Sand dollar

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Sand dollar Page 26

by Hollye Davis

  Edwin looked at her and opened the car door for me. “If she was a guy I would punch her straight in the mouth for calling you that,” Edwin spat.

  “Don’t worry about it, she’s just mean.” Besides she had brewing that would resolve the Britney issue she would tell Edwin about when they got home.

  Later that night, she was curled into Edwin on her bed reading a book when she decided to ask about Victoria.

  “Is Victoria special to you?” she asked as nonchalantly as possible.

  Edwin looked shocked but answered clearly, “Absolutely not! Victoria is trouble, always has been. I wasn’t happy that she was to be my girlfriend on the show but sometimes you don’t have choices. I’m thankful she is leaving soon.”

  “So the rumors about them finding a replacement are true?”

  “How did you hear about that?”

  “It is amazing what you learn when you actually pay attention.”

  “Yes, it’s true. Want an audition?” He smiled at me.

  She laughed, “You must be out of your mind if you think for one second I would want to do that!” Then she added seriously, “but I have an idea.”

  He smiled back, “Well what is your idea?”

  “Evidently Britney, the girl at school who has been given me a hard time, is auditioning for the part.”

  He smiled even bigger, “Really?”

  “So when are the auditions going to take place?”

  “I think in January, after Christmas. We have some more scenes for Victoria and a transition period. I think they are going to kill her off in a car accident or something.”

  “Oh, how terrible.” Even though she didn’t like the girl, killing her off sounded harsh.

  “That’s show business,” he said without feeling. Then he reached over and kissed her ending all discussions.

  She was feeling better than she ever remember. Especially after she and Edwin concocted a plan in order to put Britney in her place, or basically make sure she never had a place in show business.

  I never knew the pressures of being a television star, never cared, but the intrusion of your business without shame or manners is disgusting. I had never paid any mind to it but now I am entrenched so deeply, I can’t help to notice but I still care so little about it. –Cloe’s Diary

  Chapter 23

  A Night Out Fridays were awesome now. Whereas before it signified a long and boring weekend, now it meant more time with Edwin. She and Kim chatted happily as they walked to their waiting men in the parking lot. Cole had a huge smile for Kim and no matter what Kim’s fears were, that man was smitten with her. Edwin usually stayed in the car trying not risk exposure but as soon as she got in he would kiss her as if he hadn’t seen her in weeks. It was heaven.

  She was sitting in the passenger seat looking at the scenery slipping by. It was part of her self-improvement project - trying not to be so oblivious to her surroundings because she never wanted to be ignorant again.

  Edwin reached over and touched her hair tenderly.

  “I have a surprise for you,” he said.

  “I don’t like surprises. The last one I ended up in the hospital.” That was a low blow she realized immediately. She blushed turning her head toward him, quickly apologizing, “Sorry Edwin, I didn’t mean it as it sounded.”

  “No, it’s okay. I need reminders from time to time.” He paused then said, “I think this time you will like this surprise, it’s good.” She didn’t have any time to inquire because they pulled in to the cottage driveway and he immediately got out of the car.

  She was trying to needle him for information while they entered the cottage but he just smiled. Inside she found Sandra, Christine, and Penelope waiting for her.

  Edwin kissed her on the cheek and said, “I’ll see you later.”

  He turned and bowed to the others, “Ladies,” and then immediately departed. She was not happy. When she looked at the girls with devious expressions she was wondered what was about to happen. They looked ready for battle. And battle it was. The surprise was they were taking her dancing at a nightclub. She stated passionately, “I don’t want to be recognized with Edwin.” They laughed.

  “You won’t be,” Sandra said simply.

  She snorted her disbelief when Penelope explained, “Cloe, we are in show business, we know how to make ourselves look different. You don’t have anything to worry about.”

  Then Christine piped up, “Believe me we don’t want you exposed to the media either, it makes things very difficult especially with someone like Edwin, who is constantly hounded by the press about his relationships. It’s hard to live in a glass bowl, Cloe. Just have faith in us, we know what we are doing.”

