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Death with a French Vanilla Splash

Page 7

by Rena Marin

  “I think you’ve given everyone a lot to think about, Monique. Maybe you should give them a bit of time to digest the information,” Bruce suggests as he warms up my coffee, which has turned out to be freaking awesome.

  “Excellent point, love. My door is always open. If any of you have questions or concerns, I’m always here.”

  I look down at Dick, who’s smiling up at Bruce like he’s some kind of god. “Are you ready to head home? Claire is worried sick.”

  “Oh, of course,” he chimes back at me. “But Bruce will be stopping by the apartment to pick me up Saturday evening. We have a poker night planned.”

  Okay, so this has gone from a kick their ass mission to a hey these people are now part of our lives type thing, and I’m not sure how I feel about all of it.

  “Sounds good,” I tell him then get to my feet. Bruce insists on getting Dick a bag to be taken home in while Charlie gets Monique’s information, so he can contact her about the housing development. I step over to Parker who’s being unusually silent. “You, okay?”

  “Yeah, just seems weird. All of it.”

  “I know. Are you interested in it, though?”

  “Are you?”

  “The only thing that sounds appealing to me is the chics to talk to. That part would be nice. I’m just not sure about the rules their talking about. And I damn sure ain’t letting anything happen to Clyde.”

  “I won’t let that happen either, but this could be a good thing for you, in ways.”

  I smile slightly, then shrug my shoulders. “I wouldn’t be such a burden to you, right?”

  “Do you really think that’s what you are?”

  “It sounded like...”

  “It sounded like I feel guilty, Zo. I do. I took away a big part of your life. Like she said, you won’t be a mom, you won’t grow old with a man you love, all that shit. That’s on me. That’s something I have to live with every day. It doesn’t make you a burden on me. If I didn’t want to fuck with you, I wouldn’t. You know me better than that. I would’ve walked away and put you on ignore like I do everyone else. Hell, I thought I’d done enough to show you that we’re friends and I care about you. If you don’t see it that way, then what she’s offering is definitely right for you.”

  The look of pain on his face practically breaks my heart. I open my mouth to argue, but it’s too late. He’s already walking toward Charlie. He says something to him, then nods his head toward Bruce and Monique. Without another word to me, he walks out the door.

  Chapter Twelve

  It’s been eight days since Parker walked out on me at Monique’s house. I’ve called his phone and haven’t gotten an answer. I even popped by his place, and he wasn’t home. I feel like a stalker. I even went as far as to schedule another tan appointment just to see if he’d gotten one recently. No luck there, either.

  “Zo, are you getting on the chat tonight? They have the zoom scheduled for eight.”

  I’d been staring at the last text I sent to Parker, the one where I apologized for being such a shit. Laying my phone down, I smile over at Dick and nod my head yes. Tonight is a scheduled get together with the others in the community. I’m not exactly what you’d call a full-fledge member, but Monique is letting me try things out to see how they go. So far, I’ve met a lot of great people and the group chats let Dick talk to the group without any worries. He loves them.

  “You’re still worried about Parker, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I shouldn’t have said what I did. He’s been so good to me through all this. I shouldn’t have said I was a burden to him. I think it really hurt his feelings.”

  “You weren’t his burden, Zo. You were his friend with benefits. I saw that, so did everyone else. Don’t feel bad that you spoke your mind, and he’s acting like a baby.”

  I want to defend whatever it was Parker and I have, or had, at this point, but there’s no use. Dick has never cared that much for him, so he always comes up with a reason to hate on him. It doesn’t change the fact that I miss him though. His sarcastic little comments were fun, and he will always be favorite person to bicker with.

  “You best get going or you’ll be late for lunch with your mom.”

  I jump to my feet and look at the clock. If there’s one thing my mom is big on, it’s punctuality. I’m sure she’s already at the restaurant waiting on me.

  “I’m out. See you later,” I tell Dick as I grab my shit and bail out like I’m running a marathon.

