Providence Series Books 1-4

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Providence Series Books 1-4 Page 11

by Mary B. Moore

  “Hey, you’re early,” she said with a huge grin on her face, and all of the stress weighing on my shoulders left me. Walking up to her, I pulled her in for a hug and stuck my face in her neck, where her uniquely Maya scent was strongest, and just breathed her in. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, baby, I just…needed that,” I whispered into her neck. There was no one around who could hear us, but this conversation was just for us. I had never in my life felt the need for a female like I felt for her, not even close to it. Before Maya, it had just been moments of emptiness that now embarrassed me and made me feel ashamed of myself; every moment with Maya meant something to me, though. No, they meant everything to me.

  Pulling back from her, I reached for the bags in her hand and saw the shiny one with Scarlett Treasures written on it and groaned. “Is that…what did you get?” I croaked.

  I had been in there before to buy pieces of jewelry for Layla. Granted, I could have just gotten them from Ava, as she made most of them, but I was a guy and the shop was filled with sexy shit, so hell yes I’d gone in. I could only just imagine what Maya had bought, which made me groan again.

  “Let’s go into the house, beast,” she laughed, and pulled me towards her door.

  She went into the kitchen and started pulling out pots and pans and shit from the fridge. “Need a hand?” I offered, even though I was kind of scared of her kitchen. It was full of fancy appliances with KitchenAid and Cuisinart written on them, and I had no idea what they did.

  “No, you just sit. How was your day?” she asked, measuring something out and turning on a mixer with the other hand. Women’s multitasking was impressive to watch, although I’d deny it if I was ever asked, because it just made men look bad.

  Thinking back over my day, I scrubbed my face with both hands. “Shit,” I said in summation, and it really had been. Ever since I’d opened the shop, I hadn’t lost focus once. Even on the days that I worked the ranch, too, or when there were huge problems like missing parts, shipping delays, and shit like that, I stayed calm and pushed forward. My mind just wasn’t on it just now, and I needed to sort that out before there was an accident or I messed up a car and killed someone.

  “I’m sorry, honey.” She turned her back to whatever was being done by the machines and looked at me with a soft expression on her face. “If it helps, mine wasn’t much better.”

  “What happened?” I asked, not liking that she’d had shit happen too; if I could, I’d protect her from everything and everyone. We spoke about our day while she continued cooking, and as she put my plate down in front of me, it hit me how normal this was: me coming home to Maya after a day’s work, talking out our problems, laughing, commiserating…I loved it.

  “Thanks, baby, that looks fantastic!”

  “There’s a cherry Bakewell in the oven, too, for dessert!” she said, sitting down with a glass of wine and putting a fresh bottle of beer in front of me.

  “A what?”

  “You’ll see!” And when it was served up with vanilla ice cream, I couldn’t help the moan that came out my mouth; it was divine.

  “You like?”

  “I love,” I replied, and I did. Oh my God, it was like almonds with sponge and a bit of pastry with cherries. Really, it shouldn’t have gone well, but it really did. “Where did you learn this?”

  “When we were posted to London; Dad used to take us around the country whenever he could. One weekend, we went to a place called Bakewell”—I nodded, seeing where she was going with the story—“that wasn’t too far away from a city called Sheffield. We bought Bakewell tarts, Bakewell cupcakes, Bakewell muffins, Bakewell slices, and one of these, and I fell in love with all things Bakewell.” She emphasized her point by taking a huge mouthful.

  “Do you miss it?”

  This was one of the other things that had been bothering me; she’d traveled so much already—did she even want to settle somewhere, or would she get bored?

  “What, traveling?” she asked, leaning back and playing with her wine glass with her sexy fingers. Seriously, everything she did was sexy and she didn’t even realize it.

  I nodded, and she looked at the table and frowned. The longer she was silent, the more I started to panic, until she looked up. “Yes and no. Yes, I miss seeing new things and experiencing new countries, but at the same time, we were never living in places permanently, and it made it impossible to plant roots and settle, ya know?” Her nose wrinkled adorably, and I groaned for a whole new reason.

