Saxon's Soul (Haven, Texas Book 5)

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Saxon's Soul (Haven, Texas Book 5) Page 27

by Laylah Roberts

  “Julian, please, I just want to go back to our room and lie down, will you help me?” Keira asked.

  There was a pause and then Julian turned and crouched next to Keira. Without saying a word, he picked her up gently and walked away.

  Jardin let out a sigh. “I’m really sorry. Thomas let me in so I could wait for you. I didn’t mean to frighten her.”

  Saxon nodded, looking back to where Julian and Keira had disappeared. “I know. It’s going to take them both a while to feel safe again.”

  Jardin’s jaw tightened. “I’d like to know what’s going on, but for the moment I just came to give you this.” He held up a thumb drive. “Got all the stuff you need on Winifred Hartfield in case she ever appears again.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate this.” Saxon grabbed hold of the drive. He looked over at her. “And all the help you gave my sub.”

  Jardin nodded. “Of course.”

  “I have another favor to ask. Could you start the adoption process for us?”

  Jardin looked from Saxon to her. “You’re adopting Jamie and Caleb.”

  Saxon put his arm around her, pulling her close. “Yes, I want my family protected. In every way. And I want the boys to know that they’re wanted.”

  Something she’d never felt. Until meeting him. Warmth filled her, and her eyes brimmed with tears.

  “Aspen?” Jardin asked. “This is what you want as well?”

  “More than anything.”

  “Then I’d love to help.”

  Saxon nodded his head. “I owe you.”

  Jardin waved his hand. “I was growing bored anyway and if I didn’t have a reason to get off the ranch, I was going to kill Corey.”

  She looked up at Saxon, puzzled.

  “Corey is one of the Malone brothers,” he explained. “He’s probably the most obnoxious of the lot.”

  Jardin snorted. “And that’s saying something. I’m guessing I won’t see you at the club tonight.”

  “No. I’ll get in touch with Mark, see if he can cover for me for a bit longer.”

  Jardin nodded. “Seems like you’re needed here more. I can help as well.”

  “Thanks.” They shook hands and Saxon showed him out.

  She slid onto the sofa, her legs surprisingly weak. She took a deep breath in then let it out slowly.

  “Well, sprite, looks like when it rains it pours.”

  She looked up at him. “Sure does.”

  He walked over and ran his hand over her hair. “You doing okay?”

  She nodded.

  His gaze narrowed. “Words, pet.”

  Her back straightened. “Sorry, Sir. It’s a bit overwhelming. I feel so happy you’re back. Relieved Winifred isn’t going to be a problem. Worried about Keira and Julian. And so thankful to have you. A lot has happened and some of it hasn’t been good, but I couldn’t imagine being happier than I am here with you. I feel safe. I feel like I have a home.”

  “You’re not the only one, pet. I have everything I ever could have wanted but never thought I deserved. And I won’t let go of it. Not without one hell of a fight.”

  “Me either.” She smiled up at him. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, sprite.”


  She stared at the empty space.

  Okay, this really couldn’t be possible. This couldn’t be happening to her again. How could her car go missing twice in a matter of months? It had been locked up in this garage for weeks. No one could have possibly stolen it. Curt and his team had installed the latest security devices. She was certain there wasn’t an inch of the property that wasn’t under camera surveillance.

  And even if a thief had gotten in here, they wouldn’t choose to steal her crappy car over one of Saxon’s high-end, luxury cars.

  Which left just one possibility.

  He must have moved it somewhere else to make room for one of his other vehicles. Made sense as there was no point in her beater taking up room in his garage. But why not tell her?

  Suspicion filled her. She hadn’t used her car since she’d first moved in here. In fact, she hadn’t even bothered to check on it. If she needed to go somewhere then Saxon usually took her. But it was two days until the restaurant opened and she needed to find something to wear.

