Witch Of The Federation (Federal Histories Book 2)

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Witch Of The Federation (Federal Histories Book 2) Page 56

by Michael Anderle

  Ahead of Todd, the leader put his fist up and patted his hand down. They all squatted, and the man indicated a building across the street.

  “We’ll head in the south entrance, up the—”

  Before he could finish, the scene flickered around them and slowly faded to leave them in the white room. They stood and waited, knowing that something was up. The chief came up on the screen. For a moment, he was unaware he was live and looked preoccupied before he looked directly at them

  “Prepare for extraction from your pod,” he said and deactivated the screen off before they could ask why.

  Todd felt a little dizzy and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he was in his pod and one of his teammates had popped the lid.

  “Thanks.” He pulled himself out and rubbed the back of his neck before he joined the rest of the guys as they followed the team leader into the briefing room across the hall.

  Once they’d settled, the viewscreen activated to show a live feed of the captain. He had muted his mic to talk to several men gathered around him while he passed folders to each of them.

  When he was done, he looked at the screen and nodded dismissal to the others. The team came to attention as he walked around his desk, sat on the edge of it, and turned the sound on. “Good morning.”

  The team immediately responded. “Good morning, Captain.”

  He nodded. “At ease, gentlemen. You’re all probably wondering why you were pulled from your pods. Well, I have some good news for you today.”

  The guys waited, and he cleared his throat and forced a smile. “Congratulations, you have successfully passed the Federation Navy training. You are to report immediately to Section Twelve for your orders. You met all your training objectives early and we see no reason to make you mark time when we need you on deck. It’s a brave new world out there, gentlemen, and you should be proud to know you’ll be protecting it. Good luck and God speed.”

  The team stood to attention as the captain sketched them a salute before he ended the feed. For a moment, they stood in utter silence, their expressions mirrors of disbelief. They jumped as the chief stormed into the room and clapped impatiently. “You heard the captain. Get your asses moving. You have three minutes to pack your sea bags and get the hell out of my building. I got recruits to terrorize and you ain’t them. Move! Move! Move!”

  Faced with his bullying, the guys galvanized into action. They jogged out of the briefing room and down the hall to the barracks.

  Without much talk, they hauled their stuff out of their lockers and shoved it into their bags before they cleared their barracks and headed for Section Twelve. The guy beside Todd shook his head. “This is weird, man.”

  Todd shrugged. “Why?”

  “ʼCause this ain’t the way it goes, dude,” he said, his expression worried. “Seriously, has anyone ever heard of FedNav pulling newbies out of the training program early?”

  One of the others scoffed. “Not since training consisted of being put in trashcans and rolled down hills. So, no, not since the Federation took over. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

  The leader shrugged. “We met their training objectives. I guess they really need us out there.”

  He turned to the team and raised his voice in a bellow. “Have we got this?”

  The team responded with a roar of their own. “Hell, yes! We got this.”

  “Then let’s go prove it.”

  They broke into a run toward Section Twelve and whatever their future might hold. A little disappointingly after that brief flurry of excitement, they were ushered into another briefing room and told to wait.

  Todd pulled out the print copy of Stephanie’s letter and his heart fluttered momentarily when he thought about her warning.

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered and shoved the letter back into his bag. “I won’t die anytime soon.”

  Chapter Fifty-One

  In another briefing room on a different planet, the door opened and the king of Meligorn strode in. His new head of security, Sho, and V’ritan waited and rose when he arrived.

  He waved his hand and shook his head, and they resumed their seats. No one talked until more security measures had been deployed.

  Once that had been completed, the monarch walked to the front and scanned the room using long rays of energy. The magic was designed to search for any bugs or cameras that could have been missed during Sho’s initial check. It was a relief when it came back clean.

  He returned to the door, punched in a code, and placed his palm against the plate on the wall beside it. This action was followed by the sound of heavy locks clicking into place.

  Once they were secured, he unbuttoned his top robe and walked over to sit at the table. “Now we know that no one is privy to our conversations. After the last betrayal, I can’t help but be cautious.”

  V’ritan shook his head. “No apology needed, Grilfir. We completely understand.”

  The king folded his hands in front of him. “First of all, thank you, Sho, for stepping into the head security position. I am sorry it is under such circumstances. Now, what do you have for me?”

  The Meligornian pulled out two files. “Well, your Highness, based on the information we were able to extract from the insurgents we captured, there is another larger group inside the capital.”

  He paused to allow the information to sink in. “It seems they no longer lurk in the ditches and hedgerows or hide on the outskirts. They mingle at the highest levels and have no shame in it. Commander Galofrel is not here because he believes he has a mole inside his forces. He is currently trying to decide how to smoke them out.”

  King Grilfir leaned back, rubbed his fingers across his lips, and shook his head. “That makes the situation much more difficult to manage. We’ll have to keep him in the dark, I’m afraid, which means we lose the resources of the entire Fast Response Squad.”

