Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3) Page 17

by Lea Hart

  “We can order room service after I get my fill of you.”

  “And what makes you believe I’m on the menu?” Hearing the sheets rustle, she looked over her shoulder and bit her bottom lip.

  “You’re looking at me like I’m the last glass of water in the desert, so save your energy and let me love on you.”

  “I didn’t realize I’d consented to resume our relationship; for all you know, we’re going to just be friends.” A slow, sexy grin lit up his face, and she did her best to pretend like she was completely unaffected.

  “We’re already best friends, so I won’t dispute that fact, but the promise I made to you last night still stands.”

  “Are you referring to the one where you annoy and harass me until I give in to your demands?”

  “Yes, honey. Only I like to think of it as a relentless pursuit to make sure you understand there is no world I’m interested in than you’re not in.”

  Rolling over, she let out a low groan. “Changing the adjectives doesn’t change the hard-cold facts.”

  “True, but it might make you more inclined to go along with my plan and fall back in love with me.” Crawling closer, he hoisted himself up on his elbow and grinned. “You like me better after I make you come a bunch of times, so what say you let me do that and then we can resume relationship negotiations?”

  “I like you, Seth, even when you’re on my last nerve.”

  “Really?” he asked as he ran his finger over her hip.


  “I had no idea.”

  “Well, that’s disappointing since I always want you to feel like I’m in your corner.”

  “The last month being the exception.”

  “Well, yes, since I wanted you dead for breaking my heart and had several painful scenarios planned out where it might happen.”

  “And on a scale of one to ten, where is your mad right now?”

  Turning, so they were face to face, she hitched her shoulder. “I’d say a four.”

  “I can live with that.”

  “I would’ve thought you’d want it to be a two at the most.”

  He let out a bark of laughter. “I’m not that unrealistic and know that, even on a good day, I’m a lot to handle. If I can keep you just this side of wanting me harmed, then I’ll call it a win.”

  “I can’t decide if you’re serious or not.”

  Seth captured her hand and pressed it against his heart. “One hundred percent.”

  Taking comfort in his touch, she fought a little with herself over what her next move should be. “How are we going to come up with something that makes us both happy?”

  “Tell me how your auditions have been going. I asked you a bunch of questions last night, and you managed not to answer one of them, so let’s start there.”


  He lifted her chin and gave her an encouraging smile. “Just tell me.”

  “Alright, but I just want you to listen and not get all over-eager and come up with a million suggestions.”


  She narrowed her eyes. “Why are you agreeing so easily?”

  “Because Cecily and Kelly decided I needed an intervention and schooled my ass the other day.”

  “And what did you learn?”

  “That meeting your emotional needs is not about me fixing shit for you. It’s about giving you a safe place to share and making sure that I practice being fully present in your presence. It’s going to be hard since my habit is to take some sort of action. I’m solution-oriented and want to fix things for you, but I know that’s not what you need. Which means I’ll do everything I can to show you love another way and make myself integral to your happiness.”

  “I’m going to have to do something really nice for those two because that’s exactly right and the fact that they got you to understand that is incredible.”

  “I’m motivated and totally open to whatever is going to fix us.”

  “And what would you like me to do to make that possible?”

  “Love me, trust me, and accept the comfort I offer. Let my arms be the ones to keep you safe.”

  “I was starting to do that back in Vegas and really liked the life we were building. I miss my crazy seniors and the little act I was doing at the Ceylon Rose.”

  “Would you have stayed if I had told you right off that the coast was clear, and Ian was in custody?”

  “I think I would’ve.”


  “Seth, I was tired of auditioning and never getting anywhere before I got to Vegas, and that two-month break…”

  “Was the best damn thing in the world?”

  “Yes.” She moved her hand over his chest and tangled their legs. “Do you know what I’ve heard from every casting person I’ve met with here?”

  “That you’re extremely talented and perfect for what they have in mind?”

  “No, apparently, my looks are not interesting enough. I’m too attractive and look too Hollywood.”

  “Fuck, Tessa, that’s nuts.”

  “I wasn’t pretty enough in LA, and here I’m not unusual enough. Why did I pick a career that’s based on my looks?”

  “What made you want to become an actress in the first place?”

  “I liked playing dress-up and make-believe.”

  “If you do it in front of fifty instead of fifty thousand, does it make it less rewarding?”


  “I was about to say more, but I just realized I was doing that fixing thing and not listening.”

  “I like bouncing my thoughts off you, so don’t worry.”

  “Maybe you can tell me when you just want me to listen and when you want my feedback, so I know what you need.”

  “Okay, I can do that.”

  “So, what are you thinking about the whole acting thing?”

  “I don’t want to say it out loud.”

  Bending down, he encircled her in his arms. “Whisper it then.”

