Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 31

by Jennis Slaughter

  Coming out of the bathroom, she saw Sam signing for their breakfast, her stomach growled in protest when she saw the omelets and bacon along with toast, coffee and orange juice. She smiled at Sven through the door, handing him Deuce’s leash. He smiled and took the enormous dog from her.

  “Hope that you’re hungry. I want to walk the entire course at least once before we stop for lunch.” Sam looked at the younger driver.

  “After what you just did to me, I’m starving,” Addison replied softly before popping a piece of bacon between her lips happily.

  Grinning, Sam cut into her eggs. “Well, I do aim to please.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she chewed.

  “And you please me soooo wellll,” Addi groaned in pretend rapture, her back arching against the couch as hands roamed up her chest. She cupped her own breasts, looked at Sam, and teased her nipples, shuddering.

  “I can do better than that, Darlin’. I can make you scream out my name and black out a split second later. I can make you feel like you’ve talked with God.” Sam reached out and drew a fingertip up the seam of Addison’s shorts.

  “Sam...” Addison breathed; their lips inches apart. She moaned softly, raising a hand to cup Sam’s cheek, pulling her that much closer as she climbed into her lap. “I could spend forever with you,” she admitted with a blush.

  “We’ll see about that. First, we have to get through breakfast and then I have to get past your family. After that, it should be smooth sailing.” Sam smiled up at her lover.

  “Smooth sailing until you try to find the perfect ring for me, and I almost fail trying to plan you the perfect wedding,” Addison replied amused as she kissed Sam softly before settling down to eat their breakfast.

  All Sam did was grin as she went back to her breakfast.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison took longer than normal, retracing the track both by foot and by film. She even requested the geometric measurements of each turn so that she could calculate how fast to go through them without losing control of her car. Sam had waited patiently in the skybox while she sat down with a graphing calculator and plotted out her plans.

  Finally, after a couple hours, Addison looked up and signaled to the box waitress that she wanted a hamburger with extra mushrooms and a beer. The redhead looked down at her watch and mentally tried to figure out how much time she had before her family arrived.

  Addi smiled, wiping sauce off her chin as she kept her eyes raking up and down Sam’s beautiful body. She winked, letting the blonde know that tonight would be worth the wait. “Ready to relax before my mom gets here with my little brother and sister?”

  Sam smiled at the younger driver because she had gotten a text from Sven, letting her know that the McCloud’s had arrived. She held up a finger as she pretended to answer her cell.

  “’ve got to be kidding....” Sighing, she wiped her face with her other hand. “Okay fine, but I’m filing a grievance with the’ll have it in a bit.” Swearing, she closed the cell and tossed it aside. “Well, that’s fucking great.”

  “What’s wrong Sammie?” Addison asked, screwing the lid back on her water bottle and leaning back in the plush leather seats of the skybox. She rifled through her purse, making sure she had everything before she slowly stood up.

  “There’s a group of visitors that are here and the officials won’t let us leave until we do a meet and greet. And you know how long those can go on.” The blonde ran her hands through her hair.

  The redhead frowned but smiled a moment later. “Well, that’s part of the job, babe,” she added brightly, standing up and reaching for Sam’s hand.

  “It may be part of the job, but it doesn’t mean that I have to like it.” Sam ran her thumb over Addison’s knuckles. “We may be stuck here for a while.”

  “Well, I’ll call someone and have it arranged for my family to be picked up and then brought back to the hotel to relax.” Addison beamed back at Sam pulling her to her feet. “It will work out.”

  Sam looked over Addison’s shoulder and smiled. “Too late...the visitors are here so put on your best smile.”

  Never a problem for Addison to give the world a smile, she turned around happily, but was shocked to see her family walking into the skybox. Maddie clung tightly to her mother’s hand until she saw Addison. “Addi!” the little girl screamed, running towards her sister.

  Addison dropped to her knees, sweeping the little girl up into her arms, hugging her tight. Clint stayed back, staring at Sam with the typical goggling eyes a teenager would have for a beautiful woman. Addison’s mother, Charlotte, smiled at Sam warmly a moment later.

