My First Love Affair: A Bancroft Billionaire Brothers Novel #3

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My First Love Affair: A Bancroft Billionaire Brothers Novel #3 Page 16

by Parker, Ali

  “Bathroom,” I mumbled and made my way toward the hallway. “Excuse me, can you tell me if there’s a pretty woman, strawberry-blonde hair, wearing a leather jacket in there?” I asked a woman who had just come out of the bathroom.

  She went back inside and came out. “Sorry, not in there. Did your date run out on you?”

  “No,” I said and turned to leave.

  They weren’t there. They must have gone back to her place. I hurried down the sidewalk, already pulling my keys out of my pocket. I jumped on my bike, pulling on my helmet, and starting it up. I drove over to her place, took the stairs two at a time, and pounded on her front door.

  “Adelaide! I want to talk to you. Please, let me explain,” I hollered through the door.

  She didn’t answer. I knocked again and again, slapping my palm against the door.

  “Adelaide, please,” I said, stopping just before I reached the groveling point.

  I put my ear to the door, trying to determine if there was anyone inside. I heard nothing.

  “Fuck me!” I growled, stomping back to my bike.

  I sat there in the parking lot, trying to think of where I could look for her. It was a big city. I wasn’t going to find her unless she wanted to be found. I looked up at the dark window of her apartment. Maybe she was inside and hiding from me. I shook my head. Doubtful. She’d have yanked open that door and given me an earful.

  I started the bike, slowly pulling out of the parking lot and onto the street. I had no idea where I was going. I didn’t know where to go. I felt lost in a city I had known all my life. I knew how tenuous things were with Adelaide. I had barely been able to get her to talk to me. I knew how she felt about letting others in. I knew she wasn’t comfortable opening up to anyone. She’d opened up to me.

  I had seen the look on her face. I knew she thought I betrayed her. I had to make her see I would never do that to her. I would never go out with a woman like Tara. She thought I lied. She thought I’d made it all up.

  I was so furious with my brothers for ruining the one really good thing I had in my life. I had realized there was something real between us. I had real feelings for her. We had just managed to find each other. There was no way I was ready to lose her.

  Chapter 26


  It was early Saturday, earlier than I normally started my day. I hadn’t technically slept the night before and was running on pure adrenaline fueled by hurt and anger. I had tossed and turned for the few hours I had been in bed before getting up, giving up on the idea of sleep.

  Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Mason’s face. Sometimes I saw him over me, naked and that look of passion on his face. Other times, I thought about those eyes, staring at me as we talked and shared details of our lives. Other times, I thought back to the look on Mason’s face when he realized he’d been caught. That one would forever be ingrained into my memory. The look of guilt and shock at seeing me in the restaurant while he was out with another woman was the image that kept coming up, pushing out the few good memories of him I did have.

  He’d used me and discarded me like a piece of trash. Technically, he hadn’t discarded me. He would have probably continued to make what I now knew were booty calls. He would have continued to use me for sex, keeping our relationship on a very surface level, and I would have been none the wiser. I would have assumed we were taking things slow and made all kinds of excuses for him. The worst part of the whole thing was I knew better. I knew what kind of man he was, and I had still been dumb enough to hop into bed with him, not once, but twice. I was ready to hop into bed with him last night. I wondered how long he had been seeing the blonde. I wondered if he had been with her before me. I shuddered at the thought, disgust making my lip curl. I pumped my legs harder, pushing the idea of him kissing me with lips that had been on her lips hours before.

  I never took Deanna’s early spin classes, but today, it was a necessity. If I didn’t work off some of the anger I was feeling, my customers were going to feel my wrath. I had to try and release all those feelings that had bubbled to the surface when I saw Mason on a date with a beautiful woman who was way out of my league. She was model-gorgeous and had that look about her that screamed money and good-breeding. I imagined him making love to her, slow and gentle like she was a precious piece of glass.

