Paladin's Oath

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Paladin's Oath Page 21

by M. H. Johnson

  Lord Killior's bloated face had turned chalky white. He held up his hands in protest or apology. "My Lady Onnika. I meant no offense. Please forgive the rash words of a foolish man."

  “Well said, my lady,” Evonlin nodded approvingly, though his solemn look of respect became one of sudden alarm when Onnika’s shaking outrage became something worse and she collapsed, even as Lady Karine gasped.

  “Sister!” Karine cried, but in that instant, Jess had already darted out of her chair, carefully catching Onnika with a display of speed that left onlookers breathless. Her food still falling to the plate, her chair launched back with the force of her movement just then slamming into the far wall.

  "By the gods! If she can move that fast, I have no doubt she could outfence a lord of Hell!" one onlooker whispered in awe.

  "Onnika, it's okay, I have you." Jess's voice was gentle, soothing, the wave of anxiety she felt, carefully kept in check. She gazed upon Karine's terrified gaze with a solemn expression. "Lady Karine? I have to take her to bed now. Exhaustion claims her, and we don't have much time."

  Karine blinked, raising her arm as if to protest, but not knowing how to say it.

  “She was pulled directly into darkest dream. It is a miracle she is even with us. I don’t know if she could have survived being pulled back out, if I hadn’t anchored her with my spirit.” Jess took a deep breath. “For every Delver, just as there is a chance they will be lost in their otherworldly journeys, there is also the slight chance of their spirits leaving the mortal realm entirely, sinking into eternal sweet dreams, the moment they lay down their heads after they return from Shadow."

  Jess locked gazes with Karine. "The risk is greatest after one's first Delve. It is when we are most vulnerable, most likely to be lost to eternal dream, when we dare sink our heads upon soft pillows, just after our first taste of Shadow. It is for this reason that the Guild is said to exist. It is for this reason that the bardic arts are so important. So one group, at least, remembers who we were; our names, our deeds, our feats of valor, so we may at least be remembered in legend, before we eventually fade to nothing."

  Evonlin nodded solemnly. “That is precisely so, Lady Jessica de Calenbry.”

  “Oh gods, so she might not make it? When she falls asleep, she might disappear? Forever?” For the first time since being risen to the status of a queen, one with her land by the ancient art of Claimance, Karine’s perfect poise and control was suddenly shaken, her face exposing her worry and terror for her sister’s sake. “Oh by Justice, no!”

  “It's all right,” Jess soothed. “I will hold her with me. I will keep her safe, by my side, when we venture into the land of dreams, together. And when it is time for her to awaken, I will gently nudge her out, reminding her of the beauty of a perfect spring day.” She grinned, touching Karine’s cheek affectionately. “It will be okay.”

  Karine managed a weak smile. “Let us go then, dear Jess. I will personally lead you to my sister’s quarters, dear and familiar, and hopefully they will be a comfort to her to waken to such, and thus encourage her to come back to us.”

  Jess nodded in approval. “Very good.”

  And almost before she knew it, Jess found herself sinking softly in the warm down filled mattress, head gently buoyed by pillows soft as clouds, holding a snuggling Onnika close to her. And when she declared that her shieldbrother would be sharing the room with them, Evonlin himself insisting that such was the norm for Delvers, Lady Agda insisted only that a second bed be brought in for the obviously exhausted Malek, his own blade safely stowed away much as Jess's had been, he giving Jess one tired smile before flopping upon the feather stuffed mattress servitors had quickly rushed in, but seconds away from slipping into dream.

  Jess had barely the energy to squeeze her shieldbrother's hand and smile farewell to her loved ones, holding an already dozing Onnika close, barely feeling the tender kiss of her mother and sister upon her cheeks as she slipped off into the land of dreams, Onnika held protectively to her side.

  And with a startled cry the three noble ladies who were left standing gazed at each other with wonder, having torn their eyes away as if suddenly off balance and dizzy, only to look back upon empty beds a moment later. The three exhausted youths sleeping so peacefully had disappeared, imprints upon the pair of feather stuffed mattresses the only evidence that they had ever been.

