I Kissed The Boss

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I Kissed The Boss Page 26

by Lindsey Hart

  He blinked. He hadn’t expected that. He hadn’t expected any kind of confession or apology. He wasn’t even sure why he’d come. He just knew that neither of them had what they needed. Not yet. Chantara knew it too. She knew her best friend better than anyone in the entire world. She’d told him to try one more time and he had.

  He wasn’t sure what had changed, but something had. He could see it in Callie’s eyes when they swept back to his face. He heard it in her voice and read it in the way her shoulders drooped.

  “I’m sorry, Matt. I’m sorry that I hurt you. I’m sorry that I’m screwed up. I’m sorry that I’m scared and that I- that I’ve been walking through life like a zombie for a long time. I’m sorry that I ran. I never meant to use you. I never meant for any of this to happen. I don’t even know, right now, how to admit to myself that I do feel something for you-”

  He didn’t let her finish. He marched across the store, closing the distance between them. He swept her up in his arms and as she gasped, he brought his face to hers. She was breathing rapidly, so rapidly that he could feel the rise and fall of her shoulders, the rapid thump of her heartbeat against his arm where he held her.

  “Do you, Callie? Do you feel something? Do you want this, even if you have no idea how to get it? Even if you’re scared? That’s all I want to know.”

  She blinked up at him. She knew she had the power, with a single word, to send him away for good. Yes or no. That’s all it was going to take. That’s all it had come down to. One single word.

  The shop was silent for what felt like an eternity. He watched an array of emotions flicker across Callie’s face. Fear, sorrow, shame, maybe even anger. But then she smiled and something else passed across her face that chased all the shadows of darker emotion away.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I’m a mess, Matt. I have no idea how to trust again or let someone in again or- or love again.” She swallowed hard.

  “It’s okay.” He brushed a finger over her trembling bottom lip. “It’s all going to be okay. We’ll figure it out. Just- just stop running from me. I’m not good at this either. Honestly, when I met you, I said that I was done with it. All of it. And then that kiss happened. Maybe it shouldn’t have, or maybe it was meant to happen all along. I’m glad it did. I’m glad it started all of this.”

  “I- Matt- I don’t even know what any of this is. It’s all so-”

  “I know. You don’t have to stop feeling what you’re feeling. I get that you’re scared and hesitant, but work with me, Callie, not against me. I do care about you. I want that to grow. I want to- to get to know you. All of you. Whatever you want to share with me, the good, the bad…”

  “I’m going to go talk to someone.” She shocked him. “I’m going to go to therapy. I need someone to help me. I’m tired of doing this alone. All of this.” She looked up at him, her eyes huge and tear-filled. “I’m tired of doing all of it alone. I do want you, Matt. I’ve tried hard to tell myself that I don’t, but I do. I’m- I’ve lost. You wore me down. You wouldn’t just go away and stay away.” She laughed and it was a musical sound that he wanted to hear over and over and over.

  “Callie, are you sure-”

  She shook her head, smiling. It was a beautiful smile, one that finally reached her eyes. “I’m not sure, but what the hell. I might as well give it a try. It can’t be any worse than what I’m doing already. The life I was living already.”

  “I would hope not.” He rolled his eyes.

  Her hands came up and rested on his shoulders. She blinked hard before her eyes rested on his lips. “Then kiss me already, and let’s see if we can make this thing work.”

  Matt grinned. “I never thought I’d hear you say that. Really. But now that you have…”

  Callie stood on her tiptoes and didn’t let him finish before she dragged his face down and covered her mouth with his. He might not have been sure, from just words alone, but he could tell in her kiss, a kiss that thawed the parts of him that he didn’t even know were iced over, a kiss that held healing and promise, that she wanted him. He wanted her and that feeling he had from their first kiss, that it was right or that it was meant to be, or whatever that feeling was, it sure as hell felt like it was going to stick around.



  “Well, my love, did you ever think we’d get there?” Matt indicated the rustic log cabin right in front of them. The trees gave way and it seemed to come out of nowhere. It was homey and inviting, with smoke rising from the stone chimney on the side. The lights were on, shining like beacons in the darkness.

  “I had my doubts at some points,” Callie admitted. She giggled. “This is just about the nicest honeymoon I could ever have imagined. The pictures don’t do it justice.”

  “No, they don’t. It’s all ready for us, by the looks of it.”

  “Then we should go in.” Callie slipped her hand through his and squeezed gently.

  He almost turned back to the truck to say they should get their bags, but he figured they could wait. He didn’t need luggage or anything else, for what he had planned. He certainly didn’t need extra damn clothes, and Callie had packed a lot of those.

  “Shouldn’t we get the bags?” Callie read his mind.

  “Never.” He breathed in a huge breath of fresh air. Despite the fact that they were only an hour out of Denver, they might as well have been in the middle of nowhere. The cabin had a remote feeling. It was peaceful and quiet, as if they were the only people left on earth.

  “You mean after.” Callie’s smile grew as she looked up at him. She read his mind again. There was no way she couldn’t. He’d pawed at her, on and off, the entire drive.