  He groaned and buried his face in his hands before he scrubbed his palms over his cheeks and raised his head with a heavy sigh. “In fact, we’ll have to keep them entirely in the dark until they’ve fixed their leaks. We’ll need someone from outside Meligorn for this. I simply don’t know who to ask, given the sensitivity of the situation. Perhaps one of the more discreet mercenary companies....”

  V’ritan shifted in his chair and considered their options, his eyes narrowed. Finally, he spoke quietly. “Leave it to me, your Highness. I’ll take care of this one.”

  The king nodded and V’ritan stood, bowed to his sovereign, and strode to the door. He acknowledged Sho with a brief dip of the head but stopped abruptly when he reached the door.


  The king raised his head and realized the problem.

  “Well, at least you didn’t try for a dramatic exit,” he said as he pushed out of his seat and came to his assistance. “It would have been totally ruined.”

  Smiling at his ambassador’s discomfort, he punched in the required code and unsealed the door by placing his palm on the plate. He waited for the locks to disengage and waved him out. As he closed it in the man’s wake, he caught sight of Brilgus waiting in the corridor beyond.

  V’ritan words drifted back as the door clunked shut.

  “We have to ask a favor from a friend.”

  A short time later, Ambassador V’ritan arrived outside Stephanie’s suite. Brilgus waited as he knocked, and they were very quickly let inside.

  Stephanie was curled up on the couch, a book in hand. She looked up as they entered and smiled, pleasantly surprised to see them. “I didn’t know you guys were stopping by. I was getting some reading in and everyone is chilling in their rooms, except these two.”

  She looked at the two Meligornians the smile fading from her face. “What’s going on? You look like someone’s died.”

  V’ritan sniffed and identified an unfamiliar scent. He looked around and noticed the two cats rolling around on the carpet as they wrestled in play.

  Zeekat noticed him staring and stopped, and Bumblebe
e paused to follow his gaze. They disentangled themselves and meandered over to sit beside Stephanie and fixed bright-eyed stares on the visitor.

  He shook his head. “I will never get used to that.”

  Brilgus chuckled at his discomfort and approached the pair. He knelt in front of them and reached out, his palm up, and wriggled his fingers in invitation. “Does da kitty want a scratch? Does he? Does he now?”

  As Zeekat lowered his chin into the advisor’s hand, the ambassador blinked and rolled his eyes before he turned back to her. “I am, unfortunately, here on business.”

  She waved him toward a seat opposite her. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  “I didn’t want to come here,” he said and lowered the hood of his cloak as he accepted her invitation, “but I couldn’t think of an alternative.”

  Stephanie frowned. “Go on.” She glanced at Lars as he entered, nodded a greeting to the visitors, and sat in a chair near the window.

  V’ritan shifted forward on the seat and frowned as Brilgus continued to make a fuss of the cats. “There is a cell of insurgents in the city. We know their location, but our Tactical Support Section has been compromised so we can’t depend on them to help us on this one. And by ‘we’ I mean our new head of security, the king, and myself.”

  He paused and studied her face as she digested the news before he resumed his explanation. “And now you know. I came to see if you and your team were up for a fight. We need help to capture them.”

  “None of the regular forces can take this on?” Stephanie asked.

  The ambassador shook his head. “The Tac Section is the only department set up for it—and we don’t know who else is compromised. If we tell the wrong person, we risk giving the insurgents enough warning to disappear, and then we’ll have nothing. We’ll be back to square one and they’ll have more time to plan another attack.”

  “That’s not good news,” she replied and looked at Lars to try to read his reaction.

  He shrugged as the Meligorniain answered, “No, it’s a bad situation right now.”

  When she didn’t respond immediately, he took a deep breath. “So, would you and your team be willing? I know it’s dangerous, but I think you could handle it.”

  “What are the pros and cons?” Lars interjected.

  V’ritan looked up when the rest of the team emerged and gathered around them. Brilgus still knelt in front of the cats, but he watched the proceedings as they butted his hands for more attention.

  The ambassador thought for a moment. “Pros…we catch them and hopefully, get more information which will make everyone safer. Cons…we all die and the insurgents escape to attack at the Federation from another angle.”

  Frog nodded. “So it’s your basic tag and bag mission. Got it.” He glanced around. “What do you think, boys? Shall we take the witch out to play?”

  Marcus walked around the couch and shrugged. “They made us citizens and we wouldn’t tell Earth no, right?”

  There was a chorus of “nopes” and “not likelys” and they all looked at Stephanie.

  “It’s your call,” Lars told her. “Our primary duty is to protect you, but that doesn’t mean stopping you from doing your job.”

  The team nodded in agreement but made no effort to sway her decision. She sighed and looked at each one as she considered the problem. As much as she didn’t like to put them at risk, this was what they’d signed up for.

  After a moment’s hesitation, she slapped her hands on her legs and stood. “Let’s suit up, boys.” She turned to V’ritan. “I don’t suppose you could get us some extra ammo?”

  A short while later, the team was in their gear and suitably equipped. They stood in a small hangar while Brilgus brought a flying car around. “The cats don’t like it when you leave them behind,” he said. “They think they’re part of the team.”

  “They don’t have any armor,” she snapped. “They can come as soon as they do.”

