Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 4

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Yeah...what do ya need?” Sam called out, getting into the shower, turning on the cold water.

  “Is everything alright baby? Do you want me to call down and have them bring up a bottle of Jack for you?” Becca asked.

  “Nah, I’m fine. Order whatever you want. I’m gonna take a shower and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day at the track.” The blonde took a deep breath as she stepped under the freezing spray, swearing quietly.

  Becca shrugged and called down for a bottle of champagne and some strawberries before bed. After enjoying both, soaking in a bubble bath in the other bathroom connected to the suite, she laid down for the night, quickly falling asleep.


  The next morning, Carl and John were listening to Tatum try to explain the ruined ignition switch. “I have no idea how it could have happened, but I can have it fixed in less than five minutes.”

  “You had better, because if not, it looks like I might need two new drivers instead of one. And Addison gets the contract with no real competition from you at all, Dana,” Carl spoke coldly before leaving his driver in his garage to frantically worked over the car.

  Addison on the other hand was already down at pit row, listening to her IPod, which was tucked away in the inside of her jumpsuit. Her suit was only halfway on as she stared at her pit crew putting on fresh tires, nothing left that she had to do.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sam looked down at her pressed jeans and white silk shirt. For some reason, she was nervous about seeing Addison again, and it was driving her up the wall. Looking over to Becca, she frowned as she saw the marks around the redhead’s wrists. “Thought I told you to cover those up,” the blonde snarled.

  “And hide what you did to me last night? I don’t think so; don’t do the crime if you can’t put in some time, dear heart.” Becca smirked, thinking of Sam talking about this driver all morning. It was bad enough she was female, but as Becca caught sight of her, she realized the girl was beautiful too. ‘Great!’ she thought. ‘Competition.’

  Leaning over until her face was a mere inch away from Becca’s, Sam growled, “These are my father’s friends, and I will not have you flaunting our sex life in front of them, so cover them up or go back to the hotel. Your choice.”

  “Temper, temper, baby girl.” Becca ran a finger over Sam’s lips, but she backed down this time, and wandered over to a vendor’s cart to buy a racing jacket to cover up her wrists.

  Walking up to the pit area, Sam shook hands with the owners before looking around the busy area, smirking as she saw Tatum watching his crew work on his car. “What happened?”

  “His ignition wire was shredded this morning, which he thinks someone did intentionally. He didn’t say it, but I know he was implying it was Addison.” When Carl saw Sam’s face, he smiled. “Don’t worry; I know McCloud didn’t do it. I’ve never seen her do anything underhanded in the two years she’s worked for me.”

  “She didn’t. I was here with her most of the night. I couldn’t sleep and I wanted to learn more about her, in case she won today.” Sam’s smirk let them know that she was certain that the young woman was going to win anyway. “I called the track and had them put in added security just in case. Check with them if you need to know anything.”

  “All of the garages have video camera’s Sam,” Carl smirked as John left; he hadn’t wanted him to hear this part. “And you spent a good two hours at least with her; did you enjoy her company?” He gave her a good ribbing; Carl didn’t judge Sam by her personal life.

  Sam ducked her head, but stared back at her friend. “And what, pray tell, did Tatum’s camera show?”

  “That he shredded the wire himself. I’m glad you caught him though. If you hadn’t, I was going to fire him this morning. Which I’m going to do anyway, but let’s just enjoy the show shall we?” Carl grinned, adjusting his Conway Freight racing hat and putting on a pair of sunglasses.

  “Oh let’ would be just too bad if that footage got to the news after the firing and he’s made all of the excuses. Might just make sure that no one else hires him for a while,” Sam offered. She usually didn’t like underhandedness, but knew sometimes it was necessary.

  Carl laughed. “Can I get you anything or did you want to go see McCloud?” The sunglasses hid the glint in his eye.

  Sam took a step towards her friend. “Don’t go there, Carl. She’s a good kid, and I’m gonna try and keep her that way.” It shocked the blonde on how much she actually meant that.

