Nuada: A Fae Lands Short Story

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Nuada: A Fae Lands Short Story Page 1

by Q Schoenberg


  A Fae Lands Short Story

  Stacey Thompson

  Stevie Trinity

  Copyright@ 2016 to Stacey Thompson and Stevie Trinity. No part of this work can be copied without the authors consent.

  Published by Fire Spirit Publishing.


  He’d seen humans in the past. The last time he was here, they were dressed very differently, but he remembered them. Nuada despised how they thought they were the only ones in existence while the Fae ruled in a different plane. If they only knew what lay just beyond their eyes.

  Dien pushed the young Faes passed all the people in the square. He barely gave them time to take it all in. How the road underneath them was a rich cobblestone and the sky a light shade of blue. It could almost be like home if it wasn’t for all the noise.

  “We have to keep moving, boys,” The elder Fae said keeping them moving.

  “Where are we?” Aberta asked.

  “We are in the human world,” Dien said without much reaction.

  How stupid can you be, we’ve been here before, Aberta, Nuada thought, shaking his head. The first time they came here was only for a short while, but now it seemed they had to hide more often than not.

  Balor was still hunting them with the help of the Dark Fae Queen Eleana. The one who was supposed to unite the Seelie and UnSeelie courts, but fate had other plans.

  “I know someone that can help, but you have to be quiet,” He looked at the boys. “You can’t tell them who you are.”

  “Why,” Aberta blurted out.

  “Because we can’t risk being figured out,” Dien softened his face and shook his head. “Once Sasha and I figure out how to fix this mess, you will be able to go back to your lives, but until then, this is your life.”

  Dien started walking with the boys following closely behind. Nuada caught sight of a double decker bus in the distance and realized where he was. He was in England. A lot had changed, but it was still easy enough to figure out.

  They walked for a while until they were coming out of the large city and into a more peaceful area. It made Nuada smile at the thought that this planet with all its humans had something so beautiful. The rolling hills before him reminded him of his home, but the twisting trees lining the field made him smile. He felt at home in the woods. Like it was his place.

  Dien walked in front of them for a little longer until an old barn came into view. It was falling apart, but was out of sight and blended with the farm land around it. No one would bother looking there for them.

  He watched as a young woman came out to greet them. She was watching the ground as she walked and glancing behind her nervously.

  “Wait here,” Dien said before turning and walking towards the girl.

  Nuada could hear them talking but not what they were talking about. The girl was gesturing with her hands and her face was worried. He bit his lip and looked at his brother. Aberta was younger than him, but only by a few years and he was everything Nuada was not. His features were handsome for a Fae and he’d gotten their fathers dark hair. Even his eyes in there soft shade of violet were more graceful than Nuada’s dark ones. They were different in every way, but he still cared for him. At least as much as he could. Nuada always hoped that when he became King, Aberta would stand by him. That was a long way from today and could be forever gone if he didn’t get back before Balor destroyed what his father had built.

  He watched as Dien made his way towards them. “We have to meet with the Coven,” Dien said shaking his head.

  “They will make us tell them who we are,” Nuada answered still watching the girl. Her light hair blowing in the wind made him wonder who she was. She was so young and still in this Coven. It was a strange idea to him.

  “Yes, but to betray the Coven is to betray themselves. I believe they will honor their choice.”

  Nuada nodded his head. He had to follow what Dien said. He knew more about this place than he did and if said they would honor their word, then they would. He followed behind Dien with Aberta right behind him.

  The barn was deceiving in its size. From the outside it looked small and old, but when you opened the door, it was like entering a different place. Nuada could feel the presence of Magick and not just any Magick, but powerful stuff.

  He followed Dien as they walked through the main area of the barn. He could feel the eyes of each Coven member following him and straightened his shoulders. He was the heir to the Seelie court and didn’t want anyone thinking otherwise.

  “Why have you come here?” the voice was loud and commanding. It caught all of them off guard.

  Dien stopped and scanned the loft above them for the source of the voice. Then a man stepped forward. He wasn’t anyone you would think of when you think of leader. His body was lean and his hair long. He was wearing glasses and tipped his head to the side when he spoke, but the Magick coming from him was strong and made the air thick. Nuada had to concentrate on his breathing just to stay on his feet.

