Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 18

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Can I kiss you then?” Sam whispered back.

  “Please do.” Addison smiled as her hands inched up Sam’s arms and then finally wound into blonde tresses pulling the blonde closer to her.

  Leaning down, she gently kissed her driver, moaning at the touch of their bodies and the warmth of the mouth that she slowly invaded. Addison’s kisses were so damn addictive; she never wanted to stop.

  “Mmm, Sammie you taste like a really delicious steak.” Addi laughed as they broke away to breathe. “You eat dinner baby?” She blushed when she uttered her hidden nickname for Sam.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t wait. I was starving. Do you want me to order you something?” She loathed stepping away, but she would if the redhead needed her to order something.

  “You. Covered in chocolate and whip cream.” Addison smiled as she pulled Sam down for another heated kiss by the lapels on her robe. Moaning softly, she plundered the blonde’s mouth before pulling back. She heard Sam’s cell phone ringing in the other room so she left the blonde alone. “I’m going to order something to eat before we go out tonight; I mean if you want to go out?”

  “Uhh...I’ll arrange that if you really want.” Sam couldn’t get her mind away from the visual even though she was walking over to her cell phone and opening it up. “Uhh, Dupree.”

  “Sam. Donald Jenks.” Sam knew the name since it was her publicist. “We need to talk. Over the phone is fine, but I need to clear up some rumors I’m hearing.”

  Sighing, Sam turned and walked over to the sofa, determined to be comfortable through this. “Go ahead Donald...let’s get this over with.”

  “Sam, honestly...I’m a little worried about your image. Nick told me you’re sleeping with Addison McCloud, your new blocker you just hired. This could blow up in your face, you know that,” Donald complained.

  “That’s all that we are doing, Donald...sleeping. And even if it was something more, we’re both adults and consenting at that,” Sam growled back.

  “I’m just trying to keep you selling magazines and that company of yours making millions. Sam, I’ve worked with you since you started racing. I suggest that you start giving the press the idea you aren’t sleeping with her. Start dating again, quickly. If you want to come out with it when you’re both comfortable, that’s fine with me, but this is for your image.” The publicist sighed again.

  “You mean the lesbian Casanova? If you’re a model, I’ll fuck your image. I wish I had never started this side of the business up. I know that it’s brought people in, but it may cost me more than it’s worth,” Sam sighed, leaning her head against the back of the sofa.

  “Samantha Dupree, this is the business, this is how you sell parts, tickets, and magazine covers. Do what you do best, and don’t be an idiot. Tell the girl, if she means that much to you, it’s worth hiding it from the press until you are comfortable as a couple.”

  “’ll get your magazine covers and your fucking commission, but I’m letting you know now, I’m not going to do this much longer. Life is too short,” Sam countered back.

  “Hey, you hired me to make you look good to the press. And that’s what I’m doing. Goodbye Sam. And good luck.” Donald ended the phone call.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Sam closed the phone and barely restrained from throwing it across the room. She took several deep breaths and contacted her lawyer to see what she would have to do to get out of her contract with PR firm.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison finished eating her own steak and potato quickly with a small burp to finish it off with. Cleaning up, she pushed the cart outside the door and left it with Sven. Sticking her head into Sam’s room, she saw the blonde taking deep breaths, holding her phone to her head. The redhead knew the blonde needed alone time so turned on her flat iron and curling iron, and jumped into the shower to start getting ready for the night.

  Finally, rousing herself off the sofa, Sam wandered to Addison’s side of the suite and found herself leaning against the door jamb, watching the young woman bathe. She gripped the jamb so hard her fingernails left indentations because she was holding herself back from stripping off her clothes and joining Addison in the shower. She knew that if she did, she would be hard pressed not to make love to her.

  The younger driver slowly washed her hair and bathed, taking her time, wanting to smell good for Sam. Cutting off the water, she leaned around the shower door and blushed when she saw her girlfriend watching her. “Honey, could you hand me that towel?”

  Picking up a nearby towel, Sam held it up. “You mean this one? Come get it.” She bit her bottom lip and wiggled her eyebrows.

