Captured for Their Use

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Captured for Their Use Page 3

by Ivy Barrett

  He sat exactly as he’d been when she left the room, on the edge of the bunk, legs spread. He held out his hand and watched her face as she cleaned all his fingers, even the one that hadn’t been inside her. “You’ve had your pleasure, but I’m still hard. That’s unacceptable.”

  She’d expected this and easily guessed from his position what he wanted her to do. She tossed the dress aside and looked at the bulge in the front of his uniform pants. She generally liked giving head, but this felt different. Ram wanted to prove his dominance over her, wanted her to willingly kneel before him and give him comfort. That was much more humiliating than lying there passively while he took what he wanted from her.

  “What’s the matter now?” He sounded impatient again, even frustrated. “Do you deny being satisfied by my touch?”

  “No. Just give me a minute.” She held up her hand and turned her face away. “I’m adjusting to your expectations. This role is not natural for me.”

  His warm chuckle made her look at him again. “We’ll explore that claim later. I ache, sweet slave. Give me your mouth.”

  Slave. There it was the word she’d been avoiding since her kidnapping. She was a slave of the Yashonty, had been for the past thirteen days. The reality of what that meant hadn’t really set in until Ram spanked her. She was Ram’s pleasure slave. Nothing could change that fact. All she could do was decide how best to use what extremely limited power she had as long as Ram was pleased by her.

  Focused entirely on that concept, she moved between his legs and knelt. “I’m sorry I seem indecisive. I’m not. I want to comfort you. This is just very strange for a female from my culture.”

  He raised his hand to her face and traced her lips with his thumb. The tenderness was unexpected and soothing. “I understand that, and I’m trying to be patient. I’ll likely be more agreeable once you’ve emptied my balls.” He punctuated the statement with an uncharacteristic smile. They weren’t just words. He really was trying.

  The simple change in his expression transformed his face. The harsh angles relaxed, and his eyes sparkled rather than gleaming with menace. He wasn’t handsome by human standards. He was much too exotic, too alien. But she found him captivating, and suddenly dreaded what she was about to do much less than she had before.

  He unfastened his pants and drew out his cock, clearly expecting her to do the rest. She quickly wet her lips then took a deep breath and wrapped her fingers around the thick base of his cock. The shaft was bluer than the rest of his skin, but the flared tip was jet black. A drop of clear liquid beaded on the head. This shouldn’t take long.

  Ashamed of the selfish thought, she bent and licked the drop off. His flavor was subtle but sweeter than a human’s. Curious now, she licked her way down the length and then back up to the tip.

  “Gods above, female. Take it in your mouth and suck. I’m already aroused.”

  She understood the urgency, had been feeling it a few minutes ago. She took his cock head in her mouth and sucked firmly, then slid her lips lower and sucked again.

  He groaned and pressed his hands to each side of her head. “I’ll let you play next time. I need relief.”

  It was the only warning she got before he took control. His hold increased as he tilted her head back, opening her throat. He rocked forward and back, fucking her face as he would doubtlessly fuck every hole she possessed. Rather than repulsion, she felt arousal reawakening, warming her core and tightening her nipples. Her body belonged to him now. He would use her as he saw fit. That fact had remained constant. Only her reaction had changed.

  But why? Why was something she’d found piteous much of her life suddenly a powerful erotic trigger? She was a strong independent woman. Submission should be anathema for her. Tears gathered behind her lashes. She stubbornly blinked them back. It would take more than this to break her, a whole hell of a lot more.

  As if to mock her determination, he pushed into her throat. She gagged, panicking at the helplessness and her momentary loss of air.

  “Relax,” he cautioned without slowing down. “I won’t hurt you, or leave you without breath for long, but you will take all of me.”

  True to his word, he kept his thrusts fast and deep. She quickly figured out how to suppress her gag reflex and timed her breathing to his outstroke. On impulse, she looked up and into his eyes. He looked rapturous, utterly lost in the pleasure he was receiving from her surrender.

