Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 37

by Maggie Ryan

  Chapter 6

  Sophie hiccupped and felt silent at last. A piece of paper appeared through the window. Lifting her sore red-rimmed eyes, she noticed the patrolman stood beside them, hunkered down at the window.

  “Your ticket, ma’am. I have decided not to charge you with leaving the scene of a crime or resisting arrest. Your boyfriend seems to have dealt quite nicely with that. I have to ask you if you want to press charges of assault against him?”

  Sophie jerked in Scott’s arms, twisting to stare at him. “Really?” she asked, Scott nodded solemnly.

  “We are police officers, sworn to uphold the law, an’ the law is the law. Without consent, that spanking was abuse. Now I don’t take back the fact you needed it, or my decision to spank you, but you do have a choice here, hon.”

  “But, surely you’d lose your job!”


  “Ma’am?” Officer MacKay pushed for her answer.

  “It was consensual, officer,” she replied firmly.

  “Okay. You’re new in town you said, Dillinger? My wife an’ I are throwing a BBQ come Saturday. Why not bring this naughty girl of yours over an’ join us? Some of the team will be there; it’ll be good for you to meet them. Here’s the address.” He handed a piece of folded paper over to Scott before addressing Sophie again. My wife an’ I practice domestic discipline, an’ I thought you might wanna have a word with my Annie, seeing as how you agreed to this. She’d be happy to answer any questions on how it works for both of us.”

  Sophie nodded. She felt extremely embarrassed by everything that the officer had witnessed and by the entire conversation. In fact, if the earth could open up and swallow her whole right now, she’d be grateful.

  The patrolman flashed them a grin and walked to his car. He gave a cheery wave as he drove away. Scott stayed where he was, quietly cuddling Sophie, until she herself made a move to shift.

  “I-I’m sorry I was such an idiot. Thanks for stopping me from driving away again, and for, oh jeez, an’ thanks for spanking me.” She said in a rush with her face buried in his chest. She felt the rumble of his laugh.

  “Hon, you’re very welcome but be warned, you ever pull a stunt like that again and my belt comes off.”

  She made a hum of embarrassment. “I deserved that and if I ever drive like a wild thing again, you have my full permission to larrup me, but it will never happen because I promise never to drive like that again. I cannot believe that I went crazy. Usually I’m a really careful driver; I don’t know what came over me.”

  He kissed her temple and shifted her off his knees. “Come on, let’s get back home. You feel up to driving?” She lifted her hip and sucked in her breath. “I’m a bit tender but I feel fine to drive. Why don’t I hate your guts? I must be a masochist or something!”

  He gave a bark of laughter. “Naw, you’re just feeling cared for and loved right now, that’s what a spanking should make you feel like. Hey, a man doesn’t bother to spank his girl if he doesn’t care about her.”

  Sophie nodded but she didn’t feel ready to acknowledge how she was feeling right at this moment. She felt too confused by the fact she felt so much calmer and more centered than before he’d spanked her.

  Saturday dawned bright and clear. Sophie spent the morning at the animal shelter. She was just leaving when the phone rang in reception and Barbara, the weekend volunteer, called her over. She covered the mouthpiece of the phone and lowered her voice. “It’s Mrs. West the woman who took Kirsty home, could you talk to her please, Sophie?”

  Sophie pulled a face but nevertheless she took the phone. “Hello?”

  “Hi there, I know we’ve only had Kirsty for a little over a week but my husband’s been promoted and we have to relocate to Manhattan soon, and since we’ll be in an apartment, we can’t keep Kirsty. Can I drop her back to you?”

  “Give me your address, Mrs. West, and I’ll come around and get her right now.” Sophie’s heart hitched with joy as she took down the address. It was time she recognized that Kirsty was her dog, and from now on, she was staying right where she belonged, with her. She waved to Barbara and rushed out to her car. She needed no reminder as she drove, to keep her speed under the limit.