  “That’s exactly why I’m worried Sam, she’s young and naive, but not stupid. Good head on her shoulders, but those Europeans will eat her alive. Keep a good eye on her, that’s all I can really ask if you’re going to take her from me.” Carl put his hands up, warding off any angry words. “I was going to give her Dana’s job before all of this went down.”

  “You might want to tell her that before she goes. It will mean a lot to her, knowing that you thought that much of her. And don’t worry; I’ll keep a close eye on her.” She turned and caught the women in question, looking their way. “Tell me about her dad. Is he going to be a problem, and what’s a good figure to offer him?”

  “He means well, but he stopped being able to draw the line between being her manager and being her father a very long time ago,” Carl advised as he smiled at Addison and pointed to his watch. She nodded and hopped off the barrier of the Pit. Walking around the car, Addison began her pre-race routine. “Let McCloud make the racing calls and let him make the business calls, if you can help it. As for a good figure, a cool million could keep him compliant. Addison is who you’re really going to pay the big money for.”

  “What do you mean Carl? I’m not letting him travel with us. Addison doesn’t need that kind of distraction. Her pit boss is all that she wants to join her; I may allow another crewmember, but not her dad. His expectations are different than my own for her as my driver.” Sam crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Good, because he’s been a distraction for her for the past two seasons. Arnie huh? Good mechanic, excellent pit boss.” Carl looked at his watch before looking back up at Sam. “It’s been good to see you Sam. I know you’ll be leaving after this race and probably taking her with you. So if I don’t see you later, don’t be a stranger.” He clasped her in a hug and then left for his Skybox over the track to watch the race.

  Turning, Sam watched as Addison hefted herself into the car and Arnie reached in to make sure that she was buckled in. Reaching for a set of headphones, she put them on and, before she could stop herself, she keyed the mike. “Hey Addi.”

  It took a few seconds for the driver to respond and Sam knew it was because of surprise, which colored the girls tone when she answered finally. “Good morning Sam, how are you?”

  “I’m good...just wanted to tell you to have fun today.” Sam wanted to tell the girl that she had the job, but didn’t want her to become distracted.

  “It’s always fun behind the wheel; you should know that by now,” Addison teased. She knew other people were listening on the line, but she wanted to thank her new mentor for her help last night. “Thanks, by the way. For last night I mean. I had a good time.”

  “Anytime you need to talk, just let me know. And so did I. Now get to work. You’ve got a job to win.” Sam chuckled to let the girl know she was kidding.

  All of the drivers, including Tatum began to put up the nettings on the driver side window preparing to depart pit row. Addison keyed up Arnie, who was wearing his own headset. “Hey Arnie, she sounds fantastic.”

  “You were the one who was up at six am this morning and skipped her run to listen to her purr in the garage,” the pit boss laughed, as he watched the mass of cars, including Addison’s, pull away from the barrier and began to leave pit row as a giant mass.

  It took about thirty minutes to get all the cars lined up properly for the pace car to lead them as a pack, one time around the track before the checkered flag went up and swept down. The roar of the e
ngines truly came to life. Carl had arranged for Tatum and McCloud to have spots next to one another, so they could fight for the front on equal footing.

  The first one hundred laps of the two hundred-lap race, Tatum spent toying with Addison like he was trying to make her slam into another car. On the hundred and fiftieth lap, however he succeeded in pinning her car between the wall and his own while sparks flew up into the crowds as the cars accelerated up to speeds of almost two hundred miles an hour.

  James McCloud watched on with his hand on his headset as he rapidly talked to Addison on her frequency. “Addison, you’ve got to get rid of him or he’s going to get that contract! Now pull your head out of your ass and DRIVE.”

  Arnie shook his head as he tried to help Addison in his own, more affective way, “McCloud, his engine is going to overheat anytime now, you’ve been pitting every chance you’ve had, and he’s been staying out there. His tires are almost bald by now. Just wait for it.”

