Blood and Blade

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Blood and Blade Page 5

by Lauren Dane

  “The dog can’t stay for this part, Rowan. I do have my limits, even with you,” he told her as she went to get him out of his pants.

  Groaning, Rowan pointed at the bed she’d bought for Star. “I’ll be back in a bit if you want to nap. Or go visit with Elisabeth a while.”

  That handled, she yanked Clive into his adjoining bedchamber, closing the door at her back to be sure they weren’t interrupted.

  One-handed, she managed to get out of her clothes while she tugged at his. His laughter rolled over her skin as it was meant to. A sound only she got to hear.

  Once they were both naked, Clive took her face in his hands. He brushed a gentle kiss over her mouth. “I’ve wanted you for days but admittedly after time continued to pass without any significant revelation from Lyr’s memories, I was concerned about what I might be dealing with and how it might have endangered you.”

  “So you knew there was something wrong with how you couldn’t access Lyr’s memories and you still made me force you into this magical stuff.” Stubborn, stubborn Scion.

  He raised a shoulder. “I didn’t know, I was simply concerned. Now though? I think we’re both good to go.”

  Bad things loomed on the horizon. Deadly, potentially disastrous things. But for that moment it was just the two of them and Rowan decidedly shut out everything but that.

  It was her turn to laugh as he spun her back to his bed and tossed her there. Clive Stewart, Scion of North America, stood at the edge of the mattress, watching her, his gaze roving over her body greedily.

  He wore such a smug bastard expression that she thrilled even as she accepted that from anyone else it would make her stabbity. Her Scion made it work. His arrogance was her sexual preference.

  Though she still wanted to stab him sometimes. He was an arrogant bastard after all. That rode a person’s nerves even on the best of days.

  “You’re a ferocious bitch, darling Hunter. I adore you.”

  No one complimented her like he did. No one understood her, knew what delighted and frustrated her the way Clive did. He ignored her sharp edges. Maybe even got off on them sometimes.

  But the way he looked at her like there was nothing and no one else in the world who could compare to her in his eyes was a gift she’d never expected. Not from anyone much less the Scion of North America.

  He should have been her enemy but instead he was her husband.

  He picked up her foot and kissed up to her ankle and then ever so slowly as he crawled onto the bed, he left hot, wet kisses up the inside of her calf, the back of her knee and her thigh right up to the seam where it met her body.

  He licked that ever so sensitive flesh and teased her, shifting to the other leg instead of focusing on her pussy.

  Each moment, each touch brought them back together again. Underlined their bond. What she felt through that bond was once again utterly self-assured. No shadows of doubt. Just raw sexual power. Greed as he stroked talented fingertips from her collarbone down and over her nipples, pausing to pinch and tug until she gasped.

  Then he was gone again, kissing over her ribs. First the right side and then the left. Slowly down over the rise of her hip bone and then at long last he spread her wide and took a long, deep lick that had her arching her back and gripping his hair to hold him in place.

  His satisfied growl sent shivers over her, followed by a wash of heat as he used the lightest stroke of his incisors to tease.

  * * *

  She tried to yank him where she wanted him, but he resisted, taking his time and doing everything on his terms.

  Clive never ceased to wonder at the enormity of just how much he wanted her. He drowned in her taste, the feel of her skin against his. Craved that taut, solid weight of her body, long and lithe.

  Her muscles trembled, especially once he ran the flat of his tongue over her clit a few times. Unable to resist, he pet over her thighs and belly as he continued to worship her with his mouth, swirling his lips and tongue over and around, through the slick heat of her pussy until he knew she was very close.

  This first climax would loosen up her muscles and relax her. And it would please him just as much because making Rowan come was one of his very favorite things.

  The magic in her taste intensified as she came on a gasp, her fingers in his hair tightening, holding him in place as he licked and sucked her through a smaller, second orgasm.

