Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 25

by Jennis Slaughter

  Nodding her head Neely turned to her own meal. “Good girl, maybe you can teach this one here some restraint.”

  The redhead smiled, tilting her head, wanting to know about Sam. “What does that mean, Mrs. Neely?” Addison put her chin on her fist, turning to look at Sam.

  “It’s just Neely, child, and she tend to get in over her head sometimes with all those girls her so called PR folks hook her up with for the press. She thinks that she has to show one side to the public while keepin’ her real self, private. Maybe you can help her see that she doesn’t need them girls to be successful.” Neely tilted her head to smile at Sam.

  “I don’t know why I keep you around, woman,” Sam growled.

  “Because you can’t stand to be away from my womanly charms,” Neely threw back at her.

  Sam threw back her head and roared in laughter. “That’s right. Plus, you make the best biscuits this side of Atlanta.”

  Addison smiled, happy to be in such a warm, loving environment. Growing up, her father had kept her family in line with fear, using Addison’s bruises to make sure Clint and her mother behaved themselves. Addison was more than happy to take that burden as long as no one else got hurt. Finishing her dinner, she was delighted when Neely gave her a bowl of hand-churned ice cream.

  Leaning back in her chair, Sam watched as the younger woman enjoyed her dessert. Neely stood up to clean the table, swatting her on the back of the head. “What have I told you about leanin’ back in those chairs.”

  “Ow! Not to do it.” Sam rubbed her head, as she stood up to help. Sven took his dirty dishes into the kitchen, thanking the older woman for a wonderful meal, as did Nick.

  The younger man informed Sam that he was heading to Atlanta for a couple of days to look in on some business. She told him to keep in touch and he left.

  Addison volunteered to clean the dishes despite Neely protesting that she could do them. “Where I come from, cooks don’t clean. Go watch some TV, I’ll be fine.”

  “Do you mind if I dry?” Sam offered, leaning against a counter.

  “Not at all, I could always use the extra hand,” Addison husked as her body slid past Sam’s on the way to the sink.

  Remaining where she was, Sam watched as Addison filled the sink with soapy water and began to wash.

  They worked in a comfortable silence until all the dishes, pots, and pans were cleaned and the counters wiped down.

  “Would you care for your massage now?”

  The redhead smiled, putting away the last dish before she turned off the lights. Making sure Neely and Sven weren’t in earshot, Addison whispered softly, “Where do you want me?”

  “Umm...uhh...your room. I’ll probably end up putting you to sleep with the massage. You’ve had a hard day,” Sam gulped as she led the way.

  “Alright, give me a few to get undressed and light some candles.” Addison trailed her fingertips down Sam’s arm as they came to her doorway. Leaving Sam at the door, Addison disappeared inside of her room for a few minutes. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Sam heard Addison call out that she was ready.

  When the blonde came into the room, she found the redhead lying in near darkness on her stomach covered by a black sheet over her backside; much like Sam had found her that night in the hotel after her run in with Becca. The candles flickered over the dark walls, and Addison’s skin seemed to glow against the black sheets as she lay on her stomach.

  “Let me get some oil.” Sam cleared her throat and went into the bathroom to find some. After a few minutes of telling herself that she could do this, she came back out and walked over to the bed.

  “I’m gonna start at your feet and work up.” She poured some oil in her hands, rubbing them together to warm it up before picking up a foot and starting.

  Soft moans floated up to Sam’s ears as the redhead relaxed slowly, her hands sliding under her pillow, getting comfortable. “Mmm.”

  Working her way from the foot, up a beautifully toned calf and heading towards a heavenly thigh, Sam struggled to keep her mind on the massage. She knew that Addison would be sore the next day if she didn’t do a proper job tonight, so that helped her keep her thoughts in order, but the moans were definitely not helping matters.

  “You’ve got great hands, Sammie,” Addison whimpered when Sam slid a hand over a tense quad muscle in her thigh. She hissed softly before whimpering a moment later.