  Cloe nodded. They were right. They understood why they wanted to keep her relationship with Edwin from being exposed to the press. She can only imagine what her friends have gone through. The price of fame, she supposed.

  “Come on, we brought some stuff. It’s in your bedroom,” Sandra said waiving Cloe to follow her.

  The trio had brought a virtual wardrobe complete with wigs, make-up, and mile high shoes. All designed to make her look older and very, very different. She kept wondering how in the world she was going to walk in the needle sharp high heels without doing serious injury, but when she put them on, she was surprised how comfortable they were. Sandra smiled at her amazement and said, “That is the difference between an expensive pair of shoes and a cheap pair of shoes.”

  After what felt like hours, they turned Cloe toward the full length mirror on her closet. What she saw looked nothing like her. She was at least an inch taller. Her blonde wavy long hair had been pinned to her scalp and a wig of straight brown hair laid sleek and beautiful down to her back. But mainly she looked older with her smoky eyes, dark red lips, and dramatic skin tight dress. She tilted her head to the side not believing she was looking at herself. The girls laughed at her amazement as Cloe smirked, “You guys are really good!”

  They left out of the community in a snazzy blue BMW. At least that is what it said on the round emblem on the front and she knew it was German. She recognized it from a plant outside the military installation where she went to school. It was a silly thing but she was proud of herself for paying attention to that detail. To her surprise they didn’t pull into a club. Instead Christine went into a parking garage where a limo was waiting for them, completely clueless, she followed them like a newborn puppy. She was getting more excited about a night out, feeling unlike herself in her new outfit. Tonight she would be someone mysterious, someone who would dare to laugh loudly, dance and be…well…normal.

  Once they were seated comfortably in the limo and headed to an unknown destination, well at least unknown to Cloe, Sandra pulled out a bottle of sparkling cider. Sandra explained to Cloe while pouring the cider into long flutes, “It is not Champaign because we try to stay as clean as possible. This kind of life could sneak up on you, and well our co-worker Victoria is an excellent example of what could happen if you let it control you.”

  Cloe’s respect for her group of friends grew. How very cool and smart of them. She remembered the kids in Germany living a pretty fast life overhearing stories about drugs, pregnancies, and a classmate dying after alcohol poisoning. She had a few opportunities to drink liquor but it was hard to swallow and she didn’t like the feeling of being out of control. She had her home life to do that for her, she didn’t need anything else enhancing it.

  “Besides, Edwin will kill us if you showed up drunk,” Christine added.

  When the limo stopped she could hear the music pumping into the cool night air. It was dark outside but the club lights made the street bright. She was the last to step out on a red carpet and the girls surrounded her as if to protect her. She didn’t understand why it mattered, but she guessed they understand what was best. She held her head up determined to be confident, or at least appear to be confident. She was a different Cloe tonight.

  As they walked the long red carpet Cloe noticed there
was a line out front of the club. She was dismayed that they would have to wait to get in. It was a cool night and her tiny red dress that showed lots of pushed up exaggerated cleavage, plus lots of leg with shockingly little fabric in between, didn’t provide much protection toward the outside elements. But to her surprise they walked right past the line and up to a huge bulky man out front. She was sure he was going to look at the trio and let them in but make her wait in line. Then she became appalled, was she considered a groupie? Boy she hoped not.

  To her utter surprise he said, “Ladies.” and let them walk right on in. A huge sign hung in the main entryway, “Cameras strictly prohibited.”

  The first thing that happened was the pulsating music slammed into her senses immediately intensifying her excitement. The second thing was that she stopped, probably gaping unintelligently at the very rich décor unlike any nightclub she had experienced prior. Sandra grabbed her hand and started dragging her to other end of the club. She realized quickly that people were staring at Christine, Penelope, Sandra, and the strange brunette they had with them.