  Hitting the street, I speed walk like a woman on a mission. Luckily, Mom chose Ollie’s as the spot for our get together. When we were on the phone, she claimed she hasn’t seen me enough and wanted a girls’ day. She used to do that shit when I was younger, and she knew something was on my mind. I’m assuming my current mood has tipped her off again.

  Without the worry of Eli, I’m able to keep my head up and take in everything around me. I say hi to all the usual people and wave as I pass Destiny’s. I’m barely a block away from Ollie’s when I spot him. Parker is walking down the street, head down, staring at his phone. With the way he’s avoiding me, this could be my best shot at talking to him. I purposely avoid the cross walk and jog my way toward him. The second I touch his arm, he goes on the alert, then calms when he sees me.

  “Why the hell aren’t you taking my calls?” I nearly shout at him. My nosiness can’t be contained, and I glance at his phone. He has my most recent text pulled up with a reply that’s a mile long but not sent. “Give me that,” I growl and jerk his phone from his hand.

  “What the hell, you, nosy ass thing.”

  I stare at his phone, taking in every word he had typed into my head.

  I’m sorry for the way I left a few nights ago. I guess you asking that question bothered me more than I realized it would. From the night you and I hooked up, you’ve been a big part of my life. To be honest, I’ve had a blast. Seeing you try to navigate your new life and catching shit from you have been some of the highlights of my days. Still, that burning guilt won’t go away. I know I’m the reason your life is different. I’m the reason you have to be careful around people when you used to be the center of attention. I also know, whether you admit it or not, somewhere, deep inside, you hate me for it. This offer that Monique is making seems perfect for you. It would get you around people again, the right people, your people. I think that’s the best thing for you. Not me. I’m going to head down to Florida and visit some family for a while. They have a guest house they’re offering up for as long as I want. I’m not into this community shit and honestly, I do better in life without all the rules and expectations. I’m on my way to Silver Springs now to head out for my flight. I want to come see you but, in a way, I think it’s better if I don’t. You’ve been one of the greatest people in my life, Zo. Please, take care of yourself and keep your eyes open with these new people. Don’t get in any trouble. I won’t be around to save ya. Take care.

  Everything in me feels as though it’s freaking out, and all I can think to do is beg him not to go. I look up, and he’s staring at me with those gorgeous eyes and perfect smile. I hit send for him, so he doesn’t back out of sending the message.

  “I don’t want you to go.”

  “I know, but I think I need a break. I’ll keep in touch.”

  I bite my lip, wishing I knew how to convince him this is wrong. Parker is my rock. I need him. I can’t use that as a reason though.

  “I don’t know how to do this without you.”

  “Monique will help you. I’ve already talked to her and Bruce. They know to look after you. I wouldn’t go and leave you high and dry like that.”

  “Are you coming back?”

  “Maybe. I’m just going to see how things go down there. I haven’t seen everyone in a really long time. I think I need the family thing right now.” I know I shouldn’t, but I reach out and run my hand slowly down his cheek. His eyes close, and he leans into my touch. “I’m going to miss you, Zoey.”

  I don’t say anything, in
stead, I lean up on my tip toes and press my lips against his as my fingers run into his hair in hopes of holding him to me. I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me close. I deepen the kiss, letting him know just how important he is to me. I want him to feel it. By the time our lips part, I’m shaking.

  “Come back to me. Come back when you’re ready,” I whisper, my lips still slightly brushing against his as I speak. I open my eyes and see him looking down at me. “I’ll be waiting,” I finish then kiss him softly again before walking away on trembling legs that are threatening to let me collapse into the heap I’m fighting.

  “ZOEY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?” The concern in my mom’s voice tells me I’m looking like disheveled shit.

  “I’m fine.”

  “No, you aren’t. You’re my daughter, and I know when you’re upset. Talk to me.”

  “It’s nothing, Mom, I swear.”

  “It’s a man, isn’t it? Who hurt you, sweety? I’ll go kick his ass.”

  Oh, how I love this woman. I can’t hide anything from her, and she always has my back, even with a broken leg.