  “You could shield them,” Lars murmured, and she glared at him.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “At least they won’t need any extra ammo,” V’ritan told her as he wandered up to inspect her armor and adjust it as needed. “Are you ready?”

  “That we are.” She smiled and felt a small surge of anticipation. “We’ll take a look at it tonight and strike tomorrow when we have a plan.”

  He nodded. “All right. Be careful and try not to spook them.” He pressed his finger to Stephanie’s forehead and the address floated into her mind.

  “That’s where you’re headed. And yes, we’ll talk about what I just did later. For now, keep your heads low and good luck. I’ll have the rest of the gear brought to your rooms along with any extra ammunition you might need and the MU packs to power them. The latter will take a little time if I’m to prevent it from leaking.”

  She patted him on the shoulder, slid into the car, and keyed the address into the GPS. Brilgus noted it and nodded. “I can get you there.”

  He took a moment to study the map, not happy that he had to leave the ambassador, even with a guard. When he was ready, he lifted off and set his course to the address.

  “A warehouse district.” Lars sighed when he saw it. “What a surprise.

  Brilgus snorted at the comment and set the car down a block away from the address. “I sent a map to your tablets.” He waited for a moment as they all checked their tablets and added, “I’ll wait here.”

  Stephanie and the team tucked their tablets into their pockets and exited the vehicle to make their way down a dark and poorly lit side street until they stood across from their target. She indicated the building. “It’s a warehouse. Let’s do a quick surveillance run and meet here.”

  The team moved quickly, slipped out of the side street, and hugged the shadows as they crept around the location, doing their best to remain unseen. She crouched around the corner of the warehouse and released a small translucent ball of gMU.

  Lars waited with her for the ball and the rest of the team to return from their investigations. When everyone had arrived and the sphere had returned, she moved into a loading dock and flattened the orb to display the image it had stored.

  They immediately identified several dark spots.

  “Those should be exits and entrances,” the team leader stated. “We simply have to decide how to stop them from being used when we go in.”

  “I’m reasonably sure I can use my magic to block any exits unless there are some underground that we can’t see,” she told them. “We’ll have to hope that V’ritan has a plan.”

  She studied the map intently. “And that he can find another team to back us up.”

  They made their way back to the car and had Brilgus return them to the palace.

  “You’ll have your equipment in the morning,” V’ritan told them when they arrived and scowled as the two cats immediately tackled Brilgus and demanded he pet them. “Do they have to encourage him?”

  Stephanie chuckled and waved her hand. The cats caught her signal and hurried to follow her. “I’m going to prepare. Call me when its time.”

  She went into her room and closed the door, leaving the Meligornians talking to Lars while the others scattered to their rooms.

  Once she’d removed her armor, she stood with her legs shoulder-width apart in the center of the room. The felines jumped on her bed and curled up to watch curiously as she closed her eyes and began to pull energy into her.

  It took her some time to refill her inner storage tanks since she’d given the bulk of her MU and eMU away during the third Mystery challenge. She hadn’t really had time since then to restore the levels again. Well, now she had to.

  After a quick glance at the cats, she scoffed. “I sure wish I hadn’t been stupid with that rock.”

  They purred in response and remained where they were while their bright eyes observed the arcs of energy that flowed into her body. When she was as full as she could be, she felt exhausted.

  “That’s me do
ne for the night,” she told the two, climbed into bed, and nodded when they settled on top of the blankets. She rubbed their heads. “Do you guys want to go kick some bad guy butt?”

  They nudged her and purred louder than ever, and she stifled a yawn. “Good. It’s settled. You’re part of the team. For now, though, I need a nap.”

  She’d planned to rest for only a short while, but before she knew it, Lars shook her awake. “Hey, it’s time to go. We’re all ready.”

  Stephanie blinked and sat up, startled to see that it was dusk outside the window. “Man, I must have been tired. I’ve slept—”

  “About eighteen hours,” he told her. “Don’t worry. Our gear arrived and we fed the cats. Brilgus even took them for a walk.”

  “A walk?” She stretched and patted her leg, and the felines wandered over and twined themselves around her legs. “Time to go, guys.”

  He left her to get dressed but he and V’ritan waited in the other room to check and adjust her armor.

  “Here’s the deal,” the ambassador told her. “You’ll give me ten minutes after I leave here. Then, you and your teammates will exit through the main doors, turn right, and head down the hall. To your right, you’ll find an alcove with a plain wooden door. Magic the lock open and take the stairs to the bottom. The passage will lead you to another door where there will be transportation waiting. Neither Brilgus nor I will be able to be with you without signaling that something is up. Our visit was noticed last night, and we were missed.”

  The cats growled at him as he patted her shoulder and he frowned at them before he walked to the door. “Ten minutes,” he reminded her before he opened it and left silently.

  They waited for what felt like the longest ten minutes of their lives, then Lars checked the hallway.

  He gestured that it was clear, and they followed the ambassador’s directions to find a small ship waiting for them.

  Sho met them at the door and showed them his ID card. “I am Sho, head of Royal Security. I will come with you.”


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