  Two weeks had passed since Saxon had sent Winifred packing and had brought Keira and Julian home. Not all of it had been smooth sailing. Saxon had convinced them both to go to counselling, but Julian still wasn’t talking much. Keira seemed to be doing better, though. Spending time with Jamie and Caleb seemed to help. Physically, she was still weak and her leg wasn’t healing how they would have liked.

  Aspen knew she still had nightmares. Between Keira and Julian and working on getting the restaurant, she and Saxon hadn’t had much time to spend alone. Hopefully that would all change soon.

  That was, if she didn’t murder him first. Because she had a suspicion about just where her car had gone. She walked back into the house and down towards the kitchen where she’d left the boys with Gwen and Thomas.

  “Did you forget something, dear?” Gwen asked.

  She kissed the boys on the tops of their heads. Time went so fast and she was grateful she got to spend more time with them.

  “Actually, yes. Thomas, you didn’t move my car, did you?”

  “Certainly not,” Thomas replied haughtily.

  She couldn’t tell if he knew something or not. “Do you know where it is?”

  “Not at all. You will need to ask Mr. Saxon.”

  Oh, she’d ask him all right.

  “He’s at the club?”

  Thomas nodded.

  Great. Seemed fitting. She stormed out of the house and walked to the club, up to the back entrance where she pushed her way into his office. He looked up in surprise. Then heat filled his gaze.

  “Hello, pet. What are you doing here? I thought you were going out this afternoon?”

  “I was. Thought I would take my car.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “I had Thomas bring the Jeep out for you.”

  “Very thoughtful of you. But I haven’t driven my car since I got here. It just got put in the garage, and I forgot about it so imagine my surprise when I walked into the garage and it wasn’t there.”

  He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. “It was a death trap. The tires were bald, it was leaking oil, and it was so rusty that parts were held together with duct tape.”

  “So it’s at the garage getting fixed?”

  “It is not.”

  “When did you get rid of it?”

  He shrugged. “About three weeks after you moved in.”

  “I’m surprised you waited that long.”

  “I thought you might get angry and leave if I did it any earlier.”

  She leaned her hands down on the desk. “And you didn’t think I might want to know you were getting rid of my damn car? I saved long and hard to buy it. I know you didn’t think much of it—”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “But it was mine. And you had no right to get rid of it without talking to me about it! Where is it?”

  “I have no idea. I gave it to a scrap metal dealer.”

  “You did what?” Her jaw dropped open. “Damn it, Joel!”


  She threw her hands up into the air. “Who cares about my fucking language! You had no right to do that and you damn well know it.”

  “Actually, I had every right,” he said coldly. “I am not risking your life or the lives of my sons by allowing you to drive around in an unsafe vehicle. From now on, you only get into vehicles I approve of.”

  “Do you know how arrogant you sound?”

  “Do you know how close you are to getting turned over my knee?”

  Her anger started to morph into something hotter. Hunger filled her. She wanted this. Wanted him. She wasn’t truly angry about the car. She leaned forward, her gaze locked on his. “You should have told me.”
  He nodded. “Probably. But it’s my job to keep you safe. It wouldn’t have changed what happened, except to maybe make you mad enough to leave.”

  Back then it might have. But now, after living with him and his overprotective tendencies, and it seemed he’d only gotten worse since she’d told him she loved him, she’d learned there were some battles you fought and others you avoided gracefully.

  And others where you gave in not so gracefully.

  “I’m not fucking happy.”

  His eyes flared open. “Neither am I.” He rose from behind his desk and she rolled up onto the balls of her feet, prepared to run. She moved too late, though, and as she turned, he grabbed her.


  “That’s not how you address me in the club, is it?” He turned her then bending, put his shoulder against her stomach and tipped her over his back. She squealed and grabbed hold of his shirt. This wasn’t like him. He didn’t really need to use force when just a look or a word would work. She squirmed and he smacked a hand down on her ass.

  “Calm down,” he growled at her.