  “Come, my ladies,” the queen of the manor soothed. "To dream beyond mortal dreams is the way of the Delver. We all know this. There is no reason for alarm. No doubt they will return to us, when it is time." Karine gently bade a quietly sobbing Apple and Agda to follow, leading mother and daughter to her private chambers down the hall, where they could console one another and sit and discuss many things together. For Karine could feel the land's worry, and knew that danger, of a more mundane sort at least, was still in the air.


  "Oh by Heaven's angels, Jess, this is wonderful!" Onnika's beautiful blue eyes sparkled with awe and she laughed with joy and wonder, racing through fluffy white clouds, flying across an endless sky. Soaring by Jess's side, fingertips barely touching, gliding through the air with the ease of a dolphin skipping through the endless seas.

  Jess nodded at the beautiful treasure smiling so happily beside her, heart swelling with tender adoration. Though the memories were even now fading away like a marvelous story savored long ago, she still could recall the desperate struggle she and Malek had endured, fighting an endless horde of foes to rescue her princess from a terrible fate. And here she was; giddy with happiness, laughing with drunken delight at the endless majesty of the skies even as they soared an endless heavenly paradise, the beautiful golden sunset beside them, coloring the horizon a wondrous palette of burnished copper, ruby, and gold.

  Gently she tugged her partner’s fingers and with a smile and laugh, Onnika flew into her arms. They held each other softly, gently. Jess intuitively understood that the ordeal her precious girl had suffered was too terrible to let go of yet, and what she needed most was the gentle warmth and reassuring touch of one who cared for her, one who would protect her, one who would hold her close with the chaste love of a sister, even as she adored her fiercely. Utterly.

  "I love you," Jess confessed to the girl soaring by her side.

  Onnika turned to face Jess, her expression one of tender gratitude. She gently stroked Jess’s cheek and kissed her lightly before snuggling up against her once more as they soared through the clouds, together. “Thank you,” she said softly, smiling into Jess's gentle gaze.

  Even as her eyes served as windows to her soul, Jess felt her lover's gaze pierce her with a sincerity that transcended mere words. It was gratitude. Gratitude for Jess caring about her, gratitude for Jess daring to enter a place closer to Hell than not, facing terrible obstacles to save one lost girl who had given up all hope of life or mercy at the hands of her monstrous captor. It was a feeling of utter adoration for the girl who had given Onnika the priceless gifts of hope, healing, and a second chance to live, laugh, and feel joy in her life once more.

  Jess held her close, grateful she could do this for Onnika, and let this sweet girl full of laughter and joy know that someone held her so precious, would do so much for her, as if Jess were her own guardian angel.

  Jess found herself grinning, blinking away sparkling tears that surprised her. Happy just to hold the precious girl by her side as they embraced the majesty of dancing upon endless clouds of bliss, their laughter resonating with the cry of ghostly albatross, and the silvery flicker of faeries dancing upon the cloud tops, sparkling knights upon pegasi trumpeting their greetings from grand castles in the sky.

  Jess could not recall the last time she had felt so much at peace, so happy as she was in that moment, content to hold Onnika close and feel the excitement and wonder pour through them both, even as they flew endlessly across the horizon, gazing upon the beauty and majesty of the heavenly firmament through which they soared and swooped, their hearts alight, eyes sparkling with j
oy and laughter.

  “Jess, what is that?” Onnika queried with curious wonder, for it appeared that within the endless landscape of gently billowing clouds and perpetual sunset, an island could be seen out of the midst, almost as if it was the sea they now glided effortlessly through.

  Jess gazed in awe at the beautiful forest that seemed to grow before their eyes as they approached landfall, and she felt a tingle of unexpected excitement upon spotting a vast garden as well, even hearing the laughter and enthusiasm of children at play. “I think, I think I might know this place,” Jess whispered excitedly. “It seems…familiar!”

