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Page 13

by R. A. Mejia

  Name:Armon EllingtonAge:19


  Exp to next lvl.:654Titles:none

  Unspent Stat points0

  Health: 52Mana: 69

  Stamina:65Mana Regen/Min 8

  Stamina Regen/Min 3.25Health Regen/Min 0.42




  One handed Damage: 4 - 5 (Unarmed)

  Two Handed Damage: 6 - 7 (Unarmed)

  Defense: 3


  Alchemy: Novice 5

  Animal Care: Novice 8

  Aura Projection: Beginner 2

  Blacksmithing: Novice 5

  Carpentry: Novice 4

  Climbing: Novice 3

  Construction: Novice 5

  Cooking: Novice 9

  Craftsmanship: Novice 6

  Crystal Programming: Novice 4

  Firestarter: Novice 2

  Haggle: Novice 2

  Herbalism: Novice 8

  Knife Mastery: Novice 3

  Listening: Novice 4

  Lock Picking: Novice 3

  Logging: Novice 5

  Magical Aura: Beginner 2

  Magical Engraving: Novice 6

  Mana Control: Beginner 2

  Meditation: Novice 3

  Mining: Novice 6

  Observe: Novice 4

  Repair: Novice 3

  Search: Novice 7

  Shield Mastery: Novice 8

  Sleight of Hand: Novice 4

  Sneak: Novice 7

  Spear Mastery: Novice 7

  Unarmed Combat: Novice 9

  Workhorse: Novice 4

  Abilities: Darkvision, Thrust, Shield Bash, Aspect of the Kobold 1, Multipunch

  Spells: None

  Arcane Symbols Known: light, dark, water, fire, earth, air, force, self, life, death,

  remove, directional symbols, Second, Minute, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, delay, spin

  Inventory: Gloves of Force, Spear, Crystals (2), Repair Kit

  Chapter 12

  Three days of travel on foot through the desert brings us to a small nameless village. We’ve come close to being caught several times by Monstrum patrols, but thanks to Keans’ [Sneak] skill and his ability to find a good hiding spot, we’re able to avoid trouble. The small village is composed of exactly two buildings and a water well. The buildings are made out of light-brown adobe bricks and blend in with the surrounding desert. One of the buildings is a stable that seems bursting with horses and camels, and the other is about the size of a one-bedroom apartment.

  We walk up to one of the buildings just as the sun sets, and we are stopped by a heavily-muscled man in loose robes. His face is obscured by a long, light-brown cloth that covers his head and much of his face, and there is a thick, curved sword at his hip. “Halt! No entry unless you know the password.”

  Keans confidently walks up to the man and whispers something. The man nods once and turns to let us pass. As we walk through the doorway into the building, I see that there are more guards inside. One points to a door at the end of the hallway, and Keans leads us to it. Opening the door reveals a series of stairs that disappear underground. We walk down the stairs, and I sidle up next to Keans and ask, “What kind of place is this? And why did they need a password?”

  “It’s a place where smugglers gather to get supplies before the big desert crossing. There are guys here who are nothing more than opportunistic scoundrels who would cut your throat as quick as shake your hand if it were to their advantage. So be careful.”

  “Oh, so it’s a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Got it.”

  I hear a snort of laughter from Mary, who’s hiding in the folds of my clothing.

  Keans pauses and looks back at me. “I’ve never heard it put quite like that, but it’s an apt description.” He continues walking and says, “We’re here to find someone who can guide us across the desert into the Imperare territory. It’s a long journey, and without an experienced guide, we’re likely to get lost.”

  We continue downward, and sounds float up from below and reach my ears. They’re faint at first, but they grow louder with each flight down. Soon, it’s a roaring cacophony, and as we reach the lowest stairs, a warm yellow glow from the light below us illuminates our way. Reaching the last step, we walk into the bustling underground bazaar. The first thing that hits me is the smell of animals, spices, and that unique odor of people that have gone too long without bathing.

  There are groups of people everywhere, many of whom are roaming the dirt pathways. They are dressed in a variety of armors, clothes, and with a variety of weapons. A group of women in bright-blue veils haggle with a rotund man with a hooked nose over some exquisitely-painted long-necked vases. A creature whose species I can’t begin to guess, but has the beak of hawk, the eyes of owl, and is covered in fur like a bear, examines a sword big enough to give the Buster Sword size envy. Merchants under colorful tents call out to men and women that pass by, yelling about the quality of their goods or their low, low prices. One merchant claims to have crossed deserts and mountains to bring his fine spices here, and another argues that his locally-grown products are superior because of their freshness.

  While I could spend hours just wandering this place, Keans seems to know where to go, and we follow him through the press of bodies to a large tent in a secluded corner. This tent is the largest and grandest of any we’ve seen so far. Its walls are decorated with detailed embroideries of small men riding giant lizards to do battle with metal monstrosities across a vast landscape of deserts and mountains. Two diminutive figures guard the entrance, and like the guards outside the building, these men are also garbed in flowing brown robes and head scarfs. They are but a fraction of the size of those we saw before, yet, when we draw near, they exude an aura of martial power and hold out their hands for us to stop.