  He kept right on fucking her face, but she relaxed even more, taking him deeper, offering more. Soon her nose pressed against his flat belly and his cock slid well into her throat. A strange sort of power surged through her, feeding the smoldering fires of her desire. She was utterly passive, so why did this feel so damn good?

  His taste grew stronger, and she started sucking hard each time he pulled back. She wanted more of that exotic flavor, wanted it flooding her mouth.

  He groaned, shuddering, then drew all the way out. She tried to recapture him with her lips, but he held her back with one hand while he frantically pumped his cock with the other. His pale blue seed jetted out, painting her breasts and upper chest with tingling warmth. While cum still leaked from his pulsing length, he pushed back into her mouth. If he’d wanted her to taste him, why had he pulled out?

  She sucked and swirled her tongue around his velvety tip. His flavor was much stronger now. He tasted like nothing she’d ever had before, definitely sweet, yet spicy with a hint of... something else. While she attempted to analyze the components, heat rolled from her mouth to her pussy. Her eyes widened, and she murmured in confusion as spontaneous pleasure erupted in her core. Her clit twitched, and her inner muscles rippled, even her back passage seemed to pulse. What the hell?

  Ram chuckled as he pulled out of her mouth. “I take it from your expression, the rumors are true. Our cum makes humans orgasm?”

  She nodded, still too dazed to form coherent words.

  Shocking her further, he leaned forward and kissed her mouth. His lips sealed over hers, his tongue exploring. The contact was more curious than tender, but she welcomed the intimacy. “You did well,” he said softly, his lips lingering over hers. Then he raised his head and said, “You’re not going to like what happens next, but it is necessary.”

  Her pleasant haze evaporated, and she tensed. “What happens next?”

  “I make damn sure my crew knows I’ve claimed you.”

  “And how do you do that?”

  He said nothing as he righted his clothing, then motioned toward the door.

  “I need a robe or something if we’re leaving,” she objected. Not only was she naked, but his cum was still visible on her breasts. She couldn’t see her ass, but judging from the tenderness, it was still pink. She closed her eyes, willing the deck to swallow her whole. He intended to parade her through the ship naked, ass red, breasts covered in cum. “Please, Ram. I’ll do—”

  He fisted the back of her hair and glared. “You will call me Master. Like everything else, using my name is a privilege you’ve yet to earn.”

  “How do I earn the privilege of some sort of covering, Master?” She nearly choked on the title, and her long-suppressed tears escaped. She wasn’t ashamed of her body, but it was all too much. Fear and tension had built up over the past three weeks. Brianne disappeared, and then Lorna, leaving Celeste to rescue both. She’d run herself ragged only to end up a prisoner herself. Her body was betraying her every time Ram touched her, and now he wanted to publically humiliate her. Every person had their limits, and she’d just reached hers. “Please. I can’t do that.” She motioned toward the door.

  He started to say something, then sighed and hardened his expression. “I’m not amusing myself. This is for your protection.” He rattled off a serious of numbers. The door slid open, and he shoved her into the corridor.

  Chapter Two

  Three steps away from the holding cell, Celeste began to sob. She continued walking, head held high, but her shoulders shook, and she raised one of her hands toward her fa
ce. Ram cursed himself for a fool and whipped off his shirt. “Put this on,” he snapped, shoving it into her trembling hands.

  “Thank you.” She quickly put on the oversized garment and smoothed it down onto her thighs as far as possible.

  He’d hoped the lower curve of her reddened ass cheeks would still show, but the human was so small the hem hit at mid-thigh. At least she reeked of his seed. Annoyed at himself for giving in, he swatted her twice, but the impact was muted by his shirt. “Walk.”

  She walked. Luckily they only passed two crewmembers on the way to his cabin, and each quickly averted their gaze when they saw who accompanied the female. Still, he had no doubt that word would spread that he’d given his shirt to a female rather than make her go naked. It was not the sort of deference he generally showed. But Celeste might be a life-bringer. Didn’t that justify his kindness? No! He gave himself a firm mental shake. He couldn’t let the possibility control him. Even life-bringers required discipline from time to time. Celeste must learn to obey regardless of her eventual role in his life.