  Since Scott had spanked her, she’d felt lighter, happier and ready to face the world again. They’d talked about the future, their future. Sophie now completely understood this belief that Scott had in the cathartic release of a spanking. Scott explained that when he asked her to marry him, it would be on the clear understanding that he wanted a domestic discipline marriage; he wanted her to think about that for a while, do her own research, talk with other women in similar relationships, such as Annie, Officer Ian MacKay’s wife, whom they were visiting tonight.

  As soon as Mrs. West opened her front door Kirsty bounded out, her backend wagged so hard that Sophie feared she might hurt her spine. She crouched down and grabbed the collie in a hug, allowing Kirsty to wash her face. “I’m sorry I let you down, girl,” she whispered into her soft neck. “I promise it will never happen again!”

  “Here’s her lead and bowl, I’ll fetch her bed.” Mrs. West thrust the items at Sophie who took them and the leaping Kirsty over to her car. Mrs. West returned with Kirsty’s bed. “Well, she’s certainly pleased to see you. I’m sorry it didn’t work out with us. I do hope you’ll find a permanent home for her, she seemed such a sad dog, although you wouldn’t think so to look at her now!”

  Sophie smiled and took the bed stuffing it into her trunk. “She’s coming home with me, she’s my dog, I guess Kirsty knew that before I did.”

  “Oh, well good, bye then, Kirsty!” Mrs. West turned away without so much as a backward look. Kirsty barked.

  “Yup, I agree she’s a cold fish and I shouldn’t have let you come here, but I’ll make it up to you, sweetie. We are finally taking you home and I have a surprise lined up for you, a friend to play with, a real hottie of a police dog, so what d’you think of that!” Kirsty barked her reply and wagged her full tail. Sophie laughed and turned the car about, heading for home.

  “Don’t remove the blindfold, until I take it off okay?”

  Sophie’s hands fluttered about the eye mask that Scott had fitted over her head. It was the weekend they were to complete Rupert’s final bucket list task, the visit to Niagara Falls. Scott had suddenly pulled over and produced an eye mask, insisting that Sophie wear it. She hated to have her senses obscured this way but she wanted to please Scott. She could tell how excited he was about the trip.

  They had taken the dogs for a hike on the Sunday after the BBQ at Ian and Annie’s house. Sophie had liked the small vivacious red headed Annie; they had met up for coffee a couple of times since the BBQ. Annie was a mom to two small girls. She and Ian had been married nearly seven years and for the last three, they had practiced domestic discipline. Annie explained that this didn’t mean that she was a doormat, quite the opposite; she and Ian were partners in life. However, when an argument brewed she’d learned to defer to Ian, which kept the peace. Their local pastor was available to facilitate whenever a couple got into relationship difficulties, but so far Ian and Annie had found their relationship to be growing stronger and happier by the day.

  During their hike she and Scott had really talked, thrashing out some differences of opinion, which led to Sophie agreeing to give their own relationship a two-year trial at domestic discipline. Diesel and Kirsty got along from the outset. It was agreed that they’d each help one another out with their dogs and when required, Sophie pointed out that Mae would always be backup if they were both away somewhere together and that was where both dogs were today, with James and Mae.

  Sophie felt the car slow down and turn. Scott was driving slowly and she guessed they’d arrived at their destination. He parked up and removed Sophie’s eye mask.

  “This is the airport where I did my dive, are we flying then?” she asked. Scott grinned and nodded.

  “Yup, right up over the falls, landing for an hour.” Sophie leap
ed out of the car before Scott had even climbed out. She shot around the vehicle and as soon as he was standing, she threw her arms about him. “I think I love you!” She squealed and then realized what she’d said.

  Scott pulled her in close. “Hold that thought,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose. “Come on let’s go!”

