Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 33

by Maggie Ryan

  She didn't argue with him. From his tone, she knew it would be a losing battle. So, she marched up the stairs, her head held high, and went into her bedroom. He was right behind her.

  She sat on the bed and slipped off her shoes, watching as he threw his jacket on the chair and rolled up his shirtsleeves.

  "Rance, can't we talk about this civilly?" she asked.

  "Civilly? Oh, you mean, you arguing with me about how busy you are. No, we can't."

  "Rance, is a trip that important to you that it can't wait until a slower season?"

  "My dear, you aren't going to have any slower seasons. If you haven't already figured it out, let me point out to you that you run a booming business. Pretty soon, it's going to be so big that you won't be able to handle it without moving to a larger building and hiring a lot more people. Before that happens, and it will, we need some time away, to focus on us. We need to talk about the future, both with the business and on a personal level. We are both running ourselves ragged, and it has to stop. You asked me to take care of you, and I agreed to do that. But you have to let me do it. In the past several months, you seem to have lost sight of that. I don't want us to grow apart because we are both consumed by the demands of the world. A small holiday is just what the doctor ordered."

  "I had no idea you felt this way," she said meekly.

  He walked over to her and sat down. She was over his lap before she knew it, her sweater pushed up and her leggings pushed down. Her panties soon followed, gathered at her knees. She gasped. He had never spanked her on the bare before. They held to their convictions about waiting to consummate the relationship, and she always assumed that was why.

  He wasted no time as his hand crashed down on her bottom, the cool air on her bare skin doing nothing to alleviate that burning sensation. She took a deep breath. Be careful what you wish for, isn't that what they say? She wished for someone like Rance, and she certainly got it. His hand came down again several times, hard, quick smacks on an unsuspecting white bottom. Only, it wasn't white anymore. Angry red was more like it. He stopped, and she gave a sigh of relief. That wasn't so bad. But her respite was short lived when she saw his hand reach above her head to the hairbrush she had left on the bed in her rush to leave that morning. Drat it, why didn't she take the time to put it back on the dresser? He wasn't going to go easy on her this time. Evidently, he'd meant everything he had said earlier. He was worried about her, about them. The wooden brush connected with her already stinging skin, and she jumped. Five more swats, some gentle caresses, and then five more.

  "I can't let you work yourself into the ground, Lydie. I need you—I need us—to see where this can go. It's time for us to move forward. We can't do that if you refuse to put in the time. Work is good, but it isn't all there is."

  She gritted her teeth and dug her fingernails into his pant leg, fighting the tears threatening to spill down her face. She'd been so tense lately, so tired from all the work, she finally allowed her body to go limp. As aware as he was, Rance noticed immediately and pulled her up to his chest.

  "Lydie, babygirl, I love you," he whispered.

  "You do?" she asked tearfully as she wiped her face.

  "Of course, I do, silly, haven't you figured that out by now? It's always been you. It will always be you."

  "I-I love you, too. I guess I've really taken you—and us—for granted, haven't I?"

  "Oh, honey, you were building a business, but even Fortune 500 business owners take a break, now and then, to rejuvenate and refresh."

  "Okay, you make the plans. I'll go. But, when we get back, we have to start looking for a bigger space, agreed?" she asked.

  "I'll call Misty Tanner and have her start looking. I'll help you, whatever it takes, we'll expand, we'll hire more help. You will be a success, Lydia Rose Sharp Granger, I guarantee it."

  "What did I ever do to deserve you?" she asked.

  "You were simply you," he answered as he lowered his face to hers.


  Early the next Thursday morning, they set out on a six-hour road trip to the Smoky Mountains. Rance agreed to her working around the clock beforehand, surprisingly, to see that everything was in order. Her employees knew exactly what needed to be done in her absence, and she had filled as many of her orders as she possibly could, promising to complete the rest when she returned.

  They stopped for breakfast around eight. Sitting across the table from him, she took his hand. "Thank you."

  "For what?" he asked as he sipped his coffee.

  "For knowing that this is exactly what I need. I feel relaxed already."

  He grinned. "I don't take you and your needs lightly, my love. I have many surprises in store for you this weekend."

  "How do you always seem to know the right thing to do?" she asked, after the server brought their food.

  "I make it my main priority to know. Now, eat up, we have four more hours on the road."

  She had left the planning up to him. She had no idea whether they were renting a cabin or a luxury hotel room, and she didn't care. She was free for four whole days with the man in her life.

  The drive was scenic and breathtaking this time of the year. Even though most of the leaves had fallen from the trees already, Christmas was in the air. Lydie felt like a child again, free from stress and gleefully taking it all in. They arrived at one, and Rance suggested they have lunch before checking in. She agreed, letting him take the lead. After a wonderful, light meal in a quaint little spot, he drove them to a cabin in the mountains. As she looked around, she noted that it was equipped with all the modern conveniences. A large king-sized bed graced the bedroom. It was made of sturdy oak wood. A chintz floral covered loveseat sat in one corner, facing a fireplace. A large screen television set graced the wall, easily seen from the bed. The adjoining bath held a large Jacuzzi tub and a separate shower, big enough for two. The living area was cozy and well decorated, and the kitchen was a chef's dream. She worried a bit about the fact there was only one bedroom, but she needn't have, because she received the surprise of her life that very first day.

