Providence Series Books 1-4

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Providence Series Books 1-4 Page 13

by Mary B. Moore

  “You’re beautiful, Maya,” he said reverently, and my whole body broke out in goosebumps. I was squirming where I sat on top of him, and given how hard he was, I couldn’t understand why he hadn’t just torn his jeans off.

  Lowering myself to his chest, I licked and sucked my way across his pecs. Every time I’d suck a spot on his torso, his stomach would clench and then judder, and he’d gasp, and I swore right then that I would make it a daily task to make him do that.

  When I got to his happy trail, I stopped and licked along the lines that made up the V leading down to his crotch. I’d always wondered what kind of guy actually had one of the Vs, and now I could answer that mine did whenever anyone asked. With a shaky hand, I popped the button of his jeans, grabbed the zipper, and pulled; the loud rasp of the zipper and Ren’s heavy breathing in the dark, quiet room was erotic. I’d always laughed and rolled my eyes when I read books that said stuff like that, but it was true, and knowing that I had made him that way added to it. When I got the zipper to the bottom, I looked up at his face and gently but firmly tugged his jeans and boxers.

  “Maya, shit, wait, wait.” Ren grabbed my hand and tried to sit up. “We don’t have to do this. Why don’t you get your Tweety stuff on and we’ll…” He rubbed his hand through his hair in exasperation and gestured towards the door. “…do shit.”

  I’d already known I was in love with him, but hearing that and knowing that he respected me enough to not just fuck me and be done with it, I fell even more in love with him.

  “I don’t want to do stuff out there, Ren. I want to do stuff”—I punctuated that with a big tug of his jeans that bared half of him to me—“in here.”

  I gave another firm tug and had his jeans and boxers halfway down his thighs, and the evidence of the beauty and the perfection of him was right in front of me. Granted, I didn’t have a lot to compare it to, but his was by far the most beautiful I’d ever seen. He was smooth, thick, and long, and the top was wet, shining from the little bit of light that came through the window.

  “Baby,” he croaked, and made a grab for me, but I knew what I wanted. I knelt on the floor and took his boots off, and then pulled his jeans to the floor, along with my thong. I copied his move from the night before and stroked my hands from his ankles to the tops of his thighs. My head was back over him, and I was thinking about what I wanted to do first when he caught me under my arms and pulled me onto the bed, where he pushed between my thighs and put his hands under my ass, lifting me up towards his mouth.

  “That’s not fair,” I whined, but it trailed off into a moan when the first lash of his tongue registered.

  “Shh,” he whispered, making my entire body to shudder and the bastard chuckle. I wouldn’t kill him just yet, because that had felt good, but I was making yet another mental note; this time, it was to torture the hell out of him when I finally got him in my hands.

  My plans for revenge were interrupted by the point of his tongue circling me. He’d start off with no pressure and then suddenly push hard and then go back to no pressure; it was driving me insane, and no matter how hard I tried to move my hips, he wouldn’t let me.

  “Stay still, baby,” he rumbled, lowering me back to the bed and moving his hands so that they were back to the same positions as last night, with one holding me down and the fingers of the other circling my entrance and dipping into me slightly while his tongue took over tormenting me. He was effectively driving me out of my mind with the myriad of sensations that his fingers and tongue were creating; I could feel the ball of tension and fire building inside me slowly, but hugely at the same time. I had never felt anything like it, and at the back of my mind, I was starting to panic that it would kill me when it finally burst.

  He increased the pressure of his tongue and alternated it with sporadic hard sucks. His finger pushed in and withdrew a couple of times before he added a second one, stretching me and bringing me almost to a peak. I felt him start to make a come hither motion, and then he started to suck in pulses before sucking hard and pressing harder with his fingers against that elusive special spot, and with one final suck and rub the ball inside of me exploded and I was screaming and shuddering.

