Harbor of Secrets

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Harbor of Secrets Page 3

by Alyssa Drake

  Eliza crept over to the window seat, craning her neck to stare up at the hundreds of brilliantly glowing stars. Sinking onto the bench, she pressed her forehead against the cool glass, sighing heavily. Her hands fidgeted with the stack of one-hundred-dollar bills, half the promised disbursement from Sabrina.

  Drawing her legs up onto the small bench, Eliza tucked them under her body. She spoke to one star in particular, watching it twinkle through the frosted glass.

  “What do you think I should do?” she asked aloud. “Barring the insane car ride, the charity seems legitimate, and ten thousand dollars is a lot of cash. With that amount, I can continue heading north, although I’m not sure how much farther you want me to travel.”

  She twisted her hands around the money, a tear escaping. She swiped at it.

  “I’m tired, Mom,” she pressed her hand to the glass and hiccupped, “and I can’t keep running, but I need the money. I’m out of my league here, just look at this room.” She swiped her arm backward. “It’s like a museum. I’m afraid to touch anything. I wasn’t raised around this kind of wealth. I have no idea how to act. I’m going to make a fool of myself.”

  Eliza fell silent, waiting for an answer. The star winked in response.

  “Alright, I’ll sleep on it.” She nodded and yawned, pulling the curtain closed. The room plunged into darkness.

  Shuffling blindly toward the bed, she stripped off her shoes, socks, and jeans. She stacked the clothing on a nightstand, tucking the money into a pocket of her old coat. Unhooking her bra from underneath her shirt, she dropped it onto the pile and crawled into the bed, wearing only a shirt and panties. Sinking into the mattress’ softness with an audible sigh, her eyes fluttered closed. Within moments, the nightmare took hold.

  She bunched herself into a ball, wrapping her long limbs around the cold metal pipes. Muted voices argued, followed by a loud bang. Near her head, the u-bend pipe burst, spraying her with water. She pressed her palm to her mouth as two more cracks rang out in rapid succession. Holding her breath, she waited, frozen, her stiff muscles protesting.

  The cupboard door ripped open and a faceless man reached into the darkness…

  A heavy weight landed on her chest, pinning her to the mattress. Eliza screamed, her eyelids flying open. The room was pitch black. Panicking, her hands felt along her torso, closing around the object. It was an arm! She flung the limb with a shriek, kicking her feet against the unknown bulk attached to the arm. Its owner toppled off the bed, landing on the floor with a grunt.

  “Hey!” shouted a deep voice. Fumbling sounds followed. The lamp beside to the bed clicked on, bathing the room in dim light, and a dark, rumpled head popped up from the floor. “What are you doing in my bed?”

  “Your bed?” Eliza sat up quickly. Her stomach flipped over, an unexpected reaction to the half-naked male peering at her over the edge of the mattress.

  “Yes, my bed. Obviously, I was sleeping in it.”

  “I was sleeping in it.” She folded her arms across her chest. “How did you not notice me?”

  “I was half asleep when I arrived, the room was pitch-black, and I wasn’t expecting to find anybody else already in it. Besides, this is my room. Why are you in here at all?”

  “Sabrina told me I could sleep here.”

  He glanced upward at the ceiling, muttering curses under his breath. After a moment, he leveled his gaze, his cobalt blue eyes blazing. “You must be participating in the auction.”

  Eliza licked her lips. “Well, I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Really?” His eyebrows raised in surprise. Rising, he gestured at the bed. “Do you mind if I sit?”

  Eliza shook her head, pulling the sheet up and tucking it under her arms, her stomach continuing to flip-flop. He propped up two pillows, climbed onto the mattress, and then leaned against them. Digging his bare shoulders into the pillow, he sighed contentedly and pulled the corner of the blanket over his lap, covering his boxers. He turned toward Eliza with a friendly smile.

  “Hello. My name is Nate.”

  “Hi, Nate.” Eliza replied, fighting the blush which threatened to break out across her face. Her tongue glued itself to her mouth, her eyes sliding over his muscles.

  “What do they call you?” he asked, politely, oblivious to her ogling.


