Until Tia

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Until Tia Page 13

by K. L. Humphreys

  "So," I begin, "what's happening between you and Zeke?"

  She bites her lip as she glances between November and I. "He's asked me to move in with him and I said yes. We haven't decided where we're going to live yet, but that'll come in time."

  I grin at her, "I'm so happy for you. Why don't you have him move into your apartment? I mean, I'm already living with Chris..." It hasn't been agreed yet, but I've practically been living there since we started dating and now that we're engaged, I wouldn't be anywhere else.

  "You sure?" she asks and I know that's why they hadn't decided where they were going to live. She wanted to stay in her apartment and didn't want to kick me out.


  "Aww, you're both growing up!" November smirks and I narrow my eyes at her. "What?"

  "Shut it, you. Not all of us found an Asher Mayson early."

  She holds her hands up. "That is true, but Christopher is hot, T. You did good."

  Gabby nods, "He really is and the way he is around you, how he adores you and always touches you, but not in a creepy way. It makes him hotter. You're my sister, Tia, and I would never poach, but your man is gorgeous and he's only got eyes for you."

  "Zeke loves you, Gabs, it's so clear to see," November tells her. "I'm happy for you, you found a good one."

  Gabby smirks as she sits back in her chair. "We did good, girls. Our men are amazing."

  November and I nod in agreement just as the front door opens and the guys spill through. Asher and Christopher hit it off right out the bat, Zeke on the other hand is rather reserved and keeps to himself. Chris said it's just the way he is and that as he gets to know everyone he'll come out of his shell.

  Chris strides toward me, his eyes gazing over my face. "You okay, blue eyes?"

  I nod, loving that he's so concerned. "I'm okay, did you have a good night?" I ask as I get to my feet, as soon as I'm up he pulls me into his arms and holds me close to him.

  "Yeah, blue eyes, I'll go get Marcus and then we can go. I want to crawl into bed and hold you," he says low so that only I can hear him.

  We've been sharing a bed and I haven't had a single nightmare, he holds me in his arms all night long and I go to sleep knowing that I'm safe. I know that it'll be impossible to fall asleep without him from now on.

  "Leave him here," November says. "He's fast asleep and we'll meet for breakfast in the morning."

  I glance at Chris in surprise. I know that November and Asher would never harm Marcus and they'd make sure nothing ever happened to him.

  "Let us go talk to him, I don't want him waking up in the morning and think that we abandoned him." His words make me think about what Layla used to do to him, how she'd leave him alone for days on end. He grabs my hand and leads me toward the stairs.

  "I'll call a cab," Gabby tells us. Neither of the men wanted to drive, knowing that they'd be drinking while at Cash's.

  Since we got engaged, Marcus has been very open about what Layla used to do, or not do when he was younger. I hate that he remembers so much of his time with her and yet I pray there's some things that he doesn't remember. Christopher hates her and I can't blame him. She was a bad mom but I still feel sorry for her, she's lost out on knowing an amazing little boy.

  "Bud," Chris says softly as he crouches down and gently rubs Marcus' hair. "Hey, you, sorry to wake you. Tia and I are going to the hotel. Do you want to come with us or do you want to stay here for the night?"

  He groggily lifts his head, "I'll stay here, Daddy. Will you and Mommy be back in the morning?"

  Happiness bursts in my chest as it does whenever he calls me mommy. I love it and I love him.

  "Yeah, bud, we'll be back in the morning and if you want to come home just ask November or Asher to call."

  I watch as father and son hug each other, "Love you, Daddy."

  God, he's the fucking sweetest. So affectionate and happy to share the love.

  "Love you too, bud."

  When Chris rises, I bend and pull Marcus into my embrace. "Love you, baby, I'll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams."

  "Night," he replies as his eyes start to close.

  "Come on, blue eyes, let's go. He's okay here," Chris assures me as I step beside him.

  We say our goodbyes as the cab pulls up outside.

  "We have a night to ourselves, who'd have thought it?" he says as we step into our hotel room.

