Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 10

by Maggie Ryan

  Jennifer did exactly that, telling both Tony and Max that she was sorry for her behavior and in allowing her friends to become too inebriated to make good choices. Cara and Bridget watched as she was enveloped in their arms and grinned as two very large hands descended with very loud smacks onto the back of her dress.

  "Ow, quit it! You can't do that anymore. I'm married, remember?" she protested, reaching back to rub the freshly injured area.

  "Just helping Dave out," Tony said.

  "I don't need any help, but thanks, guys," Dave said, pulling his wife away from her brothers. "Hanging out with this family has assured me that my skills are refreshed on a very frequent basis as I remind my beautiful bride that her backside is fair game when she is naughty."

  As the door opened at the front to admit the teaching chef of the evening, the couples all moved to their individual stations. Cara smiled thinking that Dave's statement had been correct. She'd never imagined domestic discipline before and yet had learned a great deal after Max had discussed the dynamic. Once he had, she'd started noticing things, wondering how on earth she'd missed the signs. Men in Max's family didn't really hide their proclivity for being very dedicated heads of their households. She'd seen Max's mother cut off some statement mid-sentence that might have led to an argument when her husband gave her what she'd come to consider "the look." It was a look that she'd seen both Max and Tony use and it hadn't taken long for Dave to take it up. It hadn't taken her but a couple of weeks, and her first spanking, to pour out her thoughts about it to her best friends to find an immediate sympathetic ear in Bridget and Jen. Of course, that didn't mean that the spankings stopped. It just meant that the three women knew they weren't alone. Though she was sure her own parents would be aghast at the thought of their daughter dating a spanko, she simply couldn't imagine loving anyone other than Max.

  "That was delicious," Cara said as they were cleaning up after class. "We're definitely putting that one in the recipe box. It was worth picking every little bean by hand."

  "I still don't like that whole cutting up the chicken," Jennifer said. "It's just so… yucky."

  "Speaking of cutting up," Max began and then paused as all three women groaned, shaking their heads. He chuckled. "Now, I wasn't even thinking of how you three cut up at that club, but I'm wondering if you are all feeling guilty still. Perhaps another—"

  "No!" The three women chorused the word, causing all their men to grin.

  "Well, then, as I was saying, Cara got me the greatest birthday present. I'm going to be Chef Wright at the hibachi grill. I'll be chopping and dicing, flipping, stacking and frying and I'd love to have you join us."

  "I love that place!" Jennifer squealed, accepting two of the cards that Max offered. "It will be a lot of fun."

  "We wouldn't miss it," Tony agreed, handing the two cards he received to Bridget. "Who else is coming to witness this birthday bash?"

  "That's for me to know and you to find out on Sunday," Max said. "I expect you gentlemen to treat your ladies like princesses that evening. It is Valentine's Day after all."

  "No worries," Dave said, slipping an arm around Jennifer's waist. "I treat my Jen like a goddess."

  "You better," her two brothers said together, and this time, all the women smiled.

  The group split up after another round of hugs from the men and shared commiseration from the women. Cara found sitting still on the drive home almost impossible but seeing her friends again had reminded her that they had made their own choices and couldn't truly be surprised they'd been made to pay the consequences. Hearing a chuckle, she looked across at Max.


  "Babe, we don't need a puppy, with all the squirming you do."

  She couldn't help but smile even as she said, “Ha-ha, now look who’s being cute.”

  He chuckled again as he pulled up to her apartment building. Cara didn't even try to open her door. The Wright men were true gentlemen: opening doors, pulling out chairs, guiding with a gentle hand pressed against a lower back, seeing a lady to her door. Chivalry was definitely alive and well in that family. Another benefit of being in the lives of this family was that even though the men spanked with a heavy hand, they protected with a ferocity that told their naughty women that they were loved with a depth like none other.

  He helped her from the truck, entwining his fingers with hers as they walked to her door. "I love you, Cara," he said, his breath on her cheek before he bent to kiss her.

