Bitter Wars- Ashes

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Bitter Wars- Ashes Page 26

by Kerriann Burns

  Adonia stood atop the fence overlooking the village and her creations. She asked for the creation of a battle ram, strong enough to break the gates of the castle but made to protect those who used it. Barmic and Fenrir helped in the creation of such a weapon, but Fenrir was quick to look up at the figure that stood fiercely with the golden sun at her back and the black crow still perched on her shoulder.

  ‘N tae think ye used tae be the scariest bastard in this village.’ Barmic chuckled as he continued to hammer.

  ‘She’s fierce and angry, I don’t blame her in the slightest.’

  ‘Aye she nearly had ye when she came tae.’

  ‘Don’t remind me.’ He sighed as he slightly rubbed his throat then continued his work, in a way it made him realise the fear that she must of went through when he had her in the exact same situation but it was made harder for Fenrir with his feelings toward her.

  ‘At least ye sorted it oot, nothin’ like a quick shag cannae fix.’

  ‘I will never get used to your humour.’ He sighed as Barmic continued to laugh. Before the sun began to set once again their creations and training equipment were stored away, the tavern was completely filled with villagers all sharing their drinks with glee knowing that soon they will one day take over the castle and finally give Griffiths the beating he deserves.

  ‘The night we will dine like kings!’ a villager yelled happily as he raised his tankard in the air.

  ‘Then we will live like kings!’

  ‘Aye!’ the entire cavern yelled. Adonia sat in silence as she gently swirled her drink, she enjoyed her people’s happiness but since she returned it was hard for her to join in with such joy.

  ‘Smile Addie, we’re going to kick Griffiths’ ass once and for all.’ Jenny said with a wide smile as she sat next to Adonia but was met with silence.

  ‘We won’t all get out unscathed, even you are in danger you know.’

  ‘We all know, but that’s why we’re training so at least we know how to fight like you, it gives us a fighting chance.’ Adonia gave a small nod of acknowledgement but still remained cold, Jenny looked at her friend and even though she escaped the death and torture she could see the death of her innocence, if anything all she could see was Fenrir when he used to be so bitter and angry. ‘Adonia?’ Adonia’s eyes glanced at her friend, the wide smile left her face, but she only scooted closer to Adonia and faintly whispered. ‘Will there be chapel worshipers at the castle?’

  ‘I don’t know…I used to have some at my home, but Griffiths’ castle is completely different, why?’

  ‘He was probably drunk but…Barmic says he wants to marry me properly with the Divines’ blessing, and I know the snobs in Nebine wouldn’t tolerate a human marrying a dwarf.’ A small smile slowly crept across Adonia’s once fierce expression, finally a sense of happiness, something to look forward to.

  ‘Even if there isn’t, we’ll call for one.’

  ‘And what do you think they’ll think once they see this lot squatting in Griffiths’ castle?’ Jenny laughed.

  ‘If anything, it’ll give Kinlan a message that I’m preparing for a fight, his army is being depleted if he continues to conscript people against their will, they’ll be just more than this uprising.’

  ‘Honestly surprised Lyrine hasn’t gotten in on this, fancy pricks love a bit of drama.’ Barmic joked as he joined their conversation.

  ‘The last thing we need is Lyrine taking advantage of this, but I think the threat of the Tainted might be keeping them at bay.’

  ‘How bad is the Tainted situation?’ Fenrir asked as he also joined.

  ‘It’s a weird one, said the Tainted hit that elven camp in the south then nothin’. A thought they were supposed tae be this unstoppable army, pretty slap dash if ye ask me.’

  ‘It’s as if they like to draw back…Then hit even harder when no one expects it.’

  ‘Weird bunch, dinnae even ken where they go, it’s like they disappear intae thin air.’

  ‘Once Griffiths is dealt with news will spread and I can only hope people will join us against Kinlan and hopefully we can raise this army against the Tainted.’