  Anticipation and excitement runs through me at his words. While I know he didn't mean anything by them, I can't help but picture us naked in bed together. I want Christopher that has never been in doubt and I know that he'd never harm me. Ever. But I'm scared that while we're making love, the images of what Jamie did to me will replay in my mind and that's the last thing I want.

  "Tia, what's wrong?"

  I shake my head, "Nothing, absolutely nothing. I have never been happier in my life," I tell him honestly. "I have a sister that is the best a girl could ever have. A best friend that is the shit and her family that treat me like I'm one of theirs. I have a son that I love so very much, and I have you, a man that I love more than life itself. I'm so fucking happy, Chris."

  He pulls me into his arms, his lips crashing down against mine. I moan as his tongue sweeps into my mouth, my hands roam his body, touching him everywhere.

  He pulls back, his eyes filled with lust, "Blue eyes...?" There's hesitance in his tone. He wants this just as much as I do.

  "I want you, Chris, so much, please make love to me."

  He searches my face as though he's looking for something, "Are you sure, baby?"

  I nod, "Yes, I'm a little scared that I'll have flashbacks of what he did, but I know that you'll never hurt me."

  His hands span my face. "Never, blue eyes."

  He lowers his lips to mine once again and kisses me. The passion between us burns hot as what's about to happen sinks in. Soon, we're pulling off each other's clothes. I screech when he lifts me into his arms and walks us toward the bed. I wrap my legs around his waist, his cock nudging my ass. I'm so wet, and I'm moaning as I cling to him.

  “So fucking beautiful, blue eyes. I'm so honored that you trust me, that you love me," he says as he lays me on the bed and positions himself over me. "I love you, Tia, I want you to keep your eyes on me." He slowly thrusts into me and I gasp at the fullness.

  "Stay with me, baby," he instructs, never once taking his gaze away from me as his cock slides in and out of me.

  He captures my lips once again as he moves faster. My breath hitches as I pull on his hair, needing more from him. I tear my lips away from his. "Please, Chris. More."

  He kisses my lips gently, "Baby, I don't want to hurt you."

  I shake my head, he doesn't understand, he won't. I know it in my heart. "You won't, please, Chris, make love to me."

  He growls and begins to move faster, his thrusts deeper and harder. "Blue eyes, I'm so fucking close. You feel too good."

  I slide my hand down between our bodies until my finger touches my clit. My body bows as I rub hard and fast, my orgasm starting to build.

  "That's it." He's still moaning, "Come for me, baby."

  I detonate, screaming his name as I come. "Fuck. Tia, I'm coming," he grunts as he releases inside of me.

  We're both breathing hard, he's still inside of me, his face shoved into my neck as we try and come down from the amazing orgasms we've just had.

  “Love you,” I whisper as he pulls out of me. "Thank you," I tell him, "I never thought this would ever happen, but you made it amazing."

  He kisses my neck, "Blue eyes, never thank me for that. It was my honor and pleasure to be the one to make love to you. God, I fucking love you."

  I hold him tight, reveling in what's just happened between us.

  I'm not broken.

  I'm alive, free, and in love.

  I'm wanted, desired, and adored.

  Jamie tried to break me, but Chris gave me the strength to be set free.

  I have a family of my own.

I've never been happier. I just hope that it stays this way.




  Tia's voice drifts through the house as she animatedly reads Marcus his bed time story. Finding Tia is one of the best things that has ever happened. Having her in our life has made Marcus flourish. When he opened up to us one night while we were in Tennessee, I couldn't hold back the tears. Hearing what happened to Tia was bad enough, but knowing that my son would go days without his mom feeding him or even being home was too much. She beat my son. Fucking beat him until he was bloody, it took Tia a while to calm me down after he told us that. That night I don't think either Tia or I slept, we kept checking on him in the next bed, making sure that he was okay.

  I'm just thankful that I got him out of that situation and that I've shown him that not everyone will abandon or hurt him.

  This has become our nightly ritual. Tia reads him a bedtime story. I'm not jealous, not even in the slightest. I never thought that Marcus would ever take to someone—a woman, after what he'd been through with Layla. But as soon as he met Tia, it was as though it was fate. That this is where we're all supposed to be. Asher called it the BOOM. I have no idea what that even is, but he and his brothers nodded and said that it's good and to trust it.

