Providence Series Books 1-4

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Providence Series Books 1-4 Page 61

by Mary B. Moore

  Quickly withdrawing my fingers, I moved up the bed, placed myself at her entrance and thrust inside her. She was so tight and wet, and her pulsing around me almost had me embarrassing myself. Moving back slightly, I then thrust back in and she let out a whimpering scream as she wrapped her legs tightly around my hips. Waiting for Ebru to get used to my size inside of her was torture, but I didn’t want to hurt her, so I could deal with it. When she started thrusting up at me seconds later, though, I knew that she was coping just fine and started a quick process of retreats and thrusts until all of me was inside her. The feeling of her surrounding me, finally, was heaven, and I had to stop for my own sake this time.

  “Please move,” she rasped as she started to kiss from my ear across my jaw. I was desperate for her mouth now, so I lifted my head and turned it quickly, catching her lips just as she was about to say more. Then I was thrusting my tongue inside at the same time as I withdrew and thrust back inside her.

  The tightness of her legs around my hips was restricting my movements, and I wanted to be deeper inside of her. I moved my hand down and pushed at her thigh to move it away from me, before propping my arm under her knee to hold it further up her body. Feeling myself hitting that deeper point, I increased my speed and the power behind my thrusts.

  There was no warning; three thrusts later, Ebru broke away from my mouth, tilted her head away from me and screamed so loudly that if I’d been paying attention, I would have worried that someone would have heard it and come running in. Feeling her squeezing me as tightly as she was broke my self-control. Lifting up off of her body, I balanced myself on my hands with my arms locked straight and pumped harder and faster than I ever had in my life. She was still pulsing around me when it finally hit me, and growling I came so hard that I swear I saw flashing lights.

  I couldn’t stop the gliding of my hips back and forth; it felt too good. With each glide, I could feel her tightening again, until she finally gave a low moan and I felt her climax around me one last time.

  My arms and spine unlocked at the same time and I fell down onto her, having the sense to take some of my weight on my arms at the last second. We were both panting into each other’s necks, with tremors still hitting us for a while after it, but once my brain came back online, I realized that I had to be crushing her and went to lift off of her. She made her feelings clear on this by quickly wrapping her legs back around me and squeezing so tightly that I wondered if she’d ever had one of those thigh masters.

  Putting my arm under her, I lifted her up and held her to me as I turned us around so that she was now lying on top of me, with my head against the pillows and my arms wrapped around her.

  Closing my eyes, I listened to her breathing even out as I thought about how I never thought I would have this. After what Adele had done, I hadn’t been sure that I’d ever be able to trust anyone. Now though? Now I’d found my bliss, and I didn’t want to ever let her go.


  I woke up feeling a bit disorientated for some reason. Turning to snuggle back into Cole, I was disappointed to feel that his side of the bed was empty. My brain wasn’t at it’s best in the mornings, but I was pretty certain that he’d said he had this weekend off from work. Where was he?

  Lifting my head slightly, I looked at the clock on the side table and saw that it was already nine o’clock. I hated mornings. Even after last night and the amount of sleep that I’d had, I hated mornings. Nothing good came from them.

  I was just closing my eyes and snuggling back into my pillows when the bathroom door opened, and the worst words anyone could ever say to me were spoken. “Good morning!” I squeezed my eyes shut and started counting to twenty in my head.

  I will not kill him, I will not kill him.

  Losing the battle against my self-control, I waited until he had gotten closer before jumping up and smacking him as hard as I could with the pillow that I’d grabbed.

  “What the fuck Eb? Jesus Christ!” I continued hitting him until he snatched the pillow away and threw it over to the other side of the room.

  “Let’s try this again,” he said as he stood glaring at me with his hands on his hips. “Good morning!” He growled as he leaned toward me.

