Providence Series Books 1-4

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Providence Series Books 1-4 Page 49

by Mary B. Moore

  She passed the phone to Luke to hold for her and went to stand next to her husband. “It’s a boy!” Ren crowed holding his fist up in the air.

  “Thank Jesus, it’s a boy, Vivienne,” Maya’s dad said from the phone. I guess after having two daughters, a boy would be a welcome relief. Of course we were all asking questions at once about names, which they hadn’t chosen yet, and other things like that and it took a while for it to settle down.

  “So…which one of you is using Cole as the baby’s middle name. I’ll go get the straws to make it a fair draw.”


  Isla was walking toward me in her dress looking like a fairytale. I’d just been thinking that Ren had had it easy having his wedding in a marquee, because standing at the end of the aisle in Piersville’s church with all of the pews filled with people staring at me had me breaking out in a sweat. All of the what ifs had been running through my head, even though I knew that Isla would never ditch me at the altar, when Ave Maria had begun playing and I saw the bridesmaids, with Tony as a bridesman again, walking toward me. There had been a slight delay and then Isla had appeared on her father’s arm, and it took everything I had not to run and get her and then run back to the Pastor currently standing behind me. Initially Isla had wanted her Gram to walk her, but we’d spoken about it the weekend before and she’d decided that she would ask her Dad, who had been shocked but happy about it. I wasn’t sure that the bastard deserved it, but it was up to Isla.

  He hadn’t taken the death of Jodie and Calista badly, and when it had been confirmed that it hadn’t been suicide, he said that they had made a lot of enemies so it stood to reason that one of them would have snapped. The depth of their vileness had come out after the breakup of the marriage and some of them were influential men, so there were a lot of suspects which made their actions while they were alive even worse. Marriages were ending and people were hurt, children now had split families, and sure it wasn’t just Calista and Jodie’s faults, but from the journals that were found in their room, they had meticulously planned who they were going to get control over and how. Add what they had done to Isla onto it all and I couldn’t blame Geoffrey for not being upset over the deaths.

  Now, though, her father looked like the happiest man alive walking her down the aisle as my heart thumped hard in my chest. When she reached me and her Dad passed her over to me, we grinned at each other and I willed the Pastor to talk fast, in case she changed her mind. I knew she wouldn’t, but what if someone objected or something went wrong?

  Although Isla had chosen a church wedding, we’d cut down the service slightly as she was so heavily pregnant and we didn’t think that bits of it applied to us, so within forty-five minutes, she was yet again Mrs. Isla Montgomery and I was kissing my bride. I’d chosen to give her a thin diamond band to wear in front of her wedding and engagement rings, a promise of eternity together. She’d had my wedding band engraved and as she went to put it on my finger, she showed me the inscription - More than forever.

  We just had the reception back at the Townsend’s to get through and then I could take her away on the special mini honeymoon that I had planned. Our real one would happen after we had the babies and things were safer.

  We had just sat down after cutting the cake when all of a sudden, there was a change in the security men that we could see inside the tent. Some of them stood ready, and a couple of the ones outside ran past the tent and toward where Ren’s property was. I made eye contact with Baz who looked tense, but also not majorly concerned and when he met my eyes he shook his head to let me know that it wasn’t that bad that I had to carry out the backup plan that we’d formulated for both Ren and my weddings to get the girls out of there.

  “What’s going on?” Isla sounded scared.

  “Nothing major, sayang. It might be an animal tripping one of the sensors.” I knew it wasn’t, but right now I didn’t want her worrying.

  Not long after it, I saw Coleman approach Brett and whisper in his ear and then move onto Ren whose lips thinned as he listened to what Coleman had to say. I was about to get up and walk over to them when Baz appeared beside me and whispered, “We need you to come and ID someone Luke. It’s not urgent, but the sooner we sort this out the better.”

  Standing up, I turned and smiled at Isla. “I’ll be right back, Angel; Baz needs me to look at something.” She looked worried, so I winked and gave her a quick kiss before following Baz out of the tent.