  After a bit more conversation about the countries that she’d visited, I suggested that I clean up in the kitchen while she went for a shower, making her laugh. “Do you know how to clean the mixer and the scales?” She gestured toward the fancy machines that she’d used so effortlessly.

  “Tell me what to do and I’ll do it. Then take your gorgeous ass to the shower, get clean, and come back. You’ve had a long day too.”

  After a quick crash course in cleaning scary-looking kitchen appliances, she went to her room, but it wasn’t until I heard the shower go on that I realized the huge flaw in my plan. I’d thought I was being smart getting her out the room so that I could focus on cleaning to help get rid of the erection that had been getting impossibly harder since I’d arrived, but now with the mental image of a naked Maya with soap and water running over her body…I wasn’t going to survive.


  I felt much better after my shower, washing off the shitty day. I knew I should have been thinking about Ren, but I was worried about Isla and still pissed at Luke, so I decided to send her a text to check she was okay. Picking up my phone, I saw I had a message from my GBFF in Miami, Tony, and squealed like an idiot with excitement.

  Sexy T: Hey gorgeous girl, been missin ya! Hows work? Any sexy men? <3

  Me: Hey handsome! Really really missing you too. Works cool, you’d LOVE it here- drama and hot men everywhere x<3x

  I really wanted him away from Tampa and the assholes that used him and threw him away, so I was going to use everything that would appeal to him, and hot men and drama were perfect.

  Sexy T: Bitch! Get me photos ASAP lol <3

  Laughing, I put my phone back down with a mental note to call him this weekend for a catchup, and then remembered I hadn’t texted Isla, so I shot her off a message making sure she was okay and asking if she needed anything. I’d decided to wear a pair of gray jersey pajamas downstairs because the bottoms almost looked like workout pants, with “Tweety” written in bright yellow across my ass, and the top had a built-in bra; comfortable and cute.

  I got downstairs just as he was switching on the television and settling into my sectional. We’d done this a couple times already, so he had his arm lifted and waiting for me to snuggle under.

  “Feel better?”

  My head had been on his chest, listening to the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat, and every word he’d said had been vibrated against the side of my face, which I realized that I liked a lot. Yes, I’d been in relationships before, but none of them had had the natural ease that I had with Ren only a couple of weeks in.

  “Yeah, what are we watching?” I took the chance to snuggle in even more, and we both slipped down the sofa a bit more so that we were almost lying out on it.

  “Fancy a movie?” he asked, absently flicking through the channels already, so I waved my hand in a ‘have at it’ motion to him, making him chuckle. I was relaxed after dinner and my shower and didn’t have it in me to do much more, which soon changed. He’d put on Skyfall, and Bond was heating it up on the screen with some female baddy, and I was struggling to focus on the screen.

  As I moved my leg in what I hoped looked like a casual position change, it brushed over his crotch, and I realized that I wasn’t the only one affected by our proximity and had to bite my lip when I felt how big he was. I knew he was a big man, but you hear so many stories about big guys and seriously small penises, and I hadn’t expected him to be as big as what I’d just accidentally brushed against.

Feeling his eyes on me, I looked up at his mouth and had a mini panic about what it said about me if I moved forward first; would he think I was easy? Before I could come to a decision, his mouth was on mine, and instead of the hard, bruising kiss that my exes would have given me, his mouth was surprisingly soft against mine. Reaching up, I threaded my fingers through his hair and held his head so that he couldn’t back away from the kiss.

  He shifted and rolled me onto my back, lying in the cradle of my pelvis with one long leg between mine and the other between my leg and the back of the couch. I took full advantage of the change in position and moved my other hand down his back, across his ass, and under his t-shirt. His skin was hot and soft, but underneath it was rock hard; it felt fantastic, and I didn’t realize that I’d dug my nails in and dragged them down until he groaned into my mouth and ground his crotch against mine. I wrapped my legs around his hips and ground against him as he ground down into me and then shifted onto one arm and lifted my top with his free hand. My arms lifted up and my top disappeared over Ren’s shoulder as I moved my hands back under his t-shirt and started pulling it off. His torso went up as he took over removing it and tossed it in the same direction as mine, before lowering his naked chest against mine. He had some chest hair, but what little there was rubbed against my sensitive nipples, making me moan and grind up against him again.