  “You are insufferable,” Addison whined, but left the safety of the shower to snatch the towel out of Sam’s hands. “Jerk.”

  Giving a heavy sigh, Sam admitted, “Yeah, I am that...umm, Addi...we need to talk.” The blonde stayed where she was, but stared at the floor.

  “That doesn’t sound good.” Addison fought the wave of nervousness that threatened to tug her under as she wrapped her stolen towel around her body.

  “Nick told you what happened, and I just got a call from my PR guy who insisted I be seen with other women until we’re comfortable to be seen as a couple. I told him that this is the last time. That I’m tired of that reputation, and I want something more. I want....” Sam sighed and shook her head, running her hand through her hair.

  Addison blinked. Sam had to be seen with other women. Seen with other women, doing what exactly? Suddenly Addison was seeing visions of Sam kissing other girls, touching women the way she touched Addison. The redhead tried to stay calm. “” She rubbed the back of her neck and left the bathroom to go into her part of the suite.

  “Addi wait....” Sam followed her driver. “I told you last night that this might happen, and I promised you that I wouldn’t kiss them, and I won’t. I want to be with you Addison.” She couldn’t believe that she was pleading, but she knew that this woman was the one for her.

  “And I believe you, I do.” Addison turned around to face the blonde when she finally sat down on the bed. “I want to be with you too, I want to be your girlfriend, every day, not just when the press isn’t around.” She sighed sitting beside Sam. “And I know tonight you’ll be dancing with other women. Instead of me.”

  “I don’t ever dance with any of the women, I watch them dance, but I will dance with you one day. I promise.” She sighed looked at the redhead. “Whenever you’re ready to be seen as my girlfriend, I’ll end this and we won’t have to hide anymore.”

  Addison turned and kissed Sam, pushing the older woman back onto the bed behind them. Addi even yanked her towel off as she spread her body over the blonde’s. “I want you to remember it’s me you’re going to be sleeping with tonight,” Addi pouted.

  Reaching behind the redhead to clasp her ass, Sam moaned, plundering Addison’s lips hungrily.

  The redhead rolled her hips into Sam’s with a sharp gasp. “Sammie...” she moaned. They made out feverishly for a while, until Addison pulled back and sat up, astride Sam’s waist, naked. “Okay, I have to get dressed. And so do you. Everyone expects Sam Dupree to party tonight because she won today.”

  Sitting up along with Addi, Sam didn’t even try to stop herself as she placed her mouth over one of the redhead’s breasts and covered the other with her hand.

  “Fuck...” Addison cursed as her head fell back and her hands slid up into Sam’s hair. She pulled the blonde’s mouth closer as her hips ground down on Sam’s lap. “Baby...” she moaned softly unable to stop calling Sam that nickname.

  Switching breasts, Sam groaned at the scent that was slowly filling the room. It was so Addison; a heady musk with a sweet aftertaste.

  “Sammie,” Addison whispered again as her body began to warm everywhere. The redhead wanted her boss in the worst way.

  Pulling the redhead back until she was lying on top of her, Sam slid a thigh between the woman’s legs and pressed against her
clit. “Slide up and down on my leg. It will help.”

  Shaking a bit, Addison did as she was instructed and straddled Sam’s thigh. The instant the muscle came in contact with her intimate parts, the redhead naturally began to roll her hips over Sam’s thigh. “Sam...” she gasped, her hands on either side of the blonde’s head as she stared down at her.

  Reaching up, the blonde covered both of Addison’s breasts with her hands and squeezed them lightly, watching the young woman come undone above her.

  Addi bit down hard on her bottom lip before she gasped hard. Then the younger woman crushed her lips to Samantha’s as her orgasm began. Addison felt like her body was being shaken apart thread by thread. “S-s-s-Sammie,” she bit out as her eyes opened and she pulled back letting her gray eyes stare down into green.

  “Come on Darlin’...cum for me,” Sam whispered. “I’m right here. I...I’ve got ya.”

  “For you...” Addison gasped as her eyes rolled back and her hips arched with extra force. Sam felt her bare thigh drenched with a sticky warmth as the redhead came hard, shuddering in her arms.