  When we got to the outhouse where the intruder was being held, I didn’t expect to see who was handcuffed to the chair inside.

  “Dick?” Ren and I said at the same time.

  “Says his name is Richard.” Coleman stood glaring at him with his arms crossed over his chest. “Caught him creeping near your house Ren. When he was picked up, he said he was a guest, but his ID doesn’t match anything that we have on our lists or the approved list either.” The approved list was people and workers who were approved to come onto the property without someone calling us to ask us if we agreed to their presence on the land.

  “What did you want, Dick?” Ren asked, deliberately stressing the nickname to piss him off.

  “I got lost.”

  “Did he have anything on him?” I asked Coleman. Baz had left Graham in charge of Isla, and at the moment there was only a handful of us in the outhouse, but Coleman had taken center stage and was standing close to Richard while Baz and the other men stood back watching. One of Coleman’s guys threw a bag at my feet and I picked it up and looked inside to find women’s panties and bras and a couple of items of clothes.

  None of it looked familiar so, I passed it onto Ren. “What the fuck?” He exploded.

  “These are my fucking wife’s!” He took a step toward the asshole in the chair who actually looked afraid now, but Coleman held him back.

  “We knew he was an issue of a different kind from Brett, so when we saw him coming through the trees toward the property we allowed him to continue so that we would have evidence to press charges.” Ren glared at him and if I was honest I would have, too. That asshole had been through their property and had stolen some of my cousin’s things. It even pissed me off!

  “She was mine, you just had to get in there first. It should have been my bed that she was in,” the dick started yelling and bouncing the chair up and down. His words had Ren taking another step towards him, getting held back by Coleman again.

  “Think hard man, you have a pregnant wife that you need to get back to. Right now, he’s fucked, but if you beat the shit out of him, you’ll be in shit, too. Clean remember?” After what had happened with the shooter, we had agreed, from now on that we were going to keep our noses as clean as possible.

  I could see Ren’s jaw working away as he tried to calm down, so leaning around him I met Richard’s eyes. “Right now, the only reason that he isn’t trying to kill you is because he’s being held back. Whatever delusions you have about my cousin, stop now or we’ll make sure that there are so many charges pressed against you, that it takes years for you to have a shower where you’re not scared to death of turning your back to the room. Do I make myself clear?”

  “She was mine. She was into me!” The asshole actually believed what he was saying, was he insane?

  “Have you done anything like this to her before?” Baz asked from the sidelines, looking at Dick as if he was a science project.

  “I couldn’t get close enough because of him,” he spat in Ren’s direction.

  “He’s followed her a couple of times,” one of Coleman’s men added. Ren didn’t look overly surprised by this so obviously he’d been made aware of it. “But we’ve always managed to intervene before he could get close to her.”

  “Call the police,” Coleman directed and Dick started to panic.

  “You can’t! I’ve done nothing wrong!”

  Coleman lifted his chin at us and Ren and I walked out of the outhouse after giving Richard one last glare. The whole way back to the tent, Ren was silent and I co
uld feel the justified fury coming off of him.

  “I hate this,” he whispered. “I should be keeping her safe! She should be relaxing and enjoying her pregnancy and preparing for the baby, but instead we’re constantly looking over our shoulders and living under the shadow of whatever is going to happen next.”

  “I get it.” And I did because I felt the same way. “When Isla’s car was bombed, I assumed that would be the worst, but when she was shot? Fuck man…” I needed to clear my throat because it always choked me up thinking about it. “I don’t know who it is or why they’re doing it, but I do know that they’ll get caught and when they are, they’re fucked.” We walked to the entrance to the tent and I stopped and turned to face him. “We need to leave the He-Man shit to the experts now, Ren, and focus on our wives and our babies. We remain vigilant at all times and we do not take any breaks in this bullshit for granted, okay?”

