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Aegishjalmur Page 13

by Michael Kelly

  Your body and conscious mind are located in Midgard, but as you learn to open the Eye in the Void, you will become increasingly aware of a consciousness which subsists at the very roots of the tree, where Mimir's Well is located. Similarly, you will become aware of the Wode-Self, a consciousness that abides in the highest places of Asgard. Yet both of these distinct consciousnesses will still be you, parts of your awareness that have been long cut off from your conscious perception and are now being integrated as a direct result of your magical Work.

  The Eye of the Dragon and the Helm of Awe

  We have now reached a point in our Work where the Dragon has been integrated into the consciously accessible parts of our psyche and we have obtained some experience of exercising the powers it brings, as symbolised by the Helm of Awe.

  It is time now to weave a matrix of Understanding around that Draconian awareness and to place that experience with the Helm in a coherent philosophical context. This context and matrix of Becoming is symbolised in the Seal of the Order of Apep:

  In brief, this Seal consists of three main elements which are interpreted as follows: [1] the central Serpentine Eye is the awakened Dragon, the focal point of the Initiate's consciousness, seeing all through its Draconian lens; [2] the three linked triangles represent the Will of the Initiate, extanding from the Eye and reaching out – through all nine worlds (symbolised by the nine points) and across all spans of time and space to touch and influence [3] the surrounding boundary, the phenomenal world of manifestation, in which that Will may take shape and create change. Every Secret of Draconian Magic is contained within this Seal.

  The Seal may be drawn with the triangles more obviously interlocking, as in the version by Order Initiate D.V. Graal shown below. This emphasises the link between the Seal and the valknutr:

  Tellingly, the Seal may also be represented as a Helm of Awe, as illustrated below. In this case, the central Eye itself is taken as one of the nine points, the other eight radiating outwards as elhaz runes, with the circle being replaced by Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent:

  Much of this chapter will be spent elaborating upon the symbolism and meaning of the Order Seal, since its Understanding is essential to the Work of the Initiate at this stage.

  The Dragon Within and the Dragon Without

  Up until now, we have focused our attention almost exclusively upon Fafnir as the symbol for the Dragon whose blood and venom has been instrumental in awakening new powers within the Initiate, bringing the dark, submerged parts of the psyche into their proper place in an integrated consciousness, transforming them from a source of unpredictable danger to a source of immediate power. In this manner, like Sigurd, the Initiate is elevated from Beast to Hero.

  We have so far dealt with the process of bringing the Draconian Essence into consciousness and integrating it within your Self. This is symbolised by the Dragon's Eye in the centre of the Order Seal. This Draconian Essence – this bloodline of the Dragon – extends back to primeval times, an image and a psychic 'shape' that has been buried deep within humanity since before our species became properly self-aware. The Eye represents a window in the soul that looks out across infinity and eternity; it is timeless and ageless and the continuity of this Draconian bloodline is crucial to the immortality of our own soul, as we will ride into Remanifestation upon the Dragon's Breath. But more of this later.

  The other Dragon that now concerns us is outside of the Self; indeed, it is at the furthest extreme from the inner Dragon, coiling around the very outside boundaries of manifest reality, holding the Universe in shape. This encircling, binding force is the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr, the bane and doom of the mighty God Thor.

  The importance of the function of Jormungandr cannot be overstated. This great Serpent bounds, and thus defines the limits of, reality itself. Without the encircling Serpent, the Universe would unravel and disperse. This is why the tale of Thor's fishing trip, when He hooks the Serpent and tries to reel it in, is so insistent upon the peril of this action. Witness also the consequences of Jormungandr's uncoiling and slaying at Ragnarok, when reality is unmade and falls into ruin.

  In marking the limits of manifestation, the Midgard Serpent defines a space in which creation and subsequent transformation may occur. It allows the phenomenal world to Come Into Being. This provides resistance and a friction against which the Will of the Initiate may find purchase when seeking to introduce change.

  The inner Dragon represented by the Eye and the outer Dragon represented by the Circle in the Order Seal do not touch each other: one is the focused, contracted point, the white heat of Selfhood; the other is the expanded, ever-shifting Universe. They are connected by the network of lines which make up the three interlocked triangles and the nine points thereof.

  The triangles represent the angles of Space-Time through which the Will of the Initiate extends in order to influence and shape the world. The points where the triangles touch the Circle are representative of the nine worlds.

  In Northern lore, the symbol of three interlocked triangles is known as the valknutr and is a glyph particular to Odin. The name literally means 'knot of the slain' and this is a highly appropriate title. Odin – and the Odian Initiate – possesses the power to loosen and to bind the knots which hold reality together. To use the valknutr is to alter the underlying nature of reality, rebinding it into a new configuration.

  But note that this is the knot of the slain. This title is not idly used. Every time you use magic, you kill reality as it stands and substitute a new one. It is no longer the same thing. You kill thousands of possible futures, preventing their manifestation, but open up thousands of new possibilities. Your actions as a magician destroy things which would otherwise have come to pass had you not interfered. They also create things which would otherwise never have happened. You cannot take this lightly. This is the responsibility that goes with being a magician; this is the burden that you must bear.

