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THE COACH (PLAYED Book 4) Page 3

by Marita A. Hansen

  “You heard me,” Devin said, not backing down. “Your taste in women keeps fucking everything up for us.”

  “Is this about me not playing the next two games?” I asked, Devin just as fanatical as I was when it came to hockey, if not more.

  “You bet it is,” he spat, his pale blue eyes drilling holes into me. “You made an oath not to let Brooke fuck things up for the team. Now you’re out.”

  “I’m not dropped, if that’s what you’re thinking, just missing two games, and easy ones at that. You guys can take those teams no problem.”

  “It’ll affect our points.”

  “We already have enough, so apologize to Lucy.”

  “For what?”

  “The downsizing comment, you asshole.”

  He sneered. “I’m not apologizing for shit, I meant every word.”

  I went to shove him, but my attention snapped to Brooke as she slid in next to Zuko like the snake she was. “What do you want?” I growled, hoping she wasn’t going to cause more trouble.

  “To be with my boyfriend,” she said, slipping her hand into Zuko’s.

  My eyebrows shot up, not believing what I was seeing—or hearing. I shifted my full attention to Zuko, who wrenched his hand free from Brooke’s, a worried look crossing his face.

  “It’s not what you think,” he said.

  “Oh, don’t be scared of Riley,” Brooke said, taking hold of his hand again. “I won’t let him hurt you.”

  I sneered at her, the shock of what was happening disappearing fast. I knew damn well what she was up to, because there was no way Zuko would even consider going out with her. “Zuko doesn’t even like you, so I call bullshit.”

  “He does like me!” Brooke yelled, her green eyes flashing at me. “He just pretended he didn’t ’cause of you.”

  I ignored her, my attention back on Zuko. “Is she blackmailing you again?”

  Zuko shook his head, though he appeared embarrassed, unable to look me in the eye. “You shouldn’t get mad at me,” he mumbled, “I’m doing you a favor.”

  “I’m not mad, I know it’s not your fault.”

  “You’re blaming me?!” Brooke shrieked.

  “You betcha,” I replied. “You claim to love me, yet you move onto Zuko whiplash fast, probably blackmailing him into being with you like you did to me.”

  She scowled. “I didn’t blackmail you!”

  “Shout that any louder and the whole school will know how you get boyfriends.”

  “No! You climbed into bed with me the first chance you got, and you’re one to talk about moving on fast. Oh, no, you did that while you were still with me, cheater.”

  “So, you’re fucking Zuko to get back at me?” I said, wondering whether she’d manipulated him into bed. Although he was a man-whore, I still couldn’t imagine him doing her willingly.

  Her perfectly manicured brows rose. “Why are you so upset, Riley?” she asked, a slight smile playing on her lips. “Are you regretting letting me go?”


  “I can always tell when you lie.”

  “Clearly you can’t, you just don’t wanna hear the truth.”

  Her mean cats’ eyes shifted to Lucy. “Hold onto him tight, don’t look away, because he’ll be onto the next girl before you know it. Once a cheater always a cheater.” She yanked on Zuko’s hand. “Let’s go, baby.”

  Zuko flicked me another worried glance, then was yanked away like a dog on a leash.

  “I’ll talk to you later, Zuko,” I called out, having every intention of getting the truth out of him.

  Brooke let go of his hand and turned back to me with a scowl. “No, you won’t! He’s with me because he wants to, dropping his pants faster than you would’ve dropped Melissa if you knew Daniel fucked her.”

  I jerked my head back, the mention of my ex slapping me hard.

  A triumphant look washed over her face. “Oh, by the way, that’s why Melissa left. Daniel fucked her. I would’ve told you if she didn’t take off like a dirty cheat. Guess you can’t hold onto any girl, Riley.” She tossed her hair over a shoulder and strutted off, ordering Zuko to follow, leaving me standing in the same spot like a stunned mullet.

  Devin shook his head, a disgusted look on his face. “I knew that bitch had done something,” then he was following after Zuko and Brooke.