  A knock at the door has my attention turned from the two most precious people in my life. I frown as I walk toward the door, wondering who the hell is calling at this time of the night? When I open it, I brace, standing there with grim looks on their faces are, Sully, Derek, Jameson, and Clive. Fuck.

  "What?" I ask, knowing that whatever it is can't be good.

  "Where's Tia?" Sully asks, his gaze glancing behind me.

  "She's putting Marcus to bed. What's this about?" My mind's whirling with all sorts of scenarios, none of them good.

  "Let us in and we'll talk," Jameson says and doesn't hang around for me to open the door further, he pushes past me into the house.

  I sigh and let the others in. I hate not knowing, and having these guys turn up at my house isn't good. Especially as they only have one thing in common and that's me. Sully and Derek have been my friends since I was a boy, they've always been in my life and will remain that way. Jameson and I met while he was making his game ‘Picture That’ and he came to me for some advice seeing as my console had become the bestselling console ever. Since then, I have the honor to call him a good friend. But the two friends don't mix. Ever. Unless I'm involved which makes me fucking anxious.

  They walk into the sitting room and take a seat. I glare at each and every last one of them. Finally it's Clive that opens up and starts talking. "We've found Layla."

  Relief, anger, and trepidation flow through me. "Good, so where is she?"

  Clive glances at Jameson and he shifts slightly in his seat.

  "What the fuck is going on?"

  "A Jane Doe was found unresponsive two weeks ago. Yesterday, we finally found out that it was Layla," Sully tells me and there's no sorrow on any of the men's faces.

  "What?" I ask, barely able to believe what I'm hearing.

  "She was in the passenger's side of a car when they were hit by a drunk driver," Jameson tells me. "She was dead before paramedics even got to the scene."

  "Jesus, how long have you known it's her?" I direct my question to Clive.

  "I've been checking with the morgues and hospitals since we started looking for her. One of my contacts told me about the Jane Doe they had, it took a further two weeks to get confirmation. I wasn't certain it was her and I didn't want to say anything just in case it wasn't."

  I can understand that. But damn, I'm not sure what to think right now. I'm not mourning her death. I hated the woman with a passion and wanted her out of our lives. But death? I wonder how Marcus is going to take it.

  "I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm sorry she's dead. I'm not," Sully begins. "That woman deserved to die in the seventh circle of hell for what she did to Marcus. I just thought she'd overdose, hell I prayed the bitch would."

  Derek nods, "Yep, karma's a bitch and Layla got hers."

  "Seriously?" Tia's pissed off tone breaks through my foggy haze. "The woman's dead, you don't need to be so callous. Yes, she fucked up majorly, but that's still Marcus' mom and while she doesn't deserve that title, she has it. He shouldn't have to hear this shit."

  "Blue eyes..." I hold my hand out and she comes willingly. "Are you okay?"

  She shrugs, "I'm just worried about how Marcus is going to take it. We could hear everything that was said, he knows something's happened."

  Sully winces. "Shit," he curses. "Sorry, didn't think."

  The guys get to their feet. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” I tell them, right now I have my son to think about.

  Jameson nods, “Okay and Tia’s right, while we hated her, she was still the mother of your child.”

  Tia gives me a soft smile, "Go to him, he needs you to be honest as you always are with him."

  This woman is fucking perfect.

  I turn and make my way to Marcus' room, he's sitting up in his bed, his gaze on the duvet cover. "Bud, you doing okay?"

  He shrugs, not lifting his head.

  "You heard what the guys were saying?"

  "Yeah, they hate Mom and she's dead." His tone emotionless and I fucking hate it.

  I sigh as I sit on the bed beside him. "What your mom did to you, bud, is unforgivable to me and the guys, I hate her for what she did to you but I'm also sad that you've lost her and she never got the chance to ask you for forgiveness."