  "I love you, too," she said, laying her cheek against his chest. "Even if you do spank me when I'm naughty and I still want a puppy."

  Chapter 5

  "So, did you hear?" Bridget asked when the two partners entered their boutique.

  "Hear what?" Cara asked, flipping on the light switches.

  "I did a little bit of investigating and discovered who likes to take photos."

  Cara turned, her eyes wide. "Who?"


  Cara was surprised. "Monica's sister? Why in the world would she do that? I mean, she's our friend!"

  Bridget tucked her purse beneath the counter and started the coffee. "A friend who decided that she wanted what we have."

  "What does that mean?"

  "You know she's been dating Tom again, right?"

  "Yes. They got back together when she came home from college. So?"

  "Well, what you might not know was that she went out of state for a reason. It seems that once she discovered that Tom wasn't into domestic discipline, she couldn't stay here for school because she knew she'd never get over him."

  Cara smiled and shook her head. "I can't say I blame her. Though I never thought I'd say this, much less actually mean it, I don't ever want to live without that in my life, but have you seen the two together? He's got to be three times her size. And, have you seen the size of his hands? Imagine one of those on her butt. One swat would cover both her cheeks. She's so tiny."

  Shaking her head, Bridget settled her hip against the counter. "No, you didn't hear me. She has no problem with domestic disciple. I mean, she knows that her baby sister is marrying a dominant man."

  "Then what's the problem?"

  Bridget smiled and shook her head. "Tony told me that Tom confided in him and Max that he loved her but couldn't imagine actually spanking her. He was afraid he'd break her in two. He just wants to cuddle and take care of her."

  Cara smiled and shook her head. "I don't see why she'd have a problem with that. There's nothing wrong with cuddling. And, that still doesn't explain the photos."

  "Well, four years away did nothing but make her love the guy even more. Something about 'boys versus men.' So, she's evidently been attempting to push Tom's buttons. You know, do something so outrageous that he'd have no other option than to take her in hand instead of just coddling her. She figured that if all of our men had proof of our naughty behavior, Tom would hear of it and learn that every single one of them stepped up to the plate and made sure we understood that they weren't going to allow such behavior to slide. There's nothing quite like being forced to open your eyes to make you see that a choice needed to be made."

  "So are you saying Tom finally spanked her?" Cara asked, pouring a cup of coffee and handing it to her friend before pouring herself one.

  "That's the funny part. He didn't, well, not at first." Bridget said, taking a sip.

  "What do you mean, at first?"

  "When Monica found out, she went ballistic. It seems that she didn't appreciate having her bottom blistered even if it was for what her sister insisted was a good cause. I'm not sure who was more shocked; Monica when she learned her little sister set all of us up or Vicky when she learned that her future brother-in-law had no compunction about swatting her ass as well."

  "He didn’t'!"

  "He did. He called Tom and had him come over. Then he had Vicky confess her crime and when Tom seemed reluctant to do more than scold, Chad told him that if he was too much of a wuss to take his woman in hand, it would become his respons
ibility. Monica said that having a red butt was almost worth it to see Tom's transformation."

  Shaking her head, Cara said, "I would like to have been a fly on that wall." She giggled. "So I'm guessing he didn't break her in half?"

  Shrugging, Bridget grinned and pushed away from the stool. "You can see for yourself."

  Cara followed her movements to see her unlocking the front door and pulling it open. A small woman stepped in followed by a mountain of a man who had to stoop to avoid hitting is head on the top of the door frame. Setting her coffee cup down, she went around the counter and met the couple.

  "Hi, you're a little early, but come on it. Looking for a wedding gift for Monica?"

  Tom gently guided Vicky further into the store, his hand at her back. "While I do need to get a gift, we came for a different reason today." When Vicky didn't speak, he bent a bit to pat his palm against the back of her skirt. She instantly responded.

  "I wanted to apologize. I took those photos and sent them to your men. It was an ugly thing to do and I'm sorry. Please, forgive me."

  "I don't know," Bridget said. "I mean, I got a doozy of a paddling because of that photo and poor Cara got a switching."

