Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 20

by Jennis Slaughter

  Addi swallowed the lump in her throat at the look of vulnerability on her boss’s face. “I will be once I’m in your arms, as cheesy as it sounds. You’re the only thing that makes me feel safe.” She stood up, and tugged Sam’s hand towards her bed this time.

  Letting herself be pulled into the bedroom, the blonde almost stumbled when she saw the pieces of luggage all packed up and ready to go. “Umm, ready to go, huh?”

  “Physically yes, emotionally no,” Addison admitted, letting go of Sam’s hand before walking over to the window, staring out at the sea of neon lights before she turned back to stare at Sam crossing her arms. “Part of me will never leave you,” she admitted softly, her eyes on the floor now.

  “Part of me is screaming for me to ask you not to go, but I know that I don’t have that right,” Sam whispered back. She turned away from the young woman, and started to get undressed.

  “But you do!” the voice in Addison’s head screamed as she pulled back the sheets on the bed and crawled in, facing away from Sam, whose eyes pierced Addison’s very soul; there was nowhere she could hide when Sam looked at her.

  Going into the bathroom, the blonde quickly took a shower and put on a pair of sleep pants and a tank top before turning off the light and crawling in behind the redhead, draping her arm over Addi’s waist. “Is this okay?”

  “The only way it wouldn’t be okay is if you weren’t as close as possible.” Addison turned her head to look into the almost glowing eyes of Sam Dupree. Her throat closed as she tried to tell the blonde how much she meant to her, instead she just stared.

  Pulling the smaller woman closer, Sam managed a weak smile before she pressed a kiss to Addison’s forehead. “You had better get some sleep. I’ve already arranged a flight for you and Sven to your home. The flight leaves at ten.”

  “Sven doesn’t have to come,” Addison fruitlessly argued. “Shouldn’t he stay with you?”

  “No, he stays with you. I don’t know if your father will try something, and I won’t take the chance. You’re too...” she stopped as she couldn’t say another word around the lump in her throat.

  Addison turned over, one of her hands slid under Sam’s arm tracing circles on her lower back as it slid under her sleep tank top. “I’m too what Sammie?” She leaned back to look at the blonde.

  “You’re too important to me Addi. I couldn’t take it if something happened to you,” the blonde admitted.

  Scooting up towards Samantha, Addison tilted her head back and kissed her softly, slowly. She was going have to last a week and a half without those kisses, those eyes, that beautiful smile. It was going to be hard, but worth it when Addi got back, she could give all of herself to the blonde. “I can’t wait to come back to you,” she whispered, breaking away.

  “Are you going to come back?” Sam whispered.

  Addison framed the beautiful face above hers with strong hands, bringing Sam’s lips closer, but she didn’t kiss her. Instead, defiant gray eyes were now level with Sam’s green so she could say her next words eye to eye. “Yes, I am going to come back. And when I do come back, in eight days, there won’t be any part of me you can’t have Sam.” She let the insinuation hang in the air between them.

  Sam smiled while she held back her tears. “Only if you are ready Darlin’. You don’t know what your family is going to say. Let’s just see how things go. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I don’t think my family gets a say in who I give my virginity to.” Addison rolled Sam over so she could straddle her waist. She was starting to get mad that Sam wouldn’t listen to her.

  “No, they don’t have a say on whom you give it to, but I know that their opinion can sway minds. I was lucky Addi. My father was very open and giving with his love.” Sam placed her hands on the younger woman’s hips.

  The redhead sighed. “And I understand that, the only person who holds any sway on my opinion is my mother.”

  Reaching up to make sure that Addison was looking at her, Sam gently replied, “I know that you can make your own choices, and I am honored that you want to give yourself to me. I want to share my life with you Addison, but I also want you to be sure, because once your virginity is given, it can never be gotten back.” Sam was hoping that the younger woman knew what she was trying to say.

  Nodding Addison agreed, “I know, once it’s gone I can’t get it back.” The redhead rolled off Sam and lay on her back staring at the ceiling, her thoughts bouncing around in her head. “You are the only person besides my mom, my brother, or my sister, to ever make me feel like anything special.”

