Death with a French Vanilla Splash

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Death with a French Vanilla Splash Page 5

by Rena Marin

  I stop in front of the cabin farthest away and peep inside. No one. I sit Dick down on the porch, still tucked away inside his bag and walk around the check the area better. It’s deserted. Returning to the porch, take the leash off Clyde to let him wander around then open the bag. Instead of taking Dick completely out, I arrange the bag where he can see everything while staying inside. If someone walks up, hiding him should be easy.

  “Ah, this place is beautiful. I never knew it was here.”

  “Most people don’t,” I explain as I pull out our insulated bag and grab my meaty protein shake. “When I was a kid, the assholes liked to hang out up here and party. They graffitied one of the little cabins and police shut all that down. Now, it’s a lot quieter back here.”

  “Quiet is good for us.”

  I nod my head and take a big sip of my shake.

  “I’m sorry I reacted like I did this morning. I know you have a life to lead and what happened can’t interfere with that. I’m just worried.”

  I look down at him and smile. “I get that. I really do. I worry too. I’m not going to let Eli and his cronies keep me locked in the house though, Dick. That’s just not me.”

  “I know and if we’re honest, I wouldn’t want you to do that either. You’d be a different person. I prefer you the way you are.”

  “Admit it, you’d be happier if I weren’t so bitchy.” He laughs, and I know he’s let go of his anger from my all-night booty call.

  “Nah, if you weren’t so bitchy, you’d be boring.”

  “Good point.”

  “I do have a question though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you think Eli is finished?”

  Parker has asked me the same thing. With him, I lied. I told him I didn’t think Eli would bother us anymore. Why? I wanted to get him and Charlie off my ass. Do I believe what I told Parker? No, not really. Eli just strikes me as the kind of guy who would keep on and on. He’s a lot like Cherry.

  “No. I’m sure he’s not. I don’t know what he thinks he can do. I mean, I did hear that people haven’t been showing back up for work at Cherry’s and all that. He may be turning them or trying to recruit them.”

  “He could be eating them. He’s not you, Zo. He’s not trying to avoid hurting anyone.”

  He has a point. Still, with it being Eli and us already knowing about his weird, bullshit plan to take over the world, I think he’s turning them. There’s no sense in worrying Dick though. Not now.

  “You’re right,” I relent. “That’s most likely what’s happening.”

  Before Dick has a chance to say anything else, Clyde comes bounding out of the woods. Immediately my senses kick into overdrive. I can see by the way he’s running toward me something isn’t right.

  “Clyde,” I call out as I leap to my feet. “What’s going on?”

  He’s a goat, so of course, he didn’t answer me. Instead, he settles himself near me, his funny shaped goat teeth showing like a guard dog as several young girls I’ve never seen step out of the woods. I know instantly that they’re like me. I can see the pale skin and the hunger in their eyes.

  “The infamous Zoey.”

  I glance to my right seeing that the one with jet-black hair is doing the talking. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “You and your pals hurt our Eli. Now, it’s time for you to pay.”

  Okay, back in the day I didn’t care to throw down with bitches when the need arose. Did I always win? No, not really, but they knew I’d been there. This, though, this is different. There are three girls, me, a head, and a goat. In all honesty, I think they may have the advantage.

  “So, you’re Eli’s new cunts. Lovely. If you have any sense at all, you’ll get the hell away from that bastard, quickly.”

  “Nah, he’s good to us and all he asks is that we make you hurt for what you did to him. Now, how exactly can we do that?”

  I notice she’s looking at Clyde. There’s no way I’m going to let these bitches hurt my goat. “You better think again, whore. That’s all I have to say.”

  Apparently, they didn’t need to say anything else and damn sure didn’t plan on thinking about what I said. Instead, they rushed at me, all three, at one time. I throw the first punch, which connected with little blondie right in her nose. Seeing the damage it did, considering she’s recently deceased, I decide to go for it with the brunette too. I catch her in the jaw just as the mouthy bitch tackles me to the ground.