  My heart sank further, the memory of Melissa, the one girl I’d fallen heavily for, and she’d slept with Daniel? My mortal fucking enemy!

  “Riley?” Lucy said.

  I turned to her, having forgotten she was there, Melissa the only person on my mind.

  “Are you okay?” Lucy asked, looking worried.

  “Um...” I wasn’t, not after that. I wanted to talk to Melissa, wanted her to deny what Brooke had said, but she never answered her phone when I called. She didn’t answer my texts either, so I’d eventually given up.

  Lucy placed a hand on my cheek. “Ignore Brooke, she just wants to cause trouble.”

  I nodded, knowing that, but still unable to shake off what she’d said about Melissa.


  Math went excruciatingly slow, like nails on a chalkboard. All I wanted to do was find a private spot so I could call Melissa, needing to hear the truth from her lips. I’d been devastated when she’d said she was moving schools. She’d told me that she would always love me, but had to go, that her parents didn’t like our school. They wanted something better for her, which was true since they’d tried to get her to go to a private school for a while. But she’d resisted, saying she wanted to be with me. That clearly hadn’t lasted, and now I knew why...

  ...if what Brooke had said was true.

  As soon as class was finished, I bolted for the door. Lucy called out to me, but I was already gone, winging my way to the locker room. I headed for the spot at the back where no one went, already texting a message to Melissa as I sat down on the bench.

  Did you cheat on me? Is that why you left?

  I pressed send, waiting for a response, but it didn’t come. Frustrated, I typed out another text.

  Just tell me. I NEED to know. Why did you do it? Why Daniel? Wasn’t I enough for you? I loved you and I thought you loved me too.

  I stared at the phone, willing her to respond. I almost jumped when a text finally came through.

  I still love you, she replied, not denying the rest.

  Why did you do it then?!!!

  Daniel chased me, made me feel special, while all you did was chase your hockey dream, ignoring me.

  I didn’t ignore you, I countered. I thought we were happy.

  Her reply came back quick. I wasn’t happy! I tried to make you see, but you refused to, so when Daniel approached me, I couldn’t help myself. He looks just like you, so I pretended it was YOU chasing me, making me feel special.

  I glared at the message, wishing she was here so I could yell at her instead of using exclamation marks that could never convey my hurt, my anger. He’s gay, he did it to fuck things up for me!!

  No message came back.

  Are you there? I texted.

  He can’t be gay, she replied. He got hard over me.

  Probably while thinking about Zuko, I answered, realizing what I’d written too late, unable to take it back.

  My phone beeped with her response. What are you saying, Riley?!! Daniel likes Zuko?!!!

  “Shit, shit, shit,” I said.

  My phone started ringing. Knowing it was Melissa, I answered. Hearing her voice for the first time in months was like a shot to the heart, both good and bad. I’d missed hearing her so much, but it came with a sting, the thorns now attached to the rose.

  “Are you serious?” she said.

  “I didn’t mean to type that.”

  “Daniel really is gay?”

  “As far as I know, just in the closet.”

  “The bastard! Brooke got him to set me up, didn’t she?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “I had to change schools because of her! Because
she wanted you!”

  “I just broke up with her.”

  “You got with her after me?!” Melissa screamed down the line.

  “Not straight away, and you left, not to mention cheated on me.”

  “You didn’t know that back then!”

  “Well, I do now, and you’re a bitch for doing it.”

  “I explained.”

  “Not enough for what you did!”

  She exhaled loudly. “I know I did wrong, but, Riley, I loved you, still do, and you must too if you’re talking to me.”

  “I’m with someone else, a nice girl.”

  “Nice girls aren’t your type, Riley. You like them bad, like me, like Brooke.”

  “I don’t want that bitch.”

  “What about me?”

  “You cheated on me.”

  “That was the worst mistake of my life, one I would never repeat. It hurts so bad being without you.”

  “What difference does it make, you’re at that fancy private school.”

  “I can come back.”

  “No,” I said, “I’m with Lucy Quinn now.”