  He grabbed her hand and led her over to a small plane where a pilot awaited them. He shook both their hands and introduced himself as Dave Michaels, then he ushered them both up into the back of the plane. There was a long white box lying on the seat that Scott pushed away, keeping it on the far side of him. Sophie was about to ask about it, when he leant over and fixed her seat belt around her just as the plane moved forward, taxiing slowly toward the small runway.

  It was amazing to see Lake Ontario spread out beneath them with the trees looking so tiny. The great expanse of water lay glinting like an enormous mirror. Then a rainbow appeared above a pale mist. Suddenly there it was, one of the Seven Wonders of the World in all its majestic glory, Sophie gasped and gripped Scott’s hand. He said something that she missed. The noise of the plane coupled with the roar of falling water blocked out all conversation. Scott’s hand squeezed hers and she turned to look at him. He had the long white box open upon his knee and Sophie saw that it contained flowers, long stemmed roses in a myriad of different colors.

  He handed her a yellow rose, it had a paper label attached to the stem. Sophie tipped her head and read, Leah, rest in peace. Sophie gulped, her eyes swiveled to Scott, who smiled gently back at her. He signaled to the window of the plane. She nodded and pushed it down very slightly. Whispering “Leah,” she pushed the flower from the window and watched it spiral downward disappearing into a froth of water. Scott handed her another one, pink this time, the name on the label read Karen Mulligan, Sophie realized that there was a rose in the box for every person who had died on the balcony of the hotel. She dropped it out of the window and whispered Karen’s name. They carried on dropping the flowers until there were only two roses left in the long box. A pure white rose and the other red, Scott handed her the white one next. She read the label. Rupert my dearest friend R.I.P.—I shall never forget you, with love, Sophie. x

  Tears filled her eyes and she kissed the soft petals of the flower, before pushing it too from the plane’s window. She strained to watch it fall but as with all the others it was gone in an instant blur.

  A few moments later the small plane banked, turned, heading toward the far shore. It eventually landed with them at a small airport. Scott whisked her out of the plane and ushered her over to a waiting taxi, which drove them a mile or so to a viewing spot above the falls. The taxi dropped them and drove away. Scott drew Sophie over to the viewing rail where a few people gathered admiring the view. They all peered out at the spectacular sight of the pounding, rushing, cascade. Once again talking wasn’t an option, the roar drowned out all sensible conversation.

  After some quiet contemplation, Sophie tuned to Scott; he was watching her with a serious expression. He drew a hand out from behind his back and held out the final rose, a deep red rose. She moved forward to take it from him. He bent his head and kissed the flower before presenting it to her. She tilted her head to read the label.

  I will love you with all my heart and soul forever and beyond, please consent to be my wife. Marry me, Sophie, and make me the happiest man alive. Let there be a happy end to this day of remembrance.

  She flew into his arms and he pulled her into his warm embrace, her body yielding against him as his mouth lowered to cover hers. Moments later he drew back and yelled into her ear. “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ shall I?” Sophie nodded frantically and signed with thumbs up. Scott turned her, his arm about her still, so that they could gaze together at the hypnotizing flow of crashing water. Sophie realized in a rush of tender happiness that she and Scott had a whole lifetime of loving ahead of them. She knew that she was finally guilt free, assuaged of the responsibility for Rupert’s death and it was all thanks to her beloved Scott. She knew then that she was blessed to have found her one true mate.

  The End

  Vanessa Brooks

  Vanessa Brooks

  I hope that you have enjoyed reading this book. I like to write for my readers, and the only way I can find out what you want from a book is when you leave a review. Please do take a moment of your time and leave your own review, thank you!

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  Don't miss these exciting titles by Vanessa Brooks and Blushing Books!

