The Great Shelby Holmes and the Haunted Hound

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The Great Shelby Holmes and the Haunted Hound Page 13

by Elizabeth Eulberg

  “We will,” I said since I was planning on running out the second anything got too scary.

  Bryant’s mom gave us both a hug, and Shelby didn’t cringe too much. With one final nod of his head, Bryant followed his mom out the door.

  Now Shelby and I were the only ones left in this building. Allegedly.

  Shelby turned to me with a giddy expression on her face. “Now that those unpleasantries are over with, it’s time we get to work.”

  “Okay, what’s first?” I asked, trying to psych myself up for this.

  “We’re going to set a little trap.”



  We were hiding.

  And it smelled.

  Really smelled.

  “Stop fidgeting,” Shelby hissed at me as we were squeezed into the little nook next to the building. The one where Kaitlin smoked. Not only were we standing on a scattering of cigarette butts, but behind us was a small metal fence lined with garbage cans.

  It was disgusting.

  Something scurried past my foot. I held in a scream; I was pretty sure it was a rat.

  I didn’t know what to think. All I did know was that I couldn’t wait for us to get out of this space, but that meant we’d have to deal with whoever we were waiting for.

  “Can’t you at least tell me who?” I asked.

  Shelby looked perplexed. “Whatever for? You already know who, Watson. It was you who figured it out.”

  I figured it out?

  What did—­

  Oh no.

  No. No. NO.

  That couldn’t mean—­

  I didn’t even want to think it.

  Shelby nudged me gently, which meant one thing.

  The suspect was coming.

  Oh, how I wished I was wrong.

  Before I could properly prepare myself, Shelby quietly stepped out from hiding and I reluctantly followed.

  And there she was.

  Moira Hardy.


  WHY? Why was it when I was right about something—and let’s not forget figuring something out before Shelby—it had to be about Moira!


  My mind swirled about WHY she was involved and HOW, but I also felt pretty proud of myself for realizing she was entangled in this mess. Even though that meant we had to confront her.

  Moira didn’t see us sneak behind her. She had her usual tidy high ponytail, but instead of her Miss Adler’s School for Girls uniform, she wore black from head to toe. She used a key to open the front door of Baskerville Estates.

  Shelby cleared her throat loudly.

  Moira fumbled with the door, which then shut. As she turned around, her face had a neutral expression.

  “Good evening, Moira,” Shelby said evenly. “Funny running into you here.”

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the somewhat adequate Shelby Holmes and her sidekick, John Watson,” she said with a smirk.

  Ugh. Moira really was the worst.

  First, I was not a sidekick. Okay, I took the lead from Shelby, but I also did things on my own.

  Moira flipped her ponytail. “I’m not at all surprised to see you.”

  “You’ve made it quite evident you were involved in this silly farce,” Shelby said with her arms crossed.

  She had? I was only going off the fact that this was precisely the kind of thing Moira liked to do and could fit the description of the person who gave Kaitlin the note. But that was a pretty big stretch.

  A pretty big stretch that was dead on.

  Moira laughed lightly. “Oh, really? What tipped you off?”

  Shelby gestured at me. “It was Watson who deduced not only that the article was a sham but that you were the one who dropped off that letter.”

  Nice! Shelby was giving me the credit!

  “Did you enjoy getting to be me for a few minutes?” Shelby asked as she circled Moira near the window of Barrymore’s apartment. “Although even on your best day, you’d be a poor facsimile.”

  Moira wrinkled her nose. “No surprise that being you felt as subpar as one could be.”

  Seriously. These two.

  They’d probably be the closest of friends if they didn’t despise each other so much.

  “Some of your antics have been quite clever,” Shelby admitted. “Yet I’m aware you are only pulling the strings here.”

  Moira studied her nails, as if she was bored by this conversation. “You aren’t the only one who can offer her services.”

  Moira has clients now? What do people do to get ahold of her? Call 1-800-PURE-EVIL.

  She turned her attention to me and I froze.

  “I see you’re still hanging around with this amateur, Watson.” Moira gave me a sinister smile. “If you ever want a real challenge, you should come work with me. I’d give you lots of interesting things to write about.”

  “Ah, no thanks,” I replied while Shelby grimaced.

  No thanks? Come on, Watson. You can do better!

  “I’d never work with you!” I declared as I stood tall. “Shelby is smarter than you’ll ever be. We’re going to figure out what you’re up to and end this. Just like we ended things with you before.”

  Moira narrowed her eyes at me. “Oh, you have some fight in you. I admire that. I didn’t get a chance to ask you how that ambulance ride was from when we previously crossed paths.”

  I opened my mouth and then closed it. There was no reasoning with evil.

  Shelby stood between Moira and me. “You even give Watson the common cold and I will descend upon you with a fury unlike you’ve ever seen.”

  Whoa. Shelby did not play. A lump got caught in my throat. I knew Shelby would never let Moira get the better of us again, but still.

  “And how was that volunteering you had to do after our last encounter?” Shelby asked with a smirk as Moira recoiled slightly. “I’m sure you enjoyed cleaning up parks and having to scrub graffiti off walls.”