  “Give me a headset,” Sam growled as she yanked one off Tatum’s crew chief and put it on. “ son of a bitch. What the fuck do you think that you’re doing? It’s supposed to be a clean race.”

  “You girls in F1 may not know how to muscle your way through the pack like I did growing up in the Bronx,” Tatum shot back nastily. “But this is how it’s done, so why don’t you sit that cute little ass down and enjoy watching how a real man drives?”

  Keying the headset to Addison frequency, Sam kept her voice calm as she spoke to the young driver, “ that damn Yankee how Southern women drive.” Samantha Jayne Dupree let her Southern accent flow from her like honey. “Blow him a kiss as you fly by for me Darlin’.”

  Slamming on her brakes, Addison let smoke pour up from all four of the thick Dunlop tires on her car. As Tatum’s car lost its buffer between itself and the wall, he slammed into the barrier wall with enough force to pop one of the tires.

  The Mustang flew around the damaged car in a stunning display of control and instead of Addison blowing Tatum a kiss on the way by, she held up her middle finger.

  Sam looked up and saw the motion on one of the many screens that they had around in the pit areas and pumped her fist. “Good job Addi, now finish up the race. You’ve got some celebrating to do.”

  After her little spectacle, Addison’s father was furious at her display of unsportsmanlike conduct, but he was happy she won. She had come in seventh place in the pole standings, while Tatum had been unable to finish the race.

  As Addison was pulling herself out of her car, Arnie helped her with a big bear hug. “Congratulations, word just came down you got the job.” Addison was grinning behind her helmet as she tried to pull it off only to be shoved hard by Tatum from behind.

  “What the fuck was that?” Tatum was screaming.

  “You don’t ever put your hands on my daughter!” James yelled back; he rescued his daughter in the nick of time by shoving Tatum back hard.

  Tatum lunged at James only to be grabbed by Carl Hendricks in a headlock. “You need to calm down Dana, or I’ll have you escorted by security to a police escort myself.”

  Sam had placed herself in front of Addison, putting a hand on the girl’s shoulder and the other one outstretched towards Tatum. “Tatum, you’re a sore loser, and a lousy driver.” She inclined her head towards Carl. “May I?”

  Carl pushed Tatum towards a pair of security guards, who grabbed him, holding him still. Addison looked a bit frightened as she pulled off her helmet, backing away, but staying close to Sam. For some reason, she felt like the blonde wouldn’t let anything happen to her

  “Check out the monitors Tatum...they’re showing you trashing your own ignition and then heading over to Addison’s garage. Wonder what you were going to do there? I think that NASCAR is going to want to have a few words with you,” Sam stated.

  Tatum tried to disentangle himself from the security guards, but they carried him off as Addison sat down on the barrier while Arnie handed her a bottle of water.

  “So Ms. Dupree, are you going to honor your agreement with Mr. Hendricks about Addison coming to work for you at Dupree?” James McCloud asked, without even looking at his daughter.

  “If your daughter wants to drive for me, then the job is hers,” Sam said as she stared hard at the man. “It’s her decision.”

  Addison’s father rounded on her with an expectant expression, almost demanding she take the job. “Well Addison?” he asked rudely, as Addi looked up at him.

  She looked at Sam with a small smile. “I’d like to come work for you, if that’s alright with you Ms. Dupree. I mean Sam.”

  Sam couldn’t help but smile back at the young girl before she turned to James. “Do you have a lawyer on hand? We will be leaving first thing in the morning and I want to get all of this settled by then. I’ve already talked things over with Carl and John.”

  “We keep an attorney on standby,” Carl spoke up. “Let the kid shower and you can bring the contracts to her trailer in say, oh, half an hour?”

  James shook Sam’s hand happily. It was obvious the man thought he was going with his daughter and that his yellow brick road was paved the whole way to Oz.

  “Why don’t you and I talk first James, and give Addison time to relax?” Sam offered. She didn’t want the man to blow his daughter’s moment.

