Blood and Blade

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Blood and Blade Page 14

by Lauren Dane

  “Is he treating you well, Petal?” Theo asked. “I can have him left exposed to the sun if he’s not being a good husband.”

  Some fathers might make jokes like that. But Theo wasn’t joking so she took Clive’s hand and squeezed briefly.

  “He treats me very well, thank you.”

  “Good. Now tell me the rest. Cook is preparing a feast for your visit and she’ll be upset if we run late.”

  “Arthur and Thomas Stewart of House Stewart were active within the Blood Front’s ranks. Thomas Stewart was the source of the leak. We’re looking into how exactly he received some of his intel about me, but I’m satisfied that he’s the source who made it possible for assassins to enter my apartment and murder Carey.”

  Rowan continued. “Both Arthur and Thomas Stewart have been removed, along with their entire households as of sunrise today. There is nothing left of either of them. A financial restitution has been made to the Scion of Europe as this happened in his city.”

  Theo turned to Clive. “Who removed these traitors?”

  Rowan hated how intolerably ridiculous Vampires could be. Erased. Disciplined. Removed. Whatever. Beings that ripped the heads off their enemies and beat them with their own spines were suddenly fucking delicate about just saying they killed a motherfucker that needed killing.

  “My father, Charles Stewart, and I, as the two heads of House Stewart.” Clive emphasized his connection to his family and his House with Theo. Rowan knew her father would judge the Scion far more harshly than the Vampire defending House and line.

  Thank the Goddess Clive had taken her advice on how best to present the information to Theo. So far his anger had remained constant but not severe. A very good sign.

  “We are not unaware of the damage this has done to our House and its position within the Vampire Nation. Since my grandfather fought in his first battle on your orders at the age of fourteen, through the years and battles to follow, three generations of Stewarts have served you loyally and bravely. House Stewart is, as ever, an unwavering ally at your command. We took this action not only to punish them for bringing this shame onto our House, but for harming my wife and your child. House Stewart has been part of the Nation from its aegis and will continue to fly the banner if we are allowed to do so.”

  Rowan got a little tingly as he delivered his words, every inch the badass Vampire prince that he was. Despite the seriousness of the situation she really wanted to lick him right then.

  Theo made a sound as he let what Clive had said settle a little. Then he demanded, “This happened in London?”

  Theo picked up on the threads Rowan had hoped he would. They might just make it out of there alive after all.

  Clive nodded. “Yes. And in my territory in the city of Los Angeles. From what we learned last night, also in Tokyo and what is now Qatar. I have notified Tahar and Takahiro about the trouble in their territories as well,” he said, indicating the Scions holding those lands.

  Rowan had felt very strongly that if they spread out all this trouble across several Scions’ lands, it would make them all safer. As everyone but Paola, the Scion holding South America, had been implicated in this whole thing, it meant it wasn’t just about one Scion not paying attention. It was a big picture problem that demanded a big picture solution.

  Theo was silent for long moments, taking everything in. Weighing each piece for how much it hurt him or what it could do for him.

  Planning just how much he could get out of her in return for what he would do anyway. She knew how sneaky Theo was and she knew he saw this as a chance to manipulate her.

  And he knew she loved Clive enough that she would allow it.

  “The Vampire Nation accepts the restitution offered by House Stewart. Which will be allowed to continue on within the Nation as before.”

  Okay then. Theo wasn’t going to execute Charles or Antonia or Clive nor would he divest them of their holdings as a House within the Vampire Nation.

  “However, we are concerned about the apparent lax security within the Scion’s lands.”

  Oh that fucker.

  “Clive, can you excuse us, please?” Rowan asked.

  He paused and she made a shooing motion with her hands. He looked to Theo and she groaned inwardly.

  “I would like to speak to my father privately for a moment,” she said.

  Theo chuckled, pleased with himself. He gave his attention to Clive. “Scion, if you please.”

  The tension within Clive radiated between them and she patted his knee. “We can’t keep Cook waiting so we won’t be long.”

  He couldn’t openly glare at her. Not in front of Theo. And he couldn’t argue because Theo had told him to move along.

  That told Rowan Theo was ready to bargain.

  It also told her that her husband was going to be pissed and snippy but she found it amusing in her own petty way as she kept her expression bland.

  Once he’d gone she turned back to Theo. “Okay, let’s get to the point because I wasn’t kidding about Cook and being late for dinner and even though I’m sort of terrified you’ll react badly, let’s cut to the point. We both know he did everything he was supposed to and beyond. We both know you were going to accept restitution and let him get back to his investigation. So what do you want from me to seal the deal so we can just move past this?”

  For sure it was Brigid who helped Rowan get all that out because even as a Vessel and a Hunter and armed and trained he scared her. But she had to face him. For Clive and his family. Her family now.

  But his smile was little boy charm. Because he was getting what he wanted.

  “I’m quite sure I don’t know what you mean. However, perhaps if you came back here in December. Stay from Christmas through the New Year. Have Charles and Antonia come. I should know my daughter’s new family. And at least two feasts I think. A Yule Ball and a New Year’s Eve dinner. The next Joint Tribunal happens between now and then too. Perhaps give me another day or two. Yes, that would be lovely.”