  “Is it sore here?” Sam went over that spot again, concentrating to see if she felt some tension.

  “God, yes. It’s been awhile since I’ve been riding and I guess I’m saddle sore....” The woman’s fingers were dangerously close to the apex of her thighs, and every bit of her wanted Sam to make love to her, but the more the blonde rubbed her muscles, the sleepier she got.

  Moving to the other leg, Sam worked through that before she took a deep breath and straddled the woman’s thigh’s to begin working on her back. “Wow! You really are tense here. You should have told me when you started hurting,” Sam murmured.

  Sam never received an answer. Addison was sound asleep due to the blonde’s strong hands.

  Sam finished massaging the back and shoulders before she carefully climbed off the bed and covered Addi with the sheet. Quietly she went into the bathroom, put away the oil, and washed her hands.

  Coming back into the room, she blew out the candles and went over to a library chair that was in the darkest corner of the room to sit down. She sat looking at the young woman for the rest of the night, thinking about what she wanted and what was best for both of their careers.

  As the sun was just beginning to rise, she came to the conclusion that she didn’t know what she was going to do, but had decided to listen to her heart and not her head for the first time in her life. Things were going to go slowly, but they would go ahead with the relationship. Sam understood that she had a good chance of being hurt, but she would get over it if it happened. She wanted this chance more than she wanted anything in her life before.

  Closing her eyes, she fell asleep.


  A ray of sunlight fell over the bed and into Addison’s eyes causing her to wake. Slowly sitting up, she realized she’d fallen asleep during Sam’s massage. “Well, it was a great massage...” she whispered to herself, laughing quietly.

  Climbing off the bed, Addison saw Sam sitting in the arm chair facing the bed. She had no idea how long she’d been asleep, but she knew Sam had stayed the entire night. Addi knew she loved Sam, that there was nothing that could hold her back from the blonde, but she knew she would probably end up heartbroken. Shaking her head, she walked up brushing a lock of blonde hair out of Sam’s eyes; she then leaned down to kiss her forehead. “Sammie, wake up....”

  “Hmm....” Sam shifted a little, but remained asleep.

  Addi smiled and leaned down further, her lips kissed the blonde’s cheeks. “Sammie...” she whispered again. “If you don’t wake up, I’m going to pour cold water in your lap,” she teased.

  “You do, and I’ll throw you into the lake,” Sam answered, her voice rough from sleeping.

  “You can’t handle me in a wet t-shirt, what makes you think you can handle me soaking wet all over?” Addison purred right back in Sam’s ear before dropping her sheet and walking into the bathroom naked, shutting the door after her.

  Sitting there for a moment, open-mouthed, Sam pushed herself up from the chair and groaned. Her own muscles stiff from being in the chair all night. Stretching and twisting until her back popped, she opened the French doors to the outside and walked out to take a breath of morning air.

  She loved early morning here at the farm, and she started to jog in the dew covered grass. She ran around the main lake, pass the foaling barn, and then back to the main house. Opening the back door, she went through the kitchen and walked down the back hallway to her room to bathe and get dressed for the day.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison finished showering and dressed in a distressed pair of jeans, and
a faded blue Oxford shirt. Rolling up the sleeves, she left her feet in socks since her boots were at the back door. Yawning, she raised her hands over head, stretching; she went into the deserted kitchen to eat a bowl of cereal. Finishing that, she then went onto the back porch to sit down and call her mom to tell her about Sam.

  When her mother picked up, they chatted for a few minutes about the family before Addi launched into a tirade about Sam. “Mom, she’s amazing, wait till you meet her. Clint may have a serious crush when he does. That hair is so blonde, and her eyes are like emeralds. She’s more beautiful than a supermodel, Ma.”

  “Addison, I know what she looks like. What I want to know is if you two worked things out? Were you able to explain things?”

  “Sorry!” Addison half-apologized, though she in no way meant it. “Yes, things were explainable; I think someone broke her heart a long time ago though. Someone hurt her, or else she wouldn’t have so easily believed these magazines.”