  Nodding his head, he ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Looking into the tent, we saw our wives standing there talking to a couple of guests. Isla stood smiling with her hand on her bump while Maya threw her head back and laughed.

  They must have felt it because they both turned their heads in our direction at the same time and grinned, and as easy as that, the weight riding my shoulders lifted; Ren must have felt it too because he let out a long breath and then strode up to Maya and picked her up.

  I got to Isla just after him and as she reached up to give me a kiss she whispered, “Don’t think you’re off the hook. I want to know what happened, but right now I want to dance with my husband, so get moving.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice, so I walked onto the dance floor and took her in my arms. I was the luckiest guy in the world.


  Lying back on the lounger on the beach, I looked across the crystal blue water in front of me and listened to the relaxing sound of the surf. Luke had refused to tell me where we were going and when we’d got into the small plane and taken off it had been very early morning, so I ended up falling asleep. When we landed at the private air strip, there hadn't been any clues around telling me where we were. I’d been blindfolded for the car journey to what I later found out was a dock, where one of his friend’s yachts was waiting to take us to their small private island. It was absolutely beautiful and never in a million years would I have thought that I would get to enjoy something as lavish and beautiful as this. Especially, not with the man that I’d been in love with since the first day I met him.

  “Are you comfortable, sayang?” my husband asked from behind me, leaning over to kiss my neck. I hadn’t heard him walk up in the sand and hearing him call me the special nickname that I loved, had me grinning as goosebumps broke out over my arms. Sitting down next to me on the lounger, I watched the sea water fall off his hair onto his chest and then trail down it to the band of swim shorts. “Isla?” His chuckle broke through my water hypnosis.

  “Hmm?” I looked up as he burst out laughing.

  “I asked if you were comfortable and what you wanted to do for the rest of the day?”

  I’d been diagnosed with the onset of a condition called PGP, pelvic girdle pain, because of the weight of the twins. It wasn’t exactly agony, but it did feel like I’d been kicked between the legs sometimes and others it was a dull ache that could flare up for no reason. Because of this, Luke had gone into overdrive making sure that I hardly walked anywhere when he was around, that he ran after me, and that I was always as comfortable as possible.

  “I think I might go into the sea for a bit,” I murmured looking out across it and thinking that this sounded like heaven.

  “Isla,” I looked quickly in his direction because of the panic in his voice. He looked at the sea and swallowed audibly before looking back at me. “There’s sharks in the sea.”

  “Sharks?” Had I heard him right? I looked back at the water looking for a fin or something and didn’t see any.

  Nodding his head, he grabbed my hand. “Blacktips, Hammerheads, Bull’s, Tigers…”

  It was a bad moment to laugh, but every time I heard about Tiger sharks now, I thought of the story of Cole bouncing on Maya’s bed and screaming at a spider and going on about the fake sharks or whatever it was. Luke’s eyes narrowed on me so I replied with the one word that would explain it all, “Cole.”

  “Isla, please, there’s too many, Angel.” Obviously, he couldn’t be distracted.

  “Luke, there were probably more in the Gilies.” I tried to help him rationalize his worry, but this didn’t help because he went even paler than he had been since I brought up going into the sea. Sighing, I looked back out at the water and thought about the situation. After what had happened and what we’d been through, we still didn’t know if we were safe, so it was understandable that he would pick up on every danger now. “Can I at least go to where the water reaches my chest?” He started chewing his lip anxiously so I tried again. “Waist? And you’ll be with me, too!”

  He thought about it for a second and then nodded and picked me up to take me into the sea. He hadn’t said anything yet and Luke only got really quiet when he was worried, a high level of angry, or upset, and I hated that he had to feel like this when we should be happy. I was scared and worried, too; I wasn’t ready to go anywhere on my own yet not that I was able to with the security that we still had, but if I was put in that situation I don’t think I would be able to cope. The only time I felt properly safe was when I was with the man holding me.