  “I’m burned out and want to find something else to do.” Seth’s arms tightened, and she snuggled into his embrace. Finally verbalizing the confession loosened something in her heart and made her feel lighter than she had in ages. “I feel a little ashamed and a whole lot relieved.”

  “Dreams change and being brave enough to make a new one when you’ve outgrown the old one is courage at its finest.”

  “That’s the best thing you ever could’ve said.”



  “You are the finest and most beautiful person I’ve ever known, and I plan on showing you how much I love you every day.”

  “I suppose that I love you, too.”

  “No shit?”

  “No shit,” she replied right before his mouth crashed against hers.


  Seth tugged on Tessa’s hair, tilting her head back and deepening the kiss, thanking the hell out of the universe for letting him have her in his arms again. Desire roared through his veins, and the longing that gripped his soul was all consuming.

  There was only one thing that was going to satisfy him, and that was consummating their reunion with his balls buried as deep as she’d take him. “You ready to show me, T?”

  “What’s that?”

  “How much you love me?”

  “Might be,” she replied with sass.

  Laughing, he kissed her nose, cheeks, and lips. “I want you to say it when there’s nothing separating us; that way I’ll know that I’m good enough for you and you mean what you say.”

  “You’re more than good enough, Seth.”

  Expelling a harsh breath, he accepted her words and crawled over her body. He grabbed his cock and rubbed it slowly over her slick wetness and made sure he was coated in her honey. “The first time is going to be fast,” he murmured as he nudged himself into her heat.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and cupped his jaw. “I suggest you quit talking.”

” he replied as he thrust hard, fast, and deep.

  Finding his heaven on earth once again, he eased himself into her tight body and felt emotion clog his throat. Not wanting to break eye contact, he swallowed and watched a luminous smile light up her face. “You like that?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “You want more?”

  “I want everything you have to give.”

  “Good.” Gripping her hips, he pumped into her and made sure their bodies never lost touch. It was hard, fast, and absolutely perfect. Tessa stilled, and he knew she was on the precipice, so he changed angles and hit just the right spot, igniting her release. Not able to hold back, he joined her as bright spots clouded his vision and the sound of her I love yous filled the air.

  Feeling whole, he joined her and shouted his love into the small room.

  Seth leaned over and wiped syrup off of Tessa’s chin with his finger and then licked it off his finger. “Almost as sweet as you.”

  “Stop,” she squealed before chucking a grape in his direction. “Don’t talk about that while we’re eating.”

  “Don’t try and make a gentleman out of me, honey, because it will never work.”

  She waved her fork loaded with pancake around and snorted. “You are very much a gentleman.”

  Leaning over, he gobbled the pancake off her fork and found her disgruntled look hilarious. “That’s what happens when you wave food in my direction.”

  “That bite had the perfect butter to syrup ratio; I can’t believe you snatched it.”

  Lifting a piece of bacon off the plate, he put it against her mouth. “Sorry, have this instead.”

  Tessa opened her mouth and ate it almost in one bite. “Almost got your finger.”

  “Seems you have your appetite back this morning.”

  Leaning back, she ran her hand over her tummy. “I’ve been eating every one of my sad feelings for the last month and have gained more pounds than I should have.”

  He bent over and kissed her stomach and let out a growl. “I like it.”


  “Maybe, but I like your round curves.”

  “Well, they won’t last for long because I’m going to get back in shape and ignore all the weird cravings that I’ve been having.”

  “What kind of cravings?”

  “All kinds. One day all I want to eat is samosas, and the next day it’s spring rolls. I think it’s being in the city and having the best of everything so easily available.”

  “But you just had chicken last night and completely weren’t interested in the cheese plate.”

  “Maybe my obsession is finally waning.”

  Sitting back, he let his eyes run over her slowly and took in every nuance of her appearance. “Maybe I knocked you up and you’re preggers.”

  “Yeah, right.” She rolled her eyes and ate a strawberry out of the bowl of fruit. “The birth control implant in my arm is 99% effective, so there’s no way.”

  “Never say never.”

  “Whatever,” she replied before picking up another piece of bacon. “What do you want to do today?”

  Thinking of the plan he’d come up with along with Kelly and Cecily, he gave her a smile. “Let’s go uptown. I’d like to walk through Central Park and maybe rent one of those boats.”

  “Okay, that would be fun.”

  “Great!” Picking up his fork, he dug into the plate of scrambled eggs and hoped the day went off without a hitch.


  Tessa walked along busy Fifth Avenue with Seth and couldn’t figure out why he was checking the addresses of the major department stores they were passing. “Are you looking for a particular store?”

  “I was thinking we could stop at Tiffany’s on the way to the park.”

  “As in the famous jewelry store?”


  “Are you going to tell me why?”

  “Cecily said it was the perfect place to get an engagement ring, and I figured going to the flagship store would give us the best selection.”

  Tugging his hand, she moved him away from the stream of traffic and stood next to the display window of Henry Bendels. “Have you lost your mind?”