  His free hand that had been cupping the side of my face moved slowly down my neck and across my collarbone, and I felt him smile against my mouth as goosebumps broke out in its trail. Cockiness like that in other guys would have had me freezing, but from Ren, I knew it was pleasure at the evidence of how much he affected me.

  Running my hands up and down his back and feeling the muscles move and tighten under my fingers, I decided to go exploring myself, and moved one hand down the way, pushing my fingers under the waistband of his jeans and boxers until I could hold one ass cheek.

  I was seriously lamenting the fact that I didn’t have huge hands so that I could hold both at once when I felt how hard and perfect it was in my hand, but at that moment his finger reached my nipple and he started to gently rub around it at the same time as grinding against me, and all thoughts just left the building. He had some calluses, which made the pads of his fingers a little rough, and the feeling of them gently circling around my nipple was driving me insane and I tore my mouth free and threw my head back at the same time as I let out a loud groan.

  Ren took full advantage of this and kissed along my jaw and down my neck, until he reached the nipple that he’d been torturing, and his tongue took over before he opened his mouth and sucked. He shifted his weight onto the hand that had been in action previously and then started to do the same thing to my other nipple. The feeling of him alternating between sucking with hard tugs then soft flicks whilst he used his thumb on the other side and gently squeezed was too much. I’d never thought that my nipples were that sensitive, but then, I’d never reacted to a male the way that I did with Ren; all of the sensations were too much, and I acted without thinking. I took my hand off his head and pushed up on his left shoulder whilst lifting my right hip and dropping my left arm and leg so that we rolled over and I ended up on top.

  “Jesus, Maya,” Ren panted, his eyes skimming over my body and his arms holding my hips.

  I didn’t know how to put it into words, because I’d never taken the lead before or felt this overwhelmed by a guy in my life, but I said what was in my head: “I need more.”

  He looked up into my eyes, and whatever he saw there was the right thing, because the next thing I knew, he’d pulled me back down to his mouth and his hand was now in my trousers, on my ass. The difference was, his hand was almost big enough to hold both of my cheeks in it, and he was sweeping it up and down whilst our tongues twirled around each other.

  On one downward sweep, his long fingers skimmed over my core and he froze. Pulling away from my mouth, he looked into my eyes as his finger started to rub around it gently, spreading my wetness around it. I couldn’t stand it and shifted a bit, causing his finger to go inside a fraction; it wasn’t a lot, but the feeling was so fantastic that I whimpered. Ren moved his finger back out, and then slowly pushed it back in, all the while watching my face. His free hand gently pulled my mouth back down onto his and his finger pushed inside even further, and I moaned into his mouth. Nothing had ever felt this good in my life, and I doubted anything ever would again. He pulled his finger back again, and then he added another one on the way back in, and I couldn’t help clenching onto them and crying out. Ren suddenly flipped me onto my back, then removed my bottoms and my panties.

  “Is this okay?” he asked in the roughest voice I’d ever heard. I nodded and looked down and saw the evidence of his hardness showing perfectly through his jeans. I’d felt it before, but seeing it…I wasn’t sure that he’d fit, and I had a mini panic. I heard a rumbled laugh coming from Ren, who was watching my face while he swept my bottoms over my feet and must have seen the worry. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, but you were made for me.”

  My shorts went in the same direction as our tops, and then his rough hands were skimming up my legs, from my feet to where I really needed them the most. He sat on his heels, and, still watching my face the whole time, started to rub gently around my nub with his thumb whilst gently skimming his other hand up my stomach and then back down again.