  Moira replied by slitting her eyes at Shelby.

  “I’m here to inform you that your services are no longer needed.” Shelby crossed her arms.

  Moira batted her eyelashes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You just asked us how we knew!” I stated, and then closed my mouth.

  “Know about what? I’m simply out for Halloween.”

  “Dressed as what, a witch?” Shelby fired at her. “But then again you wouldn’t need a costume for that, would you?”

  I let out a laugh. Man, Shelby really was working on her humor. And that was funny. Unlike telling me that a serial killer had keys to my apartment. So she could learn! (About being a better person; we already knew she could learn about anything and everything book-related.)

  “Tell me, who has keys for trick-or-treating?” Shelby asked.

  Moira put the keys behind her back, like that was going to fool us. “That proves nothing.”

  “If you’re so innocent you wouldn’t mind us looking into your bag.” Shelby gestured at Moira’s oversized black backpack.

  Moira lifted her chin. “Do you have a warrant?”

  “Only guilty people demand warrants,” Shelby stated as she held out her hand. “If you don’t have anything to hide.”

  “As if you can tell me what I can and cannot do. Nobody can.” Moira gave a little laugh that turned into a sigh.

  “I think your parents would disagree with that.” Moira flinched slightly. “But there’s someone else who can poke holes through that theory of yours.”

  Moira scoffed. “Who? You? You have no proof I’ve done anything wrong.”

  Ah, besides the fact that she just said she offered her services. But it would be our word against hers. And as we discovered last time, her parents’ money and influence spoke louder than the truth.

  “No. The police.” Shelby nodded down the deserted street, and a black sedan flashed its lights.

  Wait. WHAT?

  I tried to keep my face neutral so Moira couldn’t tell that I w
as in the dark about what was going on.

  Shelby continued, “That is Detective Lestrade of the New York City Police Department. You may recall her from outside your apartment building? She’s been called in about the disturbances here. If you proceed into Baskerville Estates she’s going to have some questions for you. As you’re a minor, she’ll have no choice but to call your parents in. Then again, maybe that will give you the attention you so desperately crave since you continue to fumble when it comes to besting me.”

  Moira glanced up at the building. “You have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.” She sneered with anger. “You may think you’ve won, but you haven’t. This is about more than me. You are so in over your head.”

  Shelby yawned. “I think it’s you that is in over her head.” Shelby then clapped. “Well, I’d say it was lovely speaking with you, Moira, but I leave deception to those with lesser talents.” Shelby turned to me and said very loudly, “I don’t know about you, Watson, but I’m relieved to have this all behind us. Let’s go into the apartment for an enjoyable evening of watching movies and eating candy. You may go.”

  She waved Moira away.

  Wait. That was it? It was over? Just like that?


  I had so many questions, but I kept my mouth shut as I knew Shelby had a plan.

  Moira laughed. She had an evil cackle—it sent chills down my spine.

  “Oh yes, have a wonderful evening,” Moira replied. “But make no mistake, you’ll see me again.”

  “I’m looking forward to it,” Shelby replied. And I kid you not, she really did seem like she couldn’t wait to see Moira again. Shelby actually liked coming face-to-face with her. Moira was an admirable sparring partner for Shelby. While I preferred to stick to dognappers and vengeful figure skaters. “Even though outsmarting you is starting to become quite pedestrian.”

  Moira glared and opened her mouth to say something, but glanced at Lestrade’s headlights and thought better of it. She then turned down the street.

  I had too many questions for Shelby, but she held up her hand, signaling that she didn’t want me to talk. I didn’t understand why. The sidewalk was deserted. We waited for Moira to turn the corner, then Shelby nodded at Lestrade, who started her car and went down the street.

  “Well, Watson,” Shelby said loudly. “I’m so happy to have another case solved.”

  She began typing into her phone.

  “So . . . ​we’re done?” It seemed a little anticlimactic. Although all we really knew now was that Moira was involved. There were so many unanswered questions. There’s no way this was that simple.

  “Yes!” Shelby replied as she headed back into the building.

  My phone beeped. It was a text from Shelby, We are just getting started.

  That’s what I was afraid of.



  Shelby walked around Bryant’s apartment turning on a bunch of lights.

  “What on earth is going on?” I asked quietly. “How did you know Moira was involved?”

  Shelby reached into her back pocket and pulled out the fake New York Times article about Hugo Baskerville. “Remember how I said it’s all in the details? Well, I did not listen to my own advice and simply disregarded the article without properly studying it.”

  I stared blankly back at her.

  She tapped at the reporter’s name, Mara I. Rhody. “Moira basically signed the article.”

  I stared at the name and it started to come together. “Oh, wow.”

  It was in front of us all this time.

  Mara I. Rhody was an anagram for Moira Hardy.

  “It’s a little uninspiring if you ask me,” Shelby said with a sniff. “Moira is far too clever for such amateur antics.”

  “Okay, but why is she involved?”

  “As she stated, she has a client.”

  “But who is her client? How?” That still didn’t explain everything that had been happening in an empty apartment. I still wasn’t 100 percent certain that Hugo Baskerville was completely at rest. Dude did die in that apartment. “And you brought in Lestrade?”