  Rising up, Sam kissed the young woman with a reverence that she felt from the bottom of her heart before holding her close to her chest, never moving her thigh as Addison continued to have tiny tremors.

  Pulling away from the kiss, Sam waited until Addison focused on her. “You are my girlfriend Addison McCloud. I don’t want anyone else, but I have to for business. I want to shout it to the heavens that you have chosen me above all others, and that I am officially off the market.”

  Addi slid her hands under the robe across Sam’s collarbone before she leaned down to kiss her possessively. “Off the market?” she asked softly.

  “Off the market. You are the only one who can touch,” Sam whispered back, letting the young woman do what she wanted.

  A lone finger trailed down Samantha’s sternum to the tie in her robe, Addison smiled like a Cheshire cat. “Good. I’m going to go get dressed; you might want to do the same. Oh, and call your date,” the redhead teased before sliding off Sam and walking naked back into the bathroom.

  “Call my date?” The blonde sat up. “What do you mean, call my date?” She followed the redhead into the bathroom.

  Addison began to divide her hair turning on the blow dryer and started to dry her hair. “Well, are you just going to watch every woman at the club dance or actually have a date?” Addison asked curiously.

  “No, Nick will find someone and make sure that they sign all the right papers saying that they won’t talk and bring them to me.” Sam walked over to the sink to grab a washcloth to clean her thigh.

  The redhead blushed, watching Sam out of the corner of her eye. “I see,” Addison sighed finishing drying her hair. Next, she straightened it perfectly before pinning it up in large rollers. She wrapped her body up in a white short silk robe. “Then go call Nick. I want my outfit to be a surprise.”

  “Yes boss.” Sam smiled as she left the room to change and call Nick. Pulling on a black halter-top and a pair of pants that were opened from her thighs to her ankles, she slid on a pair of heels before she walked into the living area to call her assistant.

  “ about ready?”

  “Always, I have a blonde about twenty-three, fresh out of law school, a cute little brunette with almost gray eyes, who’s an aspiring actress and then I have a redhead, who’s a model. Which do you want, Your Majesty?”

  “They have all signed the paperwork?” the blonde asked as she poured herself a Jack.

  “Yes ma’am they have, though the redhead said she’d fuck you for free.” Nick laughed into the phone.

  “Then I’ll take the brunette and the blonde. Tell the redhead to fuck off. I have the only redhead I need.” Sam smiled as she remembered Addi straddled over her.

  “You got it Sweet Cheeks. The blonde is Karissa and the brunette is Adelle. Enjoy. Shall I send them up with Sven or have them wait down here in your limo? I’m going to call Addison a separate car.”

  “I’ll head down now, so have them in my limo. Thanks Nicky...I’m really sorry that you have to do this. I feel like you’re my pimp,” Sam sighed.

  “Girl, I make good money pimping you out. Tell Addison hey for me, and if she wants, I’ll be her date,” Nick offered generously. “I’d hate to think of that adorable little cupcake alone all night at the club while you have two dates.”

  “I want you and Sven to stay close to her tonight. I don’t want any press to get within ten feet of her. Do you understand?” Sam ordered as she walked through the room, picking up her clutch.

  “Crystal clear boss. No press, photographers or anyone within ten feet of Addison. Does that include us normal people too?” Nick teased.

  “Just help her have a good time please. It’s her first win, and I want her to be able to celebrate it somewhat. Please Nicky?” the blonde stopped and pleaded with her friend.

  “Alright, alright, anything for your little beloved girlfriend,” Nick complained, but Sam knew he was smiling. “Consider Addison my top priority all evening.”

  “Thank you Nicky...see you in a few.” Closing her phone, she walked over to Addison’s room and tapped on the door. “Darlin’, I’m heading out now.”

  Addison didn’t open the door all the way, but she cracked it enough to see Sam with one eye. “Alright, have fun. I’ll be down there in a few.”

  “Sven and Nick will escort you to the club, but I wish it could be me. I guess that I’ll see you when you get there.” She smiled at the lone gray eye.

