Alien Bride: A Dark Alien Sci-Fi Romance

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Alien Bride: A Dark Alien Sci-Fi Romance Page 10

by Penelope Woods

  And once she has them inside, I come around and grab her arms, coiling her wrists behind her back. I watch as the emotions consume her.

  Her eyes widen. Her veins pulse. Her pussy expands.

  She rocks her hips slowly. “Vraik,” she moans. “Come fuck me. Breed my tight pussy.”

  Emma knows what words I want to hear. When I see how ready she is, everything clicks. My reptilian brain snaps on.

  Time to breed…

  I join my brethren, positioning myself behind them.

  Body against body, cock against cock, Emma gives way to pressure. Our alien lubricant slides her open, making it easier with every single thrust.

  She cocks her head, but she can’t see what I see: a drilled and filled hole, three cocks that seem to pump as one; drizzling pre-cum and pussy wetness, the excess of penultimate desire…

  “Oh!” she shouts. “This is… I can’t believe it!”

  “Believe it, slut. You are ours,” I growl and drive in deeper.

  As I hold her arms back and fuck, her legs tremble. Her jaw drops, and a frenzied yelp catches on the back of her throat.

  She is going to come. Just like the night before, she tries to squirm away, but our grasp is too tight. We’ve got her plugged, and now that she is locked onto our flesh, there is no way we’re letting her escape orgasm.

  I feel it, too. As soon as I tug against her round, supple nipples, I feel my balls jut upward. My sack hardens, and my perineum palpitates.

  She’s going to come. I’m going to come. We’re all about to burst with seed.

  I feel Rekker and Lök pulse against me. We are not phased by our transgressions.

  “Please,” she begs. “Give me your cum. Make me pregnant.”

  Our bride-to-be loses all control.

  Eyes rolling back, muscles turning limp, Emma becomes erratic. She appears possessed by our power. Our rhythm is mechanical, systematic like the Empire’s mode of control. Like a well oiled machine, we pump and drill.

  Her gasps echo throughout the sacred chambers. “I’m coming,” she finally manages to say.

  We are coiled together, knees keeping her thighs apart. “I’m coming too,” Lök groans.

  “Fuck,” Rekker hisses. “Oh, fuck! My mate. My bride. I fucking love you.”

  My balls seize, shaft bouncing against her soft sponge, making her squeal louder.

  “Be our bride,” I grunt.

  Warmth floods around my shaft. They are spilling seed before I can.

  Emma turns her head, nearly floored by her orgasm. Swallowing, she whispers. “It feels so fucking good.”

  I can’t take it anymore. This bitch is too much for an alien like me. She’s got me glued to her, promising all sorts of craziness. Marriage. Sacred vows through seed and female ovulation.

  I should have known. She had me from the start.

  The pressure bursts inside, and my muscles contract and expand. Erratic and quick, I drape her walls with hot seed.

  A pleasure like no other fills my chest.

  Emma rocks her hips and smiles, laughing as she comes back down. “I’m yours,” she whispers, tongue out to tease. “I’ll always be yours.”

  In awe, I glance at the golden statue.

  This is what we were destined to do. And once the Empire is finished, our kin will know what we did was real.

  This is real.

  We spill our cum and let out tough, masculine roars. Seething noises escaped through clenched teeth. Eyes shut and muscles flex over her softness, the delicacy of female.

  Fragile. Yet, so strong.

  Seed is everywhere. Covering her body, dripping down her thighs, draped across her tits, and plastered on the concrete.

  Together, we lower to the ground and cuddle, admiring the one woman who could bring us back to what we were from the very beginning.

  We were breeders. We were not made to kill. We were tempted into that because of our drive to spread our genetics, but we used to live in peace.

  There is only one truth. I’m not coming back from this.

  I am in love with a human, and I’m never letting go.



  How does this happen?

  How does a human being from Chicago end up in the arms of three massive alien bodies?