  When she fell back to the bed on a pleasured sigh and let go of his hair, he surged up her body to kiss her lips and then flipped her over.

  “I want to fuck you from behind,” he murmured, guiding himself into her. “I get so deep this way.” He underlined that with a flex of his hips, thrusting all the way to the root in one stroke.

  She surrounded him. Not just the physical embrace of her inner walls around his cock, but their bond swept him up as he experienced part of her pleasure while his fed back to her. An endless, dizzying loop of pleasure.

  Her moan told him she found it as delicious as he did.

  This was homecoming each and every time. Molten hot and surprisingly sweet.

  He licked up the curve of her shoulder, tasting the spice of her magic, and she shivered through a quivery sigh that caught the attention of the predator within.

  He growled, bending around her body, fucking her deep and steady and she still managed to meet each thrust. So demanding and unyielding when it came to pleasure. She would give every bit of herself to him and would accept nothing less from him in return.

  Her fingers dug into the bedding for purchase as he sped his pace. Climax came at him hard and fast until she tightened herself around him and there was nothing he could do but give in and come on a snarl of her name.

  He managed to crawl up the bed and drag her with him so they could be together a while before he went to daytime rest.

  “Maybe we should take a few days off from sexytimes more often. Then when we get to it it’ll be like that. My teeth are numb,” she mumbled as he turned on his side and pulled her to him.

  “I’d hasten to remind you how often ‘my teeth are numb’ is a compliment you pay me after your so appropriately titled daily sexytimes. It’s already stellar when we keep a regular schedule. I have such filthy urges you need to indulge.”

  Her unexpected laugh had him smiling against her hair.

  “It wasn’t a complaint. I like to bone you on the regular too. But just now was pretty high up on the list of experiences we’ve had naked together.”

  “I’m going to ask you to be here when I awaken later today. I’m already swimming in imagery from Lyr’s memories and I expect I’ll have a lot to tell you after my rest.” He hesitated.

  Rowan heard the unspoken. “I’ll be careful. I have Hunter Corp. business to catch up on. I’ll be looking at office space too. Nothing deadly or taxing. I’ll be back by sunset.”

  They were both quiet for several minutes as sunrise approached.

  “I’m glad you’re all right,” she told him as she slid from his bed. “I love you.”

  “Of course you do, my queen,” he said.

  He smiled to himself, listening to her leave the room and set his door to day lock. He strained slightly to hear her move around, gathering things and heading into her bedroom to sleep. Letting himself surrender to his own rest once he was assured she was settled in her bed.

  Chapter Six

  Star poked her cold, wet nose in Rowan’s ear a few times to wake her up. This wasn’t delightful, but Rowan looked at the clock, noted she’d gotten seven hours of sleep and accepted it was time to get up.

  “You know,” she said to the dog as she got dressed and pulled her hair into a bun she fastened at the base of her head, “I bet Elisabeth is up already and could have let you out.”

  Star snorted and then barked twice before she danced over to the door.

  Not only was Elisabeth a
lready up, the house was already full of the scent of yummy things to eat.

  “You’re up!” Elisabeth said when Rowan opened the French door leading to the courtyard off the kitchen to let Star out.

  “I am. Smells good in here.”

  “I’ve got a nice meal waiting for you. I wasn’t sure when you’d want it. Clive said you tend to wake up and work out before you ate. I let Mistress Star out earlier but she went right back to your room and didn’t make a peep. She’s a very fine dog.”

  Star trotted back inside and headed to her bowls, which were already full.

  “Thank you for that. I know she’s my dog and I shouldn’t expect anyone else to take care of her.”

  Elisabeth frowned and then waved a hand in Rowan’s direction. “I was up. I’m an early riser and I’m still working out the time difference. And Star is the family dog. I like dogs so I’m pleased to help.”

  Rowan thanked her. She’d been considering a run on the treadmill but realized Star might appreciate the exercise. It was hot as fuck outside. The sun was nearly directly overhead, beaming down heat.