  Sam took a deep breath before walking over to Charlotte. “Mrs. McCloud, I’m Samantha Dupree, we’ve spoken on the phone.” She held out her hand to shake the older woman’s.

  Charlotte pushed the hand aside and instead hugged the taller woman. “Sam, it’s great to meet you, and it’s Charlotte.”

  Ducking her head, Sam blushed. “Charlotte....”

  Addison stood up with Maddie in her arms. The little girl was shy for five, but she smiled at Sam all the same. Clint shook Sam’s hand before he turned to whisper to Addison. “She’s hotter in person,” he said bluntly.

  “And you are taller than I thought you would be,” Sam whispered to the teenager. “I hear that you’re a pretty good mechanic.”

  “Who do you think taught him?” Addison quipped before Clint could offer an arrogant answer. “But yes, he’s a great mechanic. And he’s still growing.” The redhead laughed, ruffling her brother’s hair. “This...” Addison raised Maddie up a bit, who was timidly holding Sam’s replica Barbie. “ Maddie.” The little girl had her mother’s blonde hair, but Addison’s beautiful gray eyes.

  “So very nice to meet you Miss Maddie. Did you have a good time on the plane?” Sam smiled at the little girl.

  “Yes ma’am.” Maddie smiled, burying her face in Addison’s hair. “She’s shy,” Addison mouthed to her girlfriend before kissing her cheek softly. “Are you guys tired? Want to get those bags back to the hotel before we go to the beach?”

  Charlotte spoke up, “Actually, the bags are already at the hotel. We stopped on the way over here to take a shower and freshen up. We slept most of the way on the plane, so we’re ready to do whatever you want to do.”

  “Let’s get to the beach.” Clint smiled, teasing his sister. Addison rolled her eyes when Clint pointed to the fact Maddie was wearing her Little Mermaid bathing suit under her clothes.

  “Fine, we go to the beach.” Addi smiled as her mom lovingly hugged her tight.

  “If you want, Charlotte, I can have Sven take you guys on ahead while Addison and I head to the hotel to change,” Sam offered.

  The smile Sven was giving Charlotte made the mother blush before laughing it off. “I wouldn’t mind that at all.” Clint pretended to be offended that Addison was leaving him alone with his family after just seeing them. “Chill Clint, you’ve got a week here okay?” Addi laughed before hugging Maddie tight and leaving the family with Sven.

  Sam spoke quietly with Sven, making sure that he was alright with taking the family. He was, so they arranged to meet at a certain spot and the two groups were soon on their way, one to the beach and the other to the hotel.

  Addison slid her arm through Sam’s leaning her head on the blonde’s shoulder comfortably as they walked towards their own limo. “Sam, that was really sweet of you.” She tilted her head looking up into green eyes.

  Sam smiled down at her lover. “Well, I saw that your sister had her bathing suit on under her clothes and I didn’t think that it was fair to make her wait while we went and changed. Let her have fun while she is here.”

  Stopping the woman, Addison didn’t care if the press was right there or that people were watching them. She leaned up on her toes and planted a soft kiss on Sam’s lips before leaning back only an inch. “I love you all the same.” Addison gave her boss a blinding smile before she slid into the limo right as the f
lashbulbs began to go off.

  After an exhausting afternoon at the beach where Sam and Clint body surfed while Addison and Maddie played in the shallow waves and Charlotte talked the time away with Sven, the group came back to the hotel to clean up before they all had dinner in the restaurant across the street from the hotel.

  Maddie was now sound asleep with her head on Sven’s shoulder as he carried her, while Clint was talking to Sam about cars. The group made their way to the elevator to go to their rooms.

  Addison made sure Maddie was tucked in and that Clint had everything he needed before hugging her mother good night. “Remember, we’re just upstairs. Nick and Sven are right across the hall as well.” Addison smiled at her mom.

  “We’ll be just fine. Call us in the morning to let us know when you’re up.” Charlotte turned to Sam. “Thank you again for a great day.”

  Sam blushed. “It was my pleasure, ma’am. Anything for Addison’s family.”