  He sipped his tea.

  In the background, Rowan heard a yip at the doors and knew Star had arrived and was telling Recht to let her in. Goddess. She’d really hate to die protecting her dog from Theo but Star knew her own mind and if she was there demanding to be let in, she had her own reasons.

  Rowan held up a finger. “On one condition. There’s someone I want you to meet. And you have to be nice and gentle.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her as she went to the door to open it and let Star in.

  Star stayed close to Rowan’s side and when they got near Theo, Star sat, ears up, on alert, at Rowan’s left. “This is Star. Star, this is The First.”

  Star cocked her head with a little growly yap. She could be so vocal when she pleased and Rowan dearly hoped this was the right time for such noises.

  Theo clapped his hands with a delighted laugh. It was so startling Rowan couldn’t contain her slight jerk in response.

  He bent a little to get a closer look at the dog. “I have not seen the likes of you in many, many lifetimes, Mistress Star. Welcome to my keep. Do you protect my Petal then?”

  Star approached him carefully, scenting the hand he held out, and Rowan let out the breath she’d held when he gave Star’s head a pat.

  “She’s a very beautiful girl,” Theo said to her and then to Star, “You may call me Theo. Only my Vampires need call me The First.”

  Star just gave him a look but he pet her and scratched behind her ears so she didn’t run off.

  It was so weird, but since no one got mad or bloody or cried, Rowan counted it as a win. She hadn’t been entirely sure how Theo would react to a dog who was Rowan’s guide. Sometimes he was very jealous about stuff like that and took it out on others. And if he’d have tried, Rowan would have put herself between them which would have sucked for everyone. So she was glad it went well.

  Since everyone was still alive, Rowan thought it best to keep things moving. “So I guess we’ll see you in October for the Joint Tribunal. And then again at the holidays.”

  “I simply fail to understand why we cannot hold all the Joint Tribunal meetings here,” he said, offended that everyone in the universe didn’t just do things in ways easiest for him.

  “It’s only in Prague this time. Not even far for you if you decide to attend.”

  The Joint Tribunal was a quarterly work group meeting between Hunter Corp., the Vampire Nation and sometimes members of the Conclave Senate. The witches didn’t always attend but Genevieve had mentioned it already so Rowan figured they would this next time. The meetings were to assure that everyone involved with the Treaty was abiding by its rules and that if there were any problems they addressed them.

  The meetings were beyond tedious and the last one had a whole lot of fuckery involved. But even Rowan had to admit they were important. Because if it wasn’t in their face every few months the longer lived beings tended to forget and did whatever they wanted, which ended up in Treaty violations with humans dead and/or drained.

  “Prague is a good location if we can’t hold the meeting here, I suppose. Still. One does hate to travel so much.” He sniffed. Indignant that he’d have to travel less than two hours to get where he needed to be while Rowan and everyone else not in Europe would have to spend a lot more time on planes to get there.

  “Will you be staying at the estate with us?” he asked.

  The meetings would be held at a neutral location, a villa in the Castle District within walking distance of all the places each group would house itself in. Naturally Vampires had lots of real estate in Prague. It was a gorgeous city with one foot in the glorified past Vampires loved so much while also having great mass transit, lots of fantastic food and a love for the modern. It meant great libraries and art galleries but a lot of annoying baby Vamps who dressed like Lestat or Blade.

  “Clive and I purchased a home in Prague recently so we’ll stay there along with David and some of the Hunter Corp. people who’ll be attending, like Susan and Rex.” Or rather, Clive had bought her a fucking giant house in Prague because when they were there last, Rowan had said she liked the look of the garden when they’d walked past and he’d gone and bought it for her.

  It was a beautiful place she was sad they couldn’t spend more time in. But it would be good to have another home base in Europe when needed.

  Theo frowned at that news but even if they didn’t have a house Rowan wouldn’t have stayed with him. She was at the Joint Tribunal meetings as the liaison between Hunter Corp. and the Nation and Conclave. Not as anyone’s wife or daughter or any of that. She didn’t like blurring those lines. It was hard enough to keep track in her own head. If she wasn’t very careful about appearances it affected how others saw her and whatever she was trying to get done might not work out because of that perception. She’d just dealt with that and a crapton of other trouble when the last meeting had been at the Keep and he’d fucked with everyone for entertainment. Oftentimes using her as a way to tweak his own Vampires. She’d also nearly been killed and had to duel someone, but that seemed standard for her visits back home.

  In any case, she wanted to protect herself and her role and have a place she could return to each day while leaving the drama behind.

  Rowan said, “One of the nights you can come for dinner. Elisabeth is a fantastic cook. Because Clive is in residence we’ll have the bloodwine you like so much.”

  He leaned toward her, taking her hand a moment. “I would like that very much, Petal.”

  It still touched her when he was like this. Open and pleased about her attention. The weight of being his daughter was different at these moments. Sweeter.

  Clive would fucking wet himself at all the official Nation party crap where he was there as The First’s daughter’s man candy. And it would keep him safe and secure in his position and his family would also benefit from being paraded around like show ponies and everyone would love it except her. But that was okay because she loved being alive and that was what it took.