  “No one hurt me, Mom. I promise. I just let someone super special walk away, and I’m wondering if it’s possibly the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. It hurts like it.”

  “Oh, Zoey, I’m so sorry. Did you and Ethan break up?”

  My eyes pop wide at the mention of Ethan’s name. What the hell is wrong with me? Here I am, feeling as if my world is crashing down around me over Parker, and I have a somewhat boyfriend.

  “It’s not about Ethan, is it?” Mom presses. “Oh, Zoey, what are we going to do with you?”

  I feel her on that one. I’m wondering what I’m going to do with myself too. Just when I think I’ve got my life together, it all falls to shit again. I guess that’s just another part of being a living dead girl.

  Check out how Zoey’s journey into living life after death all began...

  Chapter One

  I stretch lazily and reach out beside me. Last night was wonderful and to be honest, I wouldn’t mind having another round this morning. There’s no one there. I open my eyes and look around the room. “Asshole,” I mutter as I sit up. The guy, Parker, seemed like a cool guy. I didn’t picture him as one of those who’d take off while I slept. I hope he didn’t steal my cash.

  As I sit up, the room spins just a bit. Wow, I didn’t think I got that drunk last night. Maybe I did though. A hangover at work will be a real bitch, but it’s not like it’ll be my first. Nah, us party girls, as the happy housewives at work like to call us, pay the price for having fun.

  I get to my feet and grab my robe off the dresser by the bed. I’ve always loved the feel of silk. What girl doesn’t? I hurry toward the kitchen to kick on the coffee pot. I’ll need a few cups before taking on Cheryl and her band of good girls down at the restaurant. After a night like last night, the last thing I need is those uppity bitches judging me. Too bad they weren’t here when Parker and I rolled in. Those old heifers may have learned something. I sure did.

  I lean against the counter a minute, thinking back on the fun. Parker was a good one. Sure, he never struck me as boyfriend material, but that was one of his best qualities. That and those muscles I couldn’t keep myself from licking once his shirt came off. That’s in the past though. He’s already snatched his clothes and ran off like a whipped pup. I guess I was a bit too much for him. Or, like most men, he was expecting me to want more. Not this one, sexy. I’m happy with the way my life is. I don’t need a man to disrupt it.

  Grabbing a mug, I pour myself a steaming cup then add my favorite French vanilla creamer. I take the first sip and automatically gag. “What the hell?” I question as I try another. Still, it’s gross. So gross in fact, I drop the mug, splashing the steaming liquid all over my legs. I jump back, an automatic reaction of course. I expect the pain to strike at any moment. It doesn’t. I look down, seeing the steam and the coffee itself, running down my leg. “How?”

  I snatch one of the kitchen towels off the counter to wipe up the mess I’ve made. Maybe last night’s wild sex truly did me in. I’m not even in the mood for coffee. That’s the only explanation I can come up with. I flip the maker off, then head toward the bathroom. A shower and a bite to eat are a must before my shift.

  As I wipe the steam off the bathroom mirror, I run my fingers through my long auburn hair. Hmm, normally my hair is bouncy and full of life. Today it’s just lying there. I pull it back in a ponytail, not even bothering to blow dry it, when I notice last night’s battle scars. Yes, Parker truly was a wild one. He liked to nibble. I didn’t mind it, of course, but there were a few times I thought he was taking full chunks of flesh with him. Seeing the aftermath for myself, I see I wasn’t completely wrong. The bite marks are bright red, with a few looking slightly yucky. I get the antiseptic out of the medicine cabinet and start treating the marks.

  “Damn, I hope he doesn’t have anything,” I mumble as I finish up and go to get dressed. Weird fetish sex or not, I still have money to make.

  The apartment building I live in is close to everything in my hometown of Willow Creek. I can easily walk to work, most of the local shops, and even the grocery store if I take a notion. I have a car, of course, but most days I don’t bother with it unless I think I’m going to be taking off after work. That’s not even a remote possibility today. Nope. After last night, I’m taking a day or two off from the local bar scene. They’ll miss me, but hey, even Zoey needs a breather every now and then.