  The skirmish is a major one. Clyde leaps in, taking an arm off one of them. I don’t know which and really don’t care. I’m just glad he did it. He grabs mouthy’s hair but doesn’t succeed in pulling her off me. Instead, they beat and bang on me like bitches possessed. When I know I don’t stand a chance at protecting him, I yell out at Clyde.

  “Clyde, go! Get! Go!”

  He’s so smart. He does as I say and takes off into the woods. He’s not even doing his little hop. He’s actually moving like something is after him. Thank God.

  “Zoey! Zoey, what’s happening?”

  I’m slightly dazed as I hear Dick’s voice. Sure, I don’t feel the pain, but I know these cunts have done some damage. I can see what I’ve done to them. I glance toward the bag just as the blonde one stumbles toward it. She holds Dick up by the hair like a trophy or something.

  “Look what we have here,” she laughs. “I think we have what we came for.”

  Things are glossing over, but I clearly see Dick trying his damn best to bite her. The way she’s holding him he doesn’t have a chance. Their laughter fills the air as they wander off back through the woods, taking Dick, my best friend, as they go.

  Pulling myself toward the cabin, I grab my bag and rummage for my cell. All I want to do is close my eyes, but I know I shouldn’t. Instead, I dial Parker’s number.

  “Hey sexy, what’s up?”

  “Help,” I mumble.

  “Zoey! Zoey, where are you?”

  “ the park.”

  “I’m on way.”

  Hearing him say he was coming, I let the phone fall to the ground and the sleep takes over. I knew, if anyone could fix this, it would be Parker. It has to be Parker.

  Chapter Nine

  “Is that her goat? Please tell me the goat isn’t out here?”

  I hear a familiar voice and realize I’m waking up. Hell, I didn’t know I was even asleep. Why are they talking about Clyde? Fuck! Dick!

  My eyes pop open, and I see Parker standing over me. “Hey gorgeous,” he smiles down before turning his head. “Yeah, that’s Clyde. Here’s his leash. He won’t give you any shit.”

  “Damn thing freaks me out.” Charlie’s voice rings out in the distance.

  “Dick,” I mutter as I try to sit up.

  “Zo, I don’t think now’s the time for me to be rocking your world. I just got your nose and arm back in their sockets.”

  “No, asshole,” I scold as I pull myself up into a seated position. “He was in my bag. They got him.”

  “Who’s they?”

  “I didn’t know them. It was three girls. They said they were Eli’s. I guess he has a fucking harem now or some shit.”

  “And they stole your head?”

  “Yeah, they came after Clyde, but I ran him off. They didn’t know Dick was here until he yelled out to check on me. That’s when they grabbed him.”

  “Damn, Zo, I’m so sorry,” he sighs as he leans me back against a porch post. “I know you liked him.”

  “Liked? You talk like I’m not going to get him.”

  “I’m not trying to be an ass, Zo, but he’s a fucking head. I mean honestly, how much longer does the guy have? You shouldn’t put yourself in danger over him.”

  Anger floods me, and I push Parker away. I’d forgotten just how much of a jerk he could be. “I don’t forget my friends. Remember? I was worried to death about you. I’m not just giving up on Dick. He may be a fucking head who lives on a plate, but by hell, he’s important to me.”

“I’ve got the goat!” Charlie yells breaking the tense moment.

  I look over to see Clyde running behind him, trying his best to eat the ass of his jeans.

  “Clyde, no!” I call out and watch as he stops what he’s doing and drags Charlie my way. I pet his head, and he nuzzles down on me to make sure I’m alright. I see the look in Parker’s eyes and know he’s hiding something. He may be a man whore, but he’s a terrible liar. “What are you not telling me?”

  “That woman you work with, Monique,” he starts then stops. “She may have a hand in this.”

  “What? How?”

  “I told you I wasn’t going to stop looking for Eli. I owe him. I found out he’s been to her place quite a bit. Rumor is he’s living in her guest house or some shit. I don’t know how much she knows though.”

  “She’s keeping tabs on me for him. He knew I was off today. He probably had those bitches scoping me out.”