  Rising onto her side and looking down at the redhead, Sam whispered, “You are so special that I can’t find enough words. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. Now come here and let me hold you.” She laid back down and opened her arms.

  Addi didn’t hesitate in rolling right into Sam’s arms, their hips locking together perfectly as she buried her face in Sam’s neck sighing. “I don’t want to leave, but this is going to be my only chance to see my family for a while, since I want to spend every second working with you.”

  Brushing her lips against silky hair, Sam murmured, “It’s been awhile since you’ve seen them, and I’m not going anywhere, so enjoy. Sleep sweet, Darlin’.” Sam kissed Addi’s upturned lips briefly.

  “I always do when I’m with you,” Addi rhymed jokingly with a yawn before she closed her eyes. It didn’t take the redhead long after such an exhausting, emotional day to fall asleep.

  Holding the young woman, Sam stared up at the ceiling for the rest of the night, trying to figure out when she had fallen in love. There was no set moment, but she thought that it began with their first walk on the beach and only grew with each passing phone call, text message, or instant message. She couldn’t stay away from the school when Addison was in France, and she had shown up many times to watch her progress from afar.

  Addi snuggled closer and one of her legs slipped between Sam’s, only enforcing the idea that they were a perfect match. Rubbing the young woman’s back, the blonde sighed; once again, she was going to be alone. This time however, she couldn’t justify going out and finding someone to fuck. She couldn’t do that to herself or Addison. Sam knew who she wanted and that person was lying in her arms. It would take a very long time to get over the redhead if she decided not to pursue a relationship anymore.

  Cursing Becca, Sam finally drifted off to sleep as the early morning came up and the city slowly stirred to life.


  The second sunlight hit the back of Addison’s eyelids; she awoke and slid out of the bed quietly, successful in not waking up Sam. Quickly showering and dressing, she made sure the letter was on the pillow before she stared down at her boss. “When I come back...there won’t any part of me you can’t have,” she whispered, leaving the suite with Deuce.

  When the door snickered shut, Sam opened her eyes and turned to look at the empty side of the bed, seeing the note. Sitting up, she stared at it a long while before reaching out and reading it.


  I knew that if you were awake when I left, I wouldn’t be able to leave you. These last few months with you have changed my life in ways I never thought possible. What was once a scared little kid, now is hopefully growing into a woman because of the love I know you have for me. You don’t have to say it Sammie, and I hope to God I’m not misinterpreting it. The reason I’m going home is to get my head on straight. Coming out to my family is the first step in us proceeding as the couple I know you would want us to be. I don’t know where you will be when I get back, but I’m relying on Nick to relay the information to me.

  Part of me wants to say this isn’t because of Becca, but that would be a lie, and I won’t lie to you since you promised never to lie to me. What she said to me was so hurtful that to repeat it would make this note wet with tears, but I’ll try, I’m not enough woman for you, she said you’d take my innocence and move on to the next big thing. My deepest fear is that I’ll give m
yself to you and it won’t make a dent in that image I know you have, Casanova. However, I promise you that when I do return, there isn’t any part of me you can’t have Sammie, including my heart. I want you, I want us, and I want this relationship. Becca can go to hell Sammie; she lost out in my opinion.

  -Yours Addi-

  Tears ran down her face and fell on the note, causing Sam to moan and carefully fold the note and place it back on the pillow. Trying to swallow the lump in her throat, she stood up and walked over to the window to look out over the city once more.

  In the sunlight, it lost the splendor that it had at night, and looked dirty and crowded. Looking down, she saw people scurrying around like tiny ants and felt empty and alone. Turning away, she went into the bathroom to take care of her morning needs before she dressed in a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a pair of boots. Brushing out her hair, she headed into the living area to find her phone.

  There was a hard knock at the suite door.