  She fought the urge to squirm under intense scrutiny and it made her uncomfortable. Forcing herself not to put her head down, she tried to emulate her friends by walking confidently with her head up, as if she belonged there, with them. She silently repeated to herself…you are not Cloe you are some strange girl who is fun and exciting.

  When they passed one table a lady said, “Maybe she is the new cast member.” Cloe snickered wanting to say, “and maybe you have had too much to drink,” but she reframed.

  Sandra dragged her out to the dance floor where they immediately started dancing. After a few beats the music switched to a song they had practiced their moves so many times before, they all smiled at each other, stepping in their positions.

  For the first time in her life, she paid attention to who was watching her, her surroundings, and just danced unabashedly. She was really getting into their routine when she spotted Edwin, Christoph, and Duke off to the right. Her heart skipped a beat, stuttered, galloped at the sight of Edwin. He was dressed up beautifully, watching her intently. There was a girl draped over Christoph but he looked bored. Duke seemed to running interference for Edwin with a group of girls vying for his attention. One girl sauntered up to him with a drink in her hand, offering it to him. He shook his head. A shot of jealousy ran straight through her even though Edwin hadn’t once looked away from her. She wondered if he recognized her, then quickly pushed the thought aside. Of course he recognized her, she arrived with Christine et al. She smiled slightly, kept dancing but now her eyes were intent on him, beckoning him to join her. He must have gotten the message as he abruptly pulled away from the wall, leaving the girl with the drink behind, and came down to her, pulling her to him, and they danced together. Christoph and Duke soon joined them and like the fire they danced.

  Edwin leaned down to her ear and whispered, “Cloe, I’m trying everything in her power not to drag you off somewhere and have my way with you.” She was light headed at the thought. He continued, “You may look different but I would recognize you anywhere. You make my heart pound and my blood sing.” As if to prove his point, he grabbed her hips pushing her closer while he lowered his head and began nipping at her neck. She closed her eyes, her head falling back, feeling heat pool between her legs, wanting him right then and there. The methodical beat making everything in her throb for him.

  But they were interrupted when Edwin was making his way up to her mouth and his hand was on her buttocks grinding her into him.

  “Good grief you two,” Sandra hissed, “You guys are causing a lot of reaction, you need to slow down!”

  They immediately broke their very explicit dirty dancing apart. Although it sucked, this was their first public outing and they didn’t need to cause a lot of speculation. Reluctantly and with less enthusiasm, they danced their more practiced and less intimate moves. When he twirled her around she let out a laugh tilting her head back and letting it go. It wasn’t a reserved boring Cloe laugh. It was a seductive party girl laugh and it felt good.

  She felt Edwin tense, and was alarmed when he turned her right off the dance floor into a darkened corner. He didn’t say anything when his head lowered and he began kissing her. No, not kissing, he was assaulting her senses to the point she didn’t think she had a brain cell left. He could have taken her right there and she didn’t think she would have even thought about it. Geez, what a wig and a red dress can do for a girl, like make her into a shameless ho. A few minutes later he pulled back his breath coming out in short gasps. “Do you see what you do to me love?” She blinked up at him incapable of words. He ran his finger down her cheek and then grabbed her hand pulling her into a more lighted area, down a couple of steps to a round table with a booth that circled it. Once they slid in he draped his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer. He was very happy, she could tell and it made her happy too.

  A waiter appeared after a few moments where Edwin ordered them a couple of cokes. A few minutes later Christoph with Christine came and sat next to them. Christoph, never afraid to ask whatever is on his mind inquired, “So where did you guys go?”

  Edwin didn’t answer him but shot him a look that she interpreted as, “Mind your own business.”

  As usual Christoph laughed his larger than life laugh then he leaned over to her and said, “You know Cloe, I’m so glad you forgave us and you’re here. You provide so much amusement and Edwin is actually bearable again!”

  She smiled coyly back and said cheekily, “I’ve forgiven Edwin but I never said I forgave you!”