  I knew I shouldn’t have been all that surprised to see him with another woman. We’d had sex a couple of times. It wasn’t a big deal. Hell, we hadn’t even exchanged phone numbers, but something had clicked between us. At least, it had clicked on my end. For him, I was a quick, easy lay and that’s what was killing me. I had been attracted to him and could admit maybe, just maybe, I had wanted what happened between us.

  I looked up to the front of the room. Deanna was leading the class, taking us on what she was calling her favorite mountain bike ride. She was a very visual storyteller and could almost make you forget you were sweating your ass off in a small room with several other men and women on a stationary bike.

  “All right, guys, it’s time to start going up the mountain. It’s a steep climb, but we can do it!” Deanna encouraged. “Remember to breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth.”

  I pumped my legs hard, the resistance pushing against me. I imagined me going up the hill in an attempt to escape Mason. The burning sensation matching the burning in my heart at the reminder of Mason’s betrayal. I closed my eyes, the blond woman’s face appearing. It made me angrier, giving me the energy I needed to ride up that mountain Deanna had put before us. I pushed harder, my legs on fire, my lungs stretched beyond capacity, but I didn’t stop. I kept going, refusing to give up.

  It felt good to let go of some of the anger I’d been holding in since I had run out of the restaurant last night. I was still a little embarrassed by my actions. I should have pretended I didn’t care. I should have found another man to hook up with and show him two could play at his little game. I could have paraded him in front of Mason, but I had a feeling he wouldn’t have cared. Maybe he’d screwed me as a way of getting back at her for being a bitch to him.

  “Two more minutes! Downhill all the way home!” Deanna shouted.

  I pedaled faster, harder, my legs moving of their own volition. I envisioned myself running right over Mason’s giant, booted foot. I wanted to hurt him, just a little, just a little taste of the pain I had endured. I couldn’t believe I had been so dumb and had fallen for his stupid lines. I had believed his little sob story and had fallen for all of it. We were nothing alike. I was a fool for believing there was.

  We finished our workout and I jumped off. Unlike how I usually felt after one of Deanna’s grueling classes, this time I was energized. I felt like I could conquer the world. I was fired up and ready to kick ass. Not just any ass—Mason’s ass. I grabbed a clean towel, wiping away the sweat and downing cold water. It wasn’t even six thirty in the morning and I felt like I had already accomplished so much for the day. I wanted to commit to the class every morning, but knew I was not the kind of person who could make such a commitment.

  Deanna was saying goodbye to the others in the class before she made her way over to me. “How are you?” she asked, wiping off her face with her own towel.

  I looked at her and saw a fresh-faced glow. She looked beautiful after a workout. I, on the other hand, was sweaty, red-faced, and the only glow I had was the perspiration glistening in the light.

  I shrugged a shoulder. “Fine.”

  “I don’t think you’re fine. You never come to my early class,” she reminded me.

  “I needed the workout and you’re always on me to come in before work. Here I am,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant and knowing I was failing miserably.

  “I’m sorry. I know I said it last night, but I am so, so sorry,” she said.

  “It’s not your fault. You didn’t set us up and you didn’t know he was seeing someone. I’m not mad at you.”

  “Have you talked to him at all?” she asked with a grimace.<
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  “Nope and I don’t plan on it. I was so wrong to think we had anything in common. I fell for his bullshit. I won’t make the same mistake twice,” I muttered.

  She shook her head before taking a drink from her water bottle. “It is so weird. I never thought he would do that. You guys really seemed to be getting along so well. You were happy. I can’t understand what happened.”

  “What happened is he is a jerk. A lying jerk who was after one thing. I’m sure the fact that he put me in my place is just making him feel great about himself,” I grumbled.

  That was the worst part of the whole thing. My pride had taken a huge hit. I had prided myself on being able to read people and always felt like I was smarter than the average bear. I didn’t feel so smart now. I felt like a young, foolish girl who had fallen for an idea and not been smart enough to vet it further. He was the bad boy who mothers warned their daughters about. I had been arrogant enough to believe it was me he chose to tame his wild ways.