  Walking over, Sam opened the door to see Becca leaning against the door jamb. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Such language so early in the morning, and when I’m not naked.” Becca shoved past the tall woman hard, muscling her way in to pour herself a cup of coffee from the machine in the kitchenette. It was customary for Addison to start Sam a pot of coffee each morning.

  “Get out Becca. I don’t want you here.” Sam stayed at the door holding it open. “I want my breakfast to stay down.”

  “You know, I just got off the phone with a few little magazines who’d love to have an exclusive about Addison McCloud, and her start in F1.” Becca yawned, taking a sip of coffee and before pulling her pack of cigarettes out of her purse. Packing them, she pulled one out and smiled at Sam ruefully.

  Slamming the door shut, the blonde walked over to snatch the cigarette out of her hand. “This is a non-smoking room and you have nothing to tell them, so what’s your plan?”

  Becca rolled her eyes at Sam’s dramatics. “Oh there is plenty of story to tell, the first time Sam Dupree ever set eyes on the feisty redhead and then stole her from NASCAR....” Becca smiled dreamily at her exclusive and the enormous paycheck she would receive. Stopping she smiled. “Your little toy out for a morning jog?”

  “That’s none of your business and I didn’t steal her. You’re just pissed off that I dumped you.” Sam turned away. “What in the hell had she ever seen in the woman,” she wondered.

  “Yeah, you did, and rudely, might I add. Heaven forbid you be kissed in public Sam. Do you let Addison touch you in public?” Becca retorted; she wanted to slap the taste out of Sam’s mouth.

  “That wasn’t the reason and you know it. I had enough of you and it had quit being fun,” Sam shot back, hoping that she would let the other question go.

  Becca Fontaine didn’t miss an opportunity to catch Sam Dupree unaware. “Still not brought the kid out of the closet, huh Sam?”

  Waving her hand like she was swatting at a fly, Sam huffed, “Just get to the point Becca. What do you want?”

  “Don’t blacklist me. And no magazine covers for your little girlfriend,” Becca growled, ignoring the cup of coffee she had poured now. “Fix that issue for me and you have me out of your hair.” The model neglected to say that Sam probably still had other enemies; she wasn’t going to let Addison off so easily.

  “ get out, you’ve ruined a perfectly good morning.” Sam walked over to open the door. “Hope to never see you again.”

  Becca smiled and left quickly, but she had other plans forming in her mind already. She needed to talk to Dana Tatum quickly.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison was a nervous wreck the entire time she was in the air. She and Sven had a layover in Hawaii for a few hours before they were back on a plane headed for LA and yet another layover before she made it to Hot Springs. Her house in the country was quiet by the time the Yellow Cab Taxi dropped the duo and dog off.

  Deuce didn’t like being left upfront, growling at the driver the entire drive from the airport, but Addison had been preoccupied staring a picture of Sam she’d printed off her camera from their trip to the zoo. Her fingertip traced the photo repeatedly so often that now Addi knew Sam’s face better than her own. The quicker she talked to her mother, the quicker she could get back to Sam and to racing.

  She spent the first three days in Arkansas fishing and just trying to relax away from the frantic pace of racing overseas. Sam had been right all those months ago about letting her hair down stateside since the sport wasn’t so large over here.

  On the fourth day in Arkansas, Addison had finished changing the oil on her Jeep Wrangler when she knew it was time to call her mom. Locating her iPhone on the workbench in her makeshift garage, Addi leaned back on the floor under her Jeep and dialed her mother.

  After the third ring, the cheery voice of her mother answered, “Hello....”

  “Hey Mom.” Addison smiled when she heard her mom’s voice come over the line. She could already smell home-baked cookies.

  Charlotte McCloud’s voice was cheerful coming through the phone. “Addison! Honey, how are you?”

  “I’m good. How are you? How’s the brat pack?” She hoped her little sister Maddie hadn’t hit the boy crazy stage, but she was only five now, so it wasn’t too long off. Clint on the other hand was probably hell on wheels by now; her kid brother was just now turning seventeen this year.