  As I began to come down, I felt his fingers moving slowly inside me and his tongue flicking soft licks until I couldn’t stand it and, like last night, I started to pull away, making him laugh. He was still too close to me, though, and I groaned and couldn’t stop the full-body shudder that racked me as I threw my arm over my eyes and whined, “Stop!”

  Still laughing quietly, he kissed his way up my body, stopping to lick gently around my belly button before continuing. Using his hair, I gently tugged him up to my mouth, but as he passed my breasts, he got sidetracked and gently sucked my nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue, before kissing across to the other one to give it the same attention.

  Giving his hair a more forceful tug, I pulled him up to my mouth, lunging up from the bed to kiss him before he could say anything. Sucking his tongue into my mouth, I wrapped my legs back around his hips and gently squeezed, bringing him closer to me as I swept my hand down his side, around his back, and to his firm butt cheek, before moving it back to his front where I followed the heaven trail down his abdomen.

  Placing him at my entrance, I tilted my pelvis until the head was just inside me, and then using my legs, I pulled him inside me, the delicious burning feeling making me gasp.

  “Fuck, Maya,” Ren growled. “Are you alright?”

  I nodded my head and opened my eyes to look at him. I could see him looking down at our connection, and when I looked I could see he was only about a quarter of the way inside me. Groaning, I started to wiggle from side to side, helping my body adjust to him.

  “Stay still, please stay still,” he pleaded with me, looking up into my eyes.

  The burn was fading, and I wanted more of him, so, looking into his eyes, I started to squeeze slightly, encouraging him to move. Correctly reading my signals, he slowly withdrew and then thrust forward, before doing it again. A couple of thrusts later, his hips hit me and he bottomed out inside me, causing both of us to groan at the same time and my head to go flying back. I felt him kissing down my neck until he had to raise his upper body slightly and bend as he reached my breast, where he gently caught my nipple between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue, increasing the pressure of his teeth slightly. I lifted my head and looked down at his intense gray eyes looking up at me. Just as his teeth became too uncomfortable, he swapped them for his lips and sucked hard, causing my body to buck and my muscles to clench as he began to slowly withdraw from me. I’d been expecting a slow thrust to match it, so when he thrust hard into me, I screamed and clawed my nails down his back, making him groan.

  “Sorry,” I moaned, feeling bad for abusing him.

  “Do it again,” he growled, looking back down at me, as I scratched him again on the next thrust and the speed of his thrusts increased. “Fucking mine,” he whispered.

  I could feel the tension reaching breaking point, with my legs wrapped around his hips, one hand holding his ass and the nails of the other firmly imbedded in his back. My head thrashed from side to side as I almost hit breaking point. His muscles were tense underneath my hands and legs, and I knew he was close, which was confirmed when he whispered painfully, “Fucking come, Maya!”

  Moving my hand around, I followed the same heaven trail of hair down his abdomen as before until I reached where we were joined. Placing my index and ring finger on either side of our connection, I used my middle finger to rub, panting the whole time. I opened my eyes and saw Ren looking down at what I was doing, and when he growled loudly, I flew over the peak, screaming.

  I could feel myself clenching tightly around him and heard a groan, but the feeling of flying and melting at the same time took over. I’d never felt anything like the two orgasms that Ren had already given me, but this one was life-changing. My muscles were still clenching, and I could feel him pulsing as my body melted
beneath him, leaving me breathless. I felt his mouth against my neck and another groan vibrate against me as he moved slightly. Both of us were trembling and trying to catch our breaths as we panted against each other. I started to gently run my fingertips up and down his back, feeling him shiver now and then, until suddenly he stiffened and his head shot up. I don’t know why I remembered it then, but this guy was a seasoned ‘fuck-any-hole,’ as Amy and I called them. What if I was just another notch? I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I slowly looked up at him and saw him looking worried.

  “Fuck, Maya, I’m sorry.” He moved quickly as I let go of him, and I raised my hands to push my hair off my face.