  The next morning training resumed as normal, even Adonia helped with the construction of the ram. It was proving a small challenge as no one in the village had ever made such a piece but slowly they managed to complete their creation. Adonia stood back as she looked at the giant ram before her.

  ‘We’re ready.’ Everyone had their role to play, the girls readied themselves in their most seductive clothing, daggers hidden high against their thighs or tucked in their boots and if some could they even hid a dagger in their cleavage. Jenny was in charge of the women, she tried to comfort them, but she too was nervous about the coming attack.

  ‘Ye be safe ye hear?’ Barmic said as he sat on the bar and affectionately pinched her chin.

  ‘If we come back from this you owe me that wedding you talked about.’ Barmic chuckled.

  ‘Ye best come back then.’ The pair shared a quick kiss before Jenny gave a final ready of her team. Fenrir watched their brief moment of affection then looked toward Adonia who was already in her mock soldier uniform and overlooking a map. He didn’t want to be afraid anymore, he took a deep breath before hastily walking up to her and grabbed her wrist. As she turned, he took this opportunity to kiss her which took her by surprise. Although he said he didn’t care anymore if people knew about their relationship this was pure evidence of it as many of the more unknowing villagers gawked at the forbidden lovers.

  ‘You promise to remain safe?’ he said as he pressed his forehead against hers.

  ‘Only if you do.’ He gave a smile before pressing his lips against hers once more before pulling away to ready himself for the onslaught. ‘Ready girls?’ Adonia said as she looked toward the group of women who all responded with a focused nod and made their way out to a wagon which the soldiers escorted. ‘Remember your limits, try and keep out of danger as much as you can even when we get there.’

  ‘I remember, and good luck to you Adonia.’

  As the women made their way the men followed close behind led by Derek and Barmic, making sure to keep their distance as to not look too obvious, the remaining women; the wives of the men who fought, this troop kept their distance as archers while the men mainly pushed the huge ram out to the grasslands and were followed by the mock soldiers that soon hid in the forests to make their way to the secret exit. As the wagon containing the girls approached the castle one of the soldiers looked up at Jenny who drove the wagon.

  ‘I must warn you, some of them may attack you, I want to promise you that we’ll keep you safe but-.’

  ‘Don’t do anything that will blow our cover…Because of you soldiers, we’re used to it.’ Jenny said bitterly as she looked down at the man. He recoiled but her reaction was understandable, he admitted that he had his share of the women that were brought back. As they approached the gates, the surrounding soldiers whistled and called to the guards of the gate. A few soldiers opened the gate and approached confused yet intrigued at the wagon filled with young beautiful women.

  ‘Where in the Divines’ name have you all been? We thought you either died or deserted.’

  ‘We found these lovely ladies in our travels, all fled up from the south, not a home to go to.’

  ‘And where are you ladies from?’ one of the soldiers asked as he looked over the wagon.

  ‘Oh, we’ve travelled far.’ Jenny swooned as she swung her legs seductively over the wagons seat to face them. ‘These brave men saved us and told us that they worked for a really important lord. Told us that he’d be able to house us all, if he gives us the shelter we so desperately need we’d be happy to celebrate with you.’ She smiled seductively. The guards were taken by surprise and soon let the young women through the gates.

  ‘I’m sure Lord Griffiths will be able to give you a few rooms.’ The guard smiled as they rode past.

  ‘I think you’ve hit a jackpot, are they all working g
irls?’ the guard at the gate asked his lost companion as they entered the courtyard.

  ‘As far as I know all are readily experienced and happy to show a good time, should we tell Griffiths?’

  ‘I’m sure we can have a little fun first.’ The women were soon shown into the castle and brought to the giant hall were the servants were ordered to bring in wine for their fine guests. Word spread of their party to the point where interested guards left the patrol of the wall giving the first attack a better chance. The soldiers that joined Adonia made sure to keep close to the women under the guise that they were also celebrating, they knew to be cautious not to arouse suspicions. They watched their old comrades and how they would interact with the girls, some were more forward, wrapping their arms around the girls’ waists and flirting, they had to mirror their actions to blend in.