  She’d stopped crying by the time they reached his cabin, so he motioned her toward the padded bench. He’d seen human females before, but Celeste was extraordinary. Her sleek yellow hair and gold/green eyes were exotic and unusual. “Would you like something to drink?” More of my cum, perhaps? The wicked thought made him smile as he crossed to the beverage dispenser. He was hard again already, more than ready to explore her pale body more thoroughly. He’d foolishly neglected her pert little breasts, desperate to touch her pink pussy. He would remedy that oversight shortly.

  “Yes, please.”

  Her voice, however, sounded oddly hushed, so he looked to see why. She was crying again. Godsdamn it, he was not usually moved by the weeping of females. Why did Celeste’s tears bother him? He dispensed a glass of mild wine for her and a much stronger brew for himself. “Have I harmed you in some way? Why are you crying?” He handed her the wine then sat facing her.

  “I don’t know,” she lamented, which made her cry even harder. “I just can’t stop.” She gasped in a shuddering breath. “I don’t know why.”

  Moving to the bench, he set his drink aside and pulled her into his arms. She resisted at first, as if unsure what he was doing, then began to relax. She reached over and set her wineglass on the small table beside the bench, then snuggled against his side. Gradually, her sobbing stopped, though he could still feel the occasional shuddering of her breath. Her head rested on his shoulder, and her hand moved absently across his bare chest. It was unlikely she even realized she was stroking him, but he enjoyed her touch all the same.

  “Talk to me,” he coaxed. It felt odd. He was used to issuing orders and knowing they’d be obeyed. Comforting traumatized females was definitely outside his field of expertise.

  “I really don’t know why I’m so upset.” Now she sounded embarrassed. Were human females all this irrational?

  “You simply need an outlet for your emotions, so talk about anything. Tell me about your sisters.” He cringed even as the words left his mouth. Her sisters? There was no way talking about her sisters was going to calm her down. “I’ve met Lorna, but Brianne was... relocated before I met her.”

  Celeste pushed against his chest and angled her head so she could see his face. “Relocated to where? I know virgins are generally auctioned. Is that what happened to Bri?”

  Still cursing his strategic misstep, he scrambled for a way to minimize the damage. Maybe if he told her about King Eltor, it would set her mind at ease. “As Vikrin explained earlier, he told the hunters to capture Brianne. I knew nothing about it. So when her induction scan revealed she was a virgin, the supervisor did what he always does.”

  “He contacted the slave dealer.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  Ram nodded. “Vikrin is prone to melodramatics, so I tend to avoid him. I didn’t find out what happened to Brianne until Lorna was aboard. The only way to rescue Brianne from the slavers was to arrange a private sale.”

  “How kind of you,” she sneered, sounding anything but grateful. “Who bought my sister’s virginity, and where is she now?”

  He should punish her for her disrespectful tone and unappreciative attitude. Any of his crewmembers would have. But he’d started this, encouraging her to talk. “My first officer is related to the king of Rylar. That is who bought her, and she is with him still.”

  Celeste shook her head, pain and guilt twisting her expression. “How the hell do you consider that a rescue?”

  “Because the king will return her unharmed and alive,” he stressed. “If Brianne had been auctioned, you never would have seen her again. Which do you consider the better outcome?”

  Celeste wisely kept her opinion to herself, but she scooted away from him, looking miserable and lost. “Is Lorna still on board, or was she also relocated?” She no longer sounded defiant. In fact, there was no emotion in her voice at all.

  “Lorna is on board and safe, perhaps even happy. Though I’m sure you’ll find that hard to believe.”

  “Who claimed her?” Celeste asked in the same emotionless voice.

  He debated how much to tell her. The full truth would be easier to accept if it came from Lorna. “My first officer. His name is Moxtel.”

  Without looking at him, she asked, “How many cabin mates does Moxtel have?

  She was too damn smart for her own good. “One,” he admitted. “Belton, my head of security.”

  Rather than throwing a temper tantrum like Ram expected, she simply asked, “When may I see her?”

  “That depends on you.” The answer was automatic and correct. Despite the compassion she brought out in him, Celeste needed to learn obedience and respect.