  He stood in the water holding me and I burst out laughing. “This wasn’t the deal honey,” I giggled, kicking my legs and splashing water over both of us. He let out a laugh, but his heart just wasn’t in it so I relaxed as he held me and snuggled into him, enjoying the peace and being with him until he turned around and walked us back to where I’d been lying under an umbrella.

  We were snuggled on the lounger together and he was running his hand down my back. “I was going to take you to Disneyworld because I knew you had always wanted to go,” he broke the silence. “Right now, it just isn’t safe enough, so I’m going to take you and the babies as soon as all of this shit is resolved.”

  I froze where I was rubbing my cheek on his chest and slowly looked up at him. The only time that I’d mentioned that to him was when we first met, so he must have remembered it for all of those years. Proving that pregnancy hormones were a bitch, I burst into tears on him again. “Shit, I’m sorry, Angel, it’s just - it’s not safe enough and I know you want to go but I can’t let you get hurt…”

  “It’s not that,” I sniffled, cutting him off. “You’ve remembered all of these years!”

  He looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “Of course I did.” It must have hit him what I meant, seeing as my own father hadn’t even celebrated or remembered my birthdays. Lifting me higher up whilst being careful with my mega bump, he brought me eye level with him. “The day I met you, you had braids either side of your head with a pale blue bow at the end. Your favorite tee when you were eleven had the Brain dude from Pinky and the Brain on it. When you were fourteen, you got a pair of bubble gum pink Dr. Martens from your Gram and refused to wear anything else for a year. When you were fifteen, you fell and grazed your knee and had Harry Potter Band-Aids on it for a week.” Pushing my hair gently out of my face, he continued. “I remember everything, and any dreams that you have, from now on, I’m going to move mountains to make them happen.”

  Even with tears falling down my face, I managed to laugh. “Mountains, huh?”

  “Hell yeah,” he growled and kissed his biceps. “Check out these guns! I can totally move mountains without breaking a sweat.” I burst out laughing at his serious face. “Don’t believe me?” He jumped up off the lounge. “I’ll just start here,” he said, picking me up and running toward the house with me laughing the whole way.

  “I love you,” I got out through my giggles as he placed me onto the bed.

  “I love you more,” he said before kissing me. “Now shush, I have something I
need to prove to you.”

  We were lying on the four poster bed with the sliding doors fully open listening to the sounds of the sea and enjoying some peace. I thought when Luke ran into the room that we’d be twisting in the sheets immediately, but he’d lain me down and said he just wanted to hold me for a moment. Part of me was touched by it and the other part of me that wasn’t getting touched by him and wanted to be was pissed off.

  “Luke,” I said, my tone warning him of imminent pain.

  “Just a minute,” he said stroking my hair. “In the not too distant future, we’re going to have two babies that will scream for us and we won’t want to put down. Right now, right here, I just want this memory of when it was just the two of us.” My heart melted a bit at what he was saying.

  “It won’t be that bad!”

  “I’m not saying it will be bad. What I’m saying is that, I want this moment just the two of us firmly stored in my brain before we start adding memories of us as a family of four.”

  That was so beautiful that I couldn’t stop myself from lunging at him which was quite difficult to do when you were the size of Shamu. Crawling onto all fours, I leaned over him and kissed him gently trying to just convey how much that meant to me. Luke had never been a patient man, though, and within minutes it had gone from soft and slow to hard and wet.

  “Lie back,” he murmured, which was a relief because the weight of two babies hanging down was very uncomfortable.

  I changed positions as he lay over me, caging me with his long legs and arms. “I love you so much, Isla Montgomery, and I love our babies. There will never be a day when I don’t love you.”

  “You might not feel that way when I’m giving birth and I tear your balls from your body?” I smirked, but deep down I had a feeling that it would be an accurate prediction.

  “You wouldn’t do that,” he sounded so confident. “You love my balls too much!”

  Leaning back down, he kissed me again and his hand moved to undo the strings of the bikini top that was around my neck and back, and then the strings either side of my bottoms and pulled both items away from me throwing them over his shoulder.


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