  “Peeping Lucy?”

  “Don’t call her that!”

  “But that’s what you called her, and why would you go out with her? You can get anyone you want.”

  “I want her.”

  “What about me?”

  I paused, having thought about my ex almost every day since she’d left....

  Until Lucy had come along.

  But I’d loved Melissa, just hearing her voice bringing back so many great memories...

  Ones that were tainted by what I knew now.

  “Why so quiet, Riley? That’s telling.”

  I hung up, my heart pounding a mile a minute, her voice still in my head. My phone started ringing. I turned it off, realizing I’d opened a door I shouldn’t have. Noise made me look up, the wrestling coach rounding the corner of the gym lockers.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked gruffly, stepping into my space, towering over me. “Shouldn’t you be in class? Or still at home?”

  “I’m fine,” I said, pushing to my feet, the man blanketing me in shadow. “And I had to take a call.”

  Coach Cassidy crossed his massive arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side, his eyes not leaving me. “I caught a snippet of what happened in the hallway. Are you all right? Because if Brooke Cameron is bothering you again, I’ll have a talk to her father.”

  “No, I can deal with it,” I replied.

  “If you change your mind, you know where to come.”

  I frowned, confused as to why he wanted to help me. “But you’re Daniel’s coach.”

  “I don’t agree with what he did to you; he deserved to be suspended, if not more. I heard you aren’t pressing charges. Is it because of Daniel’s father?”

  I exhaled. “Yah, he came to the hospital—”

  “And threatened you?”

  I shook my head. “He asked, I agreed. The suspension’s enough for me,” I lied, the bribe I’d received the real reason. Not that Sheriff Greene had called it a bribe, claiming it was compensation. I’d originally turned him down, but changed my mind when he mentioned it could pay some bills, ones that could land my dad in jail if they weren’t paid soon. He’d gone on to tell me about some complaints that were made against my dad, pointing me in the right direction. Those people were now paid... on the condition that they didn’t tell my dad that I’d covered the cost. I wasn’t worried about him paying them twice since he had a bad habit of tossing bills in the waste bin, Dad only paying when people came knocking.

  Coach Cassidy grunted, clearly not agreeing with what I’d done. “Daniel deserves more than a suspension. But if you change your mind and want retribution, take him down in his own arena. Wrestling. I’ll be happy to train you. Is there a chance I can talk you into swapping hockey for wrestling? I did mention to your old man that you’d make a great wrestler.”

  I shook my head again. “Sorry, hockey’s for me, plus I’d do more than body slam Daniel if I got near him.”

  Coach Cassidy laughed. “Regardless, if you do change your mind, there’s always a place in my squad for you.”

  I nodded, liking that he thought I had potential.

  He went to walk away, but stopped, turning back to me. “Hey, I’ve got an idea. Since you can’t train with your team for the next couple of weeks, come train with me.”

  “I can’t do any contact sport, plus, as I said, I’d hurt Daniel if he even looks my way.”

  “No, I meant private lessons. If I want to tempt you to change codes, I need to put the ground work in, and with hockey off the table for the moment, you have the time.”

  “As I said, I can’t do contact sports, I had a concussion.”

  “How about boxing instead, then?”

  “Um... that’s a contact sport, too,” I said, a little thrown by his suggestion. I knew he boxed as well as wrestled, Zuko having gone to his gym, but boxing was even worse for someone with a concussion.

  He continued, “We don’t need to fight, we can just hit some bags at my gym, keep you in tip-top shape. What do you say?”

  I bit my lip, considering it, boxing kind of cool. “You sure?” I finally said, definitely tempted.

  He nodded.

  “But why do you even wanna train me? It’s not like we have a boxing team.”

  “I’ve always wanted one, plus I want to make up for what Daniel did to you.”

  “That’s not your fault.”

  “I know, but I still want to right things. Are you interested?”

  I nodded, thinking why not, that at least it could take my mind off Melissa. “Sure. When?”

