Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3) Page 2

by Lea Hart

  “Never mind, that’s answer enough.”

  “Honey, you can be anything you want because anyone who can survive ten years in this town can rule the fucking world. Unless…”


  “Ian figures out you were somehow involved in his fall from grace and were partly responsible for his rich pampered ass eventually landing in jail.”

  “We both know the man doesn’t think much of me, so the chances of him ever considering me a player in his downfall are non-existent.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, and all I’m doing is playing a supporting role because I’m just giving their operative a cover. I don’t even get a gun or any fun gadgets.”

  “You are a lot more than that since it was you who put the initial puzzle pieces together.”

  Shrugging, she pulled over an empty box and started filling it with books. “I hate when things don’t fit together and couldn’t help myself from digging into the maze of deceit that Ian created.”

  “So, what exactly do you know about your spy partner?” Waggling his eyebrows, he collapsed on the couch. “Is he a super sexy special-operator type that will beg you to do naughty things in the name of justice?”

  “I’ll have you know that I’ve got no plans to shag some black-ops operative against the wall in the bathroom at the PJ Aviation hangar while smoke billows from the homemade explosive I rigged, as agents swarm the building, confiscating the evidence we’ve collected. That would just be wrong.”

  “Good thing you haven’t given it any thought.”

  “I might’ve given it the merest consideration.”

  “And what are you wearing in this scenario?”

  “The red backless dress.”

  “Good choice,” Garrett replied as he sat back and put his feet up on the table. “Do you have any deets on the man you’ll be pretend-fornicating with?”

  Scrunching her nose up, she scraped her nail over the edge of the box. “I only got the bare facts, but it’s enough to know that my fantasy will remain just that. According to my handler, my partner was a Marine before he took on contracting work, so I’m guessing he’s a man who likes to follow the rules.”

  “Maybe that’s not a bad thing if he’s got the right rules. For all you know, a hot alpha is just what you’ve been waiting for, and a commanding personality will be the thing that melts your panties.”

  “And maybe I’ll turn into a real-life princess.”

  “Wait, are you telling me you’re not?”

  She let out a laugh and wondered how she was going to survive without her best friend. “I’m going to miss you.”

  Waving his hands, he closed his eyes. “Don’t make me tear up; I have lunch plans later and don’t want to be all puffy.”

  “Let’s talk about something else. Do you want to quiz me on common household items that can be explosive?”

  “Not particularly.”

  “I did a bunch of research, so if creating a distraction does become necessary, I’ll be more than ready.”

  “Way to prep for a part.”

  “You know I always do my homework.”

  “What’s your partner’s name, by the way?”

  “Seth McCallan.”

  “Very sexy Irish. Any idea if he looks like a troll?”

  “No, since I couldn’t find a darn thing when I Googled him.”

  “Figures, since an operator would have the web scrubbed of any identifying information.”

  “Do you want to know what the best part of this whole thing is?”

  “Never having to see or speak with Ian Kane again?”


  “You think he’s got a supporting role in the black drama that’s about to go down or a major one?”

  “He’s not smart enough to be major in any way. Initially, I thought his illegal activities were just about adding zeros to his bank balance, but now I think it’s about the power.”

  “That makes sense since he wasn’t likely to get his hands on it any other way.”

  “Tell me about it.” Shivering, she closed the box lid. “All I know is that the men that have been hanging around are vile and I look forward to never being in their company again.”

  “Amen,” Garett replied. “BTW, your going away shindig is confirmed for March 30th which should work if you leave on April 1st. All our favorite peeps will be meeting us at the Bungalow, and I’m hoping it will be so fun that you give up on the idea of moving to New York.”

  “None of the evenings I’ve spent at the club have resulted in more than a hangover, but who knows what’s possible?”

  “Exactly, Miss Doubtful.” Straightening the quilt over the couch, he then looked up. “What’s the spy schedule this weekend?”

  “Seth comes in this afternoon, and we’re meeting with my handler to go over any last-minute changes in the assignment. My best guess is that we’ll be done by tomorrow night, which means I’ll give notice on Monday and keep my plan on schedule.”

  “Anything I can say to change your mind?”

  Moving over to the couch, she took his hand. “I need a change, and this is the perfect time to do it.”

  “I know, but I’d rather be selfish and have you stay here.”

  “I expect you to use those frequent flyer miles you’ve been hoarding and come to New York and visit me.”

  “I will.”

  Leaning her head against his shoulder, she let out a small breath and told herself for the thousandth time that this was her next best move.

  No matter the outcome.


  Seth heaved himself out of the SUV and sucked in a lungful of Southern California smog as he checked his surroundings. Noting nothing that needed his attention, he strolled across the Starbucks’ parking lot and pushed the door open, feeling the slam of cool air as he stepped inside.

  The scent of coffee woke up his tired brain cells, and he knew anything less than twenty ounces of caffeine would be pointless.