  Shelby’s face scrunched up. “It was becoming rather obvious this was a complex web that required the police’s involvement.”

  She didn’t like to admit she needed help from anybody, especially Lestrade.

  “So is Lestrade going to arrest her?” I asked, hopeful.

  “No, she’s simply making sure Moira leaves the area.”

  I felt defeated. “She’s going to get away with it.”

  “Of course not.” Shelby reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out her cell phone. “I recorded our conversation downstairs. We have her admitting to having a client and being involved. Lestrade witnessed her trying to enter the building. At this juncture, we need Moira to think she’s gotten away with it. Therefore she can alert her client that she won’t be able to participate in tonight’s festivities and the client will have to take over.”

  I sat down on a chair, my mind still trying to connect the dots. I let out a groan.

  “Oh, Watson, you shouldn’t be so disgruntled when we’re so close to solving this.”

  We were? Because I was more confused than ever.

  “For the next couple hours, the most important thing is to never relax your precautions,” she instructed. Which was fine and all, but I had no idea what that meant. Shelby sighed as she took in my confused expression. “Stay alert.”

  I let out a laugh. “Um, Shelby, I don’t think it’s possible for me to be any more alert.” That was an understatement. I was still on edge from seeing Moira. Now it was super quiet in the building and we were supposed to wait for something to happen. It was like when you watched a scary movie and you tense up waiting for someone to jump out. And kill someone.

  Have I mentioned what a bad idea this was?

  “Great!” Shelby headed for the door. “I’ll be right back. Feel free to be as loud as possible. Turn on the TV. Walk around.”

  “Where are you going?” No way was I going to let her leave me alone in here. Not like I could ever get Shelby to do anything.

  “Just setting one crucial piece of our puzzle in motion. I will be back in less than two minutes.” She then closed the door. Leaving me by myself.

  Okay, I knew that this place really couldn’t be haunted. But did I really?

  Again, we didn’t have answers for everything that was happening in an empty apartment.

  I also had no idea how we were going to capture this person. Or thing.

  Please don’t have it be a beast. Pretty please.

  But let’s be real, I did know one thing for sure: Shelby had a plan.

  She also had to have a suspect. She didn’t say I was wrong about Ms. Lyons or Kaitlin.

  Shelby came back, walking with a little more purpose. “Let’s watch a movie. A scary movie,” she said loudly.

  When I opened my mouth to reply, she nodded, signaling me to be quiet. She walked over until she was only an inch from my ear. “I need there to be a presumption that we are in for the evening.” She turned on the TV and flipped the channels until she settled on some slasher flick. Awesome. Just awesome. She turned up the volume.

  “Once I realized Moira was involved, I knew I couldn’t underestimate her again. Which is why I had to bring Lestrade in. We, unfortunately, aren’t done needing her assistance tonight.”

  Shelby handed me a piece of paper with letterhead on it that said Hardy Enterprises.


  “Moira made this personal, which is why it was rather easy to catch her. She had to taunt us with that note and use my name. She’s so ego-driven she had to use an anagram of her name in that article. She wanted to get credit for this because it would get her points with her father.”

  “What?” I repeated. “So her dad is the client?”

  Shelby shook her head. “Not exactly.”

  “Wait a second, wouldn’t Moira tell her client we were on t
o her?” There was no way Moira would just let this go.

  Shelby nodded. “I’m counting on it. I wanted Moira to be under the assumption that we think the case is closed and we wouldn’t be ready for what’s about to come.”

  “What’s about to come?” I asked with dread.

  Shelby glanced at her watch. “We don’t have a lot of time. The power should go out soon. I went and cleaned the fuse box so I can dust for fingerprints afterward. That is the most logical reason for the power going out. Tonight we need to gather all the evidence to cement our case.”

  Shelby grabbed her backpack. “Now we must be very quiet.” She tiptoed to the door.

  “What?” I whispered as I followed her by carefully crossing the living room. “Where are we going?”

  “We aren’t staying here,” Shelby remarked.

  Finally! Maybe Shelby realized how crazy this plan was.

  “We’re going upstairs to hide in apartment five.”

  Oh, Watson. Poor, poor Watson. Of course things were about to get worse.

  Of course they were.

  Happy Halloween to me.



  There we were. Outside the room where, ah, something was going on.

  Before I could ask how we’d get inside, Shelby produced two keys. “Did you get those from Mr. Barrymore?”

  Shelby shook her head. “No, I acquired them the good old-fashioned way.”

  Which meant that she’d stolen the keys at some point. I raced my mind back through the last two days.

  Before I could ask her, she replied, “While you were all distracted by that note from Moira, I slipped them out of his pocket.”

  “Wouldn’t he know they’re missing?” I asked.

  “These are copies,” Shelby replied as the door clicked open. “I made an impression of the keys with putty, and returned them to him within seconds.”

  She did all of that under all our noses.

  Maybe I really was a sidekick.


  Shelby closed the door quietly behind us. I took a few hesitant steps, but I got that weird feeling again. I didn’t feel steady.


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