  Two days ago, I would have scoffed at the idea. I might’ve turned angry. But right now, I can’t stop smiling.

  There’s just something about them. Maybe it’s their struggle. In so many ways, I identify with it, but I’m also on the other side. I’ve never experienced that much hardship.

  As they hold me during the night, we hardly even sleep. It’s something else. I have gotten them to open up and tell me their darkest secrets. We stay up talking about our planets in great detail.

  And then we go deeper.

  I speak about love, about the letdown I’ve felt my entire life. I talk to them about my complacency.

  I even tell them about Ryan.

  I took a job I didn’t want. I suppressed my talents for years, simply because I wanted a decent paycheck. I was just trying to survive like anybody else. And that’s what makes it so sad. I know that so many other humans have it worse than I do.

  Was it a mistake to leave? Am I giving up on my people by taking the easy way out?

  For the first time in ages, I feel selfish.

  “Well, this Ryan guy sounds like a fucking idiot,” Lök says.

  “He is a man? A grown adult?” Vraik asks.

  It makes me laugh, but then I get to the part about my mother. My smile fades, and I can’t even finish my sentences. I try not tear up because I know it doesn’t help to dwell on unfinished business. Of course, I do, regardless.

  They hold me. They listen. They tell me it’s going to be okay, that they’ll make it all better.


  Or maybe that’s just life. Maybe we have to let things go, whether we want to or not.

  I’m still unsure.

  “She must love you,” Rekker says. His hot breath circles around my ear. “She just doesn’t know how to express it.”

  “Yea,” I murmur. “Probably.”

  But I still don’t believe it. I still blame myself for what happened. And I’m not sure there’s any way to change that.

  Here, I can fall into their love and adoration. But I still wonder if I’m dreaming. I can’t stop asking myself, “When will this fall apart?”

  In the morning, my smile is still plastered across my face. I’m smiling so large I probably look like one of those demented clowns. Well, color me surprised. My grin is not all that’s plastered on me.

  Uh, yeah. I need a shower.

  My alien brutes are snoring away, arms heavily suffocating my ribcage and waist. Carefully, I nudge away from the pack and stand, stretching my limbs.

  Today is going to be a good day. I just know it. The feeling reverberates through my bones.

  I discovered love on a distant planet. Isn’t that what so many girls dream of finding?

  Although the fertility chamber is dark, a sliver of light penetrates the staircase up to the top floor. Without thinking, I walk in that direction. Yawning, I cover my eyes as the sun turns brighter.

  Within seconds, I’m upstairs. I think back to when Akron left for the mines. That feels like ages ago. Yet, it just happened.

  There is a mound of handpicked flowers, alongside a pendant. They rest on a black cape. I recognize the pendant as Vraik’s necklace.

  These are gifts from the alphas. They must have snuck out after I fell asleep.

  I stoop and smell the flowers. A torrent of aroma hits my senses. They smell even better than the flowers from Earth.

  I place the necklace around my neck.

  Gently folding the flowers in the cape, I make sure everything is safe to carry, and I continue onward. My feet carry me outside, where the sun blazes hard above.

  To my right, their pink moon is still barely visible. To my left, Empire City rests. It is so much
uglier in the daytime. I don’t know how the aliens can stand it.

  The sentinels come to mind. That’s how the Empire ensures there won’t be any more rebellions. Except, Slain didn’t account for his own soldiers to turn on him.

  He should have known. The Lottery system was bound to fail.

  I don’t know what will happen to us. This is the biggest leap of faith any human has ever committed to.

  I know I’m happy. I’m in love.

  I’m a bride to three alpha aliens…

  I didn’t think I’d get the chance to say those words. I mean, crap, I was abducted. I thought they were going to kill me. But that’s never what their invasion was about.

  It was about freedom and security. It was about finding love.

  As I walk through the light green fields, I am surrounded by rubble and strange metallic objects, ruined by decades of war and neglect.

  In the daylight, I can see the beauty this planet used to hold. It’s still there, buried underneath the leftover destruction.