  “I feel like there has to be an explanation,” she said, as if trying to come up with a good excuse for him.

  “The only explanation I can think of is he was dating someone already. He was dating her when we hooked up. I’m officially the other woman.” I groaned.

  “I saw that woman. She was not his type. I doubt it is anything serious. Maybe it was a date he’d made some time ago and had to honor it,” Deanna offered.

  “Did you see her? She’s gorgeous. He’s a man who runs in very different circles than I do. He’s used to certain things that I will never have. I will never spend hundreds of dollars on my hair and nails every week. I will never wear a thousand-dollar dress for drinks and a casual dinner like she so obviously did. Did you see her shoes? Those weren’t knock-offs,” I said.

  “No, you aren’t like that, but he isn’t like that either.”

  “Deanna, I think he is. He was raised with money. He doesn’t know what it’s like to worry about paying the rent or shopping the sales. His life is not compatible with mine and vice versa,” I told her, finally accepting it for what it was.

  She groaned. “He isn’t like that. No, he doesn’t have to worry about money, but he also doesn’t really think about it either.”

  “Well, it’s a moot point now.”

  She stomped her foot. “Damn it, things were going so well! I was so looking forward to seeing you guys together.”

  “Apparently my idea of going well and his idea of going well are very different.”

  “I just don’t understand,” she said with a sigh.

  “I do. He’s an asshole. I thought he was an asshole before, and I had a very brief moment of having my head in the clouds. That’s over. He’s still an asshole,” I stated, watching her face as she tried to hide the hurt my words caused.

  I knew he was like her big brother and she loved him, but I was beyond hurt. She was my best friend and like my sister. I wanted and needed her support.

  “Addy, I promise, Mason is that man you got to know. That’s who he is. I wish you could see him like I do. I don’t understand why he’s so off-putting to you.”

  My brows shot up. “You’ve seen and heard the way he talks to me. It’s like he hates me. I don’t know what I’ve ever done to him and according to him, he didn’t know either. Then this. I don’t get it, but I am telling you right now, I’m not going to stress about it. It’s over as fast as it started.”

  “I know you like him. That doesn’t just stop.”

  “It does and it did. I will do my best not to say anything more about him or it. It’s over. I’m not going to think about it anymore. He isn’t worth my time or energy,” I said in a firm voice, nodding to punctuate my words.

  “Okay. I won’t bring it up.”

  “Thank you. I’m going to hit the shower and get to work. Thanks for the workout. It felt good,” I told her.

  “You’re welcome. You know I love when you come to one of my classes,” she said with a grin.

  I scoffed. “Only because you get to torture me and get away with it.”

  “I do love to make you sweat.” She chuckled.

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ll see you later. I need to get to work.”

  I headed for the locker room. I snatched my bag and quickly took a shower, not bothering to go through the whole hair and makeup thing. I twisted my hair up in a loose ponytail and headed to work. I didn’t care what I looked like. I was in a shitty mood and couldn’t care less about whether anyone was impressed with my looks or not.

  Chapter 27


  I kept reminding myself it was too early to get shit-faced. I refused to get drunk at noon on a Saturday, even if that was all I wanted to do. I hated the way I was feeling. I had gotten very good at not feeling. I was very good at keeping everything at arm’s length and not allowing myself to feel. Adelaide had made me feel.

  I was pissed at myself for not getting up from the table the second I saw her standing there. I don’t know why I didn’t. I had sat there, bitching at my brothers instead of getting up and chasing after her. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t jumped up. I think part of me thought she’d be outside or at home and then I could explain. I was not great at relationships. Period. Not just with women. I was not great at relationships in general.

  My anger was mostly directed at Jack and Grayson, but I had to shoulder some of the blame. I could have gone after her. I could have called her before the dinner and let her know I was going out with my brothers. I hadn’t called her or stopped by since our dinner date. I could recognize that was kind of a dick move.

