him into more trouble.


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