  I shouldn’t be out here without the aliens. I shouldn’t be out here at all, really, but I want to see more and analyze my thoughts.

  Soon, I come to a small hill past a hole in a chain link fence. I duck through and climb to the top, heart racing because I know how stupid I’m being.

  But everything is bliss. It’s just… so great. As my feet hit the top of the hill, I can’t fathom how life could be this good for me.

  I’ve never felt close to anyone before, but I finally feel trusting enough to open up. I didn’t think it would take three aliens, but they all serve me in so many different ways.

  I love them all. Is such a thing possible?

  Vraik as the toughest exterior of the bunch, and his emotional wall might be at its highest. But I managed to crack it last night. Something changed inside him.

  He’s a warrior that is used to following orders. Now that he’s met me, I believe I have opened a new side to him. I wear his necklace proudly as I stare at Empire City.

  Lök is a man who seeks to destroy this planet. His needs come from a place of anger and resentment, but it’s not like that grew out of nowhere. He is a deeply emotional being, though he is not yet ready to admit it. But that is who he is.

  I know him. I know how it feels to want to destroy the past, leaving only a trail of blazing embers. But if we both hang onto that emotion, if we choose hate instead of love, it won’t end with joyous fireworks.

  Then there’s Rekker.

  An alien with conviction, he is bound by logic. But for real change to occur, he cannot always hang onto logical arguments.

  Change comes when one answers their heart, no matter how crazy its request may be.

  In this process, we all connect to find one another. All four of us need each other more than we know.

  Again, I am reminded of Earth. The blue shores, the vast mountainous regions that make up most of the planet… the people. I still worry about them. They are my people, my race.

  I used to believe I was the alien. I was so different from everyone else.

  So much has happened in my life. Yes, some bad. That bad has lasted far too long. But there has been so much good, too.

  My father. He was good. He taught me to yearn for more in life.

  I almost forgot.

  There were times when my mother and I got along. When we were a family, we were a single unit that felt unstoppable.

  There were moments of happiness and peace. There were experiences that excited me. Summer vacations, school plays, sitting at the backyard table every Sunday for dinner.

  The little things always hit me the hardest. When I really analyze my memories, I start to realize there were a lot of little things.

  Sometimes, the pain of loss is so overwhelming you make yourself forget. Through forgetting, you lose even more.

  Ever since he died, my world broke apart, like a snow globe in the hands of an infant.

  I can’t forget him. I can’t forget them, my family.

  I can’t forget Earth. The planet is just too damn special.

  Although I was overjoyed just a few seconds ago, a clear view of Empire City sends me into a negative spiral. I hope it wasn’t a mistake to think this could work, that three aliens would ever be allowed to marry a human without the permission of their great Emperor…

  A sound reverberates through the landscape, causing me to stand. A rush of wind follows, furrowing around my body. “What the...”

  I squint my eyes, but I can’t see anything.

  And then I hear light computerized tones. One by one, cloaking systems reveal a group of sentinels. Their armor flashes on as they scatter toward me, weapons lighting up.

  They fire.

  My flowers fall to the ground, petals scattering across the dead grass.

  Laser beams fly around me. At first, I’m frozen. These horrid, policing brutes are hell bent on killing me, and I have no idea what to do.

  So I run.

  I jolt toward the breeding facility, tripping only to roll down the hill. I dive through the chain link fence and worm around the massive metal beams of destruction.

  I pray to God they aren’t on my trail, but they’re not far off.

  Another laser blast hit near my ankle as I enter the facility, screaming, “Wake up! Sentinels!”

  My nerves twist as I run downstairs to the alphas. As I enter the darkness, I feel a set of hands force around my mouth.

  It’s Lök. “Shh,” he whispers.

  When the sentinels enter upstairs, their footsteps slow. I hear another foreign tone, and a beam of red light floods the room.

  “Sending out a heat map,” a sentinel says.