  “Eliza, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He stuck out his arm.

  Gingerly, Eliza took his hand and shook it. It warmed in her palm, sending a small spark zipping up her arm. “Oh!” She pulled her hand from his, shocked by her reaction to his touch.

  “Eliza,” said Nate, a curious expression flitted across his face, “we have a slight problem.”

  “What’s that?” Eliza swallowed.

  “There are currently no other unoccupied bedrooms in this house tonight. As this used to be my room, I assumed it would be free.”

  “Sabrina said you wouldn’t be here until tomorrow morning,” interrupted Eliza.

  “Yes, she would have assumed that.” Nate grimaced. “On any other occasion, she would have been correct. However, my business concluded early, and here I am.”

  “I can find a couch.” Eliza rolled the cover down to her stomach, thinking perhaps this was sign she should refuse Sabrina’s offer.

  Would she be able to find a taxi this far away from the city?

  “No, you’re a guest.” Nate placed a hand on her shoulder. Another bout of electricity rippled through her body.

  “This is your room.”

  Nate considered her argument, lifting his hand from her arm and stroking his chin. “I’ll make you a proposal. Since neither of us have anywhere else to sleep tonight and neither of us wants to sleep on the cold floor, I suggest I remain on this side of the bed, and you stay on that side.”

  “And we just go to sleep?” Eliza eyed him skeptically, trying to ignore the part of her brain screaming with delight.

  “I was already asleep before you rudely shoved me off the bed.”

  “I didn’t shove you. I pushed your arm off my chest. You fell on your own.”

  “I stand corrected, or sit, as it were.” Nate’s face crinkled with humor. “However, tomorrow we have an early launch, so I suggest we try to get some rest.” He leaned over and clicked off the lamp.

  Squishing to her right, Eliza curled onto her side. Her mind careened wildly around the evening’s events, refusing to quiet. A myriad of thoughts tumbled through her brain, circling around the nightmare—the same one she’d been dreaming since her parents’ murders.

  An irrational part of her longed to reach out and touch Nate’s hand, desiring comfort. She rolled onto her back, nervous energy zipping through her limbs. Staring up at the inky ceiling, her eyes focused on tiny, magically glowing lights sprinkled across the ceiling in a familiar pattern.

  “Are those stars?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Nate flipped onto his back as well. “I’m surprised you can still see them. They’ve been up there for nearly a decade.” He fell silent, his breathing even.



  “Should I participate in the auction?” The real question worrying Eliza hovered on her tongue.

  Nate sighed heavily. “Do you plan to keep me up all night?”

  “No. I just haven’t made up my mind yet. I’m not really comfortable with the idea of someone owning me.”

  “You’re not selling your free will,” replied Nate. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll buy you tomorrow.”

  Eliza swallowed anxiously, turmoil bubbled in her chest.

  “Why?” Her voice squeaked. A hand slid across the mattress, lightly wrapping around her fingers. The electric jolt whipped up her arm.

  “Breathe,” he said softly.

  Nodding, Eliza inhaled slowly and concentrated on the glowing ceiling.

  “Now, what exactly is bothering you so much that you’ve decided to keep me awake?”

  “Sabrina had me fired this evening.” Eliza b
lurted out, the words tumbling uncontrollably from her lips. “I have to move, again, and I don’t know where I’m headed. I’m exhausted from continually relocating, starting over. I just want to stop somewhere. I don’t even unpack anymore, I leave everything in the suitcase. Plus, a few hours ago, I nearly lost my life in the most terrifying car ride I’ve ever experienced.”

  Nate snorted and apologized immediately, giving her hand another squeeze. “You couldn’t pay me to get into a car with Frankie.” He fell silent for a moment. “Is that everything?”

  “I’m also holding five thousand dollars in cash.”

  “Right now?” Nate whistled. “That is quite a large amount of money. Why do you have it?”

  “Sabrina paid me to participate in the auction.”

  “That sneaky little cheater.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  He scooted onto his left side, propping his head on his hand. “My brother, my sister, and I are having a friendly competition to raise the most money.”