  “How do you know it’s a good morning, huh?” I battled back. This was my issue with that stupid ass sentiment. “I mean, for all you know it could be a fucking shitty morning. We could have some sort of weather system take over like in The Day After Tomorrow and all freeze to death before I could burn your shit. A meteor could hit us, and we could go up in a ball of flames. And you would have jinxed it by saying good morning!” Admittedly, I didn’t need to say the last bit in a squeaky sarcastic tone, but I had hated people saying that bullshit phrase for as long as I could remember. It was a hotline to my ass hole, and not in a dirty way.

  I stopped my rant and stood glaring at him as he opened and closed his mouth. In the end, he wisely said nothing and just shook his head in disbelief before walking over to the drawer unit and taking out a t-shirt, jockey shorts and a pair of sweats. As he walked back to the bathroom, he stopped and looked at me before saying, “My shit?”

  It took me a second to realize what the hell he was asking. “That’s what you got from that?”

  “Just so you know, if we’re ever in the situation where we’re about to freeze to death after a huge tidal wave has covered us in water, it’s your shit that’s getting burned first,” he said, and then continued into the bathroom slamming the door behind him, and leaving me wondering what the fuck had just happened.

  Wait, he’d thought about this! There was no way… “You asshole!” I yelled, storming over to the bathroom door and finding it locked. “It’s your shit that’s getting burned.”

  I heard the faucet turn on as he yelled, “Sorry, what did you say?”

  After yelling it at the top of my lungs another three times and getting the same response, I stomped downstairs to put the coffee on. At least I’d made my point, nothing good came from saying the words good morning.

  Chapter 10


  I t was Monday, another pain in my ass and something that I hated. People knew that I had an issue with the words ‘good morning’ on a good day, but say them on a Monday, and you were signing your death sentence. Even my patients knew not to say it to me.

  Cole and I had spent the weekend together either in bed, talking or going out for walks around the ranch. I wanted this to work between us so badly and to trust him fully, and I hated that I wasn’t already at the stage that this was the case. The more pressure that I put on myself to do it, the more stressed I felt when I still had that tiny bit of doubt and wariness inside me. I think Cole knew it still existed, but he was such an amazing guy that he’d told me when we were lying in bed last night not to push myself and that it would happen. I hadn’t even said anything to him about it, he just seemed to know. Well, unless he was talking about something else, and then maybe I should feel guilty that I didn’t have a clue what that was, but I was pretty sure that he’d read my mind.

  It was lunchtime now, and when I’d gotten to the staff room and looked at my phone, I saw that I had another three missed calls from my parents. They’d been calling for four months now, not every day but most days. I hadn’t heard from them since I’d left home apart from a message here and there, so what they wanted and why they wanted it now I didn’t know. Something didn’t strike me as being right about it.

  I was staring at it when the screen lit up in my hand with their number on it. Seeing as how I was alone in the room, I answered it after a couple of rings.

  “Ebru Dhyana?” I grimaced as my mother full-named me before I could even say hi. I hated my middle name with a passion. Louise had been lucky; her’s was Dharma. I’d gotten the Pagan term for a Tantric trance, joy for me.

  “Mom,” I couldn’t help the cool tone that I was using, even if I’d wanted to. The hurt that they’d both caused was too much.

  “Ebru, your father and I…” she tr
ailed off, and I heard her swallow loudly. “We…we have something we need to tell you, sweetheart.” My back instantly straightened to the point of pain. She never called, sure, but she never shared information with me either. She was also using a tone of voice that sure as shit had never ever been directed at me.

  “What is it?” I asked before I could help myself. I hated that I still cared, but I did.

  There was a sob, and my Dad’s voice spoke to me. “Can you come home, sweetheart?” He asked.

  “What’s wrong? What’s happened?” Did it have something to do with Louise?

  “Ebby,” he used Lou’s nickname for me. “We need you to come home. Can you do it?”

  I was silent as I thought about it for a bit before replying. “I need to see if I can take time off or rearrange my shifts at the hospital. Let me see what I can do.”

  My mother’s sobs became louder, and I heard Dad trying to gently calm her down. “Okay, Ebby. We love you,” he whispered, before ending the call leaving me standing there wondering if I was doing the right thing and also what the fuck was going on.