  “I think we need to run at night. Or maybe right after your dad goes to his daytime rest,” Rowan told Star.

  “That’s a very good idea. Is it always this warm?” Elisabeth asked.

  “It’s not quite autumn yet for a few weeks but it’ll still be hot in the daytime until late October, early November. It does cool down some at night. It gets cold in the winter, but it’s not like London, that’s for sure. In truth, we probably won’t be here in Las Vegas more than another year, maybe two anyway.”

  As Scion of North America, Clive would live in a different major city in a different area of his territory for several years at a time before shifting to the next. And Rowan would be starting a Motherhouse in the United States so she needed to create a solid home base but also create new, smaller chapterhouses as she went as well.

  Her vote was for a place with pine trees and misty mornings. Seattle, Portland and Vancouver, BC, had plenty of paranormal stuff to be handled so she and Clive would both have a lot of work to do.

  “It helps that we keep a more nocturnal schedule now that we’ll be with you both full time. It’s something new, which is always fun. A new city. A new home. It’s been years since Clive has lived in London full time so it’ll be grand for us to get to know you and Las Vegas too.”

  Rowan wasn’t sure how long Elisabeth would hold to it being wonderful to work for them after the first few battles to the death when she or Clive came home with bloody clothing, but she wasn’t complaining about it.

  “This house is new to us too.” Rowan poured herself a cup of coffee and then poked around at the food under different cloches, making herself a meal. “This looks great. Thank you.”

  “It’s rather nice to be cooking for more than just the two of us again. I was planning on doing some research on how to make dog food.” Elisabeth tossed a piece of bacon to Star, who caught it midair.

  “You don’t have to do all that. I don’t want to make more work for you.”

  Satisfied for the moment, Star licked her chops and flopped on the floor at Rowan’s feet once she’d settled at the table.

  “It really isn’t a lot of trouble. I’m one of those people who likes keeping busy. I like to read up and do research on things. I had a dog growing up. Her name was Buttercup. She was such a joy to be around. Always went on adventures with me. I do hope you won’t mind if I spoil Star just a little.”

  Rowan leaned down to look at the dog, who pricked up her ears just in case bacon was incoming. “I’m pretty sure Star is already spoiled a whole lot. But I don’t mind if you spoil her more. It’s not going to be easy being my dog, or my partner or whatever we decide to call our relationship. So I figure she’ll need extra snuggles from time to time. I read up a little on kelpies. They like to be busy too. Like to herd their people. Need a lot of exercise. So between us, we can probably keep her happy.”

  Happy, as it turned out, included throwing the ball in the side yard for several minutes. They were in the shade which made it more bearable, not that Star seemed to mind either way. She was relentlessly energetic until she finally dropped the gross, spit covered ball and then herself to the cool stones next to the marble bench Rowan had been using. A big bowl of fresh water rested under the bench. She had placed bowls around the house so if Star was hanging out there, she’d have water. Fresh water because who wanted to drink outside water with bugs and dirt that was warm? Rowan wondered if she needed to be careful about how hot the ground was and if it would hurt those adorable pink toe pads.

  “I’m mortified that I’m this person, Star,” she muttered of herself and all this care and attention to the needs of a dog. Still, Rowan accepted that with the arrival of Star her life had changed in a major way. Again.

  Star got up and drank half the bowl, getting water everywhere but in such a happy way Rowan ended up finding it cute. Gusto. Star had it for everything and it charmed Rowan to no end.

  Star went back to her place in the shade and looked up at Rowan, as if to urge her to continue. Why not? They were alone. There was a breeze that made this little shady nook pleasant instead of too hot.

  “I used to be all solitary and scary. Broody and rude.” Rowan snorted. “Okay I’m still rude. But anyway. First I go and fall for a Vampire. A Vampire! Even knowing what a pain in the ass they are, I went and not just loved but married one! Officially announced and declared by The First so it was a big ass Vampire Nation deal. I even wear his ring.” On her right hand instead of her left. On her sword hand. He’d done it on purpose which was a major part of the reasons she’d been unable to do anything but love him.