  ‘What’s going on…Here?’ Griffiths said as he entered the hall and saw the several scantily dressed women drinking with his guards. He approached cautiously but gave a smile at his new company.

  ‘So, you must be the famous lord up here, we were told you could give us shelter from the evil creatures out there.’ Jenny said with a lustful tone in her voice.

  ‘I don’t see that as an issue, there are plenty of rooms to go around.’ It was hard for her to force a smile as he took a glass of wine and slowly tried to grab her attention.

  The girls knew their role, they were merely distractions, they knew not to get too close to the men that certainly tried to pry them away from each other, but they couldn’t break the ruse. One of the women finally gave in but gave Jenny a quick glance before leaving with one of the soldiers.

  Hurry up Barmic…She thought to herself nervously as she tried to keep a conversation with Griffiths. The soldier was quick to take his woman to a small storage cupboard and proceeded to kiss her neck and creep his hand over her thigh, she held up her distraction long enough to reach the dagger on her opposite thigh and quickly stabbed him in the neck repeatedly just as she was trained. His death was quick and instant and with all her strength she managed to drag him further into the cupboard and used the equipment that was stored away to help cover his body in the darkness. She lightly dusted herself off before returning to the hall to join her friends.

  ‘It’s good you lovely girls found my home.’ Griffiths said as he continued to creep closer to Jenny, she could almost feel his breath against her face, yet she held her composure. ‘There’s a lot of bad people up here in the north, but I can protect you all.’ He touched her wrist delicately, but the sensation was enough to send a sickly shiver up her spine. ‘Perhaps we can all go somewhere a bit more private?’

  ‘As much of a great lord you are.’ She smiled as she slowly pulled her wrist away and used the excuse of grabbing another drink. ‘I’m sure you can’t handle all of us.’ Griffiths gave a confident chuckle.

  ‘There’s only one way to find out my dear.’

  ‘Not here.’ A woman laughed but her playful mood was quickly changed as she was forced onto the table by a soldier.

  ‘Hey, hey, hey!’ Jenny sparked up. ‘I thought this was a party, be nice to us ladies then you might get a treat.’ She forced a giggle, one of the joined soldiers patted the eager man on the shoulder trying to discourage him.

  ‘Come on now, treat her right and she’ll treat you better.’ The other soldier chuckled drunkenly and complied which put the woman at ease. He shot a look at Jenny, she continued to smile at Griffiths, but her eyes made it clear that she was worried in case he was getting close to blowing his cover.

  ‘What’s that?’ a soldier asked the woman that came back from her supposed treat with the soldier.

  ‘Oh?’ she giggled nervously at the red stain on her dress, the blood of a soldier. ‘I must have spilled some wine.’

  ‘Looks more like blood to me.’ Jenny grew nervous as she soldiers slowly started to surround them.

  ‘Hey if she said it was wine, it was wine, leave her alone.’ The soldier continued to protect the women.

  ‘What’s gotten into you? They’re just whores.’

  ‘Doesn’t mean you treat them like shit, these girls are here to give us a nice time, give them some damn respect.’ The tempers began to flare between the soldiers putting everyone involved on edge.

  ‘My men.’ Griffiths slowly clapped as he moved in even closer to Jenny. ‘He’s right, these lovely ladies are here to give us a good time, like fine fruit you have to wait until they are just ripe enough.’ Jenny shuddered as she could feel Griffiths’ breath against her ear as he pressed himself up against her. ‘Would you say your ripe enough my dear?’ she felt as if she could be sick as she felt his all too eager hands clasp against her hips, slipping dangerously close to her privates until she smiled and gently pushed him away, still trying the flirtatious hard to get ruse.

  ‘Good things come to those who wait my lord.’ She smiled as she went to put her goblet down on the table.