  “I mean after. Although, that could take all night. And hopefully all of the next day. And the next.”

  “Oh really? You think so?” Callie giggled. “I think that I want to be able to walk. Part of the reason we picked this place was so that we could do some exploring and hiking. I wanted to see some real nature.”

  “I had no idea.” Matt grinned when Callie took a swing at him. She hit him lightly in the bicep.

  “You are the most impossible husband in the world.”

  “I like the sound of that. Say it again.”


  “No. Husband.”

  “Husband.” Callie’s eyes sparkled. Her cheeks were flushed, and it was more than just the effects of the fresh air.

  “Wife. I like that. It might have been a long, exhausting day, but I guess it was worth it.”

  Callie moved her hands to her hips. She skewered him with a sharp glare. “You guess? You guess? It better have been worth it!”

  “Of course it was.” Matt grabbed Callie by the waist and swung her in against him. “You were the most beautiful bride in the entire world.”

  “Honestly, I’m glad it’s over. It was a lot of planning and this and that and I’m exhausted. I was more than ready to make our escape.”

  “Good thing I had the bags packed and the truck waiting. I’ll be your getaway car any day.”

  “Next time, I’m just going to do a simple backyard ceremony…”

  “Next time!” Matt scoffed.

  It was Callie’s turn to grin. “I’m just kidding. There isn’t going to be a next time unless we do a vow renewal. You’re it for me, Matthew Hilbert. I love you. I am always going to love you. You are patient and kind and amazing. The best man in the entire world.”

  “I thought we were done with the vows and speeches.”


  “What about it? Are you finally ready to go in that cabin and let me make you my wife? Truly? For the entire night?”

  The darkness couldn’t hide the blush that rose on Callie’s cheeks. She looked so pretty, her hair and makeup still immaculate from their wedding. She wore her getaway outfit, a loose-fitting black dress. She’d thrown his suit jacket overtop to keep her warm.

  “I don’t know about the entire night…”

  “I do. I c
an’t wait to mess up your hair and smear your makeup and make sure that expensive black dress and this far too expensive suit end up in a heap on the floor.”

  She laughed. “You’re impossible.”

  “I like being impossible, but I love that you’re my wife. I love that we’re here, Callie. Finally.”

  “It only took two years. That’s not overly long in some people’s books. And we did move in together after six months. Some people would also find that way too short.”

  “Not me.”

  “We’re here now.” Her eyes darkened as she stepped into him again. “And I’m glad. Now, husband, you should pick me up and carry me into that cabin and we’ll talk more about all night.”

  “I’m done talking.” Matt swept Callie up in his arms and kissed her until she was breathless. “But I will take you into the cabin now.”

  Callie squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Despite all her protesting, he knew he wouldn’t have to try very hard to make sure that she lost sleep. It would probably be her keeping him awake. He kept waiting for them to become like any other couple who had been together for a longer time. He kept waiting for that spark to wane. But it hadn’t. He didn’t think it ever would. He would do anything and everything to keep it alive. The fire in Callie’s kiss told him she would too.

  He was very much looking forward to their night together and every single night after that. He finally realized what that feeling he’d always had with Callie was. She was the one for him. He would have laughed about that before, but not since she came into his life. She was the one. She was his forever, his heart, his best friend, his love, his life. She always was and always would be, just right.

  The End.

  Thank you for reading.

  Hope you enjoyed the book. Please let us know what you think about the box set by leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads. All reviews good or bad are most welcome.


  Lindsey Hart specializes in sweet to extra hot and dirty romance and strongly believes in happily ever after. If you are looking for a page turner, then you are in for a wild and naughty ride with feisty heroines and alpha male heroes.

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  Alphalicious Billionaires Series

  Married by Mistake

  Faking It

  Baby Mistake

  Seducing My Best Friend

  The Dating Game

  Claiming Her V-Card

  His Runaway Bride

  Steamy Proposal

  Rules of Love Series

  Love Contract

  Love Auction

  Love Antique

  The Box Set

  Beastly Love Series

  Captivated by The Beast

  Beautiful Encounter

  A Husband for Beauty

  The Box Set


  I Kissed The Boss Box Set

  A Christmas Proposal

  The Roommate: A Sizzling Stepbrother Romance


  Scars of Love

  Free & Wild

  Burning Touch

  Against His Will

  Her Captor



  Holy mother of Hannah- whoever that was. Waking up with a splitting headache compliments of an epic hangover next to a burly, handsome, ash-blonde giant of a stranger was one thing. Waking up with a hangover, no memory of the night before, a stranger, and a simple gold band glistening on her left ring finger was quite another.

  June Lashinsky bolted upright, which was hangover rule number one mistake. She never took her eyes from the glistening ring, not even when she leaned forward and dry heaved nothing but glistening lines of spittle onto the white hotel sheets.

  The beast beside her stirred and let out a caveman worthy groan. “What the fuck?” he mumbled sleepily, confused. He stared at her until she managed to get her rolling stomach under control. Thankfully nothing came up. The sour taste in her mouth lingered disgustingly. Obviously, it was the least of her worries.