  Charlotte winked at Sam behind Addison’s back before she shut the door. Addison thanked Sven with a big bear hug before the couple entered the elevator alone. The redhead pulled Sam close finally, after what seemed like forever, for a long, drawn-out kiss.

  Only pulling away when the elevator dinged that they were on their floor, Sam gazed down into gray eyes. “And what exactly was that for?”

  “For everything you’ve done for me over the last six months and for being my girlfriend.” Addison smiled, fixing Sam’s shirt lovingly and with care before leaving Sam’s arms and unlocking their penthouse suite door.

  “You deserved everything that you’ve gotten, Addi. You’re a great driver. You would have headed your own team soon enough if I hadn’t come along. Word was already out about you,” Sam replied honestly.

  “But I don’t want my own team, Sammie. I’d rather stay out of the spotlight and just watch you win again and again and again,” Addison explained as she set her purse down and pulled Sam into another long kiss, walking her backwards towards the master bathroom.

  “You’re gonna win your share of races, Addi. We’re a team.” Sam let herself be led towards the bath. “Something may happen sometime where you’ll have to take over for a while. You can’t always stay out of the spotlight, and you know you can’t while you’re my girlfriend.”

  “Guess I better get used to it.” Addison sighed in a suffering manner as she dropped her hands to Sam’s jeans and slowly unzipped the material before she unbuttoned them, pulling Sam against her.

  Leering down at her girlfriend, Sam wiggled her eyebrows. “What do you think you’re up to Darlin’?”

  “Trying to get laid. Thought that much was obvious, baby,” Addison husked confidently as she moved her hands from Sam’s jeans to glide up under her t-shirt and up over the bra she wore underneath. “You looked so sexy running into the water today it was so hard not to take you right there on the beach with everyone watching.”

  “Next time we’ll get shoulder-high in the water and you can do anything you want. How does that sound?” Sam pulled off her t-shirt and removed her bra.

  Instantly Addison’s hands were full of warm flesh, her thumbs gliding over Sam’s nipples as she teased her.

  “Not half as good as...oh Addi...mmm right there Darlin’....” Addison slowly licked her bottom lip before she began to push Sam’s jeans down. Soon the blonde was naked. “We need to get you clean....” The redhead stepped back and slowly began to take her own clothes off.

  Sam turned and slowly walked towards the bathroom. “I’ll keep those words in mind for later.” Reaching into the shower, she turned on the water, getting it to a comfortable temperature before she walked over to the sink to brush her teeth.

  Addison quickly took off her clothes and wrapped a towel around her body before she turned down the lights. When she re-entered the bathroom, she moaned at the vision of Sam standing naked in front of the mirror brushing her teeth. Addison slid her hands up Sam’s bare back kissing the still salty skin. “What would you think about trying something new in the bedroom?” she whispered in the blonde’s ear.

  Sam paused and looked at Addi’s reflection with a shocked look. “Whad u men sumtin diffent?” she spoke around her toothbrush.

  The redhead let her fingertips trace down Sam’s hips before she raised her eyes to the blonde’s in the mirror. “You know you’re going to be my first everything. What do you say about oh...a vibrator...or maybe handcuffs?” she asked innocently enough. “Maybe...something more?” She winked at Sam before dropping the towel and walking into the shower, rinsing the sand off her naked body.

  Swallowing by reflex, Sam choked a bit on the toothpaste before she spit and rinsed her mouth. Getting into the shower, she stared down at her lover under the cascading water. “You want toys!”

  Innocent gray eyes blinked up at Sam with a mischievous sparkle in them. Addi grinned as she poured body wash onto a sponge and began to wash Sam lovingly. She had plans for that body later tonight after their shower. “Maybe...” she teased.

  “Umm, do you think that you’re ready for something like that? I’s only been a few days know.” Sam couldn’t believe that she was embarrassed.

  “You popped my cherry,” Addison all but growled against Sam’s lips as the sponge slid around a peaked nipple, then down a flexing stomach. “How about this...if your qualifying lap is faster than mine, I’ll let you handcuff me to any bed in the world and do whatever you want to me.”