  Another flash of light illuminates the chambers, but it stops near our feet.

  All of the alphas hold their breaths, and I can make out the quiet thud of their hearts beating.

  We’re all frightened. This could be it, the end of our bliss.

  “The female is not cold blooded. She will not register on our devices,” another sentinel says, near the darkened path.

  “She must be somewhere,” another says.

  Step by step, their noises grow louder. The darkened path down to the ritual chamber has been discovered. They’re going to find us.

  I expected the best when I should have expected the worst. This entire time, I was chasing an impossible dream.

  The sentinels reach the downstairs chamber. Another beam of light flashes. It’s over in an instant.

  The aliens open fire before the Empire’s goons can get the go on them.

  “You are to comply with intergalactic law,” one says.

  Vraik lunges and takes hold of one of the sentinel’s necks. I have to turn away, but I hear the sharp crack of bone and cartilage breaking in half. The thug falls to the floor, dead.

  “Fuck your law,” Vraik grunts. “This is our home.”

  Rekker whips out his gun and fires. Three fall dead, but so many start coming down the stairs, it seems impossible to stop.

  Lök fights, but I think he sees the inevitable coming his way. This is coming to an end. The flowers, the necklaces, and all of the sentimentality a cape can hold cannot withstand the brutal force of their government.

  The revolution will not be televised. It will be used to mine rogue planets for precious minerals.

  Lök grabs my arm and pulls me away. I try shouting, but he grips his hand around my mouth hard.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “There is nothing we can do.”

  “Please don’t leave me,” I cry, but my voice is too muffled to hear.

  Rekker’s armor is sliced off by one of the sentinel’s lasers.

  Lök pushes me near the statue. He kicks his heel against the golden pedestal, and a small space opens.

  There’s another chamber, much smaller.

  “Run,” he hisses.


  Lök cuts me off, frantically turning to see the alphas get beaten down with electro-prods and metal
bats. “Shut down the Resnyx extraction. Take our ship and get back home. Make sure your planet never has to face the Empire.”

  “I can’t. I won’t leave you,” I cry.

  I just got to know them. I got to feel their hearts, only for one moment.

  “You have no choice,” he says.

  Before I can react, he kicks my ankles from underneath me. I fall back and stumble over the edge, tumbling down, down, down into absolute darkness.

  My ass hits the tough concrete, but all around me are bones.

  Oh, God. I’m in a mausoleum. Get me the hell out of here…

  Above, I watch a sentinel swing his electro-prod, whipping the metal butt against Lök’s jaw. Blood sprays the golden statue as he falls to the floor, eyes gazing at mine with the utmost emotional pain.

  “I love you,” he mouths.

  The sentinels scan his neck, registering his data. I want to scream, but I know it’s not the time. I can’t do anything except watch in absolute shock.

  Tears fill my eyes. My sinuses swell and sting. My stomach starts to contract as I weep against my palm.

  “Lök,” I whisper, eyes widening when the truth really starts to sink in.

  Lök kicks the pedestal, and the hidden door closes, trapping me inside.

  The tumultuous fight ends. They won. They actually fucking won.

  I’ll kill them all.

  No, I’ll find them and torture them.

  Every angry thought burns through my mind, but I know I have to let it all go. I just don’t know how.

  Voice coming from above, I hear a sentinel say, “Sir, these are the brutes wanted by Slain.”

  Heavier footsteps echo and shake dust onto my face. Trying my hardest not to cough, I sit and listen.

  “Yes,” a deep voice growls. “The mining contractors that defected. Is it true? You found that female?”

  Vraik screams. “Let us go, you fucks, or I’ll take you down myself.”

  The sentinel leader laughs, deep. “You have killed a sentinel, betraying the Empire in the process. Where is the female?”

  Vraik spits. I imagine the glob hitting the sentinel’s scarred face.

  Silence, followed by the sound of a metallic fist to alien jaw.

  “Beat them until they talk,” he commands.


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