  Repeating the same action, Eliza rolled onto her right side, her eyes seeking his in the darkness. “How does paying me help Sabrina win?”

  “She gets credit for the amount of money you fetch; if you raise ten thousand dollars, she gets that in addition to the total amount she paid you.”


  “The cost to secure your time is part of the donation.” Nate shrugged.

  “That sounds like a loophole.”

  “It is.” Nate laughed. “There are a few in the rules, and she managed to take advantage of this one.”

  “If it helps, she admitted your father told her to invite me.”

  “That’s not possible,” Nate shook his head. “Father would never interfere with a bet; he believes in fairness above all else.”

  Eliza snuggled into her pillow, her eyes studying Nate’s dim outline. “Isn’t it in your best interest if I don’t participate?”

  “Not if I buy you.” Nate grinned widely. “My donation, my credit.”

  “Is that another loophole?”

  “Most definitely. You can expect my brother will purchase someone as well.”

  “Can’t Sabrina just do the same thing?”

  Nate snorted again. “Frankie never allows it, not even to win a bet—she’s very possessive.”

  Eliza chewed on her lip. “What if I don’t want you to buy me?”

  Clicking on the lamp again, Nate sat up. “You don’t like me?”

  “I don’t know you.” Eliza glanced down at the bed, embarrassment creeping into her skin.

  He reached out, lifting her chin. “You won’t know anyone at the auction.”

  “Thus, my misgivings.”

  “My father is a well-respected man in this community. He would never allow any of his guests to suffer any harm.” Nate tilted his head, studying Eliza. “You do know, you’re not required to have sex, right?”

  “But it happens.”

  “Of course, it does. However, it’s a mutual choice between both parties.”

  “Have you?”

  “Have I what?”

  Eliza’s blush darkened, her face burning. She rotated onto her back, focusing on the ceiling. “Have you had sex with someone you purchased?”


  “Oh.” Eliza rolled away from him, slowly tugging her hand from his grasp.

  “She was my girlfriend at the time, not that I owe you any explanation.” Nate leaned over Eliza, deliberately grabbing her hand. A salty scent washed over her, like the beach on a warm day. He tugged lightly, and Eliza followed, rolling onto her back and staring up into his glowing eyes. His thumb traced a slow circle over the back of her hand. Eliza shivered. “Do you have any further questions?”

  “No,” she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. Her gaze slid to the left.

  Gently, he drew her chin back. “If I buy you tomorrow, I swear I won’t touch you... Not unless you beg me.”

  “You’ll be waiting a long time,” Eliza retorted, regaining some of her moxie.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing.” His lips curved into a smile.

  “That’s a very bold statement.”

  “Oh, I can back it up.”

  “Really?” Eliza raised an eyebrow, her stomach clenched, flooding her body with desire. “Alright, show me.”

  “With pleasure.”

  Chapter 4

  Languidly, Nate leaned down, resting on his forearms. His lips stopped inches from her mouth. Lightly, his fingertips stroked up her jawline and gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Eliza inhaled quickly, her teeth sinking into her lower lip.

  “Worried?” His teasing voice sent shivers skating down her spine.

  “No.” She choked on the word and licked her lips.

  Nate brushed his mouth along her throat. Eliza’s head tipped back automatically, allowing Nate to nip the skin just under her ear, his seductive kiss drew a blazing path of passion across her skin.

  Dampness pooled between Eliza’s thighs. She pressed them together, arched her back, and moaned. Her hands clenched, clawing at the sheets as she fought to control the desire raging through her body.

  She grabbed his head, forcing his mouth to hers. He complied readily, devouring her lips with rough kisses. His tongue pushed into her mouth, demanding her breath. Tremors cascaded through Eliza’s body and she tightened her grip on his head. He pulled away panting, his eyes burning. A groan of frustration escaped Eliza’s lips.

  “Beg me.”


  “Please, what?”

  “Please, touch me.”

  A low rumble grew in Nate’s throat, his mouth reclaimed hers. His hand slid down her shirt, over her stomach, and brushed over the outside of her panties. Eliza squirmed against his hand; Nate pinned her with his body, his fingers slipping inside the cloth. They brushed against her nub and dipped inside her.