  Sliding into the back of the line, he heard his phone buzz and checked the incoming text. “Already on my ass,” he murmured as he typed in a response. He shoved the phone back in his pocket and noticed a woman a few places ahead of him. Long dark blonde hair, legs for days, and a profile that very much reminded him of the Disney princess he was going to be partnered with.

  He took in as many details as he could and decided if she was, in fact, the same woman, the photographs he’d seen didn’t do her justice. Feeling a stirring of attraction, he crossed his arms and told himself to lock the shit down.

  Not the time and sure as hell not the place.

  He knew better than anyone that muddying professional waters with personal shenanigans never worked and didn’t expect this sitch could be the exception to the rule.

  Which meant dragging his new partner into the bathroom and running his hands over her soft skin and round curves while feasting on her plump lips was a no-go.

  At least while they were working together, the voice he usually tried to ignore shouted silently in his head.

  Flexing his hands, he focused his mind on the upcoming op and reminded himself that a bunch of dirty fantasies weren’t going to do him or his new partner a bit of good.

  And since he was all about making good choices, he did the right thing and slid his eyes away from the ass that was begging to be bitten.

  Moving forward with the line, he watched an older man drop his paper and wallet and was about to step forward when his fantasy girl turned. Letting out a slow breath, his face split into a grin when he caught his first full glimpse of her face. “Bingo,” he said quietly, confirming that the woman was, in fact, his new partner: Tessa Sanders.

  Damn beautiful were the two words that popped into his head, along with fucking delicious.

  And kind, apparently, since she bent down and scooped up the man’s belongings with a smile so radiant it did something strange to his chest. Rolling his shoulders, he watched her take the older man’s
hand and lead him to the counter, placing an order for both of them.

  He was fucked.

  Beauty and kindness were a double whammy he didn’t have it in him to ignore.

  Feeling tension roll through his body, he realized that unmuddied waters were no longer an option.

  In fact, he’d likely be in a swamp and begging for mercy before the day ended.

  At least if he played his cards right.

  Keeping an eye on his new partner, he placed his own order and then watched her take a seat at a table against the window. Perfect, he thought as he waited for his coffee. A few minutes together before they met with the handlers would be the ideal opportunity to get his attraction under control and gather the intel needed to plan his next move.

  He grabbed his coffee and strolled over, giving her a confident grin when he arrived. “Hi.”

  A frown was her response.

  Not what he’d hoped for, but not surprising.

  Pulling out a chair, he slid into it and leaned back. “I thought we could have a chat before our meeting.”

  “We don’t have a…”

  He took her shaking hand and held it. “I’m Seth, and I’ll be your partner for the next twenty-four hours.” Or days, he silently added. Which was a thought he’d never had before in his life.

  “But you’re…”

  “So damn good looking?” he supplied with a cocky grin.

  “Well, yeah.” Moving her chair back, she gave him a slow up and down. “I thought you’d have a crew cut and be wearing fatigues with a big gun strapped over your shoulder.”

  “I only wear that get-up on Sundays.”

  Laughing, she covered her mouth. “Touché.” She looked around the room and then crossed her legs. “Are you alone?”

  “Completely,” he replied, doing his best to keep his hands still. Locking gazes, he told himself that dragging his fingers along the tan skin of her leg wasn’t going to be an acceptable start to their relationship. “I just got off the plane and needed a jolt of caffeine before we meet with our friends.”

  She lifted her coffee cup and smiled. “Me too.”

  “You ready for this?”

  Taking a sip of her coffee, she nodded and then squared her shoulders. “Yes.”


  “More than I want to admit.”

  “Completely normal.”

  Moving her coffee to the side, she leaned forward. “Nothing about this is normal, but I want you to know that I’m going to do my very best with whatever comes our way. I will not wimp out or scream at an inopportune time and…”

  He leaned in, so their faces were close, and found himself a little mesmerized by her sea-green eyes. Clearing his throat, he inched closer and watched her pulse flutter against her neck. “This is going to be easy.”

  Nodding, she leaned back. “I’ve done my prep for the role, so you won’t have to worry about me.”

  Lifting his cup, he hid a smile. “Role?”

  “That’s how I’m thinking of this thing.”


  “Because then I won’t freak the F.U.C.K. out.”

  He took a gulp of his coffee and then set it down. “Cursing is allowed in the spy game, you know.”

  Tessa rolled her eyes and then leaned forward. “Thanks for clearing that up.”

  “Whatever I can do to help.”

  “Well, maybe I’m the one who’s going to help you since I’ve memorized a list of ten household items that can be used for an explosive, watched several YouTube videos on lock picking, and know the best way to assume a new identity.”

  Covering his mouth, he did his best not to laugh. “Well, that’s very…”

  “Impressive. I know.” She lifted her coffee cup and smiled. “I always do a thorough character study before I take anything on, and this is no different.” Popping the lid off her cup, she blew the steam away. “I didn’t have time to go to a gun range, though, so you’ll have to be in charge of all the flying bullets.”

  “Glad you left me something to do.” Watching her teeth sink into her lush bottom lip, he did his best not to react.

