Providence Series Books 1-4

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Providence Series Books 1-4 Page 16

by Mary B. Moore

  “Mmmmm, Ren!” Francheska groaned out, sounding constipated instead of the sexy that I figured she was going for.

  I held my hand up, stopping her from going further as I shook my head. I wasn’t interested in anything that came out of her mouth, not even the winning lotto numbers or who was going to win the Super Bowl. Knowing that I wasn’t going to bend, she leaned into Mace to kiss him, but he pulled away, so she missed him and stumbled.

  “Thanks for this afternoon, baby,” she said with a wink, and walked out in a way that reminded me of Cole’s broken ass walk earlier.

  Hearing the tinkle of the bell over the door, I turned back to Mace and asked the question that was burning my tongue. “What the actual fuck, M? Do you know what you’ve just done?”

  “Nothing fucking happened! She came in to get her nipple pierced, and I was the only one free, so I took her through, and suddenly she starts moaning and fucking sounding like she was in a porno. I would never touch that sausage wallet, and you know that; and Ava…fuuuuuck!” He’d been on a roll with more words than I’d heard him talk in years as he tried to explain, but the last thought hit him hard, and I looked up to see him pulling at his hair and looking tormented.

  “She looked destroyed, Mace.”

  I didn’t want to rub it in or make him suffer even more, but he needed to know what he was up against. I mean, if I thought he was fucking the skank, then Ava sure as shit thought he was fucking her, and with her loving him, it was a mess.

  He looked at the big box on his counter pensively and seemed to make a decision, because he shook his head, picked the box up, and jerked his chin toward the piercing lounge, leaving me to follow behind him.

  “We’ll get your shit sorted, and then I’ll go find Ava,” he said as we entered the lounge and he placed the box on a counter that held jewelry for every type of piercing in it.

  I described what I wanted, and Mace added his input too, and in the end, we worked out a design that was perfect. Mace said he’d let me finalize a couple of details, and he’d see me in three weeks because I wanted to do it while she was away so that she saw it when she got back. I could see that Mace had been eager to go after Ava, and I had to get back to my girl, who was at ‘mine’ according to the text I’d received from her twenty minutes ago, so we finished up quickly. It was time to get home to my baby.

  “Maya,” I shouted as I got through the front door, only to be met with silence, which was unusual. Making my way through the house, I took in the work that had been completed that day. Things were coming together nicely, and I had to admit I liked the work that she’d done so far; the colors were me, and the structural changes were perfect.

  As I got closer to my bedroom, I could hear the sound of the shower and I started stripping my clothes off, leaving a trail of clothes behind me. I could see her washing the shampoo out of her hair and knew that with her routine she’d be reaching for the conditioner next before washing her body, the best part. Walking up behind her, I put my arms around her and pulled her to me as she screamed and jumped.

  “It’s just me,” I said, burying my head in her neck and inhaling the smell of her that no shower would ever be able to wash away.

  “Dammit, Ren.” She turned around and wrapped her arms around me. We stood there with her head on my chest under the water as it pulsed onto us; that was Maya’s favorite setting in the shower. I’d wanted to talk to her and see if she’d had a good afternoon, but my hands started to move over her wet body, and I couldn’t stop myself from looking down at her upturned face and then taking her mouth. Her lips opened under mine, and I flicked my tongue into her mouth slowly, brushing against hers and taking the time to explore her properly. Kissing Maya was one of the best things I’d ever experienced in my life; her taste in my mouth, her hands rubbing my body, my hands exploring her body…

  My thoughts trailed off as Maya pulled her mouth away from mine and started nipping and licking across my collarbone as her hand trailed south. Maya hadn’t had me in her mouth yet; she’d wanted to, badly, but that was something that every chick before her had done, and Maya was special.