  “Already wet,” he murmured in approval.

  Eliza moaned against his mouth, raising her hips impatiently. Nate refused to speed up his ministrations, slowly torturing Eliza with the same languid rhythm—stroke, dip, circle. His mouth moved back to her throat, leaving searing kisses over her skin.

  “Nate,” she begged, pulling at his hips.

  “Patience.” His hand stilled.

  Eliza growled.

  Nate dropped a light kiss on the tip of her nose and slid down her body. Leisurely, he dragged her panties down her legs, tossing them over his shoulder. He pushed her legs apart, pressing light kisses along her upper thigh. She quivered. Grinning against her leg, Nate moved his mouth over her burning skin, inching closer and closer to her center. Suddenly, he plunged his tongue into her. Eliza cried out, writhing. His tongue slid up her clit, circling once, and resumed the same rhythm and pace his fingers had previously used to torture her. Her back arched off the bed, hands sliding through his hair.

  The desire pooling in her stomach began building, winding tightly as her orgasm neared. He refused to let her release, stopping just as she was about to explode. He nipped at her thigh, then began the slow torture again, licking and sucking until her body felt as though it would rip apart. He stopped again, pressing light kisses along her hips.

  “Please.” She begged again, squirming under his mouth.

  His tongue changed its pattern, causing the building fire to blaze across her skin. Eliza screamed, and her body jerked as she released. Tremors ripped through her body, drawing guttural cries from her lips.

  “Eliza!” The doorknob rattled. “Eliza!” yelled Sabrina, beating on the door. “Are you alright?” her panicked voice rose an octave.

  “Move!” instructed Frankie. A crash vibrated through the room. The door groaned.

  “Stop!” Nate climbed from the bed and hurried to the door. He unlatched the lock and flung the door open, bathing himself, and a small portion of the room, in light.

  “Nate!” Sabrina’s tone filled with shock and a tinge of dismay at the sight of her h
alf-naked brother. She peered into the room, seeking out Eliza, who discreetly covered herself with the blankets. Confirming proof of life, Sabrina’s dark gaze flicked back to her brother. “What you are you doing here?” she asked, her eyes narrowing at his state of undress and mussed hair.

  “I was planning to sleep in my room.” He glowered and crossed his arms over his bare chest.

  “I’m using it,” replied Sabrina. She patted him on the arm and scooted into the room. She glanced over her shoulder at Frankie, who followed, rubbing her right shoulder.

  “Stronger than you thought?” Nate smirked as Frankie passed him.

  “Reinforced it from the last time?” She shot him a wink.

  “It became a necessity.” Nate gestured toward Sabrina.

  Sabrina stalked to the center of the room, her eyes flicking over the rumpled bed, a pillow which lay forgotten on the floor, and finally Eliza. Pursing her lips, Sabrina whipped her head back at Nate.

  “What did you do?”

  “Nothing.” He grinned. “At least not yet.”

  Sabrina glanced upward, visibly counting to ten. Turning her attention to Eliza, Sabrina approached the bed and sat gingerly at the foot of the mattress. “What happened? Why did you scream?”

  “I was asleep, and a very heavy weight landed on my chest—” Distracted by Nate, who inconspicuously passed a finger over his mouth, Eliza’s voice trailed off. She nodded, a subtle inclination of her head and returned her attention to Sabrina. “I screamed and shoved it off me. There was an extremely loud crash, then Nate’s head popped up from the side of the bed. Nearly scared me to death.”

  “Wasn’t really fun for me either.” Nate grimaced, making a show of rubbing the back of his neck.

  “I hope my brother’s unannounced, early morning visit hasn’t influenced your decision to join the auction.” Sabrina’s worried tone surprised Eliza.

  “Well…” Eliza chewed her lip, catching Nate’s movement out of the corner of her eye. He tilted his head, waiting as expectantly as Sabrina for an answer.

  “I would be honored to participate.” Eliza barely recognized the whisper which tumbled from her lips. Why had she agreed to this inane idea of being purchased by someone? A brief, smug smile crossed Nate’s mouth.


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