  Cara jumped in before her best friend earned herself another paddling. "No, if we are honest, it was our own behavior that earned us those spankings. Vicky's pictures just reminded us how bad choices lead to rather unpleasant consequences. I forgive you and I know Bridget does too."

  "You do?" Vicky said, her surprise evident in her expression. Looking up at the tall man beside her, she sighed. "Look, I was an idiot. Instead of doing something that caused all of ya'll pain, I should have just talked to Tom about what I wanted."

  "And did you get what you wanted?" Bridget asked, ignoring Cara's quick gasp at the rather personal question.

  "Oh, yes," Vicky said, her smile lighting up her face. "I now know that while Tom treats me like a little princess, when I'm naughty, he will also take me in hand. It's what I've wanted but was too afraid to push for. But, I'll tell you, after the spanking he gave me, I'm going to be such a good girl that he will never have to spank me again."

  "Good luck with that," Bridget said, wrapping her arms around the woman. Cara hugged her as well.

  Tom bent to kiss Vicky's cheek. "Now about that wedding gift. Help me find something for your sister, okay?" It was a great ending to a rather traumatic bachelorette party. It also led to a rather lucrative sale when Tom ordered six place settings of the china that Monica had fallen in love with.

  Promising that they'd wrap it and have it delivered, Cara walked them to the door. Vicky was practically skipping to keep up with Tom's long strides and yet the couple looked absolutely perfect together.

  "Like a big grizzly with his little cub," Bridget said with a smile.

  The girls were busy for the rest of the day but neither really minded. They didn't want to be idle for too long as tender bottoms made sitting a bit uncomfortable.

  Chapter 6

  The group had their last cooking class on Wednesday but all agreed to sign up for the advanced classes that would begin the following month. The men would go back to work at the fire station the following morning and wouldn't be off again until Sunday.

  On Sunday morning, Max woke up to a rather chirpy call of "Good morning, birthday boy" as Cara waltzed into his bedroom. Pushing up to sit against the headboard, he grinned as she set a tray across his knees.

  "Thank you," he said, giving her a kiss when she bent down. "The food looks great but you are the only present I need."

  "Really?" she asked. "So I should call the grill and inform them that Chef Wright is not going to show? Or I could always step in and show off my slicing and dicing skills."

  He chuckled. "I'd much rather you show off your kissing skills."

  "You are the birthday boy," she teased, cupping his face between her hands and giving him a much deeper kiss.

  Before things got too hot and heavy, he patted the mattress beside him when she pulled away. "How about we share breakfast?"

  She climbed up onto the bed, settling beside him with a giggle. "I was hoping you'd ask as I made enough for both of us."

  They took turns taking bites from the huge omelet she'd made. "Babe, you obviously paid attention in class. This is fantastic."

  "Why thank you. Did you notice the perfect knife cuts on the veggies?"

  Max chuckled as he picked up a slice of bacon. "Kind of hard to notice when they are tucked inside." Seeing her expression, he added, "Tucked inside a flawless, perfectly cooked omelets."

  "You always know the right thing to say, Chef Wright." Cara plucked a fat strawberry from the edge of his plate, taking a bite and then holding it at his lips for him to finish. After breakfast, she returned to the kitchen to do the dishes while he took a shower. Joining her in the kitchen, he poured her a cup of coffee and prepared another for himself.

  "Thank you," that was the best birthday wake-up I've ever had."

  "You're welcome. I'm betting it's nothing compared to the meal you are going to be preparing. Remember, we need to be at the grill by four. Oh, who all did you invite?"

  "People," he said, cryptically.

  "Well, I wasn't expecting you to invite animals," she said, with a smile. "Unless, of course, you wanted to invite a sweet little puppy."

  "Hmmm, whose birthday is it?" he teased, pulling her close and rubbing her bottom.

  "Yours, but it's also Valentine's Day, remember?"