  If only she would let me explain. I could tell her what my brothers had done. She knew about my relationship with my brothers. She would understand the situation and I could fix things. I hoped. I tried to put myself in her shoes, since I felt we were so much alike. I wouldn’t tell her to fuck off if I were in her shoes. I would be unwilling to listen to any excuses. We were both stubborn.

  Jack and Grayson’s attempt to turn me into one of them had been a mistake. Their mistake had hurt Adelaide. She was the one paying the consequences for their insistence I be one of them. I wasn’t sure if I was more pissed at them for what they did to me or how it affected Adelaide. The look on her face had cut deep. I never wanted to see that look of betrayal again. I could explain and I was confident she would see it for what it really was. However, I knew how quick she was to anger. It would probably be smarter to give her some time to cool down.

  I looked out the huge windows, saw it was a clear, sunny day, and decided the only thing to do was ride. I was going to go on a long ride. I walked into my bedroom, grabbed my small backpack I used when I rode, and tossed in a few essentials along with a clean shirt, socks, and underwear. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I had to get out of my apartment. I had to get out of the city and away from my family.

  I grabbed my leather jacket and full-face helmet, putting them on the table before doing one last look around when I heard a knock on the door. Dalton. It had to be Dalton coming to give me a long lecture about what had happened last night. I expected it. He would of course be looking out for Adelaide, taking care of her like a little sister.

  When I opened the door, resigned to what was coming, I was not expecting to see Jack standing there. “What do you want now?” I growled.

  “Can we talk for a minute?” he asked.

  I glared at him. “I said all I had to say last night.”

  “I get that. Please, five minutes,” he insisted.

  The man could be persistent. I knew if I didn’t give him the five minutes he was asking for, he was going to hound me. “Fine, five minutes.”

  I yanked open the door and let him walk inside. He remained standing. I shut the door and looked at him. Out of all my brothers, he was the one I expected the tiniest bit of loyalty from. I had helped him out when his best friend had his ass beat for sleeping with his little sister. I had been there for him and he was still treating me like I was incapable of making my own
decisions about life.

  “Were you leaving?” he asked, looking toward the helmet on the table.

  “Yes. Hurry up and say what you have to say.”

  “I’m sorry. I had no idea you were seeing anyone. I wasn’t trying to set you up,” he said.

  “Bullshit. That’s exactly what you were trying to do,” I shot back.

  He shook his head. “Not like that. She is Natasha’s friend. She hangs out with Nat a lot and she has met the rest of the family. I honestly thought you would get along. I wasn’t trying to change you. Grayson wasn’t either. We genuinely thought the two of you might hit it off because you both love motorcycles.”

  I scoffed. “You don’t know me. What makes you think you could set me up with anyone? You know I like motorcycles and that’s about it. She was an attractive woman, but it was plain to see she was high maintenance. That isn’t my thing. I’m not like you.”

  “I know you’re not like me—in some ways. Whether you choose to believe it or not, we do have a few things in common. I wasn’t trying to start problems for you. It was just one of those things that went very wrong,” he said, looking genuinely apologetic.

  “Why would you think I needed you to set me up?” I said, really wanting an answer.

  He shrugged. “I didn’t think you needed it. I know you don’t need it. I guess we both thought you seemed lonely.”

  “I’m not lonely. I don’t need a woman hanging on me to be happy.” I snarled.

  “Then why are you so pissed about the other woman running out?” he said, looking at me with eyes that saw too much.

  “That’s different.”

  He grinned. “You like her.”

  “It doesn’t really matter now, does it? You and Grayson took care of that with that little stunt you pulled.”

  “I’m sorry. Have you been able to talk to her? I’ll explain what happened if that will help. Natasha is willing to talk to her as well and let her know it was all a big misunderstanding. She feels horrible for how things went down,” he explained.


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