  She glanced up at him, then averted her face again. “Visiting with my sister is a privilege I’ve yet to earn?”

  “Exactly.” Spanking had done little good, and talking wasn’t helping either. Maybe a good hard fuck would—no. That’s what he needed, not her. Suppressed emotions pulsed off her in tangible waves. He could use an erotic combination of pleasure and pain to provoke a reaction, make her break down and reluctantly cooperate. But that’s not what he wanted, not from Celeste. Not from his potential mate. He wanted her willing submission, her complete surrender. Not just her body, but also her soul, which meant he had to find another way beyond this emotional reserve. “I’ll check with Moxtel to see if Lorna’s behavior has been appropriate for such a privilege. If you’re both obedient for the next day or two, I’ll allow the visit.”

  “Thank you.”

  They lapsed into tense silence. This is why it had been so long since he bothered with a comfort-giver. He understood the female body, knew how to trigger orgasms with pleasure or pain, but human emotions were a complete mystery. He was a warrior, not a counselor. He didn’t understand what Celeste needed from him.

  She bent her knees to her chest, tucking them up under the borrowed shirt, then wrapped her arms around the outside. It made her look small, almost childlike, yet he’d seen her stand toe-to-toe with Bron Savator and give as good as she got. This was not some frightened child. She was just overwhelmed, worn down, and obviously in need of comfort.

  “Talk to me,” he urged again. He could deal with her defiance much better than this forlorn waif. Perhaps another unexpected subject would distract from her misery. Blurting out the first thing that came to mind, he asked, “What do you think of the Ventori?” He shook his head. That was worse than asking about her sisters.

  She kept her face averted as she said, “Most of them are arrogant jerks, but at least they don’t fund their wars by selling alien females.” Her voice sounded stronger, more animated.

  If he didn’t react this time, she’d know he was indulging her. She likely knew anyway. This female was wickedly smart. “Another spanking might be just as cathartic as talking. Shall we try that instead? I asked your opinion about the Ventori, not the Yashonty.” Hoping to encourage the conversation, he handed her back her wine
and picked up his drink as well.

  “I think the Ventori have lost the taste for war.” She wrapped her arms around her legs as before, holding the wineglass without even lifting it to her lips. “It’s easy to pursue vengeance when your species is all but extinct. Finding out some humans are genetically compatible and capable of bearing their young shifted their focus. They’re thinking about the future again.”

  “You sound almost disappointed.” If Vikrin’s claims were true, would the rebels shift focus too? Would he lose interest in vengeance if she could give him sons and daughters? Offspring anchored the eltreenis, the eternal energy. Without children, it was impossible to move from one plane of existence to the next. This was why the rebels fought so fearlessly. It was easy to be fearless when one had nothing to lose.

  “I hate the Skarilians as much as anyone. Someone needs to stop what they’re doing. But if I had to bet on the rebels or the Ventori, my money would be on you.” She glanced at him, and one corner of her mouth twitched as if she were tempted to smile. “Don’t take it personally, Master. I still think slavery is inexcusable for any reason.”

  Reacting as he ordinarily would, he glared at her. “I rescind my invitation to speak freely.”

  “I figured you would.”

  He took a long drink, enjoying the familiar burn as he considered her words. Her criticism wasn’t surprising. Most agreed with her. But he found it more annoying than usual. Rather than dwelling on his strange reaction to her, he asked, “How did you learn so much about us? Very few outside the rebellion know how we fund our operation. Who told you about the actions?”

  “I’m tenacious.” She hid her expression with a slow drink of wine. At least she seemed less dazed now. “This is nice. What is it made from?”

  “A fruit that only grew on Yashontara. So savor it, while you answer my question.”

  She licked her lips, her tongue slightly reddened by the wine. A detailed image suddenly formed within Ram’s mind. She sat on his lap naked, legs spread wide. He slowly sucked on that wine-soaked tongue while he fingered her warm wet pussy. She rolled her hips, driving herself onto his fingers while she moaned into his mouth. Desire unfurled inside him, making the ache in his balls almost unbearable.


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