  “Darlin’, you know that you’d let me do that no matter what,” Sam growled back, getting her wits about her once more. “You will let me do anything I want, anywhere I want.”

  “Mmm Sammie.” Addison had never seen this part of Sam before and it really turned her on, but she continued to wash her girlfriend. “You’re right though, I’ll let you do anything anywhere, anytime.” She smiled lovingly up at the blonde.

  Sam reached down and stopped Addison’s hand, staring into gray eyes. “Addi, I don’t ever want you doing something that you don’t want to do. I don’t want to force you to do something that you’re not comfortable with. I want you to be happy.”

  The redhead smiled but this time it was soft, but confident. “Sam, I’m not Becca. I don’t want that kind of possessive love. I just want you.” She shrugged before going back to washing Sam, albeit a bit more lovingly instead of lustfully.

  Sam smiled at the younger woman, reaching out to caress Addi’s face. “I know that you’re not her. You are nothing like Becca, and you never will be.”

  “Silicone parts are made for toys,” Addison replied off handedly. “Sir Mix A Lot said it best.” The blocker slowly walked Sam under the spray washing the endless ripples of bubbles down her statuesque body.

  “Excuse me?” The blonde laughed. “Where in the world did that come from?”

  “It’s a rap song from the eighties, you have to like eighties rap if you’re going to like eighties rock. Baby got back, which, by the way, you have plenty and it’s very nice, but for some reason, Becca looks like those....” Addison raised her own hands up to her chest and mimed squeezing them. “Are some fake ta ta’s.”

  Biting her lip, Sam barely restrained from laughing. “Umm, you could say that. What’s gotten into you?”

  “Having my family here...” Addison explained happily. “My mom’s never really seen me race NASCAR so F1 is going to be neat for her to see, and Clint, he wants out of Arkansas so badly. Ever since my dad’s been gone, I feel like I’m finally starting to live a little.”

  Once more, Sam stilled the young woman’s hand. “Do you want your family to move to Georgia? Like I said, there’s a house on the property that they can stay in. It might make it easier for you to have them closer.”

  “Sam...I couldn’t take you up on that. It would be abusing your hospitality as a friend and your position as my boss,” Addison stuttered in shock. Think about how perfect it would be though. “You’d never have to see your father ever again; Nochaway could be your new hom
e. With Sam.” The redhead tried to stop her mind from racing ahead of words the blonde hadn’t even said.

  “Addi, you and your family would be together and safe. You’re gonna be spending a lot of time there anyways, so why not have them there with you?” Sam took a step back. “If you don’t want to stay with me in the main house, I understand that you might be uncomfortable with your mother so close.”

  “Where are you going?” Addison almost growled as she pulled Sam back to her. “I just...I feel like I’m not contributing enough to this relationship. You give me so much and I don’t want to take advantage of you,” she tried to explain with a smile.

  “Are you asking me for anything? No. I’m offering. I want you in my life,” Sam quietly responded.

  “Sammie.” Addison raised her hands to the blonde’s face. “I’ll talk to my mother. I would love to live with you. Waking up next to you every day would be perfect; it would be heaven. I want to take that step with you,” she whispered; gray eyes the color of a thunderhead, clouded with passion and love.

  “Can we just go to bed and let me hold you? I just want to feel you next to me,” the taller woman asked.

  Feeling like she had done something wrong, Addison just nodded. She let Sam dry her off and she pulled on a pair of panties along with her Dupree motor shirt Sam had first seen her in. Watching Sam get ready for bed, Addi pulled the sheets back, crawled in and waited.

  Sam dried off and then brushed out her hair before walking into the bedroom naked to pull on a pair of shorts and a tank top. Getting into bed, she opened her arms and whispered, “Come here, Darlin’.”

  Addi didn’t hesitate to be in Sam’s arms, their legs tangled together and her red hair mixed with blonde. She loved it when Sam held her, it felt like nothing and no one could ever touch her again. Sam was her knight in shining armor, the only person who ever stood up for her.


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