  Scooting her chair closer to the table, she took a cursory look around before leaning forward. “And the hacking, you can do that too.”

  “Thanks.” Taking advantage of their proximity, he leaned in and put his mouth against her ear. “What kind of homework did you do so you can play the part of my adoring girlfriend?”

  “I uhhh…was just planning on winging that part,” she replied, turning her face.

  Doing his best not to close the small distance separating their mouths, he shifted away. “Really?”

  She ran her finger over the table and hitched her shoulder. “I may have watched a couple of movies with military heroes just to get a feel for how I might want to play the part. But that was it.”

  “And what did you learn?” he asked quietly, enjoying the hell out of her arm against his.

  “That seeing a man do all kinds of heroic stuff is kinda hot.” Covering her mouth, she bit back a laugh. “What I meant to say was…”

  “Never hold back, Tessa. You want something, tell me. You have something to say; know that I want to hear it.”

  “Is that standard operating procedure among spies?”

  “It’s our SOP, without exception.” Her face bloomed pink, and he knew he’d gone off the reservation. None of the shit he’d just said was in any way appropriate, but damn if he had the control to stop. “Any G.I. Joe fantasies I should know about before we embark on this adventure?”

  Tessa smoothed out her skirt and then lifted her gaze. “I’ll be keeping those to myself. for the time being, thank you very much.”

  Her confession made a strange sensation explode in his chest, and he wondered if it was happiness. “Guess I’ll be doing the same with my Disney princess fantasies, then.”

  “There’s a group on Facebook dedicated to that fetish, so know there’s support if you need it.”

  He ran his thumb over his mouth and nodded, figuring she was yanking his chain. Which he kind of liked since few people had the guts to do it. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Their phones went off at the same time, and he knew that duty was calling. “Ready, Tessa?”

  “As I’ll ever be, Seth.”

  Pushing his chair back, he stood and then held out his hand. “Just know that I got you, whatever happens.”

  Nodding, she slid her hand into his. “Thank you; that makes me feel a lot better.”

  Leading her out of the coffee shop, he thought about the things that would make him feel better and wondered if even one of them was possible.


  Tessa studied the nondescript building the CIA occupied and wondered if the flirting Seth had done earlier was personal or situational. Glancing over, she watched him climb out of his SUV, and couldn’t decide which she’d prefer.

  Unfortunately, her internal bullshit meter clanged loudly, and the denial she’d almost built about what kind of attention she wanted disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Which begged the question of how bad of an idea a night of twisted sheets would actually be with her new partner.

  When God didn’t drop down personally to deliver an answer, she decided to table the idea and focus on the task at hand. Giving Seth an innocent smile, she listened to the confident sound of his boots as he cut across the space that separated them and noticed his swagger was dialed up to ten.

  Was it an indication of the attitude he’d bring to bed?


  Was a bed necessary when so many walls were available?

  Probably not.

  Were these appropriate questions to be asking before walking into a CIA black site?

  Absolutely not.

  So, she carefully and with great intention cleared her mind and noticed it immediately helped with the wobble in her knees and the pogo dance her nerves were attempting. “Hey.”

  “Hey, yourself.”

  He stopped wit
hin an inch of her, and his woodsy scent and body heat washed over her.

  Very nice.

  And dangerous, the voice in her head said before silently chanting; mayday, mayday, we’re going down. Looking up into his warm, chocolate brown eyes, she smiled. “So…”

  “I meant what I said earlier.”

  “The princess fantasy thing?”

  “Definitely that,” he answered as his eyes crawled over her face. “But I was talking about my promise to keep you safe.”

  Nodding, she looked down at their shoes and was relieved he thought she was all a-twitter because of the assignment and not because of the naughty thoughts filling her mind. “Good to know,” she replied quietly.

  “Ready to go in?”

  “Of course.” Turning, she walked confidently toward the building and realized the door had no handle. “How do we…”

  “Get in?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she replied as he caged her with his arms and pressed his hand against a pad on the wall. Six feet plus of man muscle pressed against her back and she didn’t think shouting a hallelujah was an appropriate response.

  Her lady bits were dancing, her heart was racing, and the breath she tried to catch was galloping away.

  What sort of dark magic did this man possess?

  Whatever it was sent a shower of electricity over her nerves and made her realize that some bad decisions were about to be made.

  The kind that could leave marks.

  “Ready?” he asked with a growl.

  “Yes,” she moaned. When he didn’t push her against the wall and kiss her like his life depended on it, she realized she hadn’t understood the question. Instead, his finger went to her chin, and she couldn’t imagine what he meant to do.

  “Look into that small camera above the door.”

  “What for?”

  “To let the facial recognition program do its thing.”

  “Of course,” she replied as the sound of locks snicking open filled the quiet air and kicked her brain back into gear. A small door swung open, and the long dark hall that lay ahead was just the reminder she needed to get her mind right. Pulling herself together, she then walked into the building and saw her contact move in their direction. “Hello, Daisy.”


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