  Once they settled in and unpacked, Rance took her hand and led her out to the balcony.

  "Oh, the view is gorgeous," she said as he stood next to her.

  "Yes, it is," he said.

  When she turned, she saw that he was looking at her, not at the mountains that surrounded them.

  Without warning, he dropped to one knee. Taking a small box from his pocket, he opened it to reveal a solitaire, perfectly cut diamond ring, set in a rose gold setting.

  "Rance!" she exclaimed.

  "Rose gold for my Lydia Rose and her rosy bottom," he teased.

  "Oh, you," she said as she playfully slapped at his shoulder.

  "Seriously, Lydie, will you—marry me?" he asked, cocking his head to one side, waiting for her answer.

  "Of course, I will," she said in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

  He slid the ring on her finger and said, "Then, we need to get a move on. There is a wedding chapel nearby, and I don't intend to waste one second of this time alone with you in this beautiful cabin."


  "All taken care of," he replied, reading her mind.

  By seven o'clock that evening, she was Mrs. Rance Kimball. The next four days were the best of her life. On their last night there, she lay in his arms and sighed wistfully. "I wish we didn't have to go home tomorrow. There is so much to see and do, and I love our nights together, here, away from the outside world."

  "All taken care of," he said, repeating his words from their first day there.

  "W-what do you mean?" she asked.

  "I hoped you might feel this way, so I arranged for a weeklong trip instead of a four-day trip. If you wanted to go back, we could have, but just in case…"

  "You took care of everything?" she asked in awe.

  "Yes, everything, including our businesses, the reservations, the family, it's all been dealt with. All you have to do is relax
and enjoy."

  "Does anyone know what you had planned?" she asked.

  "Actually, only my sister and your sister, and I swore them both to secrecy, in case you said no."

  "You really thought there was a chance I would say no?" she asked.

  "Yes, I did. I hoped you wouldn't, but just as you have your little insecurities, I also have mine," he admitted as he leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips.

  "Then, I guess it's my job to make sure you never have any of those insecurities again."

  "I will let you do that, Mrs. Kimball."

  They spent the remainder of their honeymoon taking in the various sights, eating wonderful food and holiday shopping for the family. When the week ended, both hated to leave their private retreat.

  "I love it here. Promise me that we will come back sometime," she said as they loaded the car.

  "You can count on it," he said as he pulled her close.

  They returned home to a surprise reception in their honor, given by Annie and Addie.

  "I guess it wasn't so crazy after all that I told you about Lisa's aunt moving back home when you did," Gracie gloated.

  Rance hugged his niece. "No, Gracie girl, I guess it wasn't."

  From that moment on, life became very hectic for the Kimballs. Misty found the perfect spot for the new shop, and they set about getting everything ready for the big move after the holidays. New staff was hired and an online store set up. Lydie's new position was to oversee it all. It was a big job, but one she was more than ready to take on.

  Rance gave up his job in the accountant's office to help with the farm and his wife's business venture. Together, they were building a life, and he was taking care of her, just as she'd asked him to do.

  One year later, on their first anniversary, he surprised her with an impromptu trip back to the cabin they had shared in the Smokies.

  "It's still as beautiful as it was a year ago," Lydie said as she stood on the balcony and marveled at the majestic mountains surrounding them.

  "Yes, it is," Rance replied.

  She turned to see him looking at her and not at the mountains. Last year, he had surprised her. This year, it was her turn.

  "Rance," she began.

  "Mmm, yes, my love," he murmured as he kissed the top of her head and caressed her back with his hand.

  "Honey, I have something to tell you."

  "Is that right?" he asked. "Is this a good something or a bad something?" She had his full attention by now.

  "Oh, I think it's a good something. I hope you will, too," she said as she chewed on her bottom lip nervously.

  Her husband took her hand and looked into her twinkling blue eyes, the same eyes he had fallen in love with many years before. Back when she was out of his reach. The same eyes he gazed into each time they made love—the eyes that twinkled when she was happy and snapped when she was angry, the eyes that he loved.

  "Then, by all mean, don't keep me in suspense," he urged.

  "Well, it seems that, in about seven months, we are going to be expanding our family, by two."

  It took a minute to comprehend what she was saying. "Wait a minute; let me get this straight, we are expanding our family, so that must mean that you are pregnant." When she nodded, he continued, "But, what I don't get is the 'by two', what does that mean?"

  "For a mathematical genius, you sure are dense, Mr. Kimball, four-time math award winner."

  Slowly, it all sunk in. He looked at her again, and she nodded. "Twins?" he asked in shock.