  He held out his hand, wriggling his fingers. “Give me your phone. I’ll send mine a text, so we have each other’s numbers.”

  I passed over my phone. He did what he said, his phone beeping in his pocket from his text. He handed mine back, saluting me. “See you later, boxer.”

  I lifted my chin in acknowledgement, looking forward to taking my anger out on some punching bags.



  Riley walked into class, making my heart skip a beat. I was relieved to see him but also worried about why he’d run off. Was he upset that Brooke was now dating Zuko? Was he regretting dropping her for me?

  He gave his excuse to the teacher, then turned my way, trouble brewing behind his baby blues. I shifted my bag off the seat next to me, having saved it for him. He sat down, giving me a nod of thanks, though his eyes flicked to Zuko and Brooke, again making me worried he was regretting leaving her. Brooke’s green eyes lit up, a big smile crossing her face, probably thinking the same thing.

  “Are you all right?” I whispered.

  He nodded, though didn’t look at me, which in turn amplified my worries. It was why I almost jumped in my seat at a beep, so wound up I was ready to burst. I soon discovered where the noise had come from when Riley pulled out his phone, a frown creasing his brow as he looked down at it.

  “Put your phone away, Riley,” the English teacher said, a short pudgy woman with a penchant for gold jewelry. “You know my rules.”

  He mumbled a “Sorry” and stuffed the phone back into his pocket, though he looked fidgety without it, like an addict itching for his next fix. His hands were clenching and unclenching on his lap, his body tensing up as the seconds ticked by. He started tapping out a nervous rhythm with his foot, his knee moving up and down. I took hold of his hand, hoping to calm him down, really starting to worry, wondering whether it was to do with his dad instead of Brooke. Without looking at me, he pulled his hand free, making me double back on my thoughts, the way he was acting leaning more toward Brooke. That conclusion grew as the class progressed, Riley all but ignoring me, going between listening to the teacher to drawing stylized images of trees in his book, whatever the reason lost on me.

  When the bell finally rang for the end of class, I grabbed his hand before he could take off. “You do
n’t sound all right. Is it about Brooke?” I whispered the last part, not wanting Brooke to hear, the girl not having left yet.

  He pulled free again. “No, though Zuko is kidding himself about being with her.” His gaze flicked to his friend, who was still at the back of the class with Brooke and Devin. “Look, I needa call someone, catcha later.”

  And then he was gone, rushing out of the class before I could reply.

  “Rebound,” a voice said behind me, making me jump in my seat. I turned to find Brooke smirking down at me, her green eyes sparkling.

  “Looks like Riley’s already regretting getting with you.” Her smile widened as she grabbed Zuko’s hand as he went to walk past. He sighed and stayed put, his shoulders slumping in resignation.

  Focusing on him, I pushed out of my chair. “Why are you pretending to be with Brooke? ’Cause you can’t be her boyfriend, you hate her guts, plus you like you know who.”

  That instantly snapped his shoulders back. “You keep your mouth shut about that,” he growled low, so low it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention, his tone definitely a threat. Then he was gone too, storming out of the class before Brooke could stop him. Devin ran after his friend, calling out, “Who do you like?”

  I turned my attention back to Brooke. “Whatever you’re up to, you’re wasting your time. Riley doesn’t want you, neither does Zuko, and you know it.”

  “One out of two, ’cause you know I’ll have Riley back by the end of the week. Jealousy looks so good on him.” She wriggled her fingers at me, then was gone, making me wonder whether she was right.



  I texted Riley, telling him, It’s a lie, I’m not with Brooke, knowing there was no way I could continue dancing to her tune, not even for Daniel. Brooke had arranged a meet up with him, something I was planning on ghosting, too scared he’d suck me back into his web. What we had couldn’t last...

  ...even though I wished it could.

  It was why I fucked around so much, doing anything and everyone to not think about him. Unfortunately, it did the opposite, making me compare all the girls and guys I’d slept with to Daniel. And they always came up short, nowhere near comparing to what I had with him.


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