  "Babe, that's one holiday you don't forget when it is also your birthday. I can't even begin to tell you how many heart shaped cakes I've eaten. If anything, it's Mom who deserves all that stuff. After all, she's the one who spent most of the day in labor."

  "And got her very own living Valentine for her efforts," Cara said. "Did you remember to send her flowers?"

  "Yes, and the biggest heart-shaped box of chocolates I could find. I'm sure she'll thank me with her standard phone call."

  "I hope you hear it at the restaurant," Cara said, her brow furrowing a bit. "She always calls at 6:46 p.m. exactly but you'll still be doing your cheffy thing."

  "Cheffy thing?" he asked, with a chuckle. "Better give me the proper respect, little girl, or your meal just might be a tad burnt."

  She laughed and kissed him again. "You are far too much of a perfectionist to threaten that. Okay, I've gotta run. Bridget, Jen and I are all going to get new dresses for your debut. Pick me up at 3:30?"

  "I will, you girls behave yourselves."

  "Of course, don't we always?" she quipped and then squealed and ran for the door when he reached for her. "See you later, Chef!"

  The three women spent a couple of hours at the mall, each finding the perfect dress for the party. Stopping into Victoria Secrets had them finding sexy lingerie as well. "Tony is gonna flip for those," Cara said as the clerk wrapped the bra and panty set for Bridget.

  "I hope so," Bridget said, her cheeks flushing a bit. "He does seem to be rather fond of the color red, no matter if it's on my butt or covering it." The clerk didn't even bat an eye as the three women giggled. After a quick lunch where they all ordered salads since they planned on stuffing themselves later, they split up.

  Cara took a long bath, shaving her legs and after rubbing herself dry, she moisturized every inch of her body with her hair wrapped in a towel. She painted her toenails and fingernails a vivid red and once they were dry, she finished drying her hair and brushed it out. No matter how many times she'd tried straightening it, her locks always sprung into curls that reminded her a bit of Shirley Temple but which Max assured her he adored.

  Slipping into her new dress, she struck a pose before the mirror, mimicking Marilyn Monroe's famous rendition of a traditional song. "Happy birthday to you," she sang, using a very breathy voice and holding her hairbrush as a microphone. "Happy birthday, Chef Wright…" Collapsing into giggles, she tossed the brush aside and continued getting ready. When the knock came, she’d just slipped into her heels.

ow, you look incredible," Max said, stepping back and raking his eyes up and down her body.

  "You like?" she asked, twirling to allow the soft skirt to swirl about her legs.

  "Very much," Max said, pulling her into his arms. "Forget the grill; you're sure to be the hottest thing there tonight."

  His kiss had her feeling that her efforts were very worthwhile and it took several minutes before she could get him to focus. "Come on, I'm dying to see you practice."

  "Are you sure you're not going to be bored?"

  "Absolutely not, I'm going to sit there and look up in awe at your incredible cheffy moves."

  "God, you are impossibly cute," he said, taking her hand and helping her into the truck. "Buckle up; you are my most precious cargo." Once she had, he shut the door and went around to the driver's side.

  It was the most fun evening Cara had ever had. There was absolutely nothing to compare to seeing the love of her life having the time of his life. From the moment he donned the official hibachi chef's jacket with Chef Wright embroidered on the front, she could see his eyes shining. When the training chef settled the toque blanche hat on his head, Max turned and gave him a bow and then shot her a look that had her heart stuttering. It was worth every penny she'd spent just to see that look of appreciation on his face. And, of course, those flashing blue eyes and deep dimples did their own part in making her wiggle a bit on her chair. God, he was so handsome.

  She stifled her giggles watching his first several attempts to flip the shrimp tails from the grill up in the air and catch them in his hat. They flew all over the place, one even bounced off his trainer's chest. Nothing deterred him though and she was the beneficiary of several additional grilled shrimp, nibbling on them as he continued to practice until he managed to catch three in a row. Clapping loudly, she gave him her own bow and settled back to watch him make a volcano out of a stack of onions. The time flew by and before she knew it, it was time for him to take a short break before his guests arrived.


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