  Charlotte sighed. “I don’t know honey. Just take things slow and let her get to know you. You have plenty of time for everything else. There’s no rush.”

  “I’m trying to keep my hormones in check,” Addison promised.

  “That’s more information than I need, daughter. Call me if you need anything. I love you Addison.”

  “I love you too Mom.” Addison laughed, ending the call on her cell phone, which she slipped into her breast pocket on her shirt.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Over the next week, Sam and Addison worked together on the farm; mending fences, tending to the animals and doing repairs to the buildings. Sam enjoyed their time together, getting to know the younger woman better; her likes and dislikes, the amusing little way that she would twist her hair around her finger when she got nervous. The days went by very quickly.

  The nights however, crawled by. Some evenings they would watch television or read a book, usually with Addison’s head in Sam’s lap. Once they convinced Neely and Sven to play poker, and Neely ended up winning almost three hundred dollars by the time they were done.

  The blonde didn’t sleep much though; she would prowl the house until she eventually ended up in Addison’s room, watching her sleep. She made an effort to wake before the younger woman, but there had been a couple of times that she had been caught, still in the chair.

  Slowly, Sam realized that she was truly in love with the redhead, and she couldn’t stop smiling, no matter what she was doing.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The week with Sam flew by for Addison. The red-head constantly dwelled over the fact that they would be returning to the public eye very soon. She would be expected to keep her hands and thoughts to herself. Addison was starting to enjoy the fact Sam would watch over her when she slept, it was easy to open one eye and see her in the middle of the night, her green eyes shining in the dark as she watched Addison pretend to sleep. Even though sometimes Sam would dart out of the room at first light -- that is if she managed to stay awake all night -- Addi always heard the door shut the moment Sam left.

  However, those moments when they were working together doing regular chores around the farm, were the moments Addison loved the most. She could get away with longing looks, lingering touches and open-ended statements with dual meanings while they worked. When night fell and they watched movies, football games, and the news together, she closed her eyes, enjoying the way Sam trailed her fingers through her long, wild, red hair. Every night, she kept her mouth shut, though her body screamed for them to touch more intimately.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sam pushed herself out of the chair in Addison’s room, before walking over to stand next to the bed. She had spent seven nights in that chair, imaging running her hands over the toned body, feeling the silky skin against her own. Taking a deep breath, she lifted up the sheet and slid in behind the young woman, biting her lip to keep from moaning as she spooned her.

  Somewhere in the back of her sleeping mind, Addison knew that someone was holding her, well, more like cradling her gently in their arms. Addison moaned gently in her sleep as she stretched out only to find her ass sliding up Sam’s legs and into her lap, her eyes shot open. She didn’t move. “Good morning, Sammie.” She slid a warm hand over the arm around her waist.

  “Morning Darlin’. Did you sleep well?” Sam’s mouth purred near her ear.

  Swallowing hard Addison closed her eyes again as goose bumps erupted on her flesh. “Yes,” Addison breathed as one hand lifted to slide into the blonde hair, keeping Sam’s mouth near her ear. “And you? Did you manage to sleep any in that chair?”

  “I get a couple of hours usually. I like watching you sleep.” The blonde let her tongue trace the outer shell of Addison’s ear.

  “Whenever you decide that we’re ready...” Addison moaned softly. “We might be doing more in bed than sleeping.” She chuckled. “Mmm, what are we doing today?”

  “I was thinking about going water skiing or swimming in the lake. Is there anything that you want to do?” The blonde was moving her fingers in tiny circles over Addison’s tummy.

  Addison stretched her muscular body out along Sam’s as she enjoyed being caressed in such a loving manner. Her whole body felt like an electric current was racing along her skin. “I don’t know how to water ski, but I know Neely wanted me to go check on the foals in the pasture next to the big lake. I can do that while you’re water skiing. And she said one of the milk cows wandered into the woods, something about some really pretty swimming hole deep in the woods. She asked me to look into it, said you needed to relax a bit. I don’t mind shouldering some extra duty.”

