H. P. LOVECRAFT _Official Editor_ E. EDWARD ERICSON _Official Publisher_
Issued bi-monthly by the United Amateur Press Association.
Subscription Price, 50 cents per year.
Published at Elroy, Wisconsin.
Entered as second-class mail matter at the post office at Elroy, Wis.
Amidst the prevailing efforts of a small but pugnacious group to "liven"up the United through attacks on the Official Organ, a few basicprinciples should be remembered by those who stand in bewilderment.
Our constitution does not define the functions of THE UNITED AMATEURbeyond making imperative the publication of certain official documents.The rest is left to an unwritten combination of tradition and editorialjudgment. Any editor, once elected, is absolutely in control of themagazine aside from the essential official matter; his only externalobligation being a tacit recognition of the prevailing objects of theAssociation. In the present case a narrow circle of agitators seems tobe seeking political capital by accusing the editor of placing too highan estimate on the membership and purposes of the United.
Since the whole development of the Association is involved in thismatter, it is important that a prompt and perfect understanding bereached. The opinions of all members should be known, and if the editorfinds that he has been in error, he will be glad to arrange for theaccommodation of the Organ to the wishes of the majority. Up to thepresent time, despite the florid overstatements of the few who aretrying to work up a new and wholly artificial dissatisfaction, thisoffice has received _not so much as one complaint_ as to policy savefrom the two politicians who are seeking to lower the United'sstandards. Endorsements as to the existing policy have been many, and aslong as these remain so tremendously in the Majority, it would be abetrayal of trust to make a change to please a tiny group. If there arethose who differ, why do they not speak?
Since truth is the only perfect clarifier when politics seeks tobecloud, it is necessary that the editor state his policy here and nowwith the utmost candour. Shorn of all irrelevant things, that policy issimply the maintenance of those standards established in the United bythe departure of the chronically political element in 1912. Prior tothat time the Official Organ was mainly a bulletin of reports: not, asthe present agitators would imply, a repository for indiscriminateamateur writings. The standard developed since then is the creation ofno one person, but a logical outgrowth of the rising calibre of a vitaland progressive society. It is neither one of favouritism nor one ofautocracy; but merely one of _stimulation_. It is an embodiment of theUnited's desire to let the Official Organ exemplify the members'progress by using the best available material. No genuine aspirant hasever been frowned upon, or so far as we know given any ground fordiscouragement. The Organ is a beckoner and encourager, designed toinspire the members to renewed efforts to produce work worthy ofsymbolising the United. Would anyone so far insult the Association as towish its official exponent to cater to that type of mediocrity whichneither improves nor wishes to improve? Our columns are open to all whotoil for the fruits of art, and statements to the contrary cannot beinterpreted as other than irresponsibly ignorant or craftilymisrepresentative. While insistence on a certain degree of merit is ofcourse necessary, it is not true that THE UNITED AMATEUR makes anyarbitrary restrictions. The Organ was not designed for the publicationof various members' work, nor is access to its columns one of thespecial objects of membership, as certain agitators are artfullyintimating. But notwithstanding those technical points, all proficientwriters are welcome. It is illuminating, in view of the prevalent loosestatements, to reflect that throughout the present editor's service _notmore than three manuscripts have been rejected_; and that even thesethree were or will be elsewhere placed. Those seeking an Associationaldisturbance will not scruple to take advantage of every outwardappearance which seems to favour them--unavoidable delays, spatiallimitations, and other things interfering with prompt publication of allmatter offered to this office. The present editor will be denounced as a"tyrant" by elements attempting to degrade standards which he did notestablish!
The life and well-being of the United are at stake, and it is imperativethat the membership exercise the most careful and independent reflectionbefore accepting the views of radicals bent on retrogressiveexperiments.
Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922 Page 36