  Parker’s head nods slowly. “Yeah, if you hadn’t left the apartment, they would’ve come at you there.”

  “Why hadn’t you told me!”

  “I just found out this morning. I hadn’t had a chance. I ran into Monique’s husband. We were chatting, and he mentioned how she was helping Eli out since he needed a break from Cherry and her drama.”

  My mind was reeling. Again, Eli had gotten too close to me. Dick had been right about me working at the coffee shop. It was too good to be true. It had been another set up but this time, he’s taken it too far.

  “We’re dealing with him Parker. Do you understand me? And we’re getting Dick back. I promised him I’d take care of him.”

  He stares at me, and I see the struggle behind those blue eyes. He’s protective, which is sweet, but he also knows how stubborn I am. “Okay, yeah, we’ll get your head back, but you need to let me figure this out a bit more. We have Charlie here who has to hide his family. You and I have to be part of society. Your parents are back. We have a lot at stake, Zo. We can’t go at this half-assed.”

  “Okay, I get that, but you can’t drag ass either. They’ll kill him. He’s annoying as fuck.”

  “Yeah, trust me, I know,” he adds as he pulls me to my feet. “Can you walk, okay? Your leg was twisted as fuck.”

  I take a step, stumble, then try again. After a few tries, I’m trotting around like my old self.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  “Let’s get you home to cleanup. Claire is waiting. I called her phone to see if she was with you. When I told her you were in trouble, she left work and is waiting at your apartment.”

  I nod my head and pull Clyde’s leash closer to me. He stays by my side while we walk. I can’t help but think about Dick though. I know he’s scared. He knows all the things Eli has done and is capable of. If we wait too long, Eli will put him out of his misery just to make me suffer more.

  PARKER IS ALL ABOUT planning. Apparently, when he isn’t fucking like a pro, he’s using his brain about everything he does. I knew he was smart, but damn, I didn’t realize he was a wicked genius.

  In his mind, we need to infiltrate Monique’s place and go straight for Eli. There are three of us, so I’m not sure how that’ll work. In my mind, I think I should go to the coffee shop and confront Monique. I know that’s where she is. I can’t do it though. Not yet. Getting Dick out safely is the main thing. I can deal with Monique later, the bitch.

  “Are we doing this legit?” Charlie asks as he rubs his head nervously. “Are we taking weapons?”

  “I don’t think we need guns and shit,” Parker tells him. “We can take a few things.”

  “I have a few big knives, a machete, shit like that. We can stop and get them if you want.”

  I feel Claire squeeze my hand as we look back and forth between the two of them as they talk. “He’ll be fine. Eli is a jerk. He wouldn’t kill him quickly. He’d keep him and ask questions. I’m sure that’s what’s happening.”

  “Zoey, you can carry his machete or whatever,” Parker insists. “Unless you’d rather stay here with Claire.”

  “No, I’m going. I’ll carry whatever you want me to take.”

  “You should be able to swing it pretty well. That may keep you safer.”

  He walks toward me, and I see his worry. I don’t want to hear his bullshit though. I’m going no matter what he says. In a move that’s completely out of character for him, he puts his hands on the side of my face and looks me directly in the eye.

  “If I tell you to get out, you listen. I’m not playing any games when it comes to your safety. I know what that prick is capable of. I won’t let you go through that. Do you understand me?”

  I swallow hard, taken back by his sudden show of concern. “I understand.”

  “I’ll do what I can to get Dick out of there. I promise you that, okay.”

  I smile slightly and nod my head.

  “So, for once in your life, will you do what I say?”

  I press my lips together tightly to avoid popping off at him. “Yes, I’ll listen to you.”

  “Good girl.” He leans down and kisses my cheek. “Let’s do this.”

  I watch him walk away then turn to Claire and throw my arms around her neck. I feel her shaking slightly and know she’s crying. It’s so weird to think this may be the last time I see her.

  “Take care of Clyde, okay.”

  “I will,” she tells me turning her head, so I can’t see her tears. “I know what he likes. I’ll get him fed while we wait.”