  “But that’s not enough because now I’ve also got a house in the suburbs, household staff and an increasingly spoiled dog. My life is definitely not the same life I had just four years ago.”

  Star yipped as she yawned widely.

  “Yes. It’s mostly better. Except for the constant stream of people trying to kill me. I don’t like that part at all.” And now she worried about Star’s safety in that way as well. “I think I need to look into dog safety gear. Like bulletproof dog vests or a spell Genevieve can do.”

  Genevieve seemed to like Star so maybe she’d make it part of her warding package. Do the house, the grounds, the cars and the dog. It was going to be expensive but Rowan planned to bill Hunter Corp. for her half. The Vampire Nation could damned well pay the other half.

  Idly she wondered what Theo would think if she brought Star to the Keep the next time she visited.

  “There’s a lake not too far from where your grandpa lives. It’s fed by a hot springs so the water is always warm. We won’t call him grandpa though. His sense of humor is unpredictable to say the least.” Rowan couldn’t imagine leaving Star behind when they traveled though, so they’d figure it out. “We’re going to have to figure out how to get you to Europe, especially when I need to be in Ireland or London.”

  Star sighed and rolled to her back. Suddenly Rowan got the feeling Star got to wherever she needed to go, how and when she wanted.

  “Okay then. I have some work to do, calls to make and all that stuff. Betchamp has offered to take you with him when he runs errands. Would you like to get out for a while?”

  Rowan realized she wasn’t even embarrassed talking to the dog this way. Because she knew Star understood her. How that worked wasn’t something she understood. But magic was that way sometimes so she just went with it.

  Star stretched with a cute little groan before she shook herself and headed to the nearby doors leading back into the house. “I guess we’re done? Good talk,” Rowan said as she followed the dog back into the dark, cool interior. Star caught up, remaining at Rowan’s left. Smart girl, staying away from Rowan’s weapon dominant hand.

  Star trotted through Rowan’s office before she barked once at Rowan, who
bent to give her some love. “Do I have the all clear?”

  Star yipped and then turned to scamper out the door.

  Okay then. “I guess she’s going on errands with Betchamp,” Rowan said to herself as she settled in her desk chair and began to look at her emails.

  David came into the room about fifteen minutes later, pausing to place a tall glass of iced tea nearby, along with a plate of cheese and crackers. Truth be told, she was a lot hungrier these days and she figured it had to do with all the magic and fighting she had to deal with. Brigid seemed to be so much easier to connect with, which seemed to burn a lot of calories every time it happened.

  “Star just hopped into the car with Betchamp,” David told her. “She looked ready to take on the world.”

  “She’s just that way with everything. It’s such a positive example I feel bad when I’m not trying my hardest too.” It was probably why Carl left her there with Rowan. To keep her from quitting this saving the world biz and heading off somewhere isolated to live the rest of her days without punching, stabbing and shooting anyone or anything.

  The thought was so ridiculous and unrealistic, it made Rowan laugh before she turned her chair to face David. “Update.”

  “We’re scheduled to meet the real estate agent in an hour at the first building. There are several potentials for a Motherhouse on the list so I took the liberty of placing them in order of location and highest number of your must-haves ticked off.”

  She’d need to change out of shorts and a T-shirt for that.

  “Genevieve left a message earlier stating she’d like to meet you for a meal after Clive goes to work. I guess she’ll like to be around daily. She seems the type,” David continued, a slight edge in his tone. It was still sort of adorable that he was jealous of Genevieve and her friendship with Rowan. A friendship Rowan found herself relying on. But she didn’t want him feeling unlistened to. Or that Genevieve being a regular part of Rowan’s life meant Rowan would choose anyone over him.


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