  “Sir, put me down. Please.” She squeaked as he started down the stairs, worried he might drop her.

  She should have known better. He would never do anything to endanger her. Everything he did was with her safety and happiness in mind. Hers and the boys.

  He reached the dungeon and flicked on the lights.

  He let her slide down until her feet were on the ground then held her until she was steady. She saw that they stood in front of the St. Andrews Cross.

  “Strip, pet.”

  “Sir, I can’t. I have to go shopping.” She took a few steps away, regretting that she had to go.

  He turned and the look on his face had her stomach leaping into her throat. Oh, fuck.

  “Are you using your safe word, pet?”

  He knew she wasn’t.

  “No, Sir.”

  “Then what is your job when we’re playing?”

  “To obey you, Sir.”

  He didn’t say a word. Just waited. She started stripping.

  “Place your clothes on the chair here.” He pointed at a plain black chair. “When I come back I want to find you naked and kneeling next to the cross.”

  Where was he going? She sighed, pulling off her clothes. She guessed she’d be wearing something she already owned.

  When he returned she was naked, feeling a little unsure as she knelt next to the cross. She snuck a look and saw that he carried his play bag. He placed it down next to her then stood in front of her. “Look at me, pet.”

  She gazed up at him. Her insides turned to mush. She never grew tired of looking at him, watching him. Over these past few weeks she’d become more secure in his love.

  He gave her a look of disapproval.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.” She bit her lip. How upset was he?

  He crouched in front of her. “It reminded me of the day you came to tell me off for having your car fixed without your permission.”

  “You seem to have a thing about my car,” she muttered.

  “I do, don’t I?” He grinned. “I think the only solution is to get you a car I approve of.”

  “You can’t buy me a car, Sir.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Can’t I?”

  Hmm, probably not the best idea to argue about this right now considering she was naked and sitting between a St. Andrews cross and his play bag.

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Good choice, pet. Now, I know we haven’t had much time to play and I think what just occurred was you crying out for some attention.”

  No, it wasn’t. Shit, was it? She wasn’t really sure.

  “And I’m in need of attention myself.”

  “Is that so, Sir?” she said breathlessly, staring down at the bulge in his crotch.

  “Yes, and it’s up to you to ease my discomfort.” He stood and undid his pants, pushing them and his boxers down off his feet. “Take me into your mouth, pet.”

  Everything else faded away. There was just him. And her need to please him, knowing he’d please her in return. She reached up to take hold of him.

  “No using your hands,” he commanded. “Just your mouth.”

  She put her hands back on her knees. It was more difficult this way, but she liked the challenge. She ran her tongue up the length of him then across the slit. His taste burst along her tongue. She’d never thought she would enjoy this, but she loved being able to give him pleasure.

  “Stop teasing, pet. Take me into your mouth. I don’t intend to finish this way and you’re testing my control.”

  She liked pushing his control. She guessed that wasn’t a very submissive thing for her to do, though. And she opened her mouth, taking as much of him as she could into her mouth. She sucked on him, reveling in his sharp intake of breath. Then she slowly drew back.

  “Hold your mouth open,” he commanded, clasping hold of her head as he pushed himself inside her.

  He drove into her, drew back. In and out. She concentrated on her breathing, on not gagging and she felt the submissive part of her expand and grow.

  He pulled completely out then reached out a hand, helping her stand. He kissed her gently.

  “Thank you, pet.”

  She gazed up at him. “Anything for you, Sir.”

  He rubbed a thumb over her cheekbone. “Turn and face the cross. Arms up, legs apart.”

  She took a calming breath as she moved into position. Leather cuffs were already attached to the wooden arms of the cross and he quickly fastened them around her ankles and wrists. She was spread-eagled, bound. She pulled at the binds, testing them. She was at his mercy.

  Saxon ran a hand down her back. “Love being bound, don’t you, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Don’t float away on me, though, okay?”