  “I’ll call you soon as we can.” I step over to Clyde and give him his favorite behind the ear scratches. “You be a good boy,” I tell him with a kiss to his head.

  “I still say we should take the goat,” Charlie mumbles.

  I get where he’s coming from. Clyde is somewhat of a badass, but there’s no way I’m putting him in more danger. Yes, saving Dick is majorly important to me, but I don’t want to do it at the loss of Clyde. I mean, damn, they were trying to get him to begin with. I guess it would’ve been a bit of sweet revenge for what happened at the sanctuary. Fuck that.

  “Zoey said no, so he’s staying here. She doesn’t want him getting hurt,” Parker points out.

  Charlie doesn’t argue anymore. Instead, he just rolls his eyes and heads out the door. I look over at Claire. “You two go over to your apartment until we’re back. It may be safer.”

  She doesn’t argue. She knows how worried I am. Instead, she gets to her feet and gathers Clyde and his snacks. In just a few minutes, they’re out the door and safely locked away behind her door.

  “Remember what I said,” Parker reminds me as we start down the hallway.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. You’re the boss this trip. Don’t get used to it,” I tell him as we step outside where Charlie is standing by his truck waiting for us.

  Chapter Ten

  “What the fuck?” I mutter as I look out the truck window. The house we’re rolling up to is a massive three-story beast with a pool and outside pool house. According to Parker, that’s where Eli has been staying.

  “Yeah, they’re loaded. Always have been,” Parker explains as he points down the road. “We’ll park down this way. Maybe they won’t see us coming.”

  “If I know Eli, he’s waiting on us to show up.”

  “Unless he thinks Dick isn’t that important,” Charlie adds. “I mean, I know that’s not the case, but he may have that in his head which could possibly give us an advantage.”

  “Good point,” Parker agrees.

  I can see by the look on Parker’s face, he doesn’t buy Charlie’s statement, but he’s not ruling anything out. I know Charlie’s wrong too. Eli wants me to come. What better way to get back at his ex than kill her Dick head and all her friends in one night. It would give that little pecker of his a massive hard on. Prick.

  Parker points out a great spot for us to leave the truck. It’s blocked from passersby but still offers us quick access for when we take off. If we get to take off that is.

  “Charlie, if things go
bad, get the hell out of there,” I tell him. He looks at me then cocks his head to the side clearly confused. “You’ve got a wife and kids. You don’t need to play a hero for me or my sidekick. Got it.”

  I expect an argument. Instead, he nods his head up and down in response. Charlie has always been good to me. I know there isn’t much he wouldn’t do to help me, but the idea of leaving his family is where he draws the line. That’s a good thing.

  “Parker,” I start but he holds his hand up to cut me off.

  “Don’t. I have just as much of a right to hate this mother fucker as you do. Don’t give me that don’t be a hero shit. This isn’t a heroic save Dick mission. I’m going after him, Zo. You should know that. Don’t expect me to walk away as long as Eli exists.”

  I drop my head. I get where he’s coming from but still, I feel like this is all my fault. I didn’t have anything to do with Eli turning but considering we used to date, he feels like my responsibility. I should’ve eaten the fucker when I had the chance. I could’ve passed it off as a moment of weakness and went on with my life.

  “I get it. Just be careful,” I tell him then reach over and squeeze his hand.

  “I always am. Now, come on, let’s go get Dick Head.”

  The night sky seems to be setting the mood. It’s dark, spooky, and three zombies are marching down the street to kill. I suppose Stephen King could be writing this shit. Then again, I don’t think he’d do my smartass justice. He’s not southern after all.

  I follow Parker as he ducks down and leads the way through the backyard. By the way he’s moving around, you would think he’s been here before. Considering he’s friends with Monique’s husband, I guess that’s very possible. With the age difference, I’m sure he hasn’t hooked up with the Ice Queen before. I mean, ewww. That would be gross.

  “We need to check the pool house first. If he’s not out there, then we’ll check the main house.”

  “You really think she’s letting him shack up in the main house?” Charlie questions.


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