  ‘I think I’ve waited enough.’ He grabbed her by the hair and waist then shoved her face down onto the table. ‘Do as you will boys consider this my treat to you!’ he laughed as he prepared to move Jenny’s skirt aside. She screamed out, panicked by the attack, but she couldn’t reach the dagger that hid by her side or her boot, she tried desperately to free herself from his grasp but knew even with her training she was overwhelmed. The men followed their lord’s order, giving cheers of excitement as they grabbed and pulled.

  ‘Let them go!’ the allied soldiers unsheathed their swords and readied for a fight

  ‘Kill the traitors.’ Griffiths announced more irritated than shocked as he continued to pin her to the table. Jenny gritted her teeth and slammed the side of her face onto the table waiting for the inevitable. Griffiths didn’t even think to stop even as men fought in the same room, his mind was concentrated on one single thing, the girls that could tried to help the soldiers fight, even trying to get to Griffiths that remained under guard while he continued his work. But the guards were completely outnumbered there were only around five men on their side, and more continuing to pour into the hall until they were mercilessly killed, leaving the women to the same grim fate as their leader. Suddenly there was a loud bang outside, followed by the shouting of men.

  ‘Divines’ sake now?!’ Jenny gave a quick sigh of relief, they were here now, they were saved. ‘Take these whores to the dungeon we’ll finished this up later.’ The girls were dragged away but Jenny wasn’t going down without a fight, as Griffiths was distracted, she slowly reached for the dagger that was strapped to her thigh. Griffiths had her hard by her hips and with one swift movement she stabbed her dagger into his leg which sent him backwards from her as he yelped in pain. It was more out of shock than the knife penetrating his skin, she stabbed too hastily, nothing to cause real damage.

  ‘Move and he dies!’ she screamed as she stomped her foot onto his chest. The soldiers stood still for a moment with the girls still in their grasp. ‘Let them go!’

  ‘I bet you enjoyed every second didn’t you whore?’ Griffiths chuckled even as he clutched his bleeding leg. Jenny glared at him hatefully before stomping again, he coughed but quickly grabbed her ankle and twisted it which sent her to the floor. She struggled for a moment, but even in his state he was quick to slam the dagger from her hand and kept her pinned to the floor. ‘Make sure this feisty one gets all the punishment she needs; it won’t take long to kill these idiots.’

  Arrows flew from the castle walls as the ram was forced into the gates again and again. The women that stayed with this troop continued to fire from a distance as much as they could, defending their men and trying to give them that fighting chance. The mages attacked the walls with a combination of different spells, fire rained, lightening flashed, if it wasn’t pure determination to protect their lord’s home then they would all have run in fear from the planned attack.

  ‘Again!’ Barmic shouted as the ram was pulled back for another charge. The castle was now at full defence, Griffiths’ wi
fe came out from the study to see her frustrated husband completely unaware of his activities.

  ‘Are we under attack?’

  ‘Blasted village again, one day I swear I will burn it to the ground.’

  ‘Darling don’t talk like that; they are people in our land.’

  ‘They are no better than the dirt under my boot!’ he spat angrily before lightly shoving his wife back into the study room.

  ‘Stay in here with our children until it’s safe.’ Before she could even respond Griffiths already closed the door on her.

  Adonia led her troop of the mock soldiers with Fenrir taking the lead at the hidden tunnel, it was hard for such a group to make it silently through the tunnel, but as soon as they saw the light, Adonia hushed her group at looked up at the railing above. She could hear the faint screams of a woman above but was muffled out by the louder, angered shouts of women.

  They’re in danger. Fenrir cupped his hands together and helped lift her up so she could push the railing and climb into the cell, as she came into the light she could see her women in the cells opposite and quickly put her finger to her lips. They acknowledged their leader but one of them managed to mouth “Jenny’s in trouble” and pointed toward Adonia’s greatest fear, the old torture chamber. She shuddered but gave a hard swallow before indicating Fenrir to climb up, as he stood by her side she whispered sharply into his ear.


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