  Letting out a puff of a laugh, I looked at him and shrugged; anything more than that and I’d have cried. No way would I let this pathetic, lowlife, bastard-faced, admittedly big-dicked asshole know how crushed I was.

  “Fuck, baby, how can you be so calm?” He cupped my face with both hands and looked me in the eyes. “I would never disrespect you like that. Are you on the pill?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, frowning until I caught on. The tension left me in a gust, and I moved my hands to hold on to his wrists. “I’m on the pill, and I’m clean. I’ve never…” I was trying to reassure him, but his hand clamped over my mouth, stopping me from going any further.

  “Do not finish that,” he scowled down at me. “The only man who has been here is me. No one before, and there sure as shit will be no one after.” Then he leaned down and kissed me. “Does this mean I get you like this all the time?” he murmured against my mouth.

  I had no idea what he meant and tried to tilt my head in question, but it was impossible. What I hadn’t heard yet was his confirmation that he was clean too. I mean, come on; sure, it could have been a remote issue for me, but I was pretty certain that he had had a hundred times the number of partners that I’d had, which wasn’t giving me a warm feeling at the moment. I pushed his hand away and scowled at him, still waiting for him to give me the reassurance that I needed.

  “Well?” I prompted when he said nothing.

  “Well?” he repeated, frowning in confusion.

  “Can you please tell me that you’re at least clean first?” I whispered, the realization that he had fucked so many women that his sexual health was a worry hit me fully.

  He took in my emotional state, and his hands once again moved to hold my face in place as he bent so his mouth was right next to mine, and I could see his eyes clearly in the minimal light.

  “I swear on everything I hold dear, Maya, that I’m clean; I would not even touch you if I wasn’t.” He pulled back, looked up and took a deep breath before he regained his previous position close to my face so I could once again see his eyes. “I know I haven’t been an angel,” he said, making me wince before he moved his thumb to gently stroke my cheek, “but God, I wish I had been. I haven’t been with anyone in a while, and from the moment I saw you, I didn’t want anyone else, and I can promise you that. I know I have a lot of proving to do, but when you get scared and your thoughts run away, please, please, remember that.”

  “Okay,” I whispered, leaning up and kissing him. I felt the tension leave his body completely as his breath gusted out of him in relief and skimmed across my chest.

  “Okay,” he repeated back, before lifting the top of his body up a bit and looking down at where we were joined again. He slowly looked back up at me with a cheeky grin on his face. “Now, how long do you need to recover?” He started to slowly withdraw and then push back into me, making me laugh and both of us groan as my muscles tightened around him.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I ’d woken up at 7 a.m. moaning and moving my hips in my sleep, and quickly realized that it was because Ren had decided to play while I slept. He started to do that awesome come hither movement with his fingers, and before I could even take my next breath, I was screaming out before he gently turned me onto my front, lifted my hips up, and made me scream again into my pillow. The things that this man could do to my body literally left me breathless; it was like he had a psychic link to every part of my body and knew exactly what I needed to push me over the edge.

  The sun was shining through the blinds, so he could see my ass in all of its glory, something that would normally have made me feel uncomfortable and awkward. Let’s face it, unless you’re a Kardashian, every woman is a bit self-conscious about her booty. With Ren, though, none of that mattered. The only sounds in the room were us panting and the slaps of our flesh meeting, which ratcheted my arousal up even higher as he started to grind with every thrust. My arms gave way, and I fell forward onto my shoulders with my hands either side of my face on the bed. One of his hands landed beside mine on the mattress, and he moved it on top of my hand and threaded his fingers through mine while leaning over me and moving his other hand down my body until he reached my nub, and he started to rub it, gradually increasing the pressure until it pushed me over the edge. Clenching, I turned my face into the mattress and groaned, feeling him pulse inside of me.

  His head was resting between my shoulder blades, and he was panting as I came back around.

  “If we keep going like this, we’ll be dead within a week,” I gasped, squeezing the fingers of the hand that was on top of mine. His other hand had moved to the other side of my head to take his weight as he collapsed.