  Christoph responded by grabbing his heart and said, “You wound me, Cloe, you really do.” She rolled her eyes and mumbled, “Actors.” Feeling better than she ever remembered, and a bit promiscuous, she turned her body to where she could nibble Edwin’s ear. He sat back and closed his eyes while his hand slid around her waist pulling her closer. She started kissing his neck when a voice interrupted them. It wasn’t anyone she had ever heard before.

  “So who’s the new whore Edwin?”

  She turned her head to see one the most beautiful women she had ever seen and she recognized her. It was Victoria. Cloe had studied her face one too many times. She felt dowdy instantly. Edwin’s hand tightly gripped her hip as he kissed her forehead and said for her ears only, “I’m sorry about this, she’s very nasty.”

  Then he said louder. “Hello Victoria, is there something I can do for you?”

  She looked positively rabid but didn’t answer him because she was too busy staring at Cloe. It’s like Victoria could sense her weakness, “Honey, what are you doing with my man?”

  Even though Cloe knew without-a-doubt that Edwin could never in a million years date a woman this vicious, her heart still seized at the thought. There was always that niggling of a doubt. He hid everything else from her, why not this too? She didn’t have an opportunity to say anything, nor did Edwin.

  It was Christoph who said, “Victoria why don’t you take your poison somewhere else? Are you still bitter we never asked you to join us? Are you pissed that you screwed up your last opportunity with the show by getting drunk, AGAIN? Why don’t you leave Edwin alone? He was never yours and he will never be yours.”

  However Victoria wasn’t going to be put off by Christoph. On closer inspection she noticed Victoria seemed a bit unsteady. That was when Cloe noticed she was holding a small glass drink with a stirring straw in it.

  “Christoph, I don’t get you. You should be angry at Edwin for taking the lead in the show. You’re the better actor. Yet here you are defending the Brit and his whore.” Edwin tensed but Cloe put her hand on his leg trying to contain him. There was no need to further agitate the girl.

  Christoph got up and snatched Victoria’s drink leaving her gaping at him. “I think you’ve had enough of this. If you had any sense at all you would walk away from here and not say another word.” Then he physically turned her guiding her away.

  Cloe was a b
it shell-shocked not sure what to say or do. She turned to Edwin, who still looked like he was ready to come unglues, and touched his face. His eyes softened, “I’m so sorry…” She stopped him by kissing his lips sweetly.

  “Don’t apologize for other people’s bad behavior,” she whispered between kisses, “I’ve been doing it all my life and you know what? You can only improve yourself.” Edwin smiled, nodded and returned her kisses sweetly.

  As the night went on they danced some more and laughed a lot. During a fun twisting dance, Cloe was pleasantly surprised when out of the blue Kim and Cole walked up to her and gave her a hug.

  Kim explained, “Christoph and Duke told us to come tonight, that you were going to be here and they would make sure that our name was on the list to be accepted into the club. So here we are!”

  “I’m sorry we are late,” Cole said, “One of the horses decided to cut his leg and I had to make sure he was okay before we left.” She was barely listening because she could only concentrate on the fact that Cole had his arm around Kim.

  Cloe grabbed Kim’s hand and took her off to the corner leaving Edwin and Cole in the middle of the dance floor.

  “Okay, what’s going on with you and Cole?!” Excitement rushed through her at the thought that something possible DID happen. She wanted this for Kim and Cole.

  “He kissed me!” Kim squealed.

  Cloe grinned, “It’s about time.”

  “That guy moves slowly,” Kim agreed nodding.

  “We have a saying in Texas and it’s ‘He moves as slow as molasses on a cold winter day,’” they laughed.

  “Have you asked Cole to the prom yet?” Cloe asked.

  “I haven’t asked him yet, but I’m sure now he’ll agree.”

  She and Kim were smiling hugely when all of sudden Victoria stepped up to her face slurring her words and reeking of alcohol. Gross. Cloe averted her face.

  “You think you are something allowing Jason slobber all over you, but you are just another groupie and he’ll screw you and leave you like all the others.” She was poking Cloe in the chest with her manicured finger.


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