  He shrugs again, "Mommy said that sometimes people don't mean to hurt us, that they love us in their own way but they're sick and can't show it the way normal people do." He glances up at me with tears in his eyes. "I miss her. Sometimes, Mom used to rub my belly as she sang to me. I used to like that." He differentiates between Tia and Layla as Mommy and Mom, I'm sure that'll change as he gets older but we don't correct him. He knows the difference and he feels that it's important to call Tia his mom. I'm fucking overjoyed that he does and I know Tia is honored that he feels that way about her.

  Fuck. Tia, of course she'd explain it so much better than I ever could.

  "Your mom wasn't always like this, she was just lost, bud."

  He nods, "Will she be better where she is?"

  I reach for him and he comes easily to me. "Yeah, she'll be at peace now, bud."

  I hold him until he gives me his weight and his breathing evens out. He's fast asleep. I lift him and tuck him into bed. I place a kiss against his head, hoping that his demons are now gone. While he loved Layla he was also scared of her. I never want him to feel that fear again.

  "You did really good," Tia tells me as soon as I exit his bedroom, her eyes are wet with tears. "Are you okay?"

  "I hated her, T, but I hate that Marcus is hurting."

  She takes my hand and leads us to our bedroom, "You have every right to hate her, but I love you even more for pushing that anger and hatred aside and giving our son what he needed."

  I pull her into my arms. "No more. He's not going to hurt anymore because of her."

  We stand here holding each other for what seems like ages.

  "Are you finished with your work tonight?" she asks and I nod. "Good, we're going to watch a film, take our minds off things."

  Sounds like a good idea, right now, I'm feeling numb. All the hatred I had built up for Layla has nowhere to go now. I'm pissed that she's gone and was never held accountable for her actions.

  "How was it last night?" Sully asks as he takes a seat in my sitting room. The guys came around to check on us this afternoon, Jameson brought Wendy with him and Sully brought Cleo. I appreciate the sentiment.

  "Marcus is hurting and we're trying to assure him that it's okay to miss her no matter what she's done. Tia's made it easier for him this morning, asking him about the good times he had with Layla. It put a smile on his face." I shrug, "I'd rather him remember those times than the neglect she heaped on him

  "I'm sure he's conflicted with his feelings, but with you and Tia beside him, he'll be okay," Jameson assures me.

  "Where is Tia?" Sully inquires.

  "Uncle Justin, Mommy's gone to see Auntie Gabby," Marcus informs him as he walks toward us. "Daddy tried to stop her but Mommy told him she'd cut him off, whatever that means."

  Damn it.

  The guys chuckle. "How long has she been gone?" Clive asks and I frown. "Just asking."

  I shrug, "She left this morning around nine-ish. She said they were going shopping. Why?" I don't buy the just asking from him.

  He glances at his watch, "It's almost three, has she checked in?"

  Now I'm getting worried. "No, what the hell is going on?"

  He shakes his head, "I'm just being cautious. Did she say which shops she was going to?"

  I rattle off a few that she named and he leaves the room, I turn to the others. Marcus' gaze is on me. I try to stay calm, to not think the worst, but dammit. Clive's not exactly making me feel as though everything's okay.

  I try calling her but there's no answer. I hit redial, praying, pleading, and urging her silently to answer but she doesn't.

  My pulse is racing as I wait for him to come back. He bursts into the room and my heart sinks. Fuck.

  "We've got to go," he tells me and I'm up on my feet. "They haven't been to any of the stores that you mentioned and I had my guy check the footage around Gabby's apartment and they didn't leave but Chris..."

  I shake my head, I know that fucking tone. No way. "She's fine."

  "Jamie walked into the building. How he got in, I don't know. But he's there."

  "Ladies," I say to Wendy and Cleo. "Will you watch Marcus?"

  "No. Daddy, I'm coming." The tears are streaming down his face as he collides with my legs. "Please?" he pleads with me.

  "Bud, I promise, Tia's coming home. I just need to make sure she's okay and she'll want you to stay here with Wendy and Cleo. Please, can you do that?" I hate seeing the pain and fear in his eyes but I block it out, needing to focus on Tia.


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