  “That sounds like a good idea Ms. Dupree.” James offered up the use of his own trailer, which was parked next to Addison’s. Addison and Sam walked in silence as James talked with Carl and John. As the group split up, Addi left them to unlock her trailer and close the door behind her.

  James unlocked the door to his own trailer, opened the door, and stepped aside for Sam to go in first. The inside of the trailer was definitely Spartan, but here and there were pictures of a woman who had Addison’s eyes, and nose, along with two younger children, a teenage boy and a young girl of whom Sam assumed was Maddie. “Please sit down. I hear you like Jack Daniels.” He laughed, opening up a cooler and pulling out a bottle for her, along with a glass.

  “I’ll pass until after you and I have come to an agreement.” Sam pulled out a contract and laid it on the table. “You get a lump sum of one-million dollars for relinquishing all rights to Addison’s money that she has made or will make in the future. Nothing that you have taken so far will be taken back so it’s yours and your families, but from now on, any money that Addison makes is hers to spend or invest as she sees fit. I will hire an independent agent and an accountant to help her with her finances in the future.”

  James stared at Sam Dupree like she’d stolen a sucker right out of his mouth. And in this case, robbed his cookie jar too. “Are you kidding me? You’re trying to buy my daughter off of me?” He shook his head, leaning back in his seat staring at her coolly. “That fact aside, I can’t trust your accountant who’s paid by you to not swindle her.”

  “Carl, can you recommend an accountant for Addison that you trust?” Sam countered.

  James was caught off guard, unable believe what he had just heard so he just opened the bottle of Jack and poured himself a shot. He looked her in the eye and swallowed the shot without a flinch. “No amount of money you can offer me is going to make me part with my daughter. I know this has been her dream all her life to race in your kind of world, but I don’t know if I can accept money as a basic bribe to take my child.”

  “This is not a bribe. This is a business transaction from a racecar owner talking to an agent. I know that you have a standard contract with Addison, and I’m buying it out. You can’t stop me and I don’t even have to offer you any money, but you have given up time and effort, so you deserve something.” Sam brought out a copy of the contract on record between him and his daughter.

  James looked at Sam for a long moment before picking up both contracts. Shaking his head, he put one down and took the pen she offered him silently. He paused over the dotted line, but signed it quickly before sliding it back across the table to her. “I don’t really have anything to say
to you because I’m not entirely happy this is the way things are going, but I will be watching you. She’s my kid, my oldest. I have an extra bit of pride in her.” With that, he got up, taking one more shot of Jack before leaving the trailer.

  Carl shook his head while John poured himself a strong vodka and tonic, taking a sip. Carl accepted a Bud Light from his partner, looking at Sam. “Well, you got what you were after, a new blocker. Here’s to your stable.” He lifted his bottle.

  Sam leaned back and sighed. “I think that Addison will end up being a better driver than me.” She reached inside her briefcase, pulled out a certified check for a million dollars, and placed it on the table. “This should make him feel a little bit better. Your checks with the agreed amounts have already been deposited into your accounts as soon as the race was official.”

  Carl smiled and put the check aside as John took his leave...he had to explain a few things to the press. Carl Hendricks played with the label on his bottle. “Now I’m in the middle of the season with no drivers, and a publicity stunt gone awry.” He laughed, looking at Sam. “I’m going to go head hunting to pick up some new talent. Don’t you have an impromptu private meeting with your new blocker?” he asked as he stood up to drain the last of his beer.

  “Yeah, I’ve got a contract signing with her and a lawyer. You wanna sit in?” Sam hated that her reputation preceded her even with her oldest friends. She had only herself to blame.

  “No thanks, but I appreciate the offer. She’s all yours now.” He shook her hand and opened the door, leaving quietly.

  Picking up the contracts, Sam stowed them in her briefcase and stood up to leave. She stopped for a moment to stare at the family pictures. Addison stood a little apart from her family, but looked happy. Sighing, the blonde left the RV and headed to the one next door.

  She could hear music coming through the windows, and had to smile as she sat down on a bench to wait.


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