  “No, Sir.” Her eyes fluttered closed then opened as he gave her ass a sharp smack.

  “I’m going to keep you in the here and now, pet.”


  She wanted to cry the word, but knew if she wanted to sit comfortably tomorrow she should probably keep it to herself.

  Besides, she knew the answer. It was what he wanted.

  He moved around in front of her and cupped her left breast, bringing it up to his mouth. He tugged at the nipple, suckled on it, lapped at it with his tongue until small whimpers passed her lips. Her clit was already on fire. Needing his touch.

  “Sh, pet. You’re already so turned on. Did you enjoy having me in your mouth? The feel of me taking you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He was rubbing her other nipple between his finger and thumb. Suddenly, he disappeared. She had to bite back her cry of disappointment. When he returned, he held two nipple clamps in his hand. A chain connected them. She closed her eyes, breathing deeply as he fastened one around her left nipple then tightened it. She whimpered as the pressure increased. Too much. Too much.

  Then it stopped and she took another breath. Then another. The pain faded to a pressure that made her insides ache. He placed the other clamp over her right nipple.

  Holy shit. By the time they were both on, her breathing was coming in quick pants and she was definitely focused on what he was doing to her. He lightly kissed one nipple then the other.

  “Beautiful. I love seeing you in clamps. Bound and ready to be fucked.”

  Oh, dear Lord.

  He moved away again and she tensed up slightly, wondering what he was doing. His hand ran down her back. “Easy, pet. You trust me?”

  She breathed in deep. Relaxed a little. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Your safe word?”

  “Red, Sir.”

  “Good girl. I’m going to give you a taste of the flogger.”

  The flogger? Before she could tense up again, something landed on her right ass cheek. A thud. It hit her other ass cheek. It wasn’t pain. But she wasn’t certain it was pleasure, either. He moved it down her thighs then to her upper back. When it moved over her shou
lders, it felt a bit like a deep massage. Her muscles started to relax and she let out a low murmur.

  “Like that, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Hmm, I can feel you drifting.” He came closer, pressed up against her warmed skin, and reached around to rub her clit. She let out a cry. Her pussy clenched down. She was empty. She needed more. He teased her. Flicked at the swollen nub until she was trembling. On the verge of coming.

  Then he pulled back.


  “How do you feel, pet?”

  Feel? He wanted to talk about how she fucking felt? How about mad? Horny? Pissed off?

  Yeah, probably not good answers.

  “Aroused, Sir. I need you.”

  “Do you like the flogger?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’d like you inside me more, though, Sir.”

  He chuckled. “Very honest.”

  But instead of untying her, or hell just fucking her against the cross, he flicked the flogger over her back again. It landed over and over. Thud. Thud. She drifted on a sea of foggy pleasure. Her skin heated. Her mind emptied. He stopped. Teased her. Brought her back into the here and now with his finger on her clit and his mouth speaking of all the dirty things he’d like to do to her.

  By the third or fourth time he’d stopped to tease her, she was shaking, sweat coated her body and her need was so great she swore she was going cross-eyed.

  “Do you need me, pet?”

  “Yes, Sir. So much.”

  “What do you want me to do to you?” he asked, reaching around to tug on the chain that connected her nipples. Pain, sharp and clear, sliced through her, followed by a pleasure so deep and hard that she shuddered, nearly coming there and then.

  “I asked you a question, pet.”

  What did she want? “I want you to untie me then bend me over and fuck me, Sir. Please. Please. I want to come. I need to come with you inside me.”

  He kissed his way over her shoulder. “Very well.”

  Shit. That was easy.

  He quickly untied her, pulling her gently back against him. She whimpered as the hot skin of her back, ass, and thighs rubbed against him. He reached around and undid one nipple clamp. She bit down on her lip, breathing through the rush. Then the other one followed. Oh, fuck. Then he drew her up into his arms, carrying her as he walked towards a spanking bench.


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