  There is another factor, which is often forgotten, a simple statement that contains infinite warning: when you exercise your Will to change the world (the Dragon without), the Dragon within also changes in like measure. Your acts of magic change your very Self in every instance, whether you realise it at the time or not.

  Ginnungagap II:

  Opening the Eye in the Void

  The question now facing the Initiate is: how precisely does one use one's Will in such a way as to loosen and rebind the valknutr? How do we actually change reality? In what way is the magic effected?

  The process whereby the Will is focused in order to carry out this task is known as 'the opening of the Eye in the Void' and it is a task of the Dragon within, the state of Draconian consciousness symbolised by Fafnir.

  Let's examine the precise mental processes that entail opening the Eye in the Void, laying bare the manner in which the Draconian Initiate works his magic. Following this, I will list some of the ways in which these processes may be enhanced to suit the individual practitioner.

  Having entered a trance state, the Initiate turns his mind inward, focusing upon the creative, magically-charged Void that is Ginnungagap, the primal Chaos in which all possibilities are latent.

  Once an awareness of the expanse of the Void has been achieved and the Initiate is able to sense the threads of possibility stretching beyond him, he must bring to mind the various elements of the situation he wishes to change, envisaging that situation as it currently is. In particular, he must clearly define / visualise three key aspects: [1] himself as he currently stands in relation to the situation; [2] his goal, or Desire (for more on Desire, see chapter seven); [3] the environment / obstacles / events which lie between himself and his goal. These three key factors must resonate within his clear perception of the situation as a whole. This may seem like quite a feat of concentration and visualisation, but if the matter is truly important to you, you will be able to achieve it if you take your time and build up the mental image step by step.

  When the above points of focus ar
e clear and stable, the Initiate Wills his centre of mental focus to take shape in the form of a great reptilian Eye in the centre of the triangle formed by the three key points. He deliberately allows the Draconian consciousness to arise from his deep mind, remembering all that he has learned of it in his Work to this point.

  The Initiate fixes the Eye of the Dragon upon the three key points of the situation and begins to establish a vibration throughout the Void, keyed to his breathing pattern. This resonance builds and buzzes, loosening the bonds that hold the situation in its current state. This is the 'untying' of the valknutr knot.

  The Initiate next replaces point [3] with a new vision of the situation as he wishes it to become. He focuses his concentration, stabilising the new pattern by an act of Will.

  Now comes the crucial moment, the act of 'binding' the altered matrix of happening. The Initiate does this by holding his attention rigidly upon all three key points at the same time, maintaining full awareness of each. It may take seconds, or many minutes, depending upon the situation and your own experience, but an ecstatic moment will arise – almost a mental orgasm in its intensity – when the Eye in the Void 'bridges' all three points and binds them together in a single transformative unity. Since one of the points is the magician's own Self and he is changed by his Work, the ecstasy arises as his own being is transformed by the magic. Hold this moment of binding for as long as possible, until it begins to fade, then let it go, allowing your mind to return to its normal function.

  Open your eyes and stamp about the place to ground yourself. Cease fretting about the situation and let it be, confident that you have rebound its parameters and changed its trajectory by your Will.

  These are the basic steps involved in the process known in the Order of Apep as 'Opening the Eye in the Void', which is the fundamental means of Draconian Magic. There are several ways in which an Initiate can enhance this bare process, both for aesthetic purposes and also to better clarify and express his Will. Some of these means are suggested below:

  Whilst this process is simple enough to use purely on the mental plane, many Initiates will prefer to employ a more formal ritual construct around it. I would suggest using the tools already described in this book and working them into a ritual framework, with the Opening of the Eye occurring at the climax of the rite.

  A bind-rune, chant or other means can be used to focus and direct the Will at step [6] above, binding the changed pattern into the structure of reality.

  A suitable skrying device can help when first conceptualising the Void at point [1], staring deeply into it in order to enter the trance state. This could be a small pool of ink or something similar. I personally use an egg of obsidian.

  Practice will make the processes of Will and imagination involved in Opening the Eye in the Void come naturally in time. This is the very heart of any Working of successful Draconian Magic and it is important to get it right and become utterly familiar with this state of consciousness.

  The Tripartite Treasure

  We have so far discussed the manner in which Sigurd kills Fafnir and assimilates the Draconian Essence into his own Self, becoming the hero of legend. We have also looked at two of the powers he obtained from the Dragon as a consequence of tasting its blood: the Ægishjálmur itself and the ability to understand the tongues of birds and beasts. But from the Dragon's hoard, Sigurd took three items of supreme worth, which signify some of the magical abilities – directly related to the integrated Draconian Essence – which the Initiate at this stage of the curriculum might expect to start manifesting.