  I needed time to think, and then I’d ask about my shifts.


  Ebru was sitting on the couch staring into space when I walked into the house that night.

  “Baby,” I said gently, as I knelt in front of her. She obviously hadn’t heard me come in and I didn’t want to scare her. “Are you okay?” I’d intended to go and have a shower as soon as I got in, but she looked so lost.

  She shrugged, and it was then that I noticed how tense she was. Rubbing my hands up and down her thighs, she looked straight at me and gave me the smile that I’d seen before in Jilly’s that didn’t reach her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I knew she still had a bit further to go until she could trust me fully and, although it hurt, I understood it. At that moment, though, I needed her to trust me and to tell me what was wrong. “Please baby, tell me.”

  Taking a deep breath in and letting it out in a loud sigh, she stared over my head. “My parents called.”

  I knew that things were bad, really bad in fact, with her parents, but she looked more sad and confused and almost conflicted rather than the anger that I’d have expected her to be feeling.

  “And?” I pressed.

  “They were…” she trailed off as she searched for the word that she was looking for. “Like normal parents I guess. They said they had something to tell me and asked if I could come and visit.”

  “Do you want to go?”

  She sat staring at me for so long that I was about to ask her again, but she answered before I could. “I think so? I don’t know, Cole. They’ve never spoken to me like that, ever. They sounded like actual parents.”

  “Did they say what they wanted?” I was obviously very protective of her, but at the same time, I knew that this hurt inside of her would eat away at her for the rest of her life if she didn’t resolve it, or at least try to.

  She shook her head and tried to stand up, but I picked her up and sat down with her on my lap and just held her. The fact that she let me proved my theory. Normally Ebru was a spitfire, and if something was bugging her she didn’t want contact, she just wanted to be left to work it out alone. Obviously, I wasn’t down with this so she knew now that she wouldn’t get that with me, but the fact that she was clinging to me and rubbing her face into my chest, showed me how vulnerable she was feeling and helped me to give her the answer that she was looking for.

  “Call them, baby. We’ll go this weekend.” I made sure to stress the we so that she knew I wasn’t leaving her alone on this.

  “What about my shifts at the hospital?” She whispered into my chest as she tightened her arms around me.

  “Call Lars. He’ll figure it all out for you.” As she went to get up, I gently pulled her face to mine and kissed her. Pulling back, I looked right into her eyes and said, “It’ll all be okay, I promise!”

  All of the tension left her body as she looked back at me, and it was right then that I realized that she trusted me a shit ton more than she realized. I just needed her mind to catch up with her heart now.


  Three days later…

  I was dying, I had to be. The pain that I was in couldn’t be compatible with life, I was pretty sure of it. Thankfully, I now had the next four days off to plan my funeral and to just let death take me.

  I was lying on the couch with Pippa and Dash on the floor watching me, and a heat pad on my stomach to try and stop the pain. I’d taken pretty much everything that I could take. Obviously, none of it was working. The heat pad was also making me sweat, and if it wasn’t stopping it feeling like I was being gored by a bull from the inside, I would have put it down the garbage disposal purely for being an asshole.

  Groaning as the bastard bovine took another stab at my womb with its horns, I curled into a ball and willed myself not to throw up all over Cole’s couch. So far, the Townsend’s had had to replace way too many as it was, I wasn’t about to add to that couch death count.

  Hearing the door open and Cole and his Mom’s voices as they came in, I normally would have panicked at being caught looking like a train wreck, but right now I didn’t care.

  “Holy shit, what’s wrong?” Cole shouted, making me jump and groan again.

  “Let me die,” I begged.

  “Mom, call 911,” he ordered as he fell to his knees in front of me. “Where are you hurt?” He tried lifting the heat pad off of me, and I caught myself before I put my hands around his neck and throttled him.

  “I’m not hurt,” I said on another groan.

  “Then what is it? Are you sick?” He sounded so worried that I almost smiled, but the painful death that I was going through wasn’t conducive with that.