  “We are looking for sanctuary,” Dien said.

  “From what?”

  “From those that wish to kill the Princes of the Seelie Court.”

  Nuada felt his mouth go dry as Dien said it. The gasps around them kept him focused, but he couldn’t help the small amount of fear he felt.

  “Why would you even think we would help. This is a human world. You have your own,”

  “Our world is in chaos right now. Our King was killed by a warring clan and we need help until we regain control. The Princes must be kept alive.” Dien dropped his gaze. “One day the human world will need our help. Consider this a prepayment.” He raised his eyes back to the man in charge and took a step towards where he stood above him. “You have seen it, haven’t you? The future that is coming. It’s unavoidable and will cover this world like a plague. The pieces are already being moved into place. Help us now and we will help you later.”

  The man watched Dien for a minute and then answered, “We will help this time, but once you can, you will return to your plane and leave us be.”

  “Agreed,” Dien said before glancing at Nuada.

  “Luana will show you to where you can stay,” he pointed to the blonde Nuada saw Dien speaking with before.

  She glanced at Dien and then at Nuada before stepping towards them. She looked less than impressed at the idea of taking them anywhere. Nuada grabbed his brother and pulled him along as they followed the woman.

  “You can stay here,” she said as she pointed towards a door. “It’s a little small in there, but it’s very protected.”

  “I would imagine,” Dien said with a smile. “Thank you.”

  “We can’t guarantee your protection if you leave the Coven’s protected areas.” She crossed her arms, her blonde hair falling into her eyes.

  “How far does the protection reach?” Nuada spoke up.

  “Into the Fields a little, but I’m not sure it’s going to stop more than one Fae. That’s why it’s important to stay inside as much as possible.” Luana turned and walked away without saying anything else.

  Dien opened the door and motioned for the boys to go in. They did as they were told and walked into the small room. Nuada glanced around and raised his eyebrows.

  “I know this is far from what you’re used to, but we have to be careful if we are going to be safe.” Dien closed the door behind them. “I’m going to go back our world and gather support. The more Fae I can turn on Balor, the quicker we will get back.”

  “I should go,” Nuada said, standing.

  “No, we can’t risk you. If something happens to me, you have to go ba
ck and take back the Fae Lands. I won’t be the one that puts that in harm’s way.”

  “They will unit for their King.”

  “You are right, but I will speak for you.” Dien walked towards the door. “You won’t have to stay here long. I will get Sasha and we will get the Fae lands back.” He opened the door and walked through it, closing it behind him.

  “I’m not staying in this room,” Nuada said rising from the seat he’d taken on the bed.

  “Wait, what am I supposed to do here?” Aberta said.

  “I don’t know. Find some human kids to play with,” Nuada said before walking through the door.

  “I don’t play. I’m too old for that,” Aberta yelled behind him.

  Nuada made his way through the barn. The humans all watched him and whispered. He sighed and shook his head. These humans were getting annoying. He tried to ignore them as Dien had told him to, but he wasn’t sure he could. They were everywhere. The only place he could find peace was outside the barn.

  He stayed close, but was still far enough from the barn that he could be on his own. He felt confined in the place. There was no one here he could talk to. He wasn’t paying attention to where he was walking until he tripped over something and landed on his face.

  “Hey, watch what you are doing,” a voice said from behind him.

  He jumped to his feet. Sitting there on the ground leaning on a tree was a woman with dark hair. She had a book open in front of her. Nuada was surprised and wasn’t sure what to say.

  “I… I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there,” he said running his hand through his hair.

  “No you didn’t because you weren’t paying attention,” she said not taking her eyes from her book.

  “I’m Nuada.”

  “I know who you are.” She finally closed the book and put it on the ground beside her. “You’re the Fae that no one wants here.”

  He laughed. “Nor do I want to be here.” He turned to walk away from her.

  “No one wants me here either,” she said getting to her feet.

  He stopped and turned back towards her.

  “My parents are dead. The only reason I’m here is because I’m a charity case. At least you have something to go back to.”

  “Maybe. If they don’t destroy it first.”

  “Umm. I guess that would be a worry,” she said. “I have to go.”

  “Hey, what’s your name?”

  She just smiled and walked away.


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