  I couldn’t stop the small movements that my hips were making as he varied the pressure of his finger, then moved it down the way and pressed it into me. My back arched as I groaned embarrassingly loudly. I hated those loud moany groany women who sounded like they were auditioning for porn, and it had always sounded fake to me, but oh my God I couldn’t help it—even my panting was loud.

  All of this seemed to be what Ren wanted, and the next second my legs were over his shoulders and his tongue was lashing against me while he pressed two fingers into me. I reached down and held on to the forearm that was wrapped over my thigh, and threaded my fingers through his hair with the other as he built me up to what I knew would be an epic explosion.


  I hadn’t intended to do this with Maya tonight; in fact, I’d planned to wait much longer, for her sake. She wasn’t the kind of girl to rush into things and to give this away without it meaning something. I wasn’t the type of guy to get down on my knees for someone, and the women that I’d always hung around with had been experienced and only after dick and money and opened their legs to anyone, so there was no way that I was putting my mouth on them. I didn’t disrespect them, but they were there for a purpose—they knew it and I knew it, and they walked away satisfied. I almost hit myself when I thought about it like that, because if someone had treated Maya, Ava, or Layla that way, I’d have beaten the shit out of them. I was such an asshole, an asshole that didn’t deserve Maya, but no way in hell was I going to give her up.

  She was tight around my fingers, and I could feel her clenching in tiny pulses around them as I sucked and licked and knew that it wouldn’t be long now before she came. I was pretty sure I’d be doing this as often as I could for the rest of my life now that I’d tasted her. I had one arm wrapped around her thigh and up across her hip, with my hand on her pelvis to hold her down so that she didn’t buck me off as I closed my mouth around her clit and sucked as hard as I could whilst pumping my fingers in and out and rubbing inside her. She quickly shattered, and was squeezing my fingers to the point I almost couldn’t move, and my hand was soaked. Her body collapsed back down onto her sofa, giving sporadic spasms, and I could hear her panting, so I backed away after finishing with a couple more swipes of my tongue.

  It took everything I had to pull back, and if it weren’t for her twitching away from my tongue and the agonizing pressure in my crotch, I could have happily continued for another hour at least. Now, though, I could smell and taste her and it was driving me crazy, but I wasn’t sure if she was ready for me to make love to her. That was another thing that was driving me crazy; I had
never even thought the words ‘make love’—I’d always fucked—but with Maya, regardless of how hard it was or what we did, it would never be anything else than making love.

  Lying down beside her, I pushed an arm under her head and used the other arm to turn her body towards me so that I could hold her against me.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered into my chest, making me grin. I’d made my girl like that.

  “You okay, baby?” She was still shivering slightly, and I wasn’t sure if that was normal for her. I held her even tighter because the thought of any other guy doing that to her or making her like this made me feel homicidal.

  Just as her small soft hand rubbed gently from my chest to my jeans, my phone started ringing with Brett’s ringtone.

  “Hey, man.” My voice must have shown how irritated by his call I was, because Maya looked up at me and Brett barked out a laugh into my ear.

  “Bad timing?” he asked, but the tone of his voice proved that he knew damn well that it was bad fucking timing.

  “This better be an emergency.”

  Brett had always been the most serious of us all, and he’d obviously spoken to Mom or Cole, the little bitch, and they’d told him where I was.

  “Nah, man, I just wondered if you were gonna be around in a couple of weeks. I’m coming home, and I hear that your girl is redoing the houses, so Mom wants me to meet with her and get shit sorted. Dunno why, because I don’t live there most of the time, but it’s Mom.” That was the truth—none of us said no to Mom.

  Not that I gave a shit at this moment, though, given what he had interrupted. “Yeah, sure, bye!” I said as I pulled the phone away from my head and threw it on the sofa, knowing full well that after the interruption and with thoughts of my brother in my head, my hard-on wasn’t an issue anymore. In a way it was a relief, because I didn’t want Maya and I to move too quickly, and I was pretty certain we had been seconds away from blowing all of my good intentions to hell, but at the same time my Smurf balls were killing me. I couldn’t even use my hand, because my cock wanted only Maya!


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