  “Um, sweetie?” Colette said in a tone that told me she just knew what was wrong. “Can you go and get some fans from upstairs? And maybe a washcloth?”

  “Are you crazy? I’m not leaving her. Have you called the ambulance?” he snapped at her.

  “She doesn’t need an ambulance, or a doctor,” she added before he could even suggest it. “Go and get the fan and washcloth.”

  Ignoring her, he pushed my sweaty hair off my face. “Fuck me, she’s drenched. Call the damn doctor, Ma!”

  Pushing him out of the way, she lifted my hair from behind me so that my neck got some cool air. “What have you taken so far, honey?”

  “Motrin and Tylenol,” I answered, just as the fucking bull decided to attack me again.

  Nodding her head, she looked at Cole and pointed in the direction of the stairs with a stern look on her face. “Get them, now!”

  Looking like a wounded puppy, he walked slowly towards the stairs looking back a couple of times before huffing and going up them.

  “Okay honey, we’ll get you sorted out. Are they normally this bad?” Colette asked as she fussed around me.

  “They can be.”

  “You realize he’s going to freak out when he finds out what’s wrong don’t you?” She looked warily at the stairs. All I could do was nod. “Well, you can always come and stay at ours if he gets too much.”

  Cole chose that moment to stomp into the room and place the fan on the table in front of me, before plugging it in and putting it on high. The cool air was heaven!

  “I’m going to go and get her some cold water and wet this cloth,” Colette stood up. Turning to Cole, she warned, “Behave yourself.”

  He watched her leave with a baffled expression, but something she said must have hit a chord with him because his head snapped in my direction as his face went gray. “No! Please no,” he begged, shaking his head back and forth and holding a hand up. “You can’t!”

  Rolling my eyes, I turned my face so that the fan was blowing straight onto it. I hated feeling sweaty.

  “Oh God,” I heard a thud but refused to open my eyes to see what was going on. “I don’t think I can take this,” he whined.

  I heard the sound of Colette’s shoes
on the floor as she walked back towards us and the sigh she gave as she got close enough to see whatever the asshole was doing.

  “I take it you told him,” she muttered as she wiped the cloth across my face. The sigh of relief that left me was so loud that I almost felt embarrassed.

  “He figured it out,” I muttered, as I opened my eyes and looked in the direction of the big fat tit who was now rocking back and forth.

  Standing up, she turned to face him and put her hands on her hips. “You listen to me Cole, women get their periods,” he went even paler and shuddered. “Grow up!”

  Shooting up to his feet, he stood glaring at her. “It’s a legitimate phobia, you evil woman.” His expression was so indignant that I would have laughed if I didn’t know that I would end up getting el toro asshole stabbing me in retaliation.

  Shaking her head, Colette turned back to me. “Let me see if Cole has any of the painkillers he was given when he left hospital after the explosion, and then when you’re due your next dose of medication you can take those. Look after her!” she said over her shoulder to Cole who was looking from me to the front door.

  “It’s not contagious you insensitive twat!”

  He went to take a step towards me and then stopped. Thankfully Colette had been quick and walked back in rattling a pill bottle in her hand.

  “I’m coming to stay with you,” I told her.

  “The fuck you are,” Captain shit face spoke up.

  “Cole, you can’t cope with it. She’s better off where she can get over the worse of it, okay?” Colette implored. “It’s only for a couple of days.”

  “She stays here,” he pointed at the floor in emphasis. “Just, please, say it’s appendicitis or something, okay?”

  Sighing, I looked back at Colette who looked like she was doing her best not to burst out laughing and then nodded. “Okay Cole, I’m dying of appendicitis.” Walking up to me, he dropped back to his knees and started to wipe my face with the washcloth that was cool again because the fan had been blowing on it. I gave him enough time to wipe me down before asking a genuine request, but one that I knew would have him freaking out. “I need you to go and get me some tampons.” He froze and stared at me in horror. “Super sized!”


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