  As she nipped the side of my belly button and then laved it with her tongue, I knew that she wasn’t going to be stopped this time, and truth be told, I didn’t want to. She was working my cock in her hand the whole time, and I was struggling to keep my eyes open with the pleasure. I felt her jerk a little and looked down to see she had gotten on her knees in front of me and was looking up at me with her beautiful eyes, pupils dilated and almost taking over the green-blue irises.

  “Baby,” I rasped, and swallowed audibly, “you don’t have to do this.”

  I needed to make sure she was okay with it. Instead of answering me, she used the hand that had been stroking me to lift it to her mouth and pressed a kiss to the tip of it, followed closely by a long, languid lick. It was a sensation that I had never felt before in my life, and my legs started to shake as my head fell back on my shoulders with the pleasure. She continued to lick around the tip, rubbing her tongue on the sensitive bit behind the head, before opening her mouth and taking me in. I couldn’t help groaning loudly and raised my head to look down at her while gathering her hair up and holding it away from her head so that I didn’t miss anything.

  I could feel her relaxing her jaw before she sucked hard and swallowed over the tip. “Maya,” I moaned as she opened her eyes and looked up at me.

  The heat and arousal that was written all over her face had a tingle starting at the base of my spine with the knowledge that she was enjoying doing this to me that much. “Baby, I’m close,” I warned. Hearing those words, she tightened her little hand around me and moved her other hand to my balls, which she gently squeezed while increasing the suction. I’d never felt anything like it and couldn’t stop when my hips started moving in time with her hand, with my hand helping the movements of her head. Then she did something that took me to the brink; all the resistance of the muscles in her neck left, and she relaxed, giving my hips and my hand control. “Maya,” I rasped, giving her a final warning in case she wanted to pull away, but instead she lunged, taking me further down her throat, and swallowed hard around me. I yelled at the ceiling as I went over and almost fell on top of her with the force of it.

  As I started to come down from it, I slid both of my hands into her hair and massaged her scalp at the back of her head as she sat back on her heels and looked up at me. Her beautiful eyes were bright, her cheeks flushed and her lips swollen. I’d never seen a more arousing and gorgeous sight in my life. It didn't seem to matter that I'd just come because I was still as hard as I'd been to begin with. On that thought, I leaned down quickly and picked her up, startling a squeak from her, but I couldn’t stop. Turning her around, I put her hands against the tiled wall and, with the water still streaming over us, placed one hand on the middle of her back and pushed to arch her spine while the other hand traveled over her hip and to her core.

  “Please,” she panted. “Please, Ren, now.”

  I looked down to watch as I gently started to push into her, but Maya took a deep breath and slammed back onto me, screaming to the ceiling like I’d done minutes before, with her body shaking.

  “Fuck, Maya,” I roared. I had been trying to go slowly for her, trying to make this into a love session instead of an out-of-control session, but I couldn’t deny the feeling of heaven as she’d slammed back onto me.

  “I need you, Ren.” She dropped her head so that she was looking at the floor as she pressed back onto me, and I ground into her.

  I used my foot to move hers further apart so that I could stand with both of mine between them, giving me extra leverage. Making sure that she was braced properly, I slowly slid out, feeling her tremble beneath my hands as I ran them up and down the front of her body, cupping her and gently squeezing. I gave a minute pause and thrust forward as hard as I could, making sure to tighten my hold on her to stop her from flying forward when my hips hit hers.

  It was heaven a
s I pulled out and thrust in over and over again, the bathroom steaming up so much that you could hardly see anything else. With both of us groaning and the sounds of our skin meeting over the sound of the running water from the shower heads, it was the most erotic moment of my life. She was squeezing me so tightly that it was becoming hard to move back and forth inside her, so I reached down and started to circle my finger around her nub, which made her clench down even harder on me.

  Pulling her up so that her back met my front, I increased the pressure, and the next second her head flew back, hitting my shoulder, and she was screaming out. I continued to rub her clit with one hand while holding her to me with the other, but soon she was too sensitive, and I had no choice but to push her gently back to our original position so that I could stroke into her. I could feel her legs shaking on the outside of mine and leaned over her back, putting one hand on the tiled wall beside hers, keeping the fingers of the other hand on her core, and started to lick and suck her neck, making her stiffen and wail out into the steamy room.