  Sunny’s Safe Haven

  His Spoilt Lady

  His Defiant Wife

  Cowboy Caveat

  Twin Turmoil

  A Shift in Time Series

  Lightning Switch, Book 1

  Wylde Switch, Book 2

  Masterful Husbands Series

  His Colonial Rose – Prequel (written w/ Beth Bennett)

  Sir Thomas’s Bride, Book One

  Viscount Weston's Bride, Book Two

  The Colonel's Bride, Book Three


  Sweet Town Love

  Sock It To Me


  Rayanna Jamison

  Chapter 1

  “Jolene Marie Ryan.” The words were spoken in a terse growl, and Joey winced when she heard them. He seldom called her Jolene, and when he did, it was always a bad sign. She much preferred Joey, which was what he usually called her. He was, in fact, the one who had given her that nickname.

  Raised in a failing foster care system, she had been on her own from the moment she turned eighteen. Tossed out on her ear by the last crappy family in a long line of the same with $1,000 dollars to her name, and a suitcase full of tattered belongings, she had done okay, at first. She had long ago learned how to stretch a dollar, and she had managed quickly to find a good job. One that had required her to submit to a physical. That’s when she had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She didn’t get the job, but the nice woman in HR had at least pointed her in the right direction for care and coverage.

  She had been alone in the world, and scared out of her mind—one hundred percent certain that she wouldn’t survive simply because she had nothing to live for. Her first day of chemo, she had sobbed hysterically, actually contemplating suicide for the first time in her very traumatic life. Jake had been her chemo nurse, and he had saved her life, both literally and figuratively.

  It was a fact she reminded herself of often, anytime he got that look on his face like he was seconds away from flipping her over his knee and spanking the living tar out of her. He had that look right now. Since her remission, on her nineteenth birthday, she had grabbed life by the horns and approached it with a take no prisoners attitude. Her motto was jump first, think later. Okay, so that wasn’t actually her motto, but he swore that it must be.

  Her adrenaline-fueled life approach landed her in a pickle more often than not. Jake always came to her rescue, just as he had been doing every day for the past six years. This time, though, she didn’t need his help, and she hadn’t done anything wrong. She had been telling him that for the last fifteen minutes. So far, he didn’t seem to agree.

  “I didn’t do anything wrong!” she repeated, raising her voice for good measure.

  “So you keep saying,” he deadpanned, unruffled.

  Even in the midst of her most epic escapades, he had been her unflappable rock. He’d listen patiently, bail her out of whatever jam she was in without batting an eyelash. Until they got home. Then it was always the same. The crook of the finger as he pointed to the corner. The lecture that made her feel two inches tall while he paced the living room behind her. Then he’d sigh loudly, walk up behind her, and pull her panties down to her knees, give her a few swats for emphasis, and continue the lecture until he was on
e hundred percent certain that she truly understood the gravity of the situation. Then, and only then, would the spanking begin.

  This time was different. They were already at home. And she wasn’t going to give in. There was nothing he could say that would make her sorry for what she had done.

  “We’re married, Jolene Marie. Husband and wife. That means everything we do individually potentially affects the other one. I wouldn’t even take an extra shift at work without asking you first. And you bought a business without telling me. You bought a business without even a mention to me that it was so much as a thought in your head. I would never do that to you. Never.”

  Except maybe that. When he put it that way, she stopped in her tracks. Her stomach dropped to her knees and she began to wish for the spanking that would undoubtedly happen before the day was done. When he looked at her like that, she finally got it. She had the sudden urge to walk over to him, lower her pants, and drape herself across his lap.

  While she loved their relationship, even that part of it, she hated this feeling. Fighting against it, she slammed her hand town on top of the stack of papers that had started this whole mess in the first place. “I did not BUY a business, Jake! I leased a building! There is a freaking difference, you know.”

  “Not a big enough one.” His retort was flat and tired sounding. “You leased a building with the intention of opening a business. Without talking to me.”

  “It’s my money,” she growled, knowing that it was unfair. Her settlement money was hers, but they had both agreed to save it for a rainy day. The fact that their definition of a rainy day differed should not have come as a surprise to either of them.

  “We’re married,” he repeated. This time it did not have the same heart softening affect that it had had before.


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