  The caveman with the strong brow, the square jaw, the straight nose, full lips and piercing dark midnight eyes, ran a hand through his long, already disheveled ashy blonde hair. Even half sitting up, it was obvious that he was over six feet of pure jacked sin. He was bronzed. Bronzed. He probably had dimples when he smiled.

  Even through the pain knifing through her head, the gut twisting tornado she had going on and the wall blocking her memories, June realized the guy was handsome. Not just handsome. Total fuck worthy material. Which was… well… obviously the case. She didn’t even need her drunk goggles to want to jump his bones. He was the kind of guy that could walk into a room full of women and up the estrogen production tenfold. What the heck am I doing in bed with a guy most women would give their left tit to have a baby with? He probably causes spontaneous pregnancies just by breathing.

  A jolt of hot electricity burned its way shamefully up her spine. June gripped the sheet and tugged it up when she realized the beast was eyeing her naked breasts. Oh god. Oh god. Is that what we did last night? “What the hell?” she asked harshly. Unfortunately, the sheet slipped down, revealing an already pert dark bud. “You are a pervert or something?”

  The guy ran a meaty hand through his hair again. His flawless bronzed brow crinkled in confusion, pulling his brown eyebrows closer into the bridge of his nose, which was a nice nose, solid and straight and strong. “Uhh… honestly, at the moment, I don’t know. I hope not though.” He looked her up and down and June burned under the frank inspection. “Judging from the fact that we’re both naked and this is Vegas and my head is splitting, and you look to be in the same boat, I would say it was consensual.”

  June let out a low moan. “Why on earth would you say that? Do you ever have non-consensual sex?”

  The guy’s frown deepened, and something knifed through his azure eyes. Eyes the color of a dark abyss you could get lost in. What the hell. Seriously? I’m already Grade A pathetic. I don’t have to make it worse.

  “Never. Why would you even say that?”

  “Because of what you said!”

  “I thought you might be an escort or something, okay!”

  “An escort!” She choked. “What- that would still have to be- consensual.”

  “I’ve never had any sex that wasn’t consensual!” The guy barked. “Jesus!”

  “What does he have to do with it?”

  The guy rolled his eyes. “I’m hung over as hell at the moment. All I have is a blank sheet in my mind about what happened last night. I have never, ever, ever forced a woman to have sex with me.” He nailed her with a direct stare. “Do I look like I need to?”

  “Oh, that’s just great!” June threw back the sheets and exploded out of bed. “Not only did I just spend the night sleeping beside some kind of pervert, I also picked the most humble man in all of Nevada.”

  “I’m sure they’re in abundant supply here in Vegas. And I’m not a pervert.” The guy’s icy eyes raked down her body, her naked body, appreciatively. “None of that was what I meant to say. I meant instead of consensual, I meant- god, I can’t think of the word. Mutual, that’s what I meant. And I don’t know where the escort thing came from. I guess I just wanted to see what you’d say. You never know…” He had the nerve to flash her a charming, witty smile. A smile! As if it was funny!

  June gasped and hurried over to the black puddle of material on the hotel room floor. She glanced around the room as she picked it up. It was nice. Obviously, a suite. It had a hot tub style bathtub, whatever they were called, in the corner, a huge TV mounted on the wall above a bar with a mini fridge and actual cupboards, a leather couch, a desk and chair, a small table, and a huge king-sized bed. The carpet was black, the bedding was black, though the sheets were white beneath. Everything
looked new and expensive. It smelled new and expensive.

  Apparently, she’d done what every other woman out there aimed to do and somehow landed a rich one. A rich pervert. She cursed herself that she didn’t find the idea as repulsive as she should. In fact, the thought of doing things with the infuriating stranger made things throb. The wrong kind of things and the wrong kind of throb.

  She wrenched her eyes back to the shimmery puddle of fabric. She folded it this way and that and no matter how she pulled at it, it didn’t turn into a dress. Or even a skirt. Or anything at all.

  “You- you ripped my dress apart?” She gaped at the man in the bed. She held up the scrap of fabric. “It’s ruined.” Now what the hell am I supposed to wear to do my walk of shame? Her eyes dashed about the room and landed on a dark black dress shirt. She stalked over and snatched it up. She didn’t hesitate before she pulled the shirt around her body.

  The top two buttons were long gone. The beast obviously had a penchant for destroying his own clothing as well. She did the next one up and the one after that with fumbling, useless fingers. She nearly cried out at the stabs of pain that wracked her brain with each and every single one of her furious erratic movements.

  “Looks to me like you wanted to get laid.” The beast had the nerve to cross his arms over his far too broad chest, a movement that made each and every single corded, bulging, rippling muscle bulge and ripple that much more. She wondered if it was actually humanly possible to bench press a car. “That dress says it all.”

  “You’re disgusting,” June shot back. “Just like all those men that say a woman was asking for it… this is Vegas. Have you seen what people wear here?” She pointed to the puddle of black silky sparkles on the floor. “That there is long enough and good enough to wear to church in comparison.”


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