  “Then why are you talking about engagement rings when our reconciliation is only hours old? Don’t you think it would be wise if we dated for a while to see if we’re truly compatible?”

  “I already know we’re compatible since we lived together for two months, and your incessant need to put my stuff away, thus making it difficult for me to find anything, didn’t drive me up a wall.”

  “It’s called being neat and not having every surface in the house littered with stuff.”

  He bent down and kissed her nose. “It’s called moving my cheese, so me finding stuff is damn near impossible.”

  She threw her hands up and blew out a raspberry. “See, we have a lot of things to work out.”

  “Do you love me?”

  Feeling the heat from the sidewalk rise up, she let out a breath. “Yes.”

  “And I love you and plan on making every single one of your dreams come true.”

  Leaning forward, she rested her head against his chest. “That’s…”

  “Amazing.” He kissed her head and then tugged her hand. “If you don’t show me what you like, then you’re going to be stuck with whatever I pick, and since my taste isn’t all that good, you could be stuck with an ugly-ass ring for the rest of your life.”

  “Tiffany’s doesn’t have ugly-ass anything.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Wrapping her arm around his waist, she walked next to him. “I’m pretty sure.”

  “We can just look around and see what catches your eye.”

  “From breakup to makeup to diamonds at Tiffany’s.”

  “Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, Tessa. It took me thirty-one years to find the one person who made me feel calm and whole, so if you think I’m not wifeing you up at the earliest opportunity, then you’re the one that’s crazy.”

  Stopping, she looked up and couldn’t believe he’d said something so amazing right in the middle of a busy sidewalk. “You should’ve saved that one for when we’re sitting on a boat.”

  Lifting her up, he kissed her good and hard, and all she could hear was the catcalls and whistles along with the very loud beating of her heart telling her that he was the one. “Put me down and don’t make any more crazy statements.”

  “I’ll try but can’t make any guarantees.”

  She straightened her dress after her feet hit the ground and gave him a stern stare. “Behave.” All she got in response was a wink and decided to call it a win.

  Tessa accepted the cold bottle of water from the sales associate and enjoyed the air conditioning as it brushed over her skin. Seth had been gone for over fifteen minutes, and she didn’t know why a trip to the little boy’s room should take so long.

  Looking around the very fancy schmancy store, she crossed her legs and wished she would’ve worn a nicer dress. Had she known they were going to stop at this glamorous landmark, she would’ve made more of an effort with her outfit.

  She heard her name and saw Seth stride in her direction with a big smile. “Where have you been?”

  “The restroom.”


  “Don’t be suspicious, woman.”

  “It’s impossible not to be since we just spent the last two hours looking at rings.” Raising an eyebrow, she leaned back and studied his face. “Why do you look so smug?”

  “I’m a bad-ass operator, so it’s pretty much my default expression.”

  She let out a snort and slid her hand on her hip. “Believe me; I’m well aware of that since you’ve been sharing it with me from the moment we met.”

  “You knocked me on my ass from the first look. I saw the kindness you showed that older gentleman when he dropped his things and knew there was little hope of avoiding your magic.”


  “Yeah, baby, you’ve got all kinds of it.”

  “If you keep saying things like that, then I’m going to have to show you later how much your words mean.”

  He bent down and put his mouth against her ear. “Are we talking the sexual favor of my choice?”

  “Maybe,” she replied as she cupped the back of his head.

  Seth cleared his throat and straightened up. “No more of your naughty talk, woman, because I’m not going to be the guy who springs a boner in the middle of Tiffany’s.”

  Inhaling the laugh that almost erupted, she covered her mouth. “That’s our cue to leave.”

  “Probably a good idea ‘cause my classy ways might be too much for this place.”

  She pressed her face against his arm and hoped the snort that escaped couldn’t be heard throughout the first floor. “You only pretend to be a country bumpkin when it suits you.”

  “I grew up in a trailer in Bakersfield, so there isn’t much pretending.”

  “Puleeze, you’re a world class operator and could go into any room and blend in if you wanted to.”

  “Guess I only do it when it becomes necessary.” Taking her hand, he led her out the door. “I’m starved.”

  “Let’s go have lunch at the Boathouse restaurant, and then we can rent a boat, and you can row me around the lake and try and steal a kiss.”

  “Am I going to have to steal one?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Good, because I plan on you giving me as many as I want until our last breath on this earth.”

  “You think the good Lord is going to take us at the same time?”

  “Only if he or she is as merciful as I’ve heard. Because I’m not interested in hanging around unless we’re together.”

  “You make it impossible for me to resist you in any way.”


  And that’s what Seth McCallan was: a very good man. Not perfect. And certainly not without his flaws.

  But the very best man in the world for her.


  Seth studied Tessa from across the table and tried to measure her mood. Her smile certainly suggested she was in a good one but had she really forgiven him for his transgression?


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