  “She’s always mothering me; I guess that some habits are hard to break.” Sam closed her eyes as Addison moved against her. She wanted nothing more than to roll the younger woman onto her back and slowly make love to her.

  “You need someone to look after you, baby.” Addison turned and saw Sam’s eyes closed. Rolling over, she kissed Sam softly. “Go enjoy your day on the lake for a bit, I’ve got some work to do around your farm,” she whispered.

  Without thinking, Sam pulled Addison until she was lying on top of her, and she was biting her lip, trying not to moan with pleasure. “Are you sure that you don’t mind?”

  The redhead smiled seductively down at the woman beneath her, one hand trailing an index finger down the t-shirt, between the valley of her breasts. “Being on top?” She chuckled before becoming serious. “Not at all, go enjoy your day and we’ll see each other tonight. I promise.” Sitting up, Addison slowly swung her body off Sam’s to go dig through her suitcase. Bending over, she rifled through the contents trying to find something to wear.

  Sam twisted her head to look at the beautiful ass covered by purple silk and groaned. Sitting up, she got out of bed to walk out the French doors to go into her room. Stopping at the doorway, she turned to the younger woman, “I’m glad that you’re here Addi. This had been a really nice week.” Ducking her head, she left.

  Watching Sam leave from between her legs, she sat down. “I have nothing to wear. All my crap is at home and I haven’t been shopping.” She blew a piece of hair out of her face before hearing someone knock on her door.

  “Ms. McCloud, special delivery, Sugar Cheeks,” came Nick’s annoyingly sweet voice from through the oak double doors. Addison rushed over, throwing it open; Nick was literally her Fairy Godmother. He not only offered advice, both fashion and emotional, but now he had his hands full of bags and a glorious little smile.

  “What?” Addison crossed her arms, but was soon grabbing the bags Nick was thrusting into her arms. “Neely gave you those chores for a purpose. That’s some very expensive lingerie from Victoria’s Secret, the pants are nothing too nice, but they’re just tight enough to give your adorable little ass the right emphasis so when Sam sees you in about an hour or so....just trust me on this, angel, and Auntie Nick will do you right.” He winked, squeezed her shoulders, and was gone. Addison looked in the bags and smiled before dropping them on the bed and quickly
going to shower.

  Walking into her bedroom, Sam sat down on her bed, and flopped back. She hadn’t been lying when she said that it had been a good week. It had been very relaxing even though they had done a lot of work around the farm. Rolling over, she got up, pulled off her clothes and put on a one-piece black bathing suit, and called one of the hands to meet her down at the boat. She had a need for some speed, and since she didn’t keep cars at the farm, she would make do with water skiing.

  Addison showered and blow-dried her hair before walking naked to the bed and opening up the bags. She pulled out thick socks, downy-feeling and capable of keeping her poor little feet from the blisters of the brand-new, expensive, Italian leather riding boots that came up to her knees. They were a dark, chocolate-brown, offsetting the tan, creamy, skin-tight riding pants that left nothing to the imagination, with leather-like material on the inner thigh. A matching, brown belt with a silver buckle, plus a faded men’s work shirt, one size too large, and a white, spaghetti strap shirt with a built in bra. A small thong finished the ensemble, and the redhead just stared at it all. Nick really was a mastermind; he was worth every penny Sam paid him.

  Quickly dressing and pouring herself into the pants, she found that the boots accented the entire look. Noticing one bag she hadn’t checked yet, she opened it last of all, with a smile. Inside was a supple, brown leather, Australian outback-style hat and new, aviator Ray Bans she’d been eyeing in town the day before last with Nick. She scooted down the hallway, knowing Sam was probably showering and shaving those amazing legs. She had time to get past Neely and out to the barn hopefully.

  Grabbing a couple of jumbo towels, Sam jogged down to the lake and to the waiting speedboat and her driver. “Hey Bubba...thanks for driving for me.”

  “Hey, not a problem. How fast are we going to go today?” He turned his cap backwards and grinned.


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