  Theo stood and held his arm out for her to take, which she did and they headed downstairs for dinner.

  Cook happily bustled around and had even made a little place for Star to eat, putting her bed near Rowan if she wanted to rest.

  How Dina managed to create all Rowan’s favorites in the short time since they’d contacted the Keep to let them know Rowan and Clive were coming, Rowan didn’t know, but she was glad to her toes to see dumplings and pork chops.

  “I never eat like this anywhere else,” Rowan said as she pointed to her overflowing plate. Cook had a real name and it was Dina. But Theo called them all Cook. As they were human, one day there’d be a new Cook other than Dina. He’d just gotten too lazy to learn names after the first century or two. Rowan called her Dina because not to felt as if she’d be saying they were all just the jobs they did for Theo and that sucked. “To be honest with you, no one makes dumplings like these. It’s all just a terrible disappointment out there.”

  Dina blushed, smiling, clearly pleased to hear it. “I was just telling your father that we should ship some dumplings to you.” She looked over to Theo, who shrugged slightly.

  “She and her Scion will be back in December. We’ll plan a Yule Ball and a New Year’s Eve dinner. Antonia and Charles Stewart will be here as well.” Theo didn’t wait for anyone else before he tucked into his dinner.

  Rowan was grateful for that because she was really hungry.

  Clive squeezed her thigh under the table. The pleasure at the news of them spending time here at the holidays radiated between them through the bond, making her doubly glad she’d accepted the terms Theo had offered.

  She knew though that Clive would feel guilty that she’d made a deal with Theo on his behalf. They’d have to discuss it in detail because Rowan would never not do whatever was necessary to protect Clive, his position and his parents.

  “It’s been some time since we’ve done the Keep up at the winter holidays,” Theo said, warming to the topic. “Given the chaos within our ranks and in the outside world, I think a Yule Ball and New Year’s celebration will be just the thing. My child is now joined with another and that needs to be celebrated.” He carefully avoided mentioning why the last celebration got cut short and, as Rowan wasn’t sure she’d ever get past it, it might be a nice thing to have a separate event months after losing Carey and Thena.

  Only Theo would believe the Vampires coming to the Keep for any celebration weren’t going to be simultaneously delighted at being invited and terrified they’d do something wrong. At the very least, Rowan would be able to find amusement in that.

  “I know you’re flying back to the United States before sunrise so I’m going to package up some food for you for the trip,” Dina told Rowan, much to her delight.

  “Of course I will not say no to such an offer,” Rowan told her. “Thank you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Best be sure Vampire Nation pays for that private jet stuff,” Rowan called out to him. Clive smiled and then schooled himself into a mask of unconcern before he went into her office. He’d only just awakened after their trip home from Europe.

  He’d planned to pay for the trip but he couldn’t let her know that. “You did Hunter Corp. business on the trip so the bill should be split.”

  “Only because Vampire Nation bullshit forced me into it. So again, that’s Nation business and a Nation bill,” She said, a frown in her tone.

  “I find your thriftiness so fascinating.”

  “Look here, Scion.” She turned in her chair and he leaned against a nearby desk, waiting for whatever thing she was about to say. Whatever it was, he knew it would be amusing.

  “Yes, darling? I’m all ears.”

  She flipped him off. “You’re all attitude. But back to my p
oint. The Vampire Nation is behind all this nonsense. Every last bit of it. So you should have to pay for the cleanup. How many broken bones have I had because of this bullshit? The Vampire Nation should buy me a fucking jet for all my troubles cleaning up your fucking mess.”

  She had him there. If the situation were flipped, he’d send his bills to Hunter Corp. Not that he’d say as much to his wife.

  “Well, undoubtedly I owe it to you after you sacrificed yourself for me. I know you made that deal with your father to protect me.”

  They hadn’t talked about that yet and he wanted to broach it before she avoided it. She never wanted to be seen as soft but that’s what she could be. Like a miracle, just when he least expected it but needed it most.

  “I don’t like you getting into debt with him. Not for me,” Clive said.

  She waved a hand. “He was going to agree to everything you proposed anyway. But he would have dragged it out and made you give up stuff and it would have been stupid and a waste of time. I just got to the point, agreed to go visit at the winter holidays. And look, don’t tell anyone this, but the Keep at Solstice and Yule is spectacular. It’s all old school and pagan. He has torches lit every night along with fairy lights. All the greenery gets decorated. It takes a full week for them to get everything up and working. When it snows it’s like a dream. I didn’t know he hadn’t had any Yule Balls or full New Year’s Eve dinners in years and years though.”

  “Not in the last decade or so. Not that I’ve been invited to.” Hm.

  She snickered, knowing what he was thinking. “You’re Scion. You would have been invited. All the other Scions will be invited to the New Year’s thing. I don’t know about the Yule Ball. You never know when Theo is going to decide everyone has to attend and then all sorts of swanky Vampire families will have to sleep in tents in the gardens because he’s run out of room inside. He did that once. I was six or seven. Goddess, I hope he does it again. And that it snows like hell.”

  “You’re a terrible person, darling,” he said, smiling.


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