  Keans bows respectfully to the two guards. The one on the left asks, “What business do you have with the Potentate?”

  The high melodic tone of the guard is instantly recognizable, and I realize they’re not short humans, but normal-sized halflings. Keans, speaking for the group, answers, “I seek audience with my old friend. Please tell Potentate Pauline that Keans the Ever Virile is here.”

  There’s a loud laugh from inside the tent, and a woman’s voice calls out, “Keans the Ever Virile? That’s a new one.” A small figure parts the tent and steps out toward us. The delightfully-generous curves beneath her robes indicates that this is a woman. She reaches up and moves her headscarf to the side, revealing her face. She quickly looks the group over with piercing green eyes, but her focus returns to Keans, who looks down at her with a delighted expression on his face, smiling and positively oozing charm. He steps toward Pauline, but the two guards step between them before he can reach her. The alluring woman waves them away, and she meets Keans with a hug and peck on his cheek.

  “Well, Pauline, it’s been too long since I’ve seen you.” Keans gestures to the large, expensive-looking tent. “You don’t seem to be doing badly for yourself.”

  She shrugs and smiles back at him. “Well, a lady has to take care of herself. You taught me that when you left in the middle of the night.”

  “You know that I wouldn’t have left unless I had to. I got news that your father had sent assassins after me for our little dalliance, and I had to leave or risk losing my life. Though, I’d already lost my heart you.”

  I hear the sound of fake retching and look down into my shirt pocket to see Mary making faces.

  Pauline considers Keans for a moment before waving her hand towards the tent. “Well, no matter. That’s all water under the bridge now. Come inside, and we’ll talk about why you’ve returned.”

  The five of us follow Pauline into the tent and find it better adorned that I had imagined. There is a large, low, circular table made of well-polished and aged wood in the center of the tent that is inlaid with a gold sun in the middle and decorated in some script that depicts strange batt
les between six armies comprised of orcs, goblins, halflings, elves, dwarfs, and giant birds. The floor is covered by layers of lush carpets that feel wonderful on my weary feet, and there are mounds of pillows which serve as seats. The tent itself is segregated into several rooms by fine cloth dividers, and I can just make out a bedroom with a king-sized bed in one area. In another, I spy a small kitchenette with cooking equipment and servants preparing food and drink. There are several other areas, one which is clearly for reading and another which appears to be for study. The furniture is all made from the same dark wood and is all finely crafted. The display of so much wooden furniture is a sign that Pauline is indeed a powerful and wealthy woman, for wood is a rare commodity in the desert wastes.

  As we sit on the cushions by the large, circular table, servants enter bearing a splendid array of refreshments. A plate of fruit is placed before me on a silver platter, and I eagerly eat. The fruit is juicy and delicious. I hear a small cough and realize that Mary is still in my pocket. When I look down, she gives me a big-eyed, hungry look while pointing in the direction of the food. I look around to make sure no one is watching me and then slip a grape-like fruit from the table into my pocket.

  Unfortunately, the move isn’t as subtle as I’d hoped it would be. Pauline smiles at me and asks, “Would you like to take your friend out of your pocket? I’m sure she’d be more comfortable out in the open.”

  My first instinct is to deny everything, but Mary says, “Well, the jig is up.” She flies out of my pocket and over to the food and begins to devour it. Between bites, she points to me and says, “I told you it was a stupid idea to hide me in your pocket. I mean, who’s going to be fooled by a such a sexy-looking bulge in your shirt?”

  Pauline laughs. “Indeed. It’s not the best place to hide a lovely creature such as yourself. However, the fact that you were trying does tell me something about what you might want from me.”

  “Indeed,” Keans says while biting into an orange fruit with a thin, yellow skin. “As usual, Pauline, you’re as insightful and observant as ever. Our group is seeking passage into the Imperare Empire.”

  Pauline looks around at everyone, and her eyes linger on the kobold and fairy. “Well, that will be an interesting trip. You are aware that they consider anyone not human as inferior and that non-humans are only allowed into the country as slaves?”

  “Well, yes. We are aware that there will be certain challenges crossing into the country, but we were hoping you’d help us overcome some of those obstacles.”

  Pauline considers Keans for a moment, an incredulous expression slowly appearing. “You’re serious, aren’t you? You expect me to-- What? Use some fancy magic to transform everyone into a human?”

  “Is that possible?” I ask, genuinely curious.

  She waves away the question. “I suppose. Someone that specializes in either illusion or transformation magic could, but even then, most spells won’t last you more than a couple hours.”

  Keans continues, “Well, we’re looking for a more long-term solution. We expect to have to pass several inspections over the course of several weeks or even months.”

  Pauline considers the question. “Well, the simplest solution would be to put slave collars on those two.” Mary and Vrax both gasp at the idea of being collared, but Pauline quickly continues, “Now, don’t go getting your panties in a twist. All I meant was that we’d have to put fake slave collars on you. That combined with the proper proof of ownership should satisfy most inspections.”

