Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 33

by Jennis Slaughter

  Moaning into Sam’s mouth, Addison complied with her girlfriend’s request as quivering thighs spread wantonly for her. Addison’s hands wound themselves into the blonde’s shirt as she kissed her desperately. “Please Sammie...” she groaned.

  “Please what, baby? What do you want?” Sam let her fingers tease at the woman’s opening, lightly flicking her thumbnail against Addi’s clit.

  The redhead jumped in her arms, but she whimpered softly. “Take me please!” she begged openly as her gray eyes opened, staring up at Sam. “I’ll do whatever you want. Anything.”

  “Win tomorrow then,” she whispered as she slowly filled Addison before retreating and filling her again. “Show me what you can do...what I believe that you can do.”

  “Mmm, consider it done.” Addi’s head fell back against the door as her hips moved in slow rhythm with Sam’s questing fingers. “Ooo shit. Right there.” Her eyes closed as her back arched.

  Pulling out, Sam added another finger, filling her lover even more as she rolled her hips behind her hand. Panting slightly, she crushed her mouth against Addi’s, kissing her passionately, effectively smothering her moans.

  Addison almost ripped Sam’s dress shirt in half as she felt her orgasm start deep inside of her sex. Gray eyes opened to stare into green as they kissed intimately. Her inner muscles clutched Sam, pulling her in deeper as she lifted her leg up around Sam’s waist.

  Speeding up her thrusts, Sam let her thumb rub against the woman’s clit, loving the way that it made her tense around her fingers. Pulling away slightly, she stared down into dark gray eyes, and smiled. “I love you, Addison.”

  “I love you too...” Addison whispered back, out of breath.

  Slowly Sam pulled out, and brought her fingers up to her mouth to suck them clean. She carefully pulled down Addison’s skirt, and made sure that the young woman was presentable before she stepped away. Bending over, she grabbed the panties and stuffed them in her pocket. “It wouldn’t do for someone to find them here.”

  The redhead stayed leaning against the door, trying to steady herself before she chanced trying to walk. “God, the things you do to me.” She laughed softly, lifting a hand to cover her racing heart.

  Sam suddenly became worried, and then realized that she may have embarrassed her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have started that in front of your family.”

  “Come here,” Addison whispered as she pulled Sam into her arms. “I’m not embarrassed, but let’s make sure at least Maddie isn’t around. She’s a bit young to witness that kind of thing.” Addi smiled, kissing Sam softly.

  “As long as you would have kept your napkin over your lap, she wouldn’t have seen anything, but I should have known better than to start something. It won’t happen again,” Sam whispered against ruby lips.

  “Quiet,” Addison whispered as they kissed again. “Let’s finish lunch because now I’m starving. And later, let’s go to the beach again; I want to see you in another bikini,” she all but growled, running her hands up and down Sam’s chest.

  “Whatever you want.” Sam inhaled sharply as the redhead tweaked her nipples.

  When they returned to the Sky Box, Charlotte stared at her daughter while she inhaled her food before her eyes flickered to Sam’s, who smiled guiltily. Charlotte relaxed a bit, knowing on some other level that Sam would never hurt her daughter. Not after watching her talk and explain everything to Maddie out on the track earlier. It was obvious they were meant for one another.

  The group trooped back to the hotel to change for the beach. Addison could use some downtime, Charlotte thought as she watched her daughters run down the sand to the waves while Clint was staring at some Australian girls a bit down the beach. She let him go so she could stay and talk to Sam alone.

  Leaning back in her beach chair, Sam was keeping a close eye on the middle McCloud. She wanted to make sure that Clint had a good time, but wanted to keep him safe also. It had been a very long time since the blonde had belonged to a family, and she was damn gonna be sure that nothing happened to any of them.

  “If Addison had half of the mouth he does, I’d have to have her locked up.” Charlotte smiled, adjusting the umbrella she sat under. “I try to keep him young, he’s only seventeen, but you know boys...more than ready to grow up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Sam smiled at the older woman. She guessed that Charlotte was about to have ‘The Talk’ with her, and she was as ready as she could be.

  “You know as well as I do about Addison’s history. She was...a virgin until she met you. I want to know what your intentions are with my daughter. You’re not only her boss, but now you’re her girlfriend.” Stern eyes turned on Sam and she was reminded of a mother bear protecting her young.

  Sam didn’t turn away from the stern look. “I’m in love with your daughter, and I did not take advantage of her. I let things happen as naturally as I could, and I will never hurt Addison. I want to be what she needs me to be.”

  Charlotte stared into Sam’s eyes as if she was looking for anything to tell her that the blonde millionaire was lying to her. “If you break her heart, you’ll answer to me.”

  “I won’t, ma’am. I promise,” Sam swore.