  “You feel like fucking heaven, Maya, my heaven. I’m gonna love you so hard, because I do, Maya,” I whispered in her ear. “I do love you, so fucking much!” I punctuated the words of the last part with hard thrusts into her, causing her to erupt and scream out as she took me with her.

  Lights were flashing behind my eyes, and I could hardly draw a breath as every muscle in my body locked up at once. As it started to leave me, my muscles suddenly relaxed and I sank to the tiled floor, taking Maya with me. I sat on the floor with her in my lap while we caught our breath.

  “You’re gonna kill me one of these days, baby,” I panted, rubbing my hands slowly up and down her back as she buried her face in my neck.

  “That wasn’t my fault, that was you,” she whispered, her breaths hitting my neck with each word and making me groan. “What was that?” she asked, finally lifting her head to look at me.

  I shrugged my shoulders slightly, but I knew what it was; I was trying to imprint myself on her. I wanted to make sure that when she left in 3 weeks that she couldn’t forget me. She wasn’t buying it, but she left it well alone and instead looked down at her hands.

  “I’m pruning,” she said. She wrinkled her nose and held her hands up for me to see.

  I flicked a look at my watch and saw that I’d been home for over an hour, so it was no wonder.

  “That’s your fault for keeping me in the shower while you had your wicked way with me for over an hour, baby,” I said winking. “Now I’m hungry, and you need to feed me to give me some energy for tonight; otherwise I’ll wither away, and you’ll spend the rest of your life an unsatisfied woman!”

  “Nah, I’ll just trade you in for a younger model with better stamina!”

  I was slightly distracted by what was directly in front of my face until her words registered; my head snapped up, and I narrowed my eyes.

  “You need me to prove something to you?”

  Maya’s eyes widened as she looked at me, and she started to back away, shaking her head frantically, but it was too late, and I lunged.


  Walking into work was difficult the next morning. I knew last night had been about Ren’s insecurities about me going away, and if I were being honest with myself, I’d needed the reassurance too. He’d told me about his family’s oil and gold claims, but I honestly didn’t care. I’d never been materialistic, and preferred to buy stuff myself. My reaction had shocked Ren, but I’d have taken him living on the streets if it just got me Ren.

  I heard voices coming from Isla’s office and stopped in the doorway as I took in the three handsome giants in there. They were talking animatedly to each other and took a while to notice that I was there, but one by one they all turned their eyes in my direction. Two of them had dark hair and handsome faces, and the third one was a golden blond who had a baby face, and I could feel my cheeks warming up as they looked at me.

  “Maya.” Isla sounded happier than I’d had ever heard her sound. “My best friends came to surprise me,” she said, sweeping her hands in the hotties’ directions as they stood up one by one. They were slightly shorter than Ren, and not quite as built as him, but I didn’t doubt that they left a trail of devastation behind them wherever they went.

  “This is Johnny.” She pointed to one of the dark-haired guys, whose hair was longer than the others’ and curled up from his neck. “This one over here is Caleb,” she said, gesturing at the other dark-haired guy, whose hair was styled messily on top of his head. “And finally, we have Reed, or baby face as he’s known to us,” she finished with a huge grin on her face.

  “Now see, doll face, this is where we need to go over the rules of being our wingwoman again—when you have a friend who looks like this, the first thing you’re meant to do is to take a photo and text it to us along with her statistics. So in this case: Maya, 5-foot-7, about 130 pounds, a size 32D, and clothing size 8, am I right?” Caleb asked, flashing me a grin that, had I not met Ren, most likely would have had me crumbling at his feet.

  Before I could answer, Reed came up with his finger on his chin and was looking me up and down, shaking his head. “No way, man. Height, yeah, weight maybe 135, 34D, and clothing size 8. Right?” He had the bluest eyes that I had ever seen, and I had to resist the urge to go ‘aw’ and reach up and squeeze his cheeks.