  Onnika gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Then we must investigate, my dear Jess!” she enthused, eyes twinkling with excitement. Jess nodded, surprised to hear the whisper and crash of waves, spinning around to find that behind them was a great lake, mountains beyond it piercing the clouds overhead.

  Onnika turned around as well to see what had so startled Jess, and gave surprised laugh. “I could have sworn we were just sailing through the clouds!” She gazed about the forest, so lush and green, majestic as only the most primeval woodlands could be. Birds chirped happily overhead and Onnika inhaled deeply the fresh scents of cedar, pine, and oak carried on the cool spring breeze, even as they gently basked in the golden rays of the sun.

  Jess shrugged and smiled. “We were. And now we’re here. Come! I think I hear people up ahead!” And a bemused Onnika allowed her hand to be grabbed by an excited sounding Jess, and together they pleasantly strolled through a gently winding path through the trees, knowing they were both perfectly safe, and Onnika couldn’t help but grin at the innocent sounds of laughter ahead.

  "I see them, Onnika! Look, they're playing tag!" Onnika blinked, suddenly feeling slightly disoriented, realizing she had to look down now, and she was taken aback. For meeting her gaze with an excited smile was a different Jess. Her eyes were cornflower blue, hair a lustrous pale gold, and her excited smile held such innocence, such vigor.

  She didn't look a day over twelve.

  With a delighted smile, Jess raced over to the children running and playing tag, leapfrog, and an endless assortment of games, quickly welcomed among them with grins and laughter and warm words, instantly a part of their adventures.

  "She seems happy, doesn't she?" Onnika was startled to hear a voice she did not recognize. Strangely, after all she had been through, Onnika was not afraid. She turned to gaze upon the warmly smiling countenance of a young man, little more than a boy, really, possessing nondescript brown hair and eyes, a few freckles on his nose, his bearing that of an utterly average lad and yet, something about his gentle gaze caused Onnika's heart to race. Whether it was from the affection with which he looked at everything and everyone, the gentleness of his voice, or some other ethereal quality, Onnika sensed that there was something terribly important, like a thought on the tip of her tongue, that for the life of her she just couldn't remember. The boy gave her a quick smile and watched the children dance and tumble, flinching only slightly when Jess attempted to join them in song.

  “Singing was never her strong point.” He laughed and shrugged. “Yet she has such grace in so many other areas. A tender soul burdened by a weighty destiny.” A gentle sigh. “I’m glad when she has a chance to be at peace once more.”

  Onnika felt her mouth dry, her heart skipping a beat even as she felt dizzy with an unspeakable awe, though she could not say why. Confused, she took a deep breath, and all was well. "What is your name, child? Mine is Onnika," she said at last.

  The boy smiled, holding out his hand. “And mine is David. It is a pleasure greet you, Onnika.”

  She grinned, finding his formality, so at odds with his bare feet and thoroughly played in clothes, rather endearing. "I can't help but notice that Jess is about your age, right now. As is everyone else. I almost feel like I don't belong. Even though I know this is a dream of sorts, right?" She gave a helpless little laugh as if to cover her uncertainty, and was instantly soothed by the boy's gentle smile.

  “Perhaps it is a dream of sorts,” he allowed, tilting his head as he gazed up at her. “Much as the cycle of life and rebirth is all the continuous dream of existence, precious and beautiful, to be cherished and nurtured. All a part of the Great Song.”

  “The Great Song?” Onnika queried.

  David nodded. “Of which all our souls play a note, melodious or discordant.” He looked away for the moment, scratching his cheek, gazing at her with warm bemusement. “But you are right, Onnika. You still appear as you were but a short time ago, a young woman of eighteen summers who has many adventures to embrace still, in your present dream.” With that he gently lifted her hand, pointing her to a corner of the woodland clearing Jess and her young friends were playing within that was oddly misty, such that you could barely make out the trees within. Yet far from being foreboding, that corner of the clearing seemed quite welcoming.