  He puffed out a laugh onto my back, making me groan again; every part of me still felt sensitive, like I had an electric current going through me.

  “Either that, or we’ll build up enough stamina to fuck even more,” he said gruffly.

  I flinched slightly when he said the word ‘fuck,’ because it had felt more to me than that, but I’d be damned if I’d let him know that it hurt me that he’d belittled what we had like that.

  He’d felt my reaction, though, and kissed the middle of my back gently. “I don’t mean it like that, baby. Even when we’re fucking, it’s making love, but although I say ‘making love’ in my head; I’m not the kind of guy who calls it that out loud. You mean more to me than any woman that I’ve ever…”

  I liked what he was saying, but like him last night, I couldn’t listen to the rest of that sentence, so I flipped over quickly and put my finger on his lips and said loudly, “I get it,” nodding to emphasize my point. Ren laughed, and I scooted off the bed towards my bathroom.

  I walked back into the bedroom after I’d cleaned up to see him lying on the bed in his boxers, waiting for me.

  “Sore, baby?”

  “A bit,” I whispered. I felt a bit embarrassed because I’d never had this with a guy before. It felt overly intimate, but also crucial at the same time, like we had an extra amount of trust between us.

  “I’d say I’m sorry, but the possessive bastard inside of me is beating his chest,” he laughed.

  After that, we lay in bed whispering, asking stupid questions and getting to know each other better.

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  “Turquoise. You?”


  “What’s your favorite food?”

  “Steak with shrimps. You?”

  “Together?” My face scrunched at the thought of eating those two together. I wasn’t a huge fan of red meat, but the shrimps had sounded great; I just couldn’t imagine taking a mouthful of steak with a piece of shrimp at the same time.

  “Hell yeah! Gramps makes it. Don’t knock it till you try it,” Ren said, grinning at me. “Now yours!”

  “Bakewell tarts! Oh, and Cinnabon.” My mouth started watering at the thought of both of them; I had a bad sweet tooth, and my ass and thighs hated me for it. Ren had loved the cherry Bakewell that I’d made the other night, and he hummed and smiled in agreement.

  Our conversation continued for a while longer, with him laughing at my ‘nocturnal pretzels,’ as he called my sleep ninja moves. I was bad at moving when I was asleep, though, and his description was pretty perfect, so I laughed my ass off.

  When Ren’s stomach roared at me like a silverback, I went downstairs to start making him breakfast. I was the queen of muffins, but they took a long time to bake, so I took the waffle machine out and put it on to heat up while I mixed up some batter. Ren was behind me pouring coffee into our mugs, and when I poured the batter in for the first waffle, he groaned at the smell.

  “Am I right in saying that you can really cook?” he asked, setting my coffee down in front of me. I had been in a hazelnut flavor mood this morning, and again he hadn’t believed me about its yumminess, so when I heard him go, “Mmmm, shit, that’s good!” I burst out laughing.

  “Stick with me, sunshine, and I’ll show you heaven,” I said, copying what my Dad said to me whenever I did what Ren had just done.

  He obviously picked it up in a different way, as he moved my hair off my neck, rested his prickly chin on my shoulder, and rumbled, “That you have,” before kissing just under my ear and going to sit at the table.

  After we had eaten, we debated what we should do with the rest of our day. I’d wanted to stay here in our cocoon, but Ren had given me the puppy eyes and asked me to stay at his tonight. Here was where it got tricky. Yes, I wanted to be in Ren’s space, I wanted to be in his bed, I wanted to be in his shower; but I didn’t want to sleep on a bed or be in a space where he’d fucked his way through America, and with my cousins. Everyone had a past, but when there were that many road miles on a bed, it was a bit off-putting.

  When I’d come up with as many excuses as I could, he called me on my bullshit, and we had a small argument about it, which ended with him saying, “I have never, ever had a female aside from family in my home.”


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