  "Yes, you know us. We can't do anything without doing it up right. I mean, we leap into a domestic discipline relationship on the first date; we get married on the first night of our first trip away. We expand businesses, we conceive twins…"

  She didn't get to say anything else, for he had picked her up and was twirling her around. When he set her down, he took her face in his hands and gently touched her cheek. Just before he kissed her, he whispered, "I love you, Lydia Rose Sharp Granger Kimball. I love our babies." After the kiss, gentle yet filled with promise and passion, he added, "Always you."

  Seven months to the day later, they welcomed Emma Rose and Ethan Rance into the world. Lydia's Designs was an internationally known company, and the Kimball family made their home on the small farm in Bloomdale, Indiana. They had renovated the farmhouse into a beautifully decorated, cozy home to share with their children.

  The End

  Anna Kristell

  Anna Kristell loves a good love story. Always an avid reader, the many facets of relationships has always interested her. That, combined with her way of spinning a tale, set the tone for her writing.

  Anna writes sweet romance. She writes about friendships, hardships, social issues and couples finding their way along the twisted road to romance. Although they may suffer many obstacles along the way, her heroes and heroines always seem to find their way.

  Most known for her beloved Fab Five series, Anna has also written several standalone romances.

  In her spare time, Anna loves to travel and meet her readers.

  Follow her on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.

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  Don’t miss these exciting novels by Anna Kristell and Blushing Books!

  Crossroad to Love

  The Road to Her Heart

  The Road to His Soul

  Love’s Winding Road

  A Rocky Road to Romance

  The Road to Forever

  A Dangerous Road to Destiny

  All Roads Lead to Love

  Eternal Road to Love

  The entire series now available in one convenient box set!

  Fab Five Box Set

  Love Task


  Vanessa Brooks

  Chapter 1

  He watched her as she sashayed across the street wearing her classic 1950s outfit with the ease of a second skin. The full-skirted dress swayed with the unconscious, sensual movement of her hips. The other girls arriving for work at the vintage themed diner appeared awkward and self conscious in their own dated get up, but Sophie looked as though she had stepped directly out of that era. She certainly wouldn’t look out of place on a 1950s film set. Her resemblance to actress Doris Day struck him afresh. The likeness to the star of stage and screen who’d played in so many Hollywood films had been the first thing that Scott had noticed about her in Colorado, she even had the same mesmerizing eyes as the blonde, fresh faced actress. It had been over a year since they had last met on that fateful day in Colorado.

  He leaned back into his car seat and closed his eyes. Immediately the images replayed across his eyelids in relentless Technicolor, the same as they always did whenever he thought about those two terrible days. Was he ready for this encounter—was she? He opened his eyes and cast one last longing look over at the diner before starting the car and pulling away, driving in the direction of his newly rented house.

  He wondered if Sophie would feel uncomfortable with him living in the same small town that she lived and worked in. Hell, she was the only reason he was here at all. He would just have to convince her that they should be together. Scott had not been able to get her out of his mind after they had parted which was why he had finally decided that he had to try one last time to convince her of their joint destiny.

  The house that he’d rented was on the edge of the small township of Honeoye in Monroe County, not far from the town of Rochester, New York State. It was a small friendly place that attracted holiday makers to its pretty waterfall. Scott, a dog handler in the K-9 unit, had put in for a transfer to Henrietta, the nearest that he could get to Honeoye. He’d applied some nine months previous and when nothing came up, he’d put it to the back of his mind. Nobody was more surprised than him when the papers for his transfer came through. It seemed that the team in the sheriff’s office wanted a K-9 unit situated in the county. Hell, they had just about everything else, including
a scuba unit, which was kinda necessary with all the lakes and waterfalls situated in the Lake Ontario area. Scott was more than happy to leave the precinct in Denver where all he and Diesel, his dog, seemed to do was sniff out narcotics at the Denver airport.

  Scott turned into Lake Gardens, a cul-de-sac of a new build mix of smaller family type houses and ranch homes. He pulled up at number ten and switched off the engine just as another car swung into the road and parked in front of his. It was the agent who was due to meet him for the orientation on his new property.

  “So that’ll be the breakfast special and stack?” Sophie confirmed as the man leered at her bosom.

  “I’ll definitely take the stack!” he quipped.

  Sophie grinned at the customer whilst thinking, what a jerk. Just because the diner favored the vintage style, some of the men who ate there turned into chauvinist pigs as soon as they walked through the door and saw all the prettily dressed waitresses in their 1950s get ups.

  She moved off to stick the order on the pin ready for the chef to grab and moved to pour coffee ready to take back to her chauvinistic pig at table three. She had been working at the diner part time for six months but that was only because she felt uncomfortable taking money from her father. Her vintage clothing shop in Brighton, England, was doing really well despite her absence. Her co-owner and best friend Kim was somehow managing to run the shop and the on-line business alone and she appeared to be making a great job of it too if sales were anything to go by. Sophie knew she would have to make a decision about her future very soon as her tasks were completed. She couldn’t remain in the States indefinitely, not with a shared business to run back in the U.K., but it was simply easier to remain here because nothing in the U.S.A. reminded her of Rupert. There were no memories in America, well, apart from the terrible ones in Colorado. Her mind shut down and she turned her thoughts back to her father.


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