  Onnika smiled, the mist for some reason reminding her of fluffy clouds and feather-soft pillows, bringing to mind her own warm, plush bed. She was surprised to find herself yawning, suddenly sleepy. Nothing would be better, she thought, than to walk through the gentle mist and fall right into a wonderfully refreshing nap.

  Bemusedly, she took a step toward it when out of the corner of her eye she saw a brilliant flash of light, and found herself gasping in awe and wonder. “What was that?” she queried with a hushed whisper.

  Oddly, her query caused her new friend to sigh. “That is the great rainbow, or the starry road, if you prefer. It saddens me that you can see it. I had hoped you were well enough anchored into this story that you wouldn’t yet be tempted to begin another.”

  Onnika gave David a puzzled stare and he shook his head, still smiling though he looked somewhat pained. "It is the road of rebirth. When a soul rests here between lives, it is never forever. It may be years or centuries, but when that soul is ready to embrace the wonder that is existence again, the rainbow will make itself known, and eventually that person, free of all the sorrows, cares, and regrets of their previous life, will at last be ready to step upon that rainbow bridge and be reborn. A new life with all its possibilities. All its potential." Gently, he squeezed her hand.

  “I know your soul’s been through a terrible ordeal, Onnika. I know how close your story came to being one of unimaginable suffering and hardship, and grateful I am that Jezabelle, being true to her noble nature, chose to brave destruction and madness to save you. It is a beautiful, beautiful thing!” His smile was gentle, understanding. “And so, I can understand why, after such peril, your soul may seek to flee the life you’ve just now regained, desperate for a time and place far from the perils of this one. I can only say, please be cautious in your deliberation. The danger has passed. You are young, healthy, with a beautiful story that has yet to unfold. I pray you’ll consider your present life’s adventure for at least a little while longer, and choose to embrace the happiness, love, and family that may one day be yours, before closing the final page on this chapter of your existence.”

  Onnika shuddered, suddenly chilled. “This isn’t just a dream, is it?”

  David gently shook his head. “This is the place of true dreams. A place between life and death. A place where souls lost from Heaven but redeemed from the horrors below might find themselves. Some would call it purgatory, but it is just as much a restful garden where souls taste peace and happiness before embracing their next journey within the lands of the living.”

  For some reason Onnika felt her chest throbbing, feeling an unbearable ache of sympathy and affection for the children so innocently playing within the great woodland clearing, surrounded by cool rich foliage, gentle wildflowers and roses sprouting in beautiful multicolored splendor, save in the well trampled rich green grasses where the children danced, sung, and played.

  “What will happen to Jess?” Onnika asked softly.

  David smiled. “When she is ready, she will return. And if the weight of this life bears too heavily on her soul,
she is always free to let go of her burden and rejoice in life anew. It is her choice, as it always was. But fear not, dear Onnika. I suspect she will return to you and her family when the time comes.” He laughed gently. “She has always loved adventures, after all.”

  Onnika smiled and nodded her understanding. She felt calm and somehow healed. In this moment, she still recalled the terrible ordeal she had suffered, but she knew her own strength, her own worth, and although she regretted the pain undergone, she knew she was as valued and loved. She felt whole, and free, as if a terrible weight had been lifted off her shoulders. And she was happy. “Will I remember any of this when I awaken?”

  “Probably not,” David smiled. “But you will remember enough to know that you are loved, and that your life is precious and has meaning. Take care, beloved Onnika. When your story is well and truly over, I would love to have you back among us, to hear of your grand adventures and the things that mattered most to you in your voyage through life, even as you rest and play in our great garden, until you are ready to embrace life's journey once more, to be reborn anew.”

  Onnika laughed. “It sounds beautiful!” Then she winced. “But Jess really can’t sing, you know.”

  David sighed. “I know. But we forgive her. When it counted, she helped blossom forth the grandest song of all.”

  Onnika felt a humbling chill wash through her. “You called her Jezabelle, you know.”

  David nodded. “I know.”


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