  Mary looks between me and Pauline before saying, “Well, if it’ll help my friends, I’ll go along with it.” She then flies up to my nose and pokes it with a finger. “But don’t you go getting any ideas about really being my ‘master’ and ordering me around. ‘Cause I’ll be a monkey’s uncle before I let that happen!”

  I hear laughter and clapping from both Sonya and Pauline. Sonya, who’d been silently watching till now, says, “Well put, Mary, how about you pretend to be my bound fairy companion? That way, none of the men will get any ideas about ordering you around.”

  Mary considers her for a moment before answering. “Sure. I can go for that.” Then she smiles widely as if a new thought has just occurred to her. “Oh, oh! I know. I can be your fairy bodyguard.” She begins swinging an imaginary sword as she flies through the air. “We can get me some battle armor, and I can fly around like a fairy knight in shining armor defending you from all the bad guys. It would be sooo cool!”

  The sight of Mary pretending to be a knight vanquishing her foes is so funny that everyone around the table chuckles and laughs. When Mary’s done defeating her invisible enemies, she lands on the table in front of Sonya, salutes her with her imaginary sword and says dramatically, “My lady, I have vanquished the enemy. Your honor and chastity have been protected.”

  Sonya snorts at the mention of chastity and says wryly, “Well, thanks for protecting my honor, Sir Mary, but I’m afraid my chastity hasn’t been a concern for a while now.” She turns and gives me a sexy wink, and I feel my face get red as the rest of the table laughs at the joke.

  The only person that doesn’t seem to get the joke is Vrax, who looks at everyone in confusion. Sitting to my left, he motions for me to lean towards him and asks too loudly, “I don’t get it, brood brother. What is a chastity?”

  Before I can answer, Pauline roars with laughter. “Little kobold, chastity is a kind of belt some people wear until they get married. They think it protects their virtue. Though, I got rid of it as soon as I could since I prefer a more ‘robust’ lifestyle!” She laughs at her own joke, and a few people around the table laugh too.

  I see Vrax’s eyes narrow. He may not know what the word ‘chastity’ means, but he knows when someone is making fun of him. I quickly whisper an explanation in his ear of what Sonya meant. Vrax looks at me with wide eyes then leaps to his clawed feet, grabs my arm, and yells, “You finally mate?! Brood brother, why you no tell me that sooner?!” Everyone at the table laughs at the declaration, though Sonya blushes deeply. Vrax ignores them all and continues, “Such a thing is a reason for a big party in the tribe. It shows you have your full scales and can add to the tribe’s number.”

  Pauline raises her cup in mock salute. “I agree. This is cause for celebration. Bring in the wine and food!” As commanded, servants bring in bottles of fine red wine and begin filling everyone’s cup with it. More food is brought in. Thick cuts of aromatic meats and a variety of vegetables are placed before us. My hunger gets the best of me, and my stomach practically roars in anticipation. I have to swallow the drool pooling in my mouth and stare. I certainly haven’t had anything like this in all my months in the prison work camp.

  For the next couple hours, we all celebrate. I don’t think Pauline or her group really needed any prompting to put on a feast, but it’s nice to relax for a moment and enjoy some good viands and wine. Vrax drinks and tells everyone who will listen that this is a celebration for his brood brother, who has finally mated. He also tells them about his attempts to get me a good kobold girl from the tribe, but that I seem to prefer women without scales. Mary, a little tipsy from the wine, adds that she’s also glad that I finally lost my flower.

  I look around the room and see Keans in deep discussion with Pauline. The two are holding hands while they talk and recline upon piled-up cushions. I feel a hand on my lower back and turn to find Sonya giving me a sultry look that sends shivers up my spine. “Well, Armon. Since this celebration seems to be in your honor, why don’t the two of us go find someplace to celebrate together?”

  My head spinning a bit from the wine, I smile eagerly, nod, and follow the beautiful red head to a dark corner where the two of us enjoy each other’s company for the night.

  Chapter 13

  I wake up the next morning with a headache and a sour taste in my mouth. Someone’s boot nudges me, and I open my eyes to see Sonya offering me a cup of something. “Here you go. Drink this. It’ll help with your headache.”

  I sit
up and take the wooden cup from her. The red liquid inside has a peculiar odor: something that reminds me of three-day-old cabbage and old, sweaty gym socks. “What’s in this? It smells horrible.”

  “It’s a recipe I picked up from an old soldier friend of my dad’s. He found me after I got drunk for the first time and poured this concoction down my throat. It helped me pass my father’s morning inspection.” Seeing my expression, she quickly explains, “My dad’s retired military. He has the whole household line up for inspection every morning. If Old Saw Tooth hadn’t forced that down my throat, I would have been busted for sure.” She shrugs once and looks off as if recalling an unpleasant memory. “My father doesn’t accept weakness in himself or others. Not being able to hold your liquor would have been seen as a definite weakness.”

  I nod, only half-understanding everything she’s saying. I pinch my nose and drink the stuff in the cup. It tastes nearly as bad as it smells, but I force it all down. I can’t help but make a face of disgust while drinking it, but Sonya’s right. My head instantly goes from feeling like someone is jackhammering on my skull to only a dull ache.


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