  “What the fuck?” I heard growled from behind me, and I spun so quickly that I lost my balance and fell into Johnny, just as Ren appeared behind Luke in the doorway. His normally bright gray eyes turned almost black when he saw Johnny holding me, even though I was already pushing away from him.

  “Oh, hey, these are Isla’s best friends,” I explained quickly to try and stop both of the heaving man-beasts in the doorway from letting off whatever steam was building inside them. Luke’s face was set in a way that I’d never seen before in my life and which didn’t bode well for anyone who messed with him at that moment.

  Ren’s jaw was ticking away, and his chest appeared to be getting bigger.

  “This is Johnny, Reed, and Caleb,” I continued, pointing to them individually. “This is Luke, he’s Isla’s bo…uh, boss, and this is my boyfriend, Ren.” I finished by going up to Ren and putting my arms around his waist and smiling up at him. It was a dirty tactic, but if I succeeded in calming one out of two, then at least I would achieve something.

  Luke was still standing there, looking at the guys standing around Isla like they were protecting her.

  “Baby, here,” Luke said, shocking all of us. Firstly, he was laying claim to her; secondly,he was acting protective of Isla, and Luke wasn’t known for laying claim to women.

  Isla’s lips thinned as she looked back at Luke, and I could see she was going to put Luke through his paces, and to be honest, I was glad she was. I didn’t know what was going on between them, but I’d never seen him actually claim her in any way. There were also some random visits to different cities that didn’t fit into any work that I knew was ongoing for the company. I knew Isla was aware of this too, so yeah, Luke was going to need to do better than that.

  “No.” She turned her back on him. “Guys, let me speak to George and see if I can work from home today.”

  She turned and walked up to Luke, waiting for him to move out of her way, and when he didn’t, she let out an exasperated breath and walked around him. Luke was still glaring at the three guys with his arms crossed over his chest, but they were looking back at him in the same way.

  “So, you’re the asshole,” Johnny said, breaking the silence.

  “The asshole who thinks that our La La is just an easy piece of fun,” Caleb said, taking a step forward.

  “Who won’t be seen in public with her unless he can pass it off as a business dinner, and who disappears on mysterious ‘business meetings,’” Johnny growled.

  The pressure was building, and I knew that if this wasn’t defused, they would end up hurting each other. But before I could step forward, Reed spoke.

You and her family broke her into pieces years ago, man. When we met her, she didn’t trust anyone. It’s taken us this long to fix that, and I’m begging you—”

  Luke cut him off abruptly. “She’s my fucking world. She was then, and she is now.”

  The three of them studied him closely.

  “Come on, baby, let’s leave them to it,” Ren whispered into my ear, and pulled me gently out of the room.

  Chapter Twenty


  I f it were possible to put into words what Isla meant to me, had always meant to me, I would have done it to take the looks off their faces. I had fucked up when we were in high school, and there hadn’t been a day since that I hadn’t thought about her. In fact, since the day I first met her, I’d thought about her constantly, but I’d either been too young or too arrogant to pay closer attention to what those thoughts and the feelings I had for her meant. Remembering the way I’d treated her sickened me. The fact that I was still doing it sickened me even more, but I’d come up with a plan for Dad’s company, and I wanted to see it through.

  “You hurt her, man, and I’m warning you, I’ll break every bone in your body,” the guy I think was called Johnny hissed at me.

  “And I’ll make sure you never get a hard-on again,” the other dude, Caleb, said with an evil-looking smile on his face, and I couldn’t help the grimace that those words brought on.

  What they didn’t know was that I wanted Isla for good. I knew I loved her even more than I had in high school, and that I was going to fight with everything I had in me to keep her in my life, tied to me permanently. I just had some loose ends to tie up with my plan and a couple more things to put into place and then I would be done with it.


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