  “Someday it will be,” Addi teased back. “Get out of here, I’m done with my makeup, and my hair is almost finished. You’ll see me soon enough. I haven’t worn a dress like this ever, or even a dress in the last three years! Go!” Sam could hear the girl laughing in the bathroom.

  Sam left the shy redhead alone in her suite while she rode down in the elevator alone. Sven smiled at the blonde in the lobby before going up to stay with Addison outside their door. Nick met Sam in the limo with the two women he had arranged to be Sam’s ‘dates’. Introductions were made in the car quickly, and by the time Sam stepped out of the limo at the nightclub with bulbs flashing in her face, each woman had a hold of a different hand, and were pulling her towards the nightclub.

  When they entered, Sam was ushered to a completely empty VIP area with soft plush couches, a few white day beds and all was surrounded by white gauze curtains that could be pulled closed for privacy. Bottle after bottle of Jack Daniels and any other liquor Sam requested was brought on the house and chilled to perfection.

  “Help yourself ladies and have a good time.” Sam had actually been enjoying talking to the new lawyer, Karissa. She seemed to have a pretty good head on her shoulders and being a date was just something she was doing to pay off her student loans. She had made it clear to Nick that she was strictly available as arm candy, nothing more.

  Karissa smiled warmly before taking a glass of champagne. Adelle did the same and slid her arm around the back of the couch Sam was sitting on. “So do you want to dance?” she asked softly.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison nervously checked her outfit for the hundredth time but Nick kept saying she looked beautiful and to stop fidgeting. Finally, when the limo stopped, she let Sven help her out of the car. A white dress with a deep vee covered her body, and flared out to mid-thigh. Her arms were bare, as were her shoulders, a minimal amount of fabric kept the dress from slipping and freeing her chest. Addison checked her earrings again and her own clutch before allowing Nick to lead her into the club.

  It was easy to spot Sam; the woman dominated VIP like a queen on her throne. On either side of the blonde sat a woman, probably Addison’s age; drinking champagne and sitting with the F1 driver. Addison gulped and looked away, hoping Sven could find her a table.

  Sam had been nervously watching the entrance for Addison’s arrival, and when it finally arrived, she was not disappointed. “Oh Lord, please help me,” the blonde gasped at the r
edhead’s outfit.

  Nick smiled. “Come on Sugar, VIP is waiting.” He tugged her up the short steps and past the velvet rope that separated VIP from the other club goers. Addison blushed, but let herself be pulled along. She tucked long voluptuous curls behind her ear, and then ran a finger along the silver hoop earrings. She was careful not to trip over her high heels as she walked towards Sam.

  Without realizing what she was doing, Sam stood and waited for the woman to walk by. She didn’t care who saw her staring; it was like she was a moth drawn to a flame.

  Karissa watched Sam stand up and stare at the new woman as she walked into VIP. There was no way she or Adelle could compete with this girl, whoever she was. Addison smiled and extended her hand to each of the women. “Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Addison McCloud.”

  The aspiring actress just shook her hand and turned away. She didn’t care who this nobody was, but Karissa quickly surmised what was going on. “Hi, I’m Karissa Campbell, and it’s nice to meet you, and congratulations on some excellent driving today.”

  Sam had frowned at the brunette’s response to Addi, but was now smiling at her and Karissa’s interaction.

  “Oh, you saw that huh?” Addi chuckled and put her clutch under her arm. “Can I buy ya’ll a drink? Any friend of Ms. Dupree’s is a friend of mine.”

  Karissa took the young woman aside and quietly explained the rules and etiquette of being in a VIP lounge; that she didn’t have to buy anyone drinks and she did it in such a way that the younger driver wasn’t embarrassed.

  Turning to Adelle, Sam leaned over and growled, “You will be polite to whoever walks up to you. You are my employee and therefore represent Dupree Motorsports. If you don’t like it, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”

  The woman wrenched her arm out of Sam’s grip and made her way over to Addison. Before reaching the redhead, she snatched two shot glasses of Jose Cuervo off a tray and handed one to Addison. The redhead bit her lip before smiling and taking the shot with Adelle. The brunette wiped her lips and whispered to Karissa that they should all go dance, Addison included.


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