  A large amount of gold

  The bulk of the hoard consisted of a very large quantity of golden treasures. The Draconian interpretation of gold was discussed earlier when we looked at the fehu rune, but to briefly recap, gold / money is a medium of exchange. It is a transformational power which should flow like a river through the hands, vitalising and enriching its owner and those he directs it towards. Gold is intended to flow, to be in constant motion, else it turns into the Dragon's breath and simply consumes and devours. The gold of the hoard signifies the hero's ability to reach out and create change in the world; he now has the means to accomplish his wishes. In its most positive aspect, gold is a catalyst which speeds and eases our path; in its most negative aspect it is dammed up and hoarded and leads to the 'strife of kinsmen' which proved to be the doom of Sigurd.

  Sword and mail

  The second significant set of items from the hoard are Sigurd's arms and armour: a sword and a suit of golden mail. In the Old Norse material, the sword is given the name Hrotti and in The Nibelungenlied it is said to be the sword of King Nibelung, named Balmunc. In either case, the symbolic significance remains the same. Sigurd takes on the tokens of the hero, the sword to win his victories and the golden armour to give him protection. In some ways, these echo the bite and the scales of the Dragon, transfigured into a new, heroic model that shines like the sun. Sigurd now bears the means to strike down his foes, achieving his Will in the world, and the strength of Being and integration of character which will render him impervious to the malice of others. The golden colour of the armour is significant in asserting the regal nature of its wearer; the sword was also a mark of great status, deemed superior to other types of weapon.

  A magic cloak

  The final treasure, according to The Nibelungenlied, was a magic cloak known as the Tamkappe. This cloak was used by Sigurd to win Brynhild as wife for Gunter by deception. It had the power to deceive, to render the wearer invisible and to boost his strength. It is clear that this 'cloak' is the same sorcerous tool known as the Ægishjálmur – the Helm of Awe – in the Old Norse sources. The magical powers and adaptations of the Helm have already been extensively discussed.

  As the Initiate enters this stage of the curriculum, he should be actively trying to manifest the qualities of these three treasures within himself in order to prove his own heroism and assert the integration of the Draconian Essence fully into consciousness. He needs to learn to live his life in the way that he chooses to do, cutting off those things that tie him down and embracing the path that his own Will and Desire choose for him. This can entail changing jobs, relationships, location: the whole contents of your life are up for examination and evaluation as you seek to learn how to flow through life, following your Wyrd, instead of being shackled by circumstances. To accomplish this task, you must turn your Will into a sharp sword, capable of severing bonds and cutting through obstacles, and you must learn to trust in your own emergent Destiny (see later in this chapter) to see you safely through the consequences of the changes you instigate. Finally, of course, you must use the magical powers of enchantment encoded in the Helm of Awe to bend the world to your Will, remoulding it to support your feet as you enter the realm of Mystery and go out on a limb. Claim the treasures of the Dragon's hoard and the Ægishjálmur will come to blaze upon your brow.

  Volsungadrekka – A Working

  By this stage of our curriculum, the Initiate should have completed all the crucial groundwork. As well as gaining familiarity with the runes and learning to feel and steer their flow in both himself and the world, he should also have begun to grasp the great Mysteries that lie behind this manifest world of Midgard; Mysteries of both his own soul and the Universe.

  This is the point at which the base of the initiatory pyramid has been firmly built (or at least it will have been if you have practised your exercises correctly). Now it is time to seek after the Mysteries which are guessed at by few and found by fewer. To prepare for these ordeals, it is necessary to concentrate what we have so far learned and experienced of the Draconian Essence, focusing it intensely and then partaking of it and Willing it to transform us, just as it transformed Sigurd and elevated him to the greatest of all Germanic heroes. The following Working should be performed with all solemnity and concentration, taking your time over each element, allowing the invoked runes to transform you. This is a ritual re-enactment of Sigurd's transformation through the bloo
d and venom of Fafnir. In many ways it is a restatement of the 'Fafnir's Hoard' Working in chapter two, reaffirming that earlier Working with the Understanding you have since gained.

  Volsungadrekka means 'drink of the Volsungs' and is a direct reference to the transforming power of Fafnir's blood upon Sigurd. It was also the title of a booklet published by Order Initiate D.V. Graal which explored some of the Mysteries of this transformation, and was later reprinted in Runa magazine.

  Begin by sitting quietly for a few minutes, stilling and centering your body and mind.

  Open the ritual. This may be as simple or as complex as suits your own magical aesthetic. The Hammer Rite described in Edred Thorsson's Futhark is a good opener for any Working of Northern magic.

  Invoke Odin and ask Him to unveil to you the Secrets of His favourites, the Volsungs.

  Invoke each of the following runes, either by stadhagaldr or rune-singing or a combination of both. You should meditate upon the statements made below; you may find it helpful to speak them aloud. Take time over this, fully experiencing the essence of each rune as you summon the Essence of Fafnir.

  F–I have bathed in the Dragon's flame. Its blood and venom course through my veins, strengthening me, for we are become as one.

  A – The Divine consciousness pours down upon me, breathing the Gift of Odin into my mind, illuminating me. Thus I am made stronger and rejuvenated by my ordeals, made anew with each moment, for I am kin to Odin.


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