  As a native of Willow Creek and our whopping population of 1,237 people, most everyone in town knows me or my family. After years of living life here in Tennessee, my mom and dad decided they wanted a change of scenery. I wasn’t surprised when shortly after my twenty-first birthday they bought an RV and took off on their golden adventure as mom calls it. We still talk almost every night and they are constantly tagging me in Facebook photos they share to keep me updated with what they’re up to. I’m happy for them. They deserve it. Still, I can’t deny the tiny bit of jealousy that creeps up each time I read about the amazing things they are seeing. Someday, though, it’ll be my turn. I just need to work my way up to it.

  Nearing the restaurant, I spot the local coffee shop and debate giving it another go. I could have been off my game this morning. If that was the case, I may have royally screwed up my coffee and made it taste like shit. Time is of the essence though when you sleep until noon and need to punch the clock at two. I keep walking, telling myself to stop in and visit the gang at the shop in the morning.

  I burst in at Ollie’s with a smile. I wave to the regulars, loving the way they get excited when they see me. If there’s one thing you need to understand about Ollie’s, it’s the regulars. They keep this place afloat. Ollie Benson, the owner, is an old asshole who doesn’t believe in change or keeping up with the times. You’ll find nothing on his menu that resembles healthy food, and his employees? Well, we don’t make shit. That’s why we depend on tips. The old guys and gals that hang out at Ollie’s will take care of you, if you take care of them. That’s why they love me. I make spending the evening with me fun. I listen to their tall tales. I laugh at their jokes. Hell, I even flirt with the old farts that need to feel good about themselves. I’m a people person. I know how to work a crowd. Especially, this one.

  I think that’s why the other waitresses don’t like me. I’m the youngest one here. I’m the twenty-three-year-old who steals all their best customers and makes them look bad. It’s not my fault though, really. They have sticks up their asses. They don’t make conversation, and heaven help if someone asks for a little something extra. Ollie keeps them around because like him, they don’t change. He doesn’t have to hear about special days off, more hours, or work conditions from them. He keeps me around because I’m the pretty, young thing that brings in customers. If he could, he’d prop me up outside in a pair of short shorts and a tube top to wave them down as they pass through.

  That’s the kicker about this town. You p
ass through here on your way to the big tourist town next door. That’s how our mom and pop shops stay alive. It’s not the locals bringing in business. Nope. The tourists love checking things out around here on their way through. It keeps this town alive. It also lets those of us who aren’t dead set on seeing the same old, same old everyday live a little. Even if it’s vicariously.

  “Zoey, you’ll need to close up tonight,” Ollie announces as I step in the back to clock in. “Doris can’t stay after nine. She has to pick her daughter up from work tonight.”

  I nod without bothering to say anything. Ollie knows I’m the night owl. Out of all the other girls in the restaurant, I’m the only one who won’t bitch. Not to mention, from ten to midnight is the best time for tips. The late-night crew loves stopping by here to grab a bite to eat before heading home after work. When I’m on duty, I keep the coffee poured, offer them free slices of pie since it’s going to be thrown out anyway, and keep them awake enough to make it home safely. Listening to them bitch about work helps too. On a good night, I can easily make a cool hundred or more in tips during those two hours alone. I’ll take it.

  “You good with that?” Ollie finally asks as he wipes his chubby hands on his white apron, his bald head glistening under the kitchen fluorescents.

  “I’ve got you covered, boss.” I wink at him as I grab my order book and strut my way out of the kitchen. My first customer walks through the door, and I smile. “Welcome to Ollie’s!”

  Chapter Two

  I’m assuming it was the great sex from the night before, but I must admit, I’ve never felt more energized. Not once have I felt the need to sit down and rub my sore feet. My back hasn’t hurt like it can from carrying around the gigantic trays Ollie expects us to serve with. I guess Parker and his freaky biting thing was good for me. I’m feeling great.


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