  “Aw they’re fine. Clint is driving me up the wall with his music, but other than that, things are okay. Where are you this week? I saw that you and Ms. Dupree won the race in Singapore. Congratulations.”

  “I’m home this week, flew in the other day from Singapore. Layovers are hell.” Addison winced as she said the word; Sam’s language was wearing off on her.

  “Watch your language young lady,” Charlotte scolded. “So you’re at your house? Why didn’t you call sooner?”

  “Sorry Mom. I’ve been trying to get my head off the track and back to family matters. Is it okay if I come over for dinner in about an hour or so?” she asked delicately.

  “Of course honey, you never have to ask. I’ll fix chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and green beans,” the woman replied cheerily.

  “You always keep my appetite up, Mom. Let me shower and make sure Sven knows he’s coming too. Can I bring my bodyguard? And Deuce?” Addison asked wanting to make sure her mom knew she was bringing people over.

  There was silence for a moment, and the Charlotte’s subdued voice came through the phone, “Why do you need a bodyguard Addison?”

  “It’s a really long story and I promise to tell you after dinner tonight, but it’s due largely in part to Dad.” Addison sighed as she began walking towards the house to shower.

  “Okay, but I expect the whole story once you get here. We’ll see you soon.”

  “Yes ma’am. Love you.” Addison heard her mother repeat it back to her before she hung up. Walking into her house, she saw Sven disassembling his firearm for the hundredth time that day and she smiled. “Hey Sven, are you hungry?”

  “I can always eat. Are we going out?” Slipping in the clip, he put on the safety before sliding the gun into his shoulder holster.

  “Technically, yes, but not really. My mom lives further into town than I do, and well....” Addison blushed, furiously playing with her earring before standing up straight. “I have to tell her some things about...well crap, let me go shower and we’ll go.”

  The blonde man nodded his head and sat down on the sofa waiting. He and Addison had spent time talking about her family, so he knew about her brother and sister, and guessed that tonight the redhead was going to tell her mother about her feelings towards Sam Dupree. He sighed and he watched the television while he waited. He hoped that Mrs. McCloud let her daughter talk before she offered her opinion.

  After showering quickly and blow-drying her hair straight, Addison dressed in a demure sundress and let her hair hang down her shoulders. She left her bedroom and smiled at Sven. �
�Okay, I’m ready to go.”

  She smiled, picking up her purse and sliding Deuce’s collar on before she grabbed her keys and they left the house. The drive to her mom’s was quiet. When they pulled up in the drive, Addison cut the ignition, but she didn’t get out. Instead, she leaned back in her seat, taking a few deep breathes. “I can do this,” she chanted internally.

  “You can get through this Addison.” Sven patted her hand.

  “That’s what I keep telling myself.” Addison smiled, opening her door and letting Deuce out from the back seat to begin sniffing around the grass.

  The front door opened and a little brown haired girl ran out squealing. “’re home!” A woman looking to be in her early forties with Addison’s red hair and gray eyes stood in the doorway smiling.

  “Maddie!” Addison leaned down and scooped the five-year-old up in her arms, deep into a bear hug. “Hey squirt.” Sven smiled at the show of love between siblings. Addi held Maddie in her arms smiling over her head at her mom. “Hey Mom.”

  “Addison...get over here and give me a hug.” Charlotte laughed at her daughters.

  Putting the child down, Addison held her hand as she walked up the porch and gave her mother a warm hug. Leaning back, she smiled and introduced her mom to the towering blonde man behind her. “This is Sven. My bodyguard that Sam hired.” Sven smiled politely and extended his hand down to the woman.

  Pushing aside the hand, the older woman hugged the giant. “You’re family Sven, if you’re protecting my daughter, and we hug our family. Welcome to our home.” She released the surprised man and motioned them inside.

  Sven followed the women into a brightly colored home filled with pictures of a smiling family, albeit some of those family photographs had been removed if they contained the father figure. Sven nodded to himself, happy that Addison’s mother was moving on with the divorce to get away from the tyrannical man.


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