  “Good now that we’ve had that talk...” Charlotte visibly relaxed in her chair as she watched Addison and Maddie build a sand castle safely away from the water’s edge and its destructive wrath. “...Addison loves you very much. When she came to visit...and she saw that magazine, the devastation she felt was indescribable.”

  Sam ground her teeth in memory. “It was for me also, ma’am. You have no idea.”

  “I’m sure I never will,” Charlotte mused. With a sigh, she continued. “I want to thank you. For protecting Addison from James. It gave me the strength to divorce him. After years of watching him beat on Addison when he drank too much, I knew that enough was enough before he started in on Maddie and Clint.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking ma’am, but have you heard from him lately? I have a feeling that he’s not going to go away quietly.”

  “The last I heard James was up north near New York trying to find a lawyer that could get him half of Addison’s assets....” She shook her head sadly. “He did turn up after you sent him packing, but thankfully one of the neighbors was over and threw him out.”

  Sam cleared her throat. “I’ve offered a house that I have on property to Addison if you care to move to Georgia. I promise you that no one will be able to harm any of you there.”

  Charlotte stared for a moment, and then blushed similar to her daughter. “I don’t know if I can accept that Samantha. Not after all you’ve done for our family; I won’t take advantage of you like that.”

  “Ma’am, if it will make you feel better, I can charge you rent?” Sam offered, knowing that she would find a way to give the money back.

  “No, I think Arkansas is fine for Clint and Maddie for a bit longer. I may move them down to Texas; we have family down there.” Charlotte sighed.

  Sam frowned briefly and then sighed. “Well, if that is your decision, I will abide by it, but I know that Addison would love it if everyone was safe, and she does seem to love my farm. Maddie would love all the animals.”

  The mother turned and looked at Sam. “Addison hasn’t really talked about much except racing. I didn’t know you had a farm.”

  “Yes ma’am. It’s been in my family for generations and there’s a lot of open spaces, a couple of lakes, woods and pastures. I have horses, cows, and the pigs that you know about. It’s a great place for kids to grow up.”

  Charlotte felt her resolve slipping. “Well...after the race, I’ll bring Clint and Maddie to visit and see how they like it. If they do, we’ll stay.” She spoke softly, “I just want them to be happy.”

  Sam grinned. “That will be great. I’m sure that they will love it.”

  “Does that mean Addi is moving in with you?”

  “Umm, if she wants to...I’ve left the offer out there. I’ve always told her that I
won’t force her to do something that she’s not comfortable with.” Sam swallowed a couple of times.

  Addison’s mother turned her eyes watching Addison stand up proudly in front of her sand castle with Maddie who was dancing around it like an Indian bonfire. Sand clung to various body parts and wild red hair was tangled by the wind, Charlotte glanced at Sam to see her watching Addison with what could only be described as love. “Trust me, she’s moving in with you.” Charlotte laughed.

  Sam blushed and bowed her head. She waited a second before she brought it back up to look at the older woman. “Would you mind if I asked you a question, but needed you to keep it a secret from Addi?”

  “I’ve wrapped Christmas presents for her and the other two for over a decade. A secret isn’t a problem.” Charlotte laughed, taking a sip of water from her water bottle before she opened a bottle of sunscreen to start applying some to Sam’s shoulders in a motherly fashion.

  Sam jumped a bit at the woman’s touch. “Umm, I would like to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage. I won’t ask her for a while, but I want to spend the rest of my life with her if she will have me.”

  Charlotte stilled her hands so she could look Sam in the eye. “Do you mean that?” she asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. More than anything I have ever meant before.” Sam stared at the older woman.

  “Then as long as you let me help plan the wedding, I don’t see a problem with it,” Charlotte answered with a smile as she resumed rubbing the lotion into Sam’s shoulders.

  Sam bowed her head and grinned. This was going better than she thought. She looked sideways at Charlotte. “Good...thank you for the honor of joining your family.”

  “I’ve successfully raised one daughter and am trying to raise another along with a son. You’re a welcome addition, especially if you can keep Addison from thrill seeking,” Charlotte deadpanned then she smiled squeezing Sam’s arm. “When were you planning to propose if I can ask?”

  Shaking her head, Sam admitted, “I don’t know yet. I think that it might be too soon for Addi. I think that she needs to experience a bit more of life before I do. I just wanted your permission before I did it.”

  Charlotte frowned. “She’s not that naive about life, Ms. Dupree. Addison has seen quite a bit of the world before she was in your employ. She made her way up through the world with motocross and freestyle riding, then onto NASCAR, which she did for two years before meeting you. She’s not a child.”

  Sam sat up straight and answered honestly, “Ma’am, I never said that she was, but I am her first lover, and I don’t want to tie her down before she’s honestly ready. I am just thinking about her happiness.”

  “It sounds like you want her to experience other love, Sam. For Addison, you are all she wanted. You don’t know how much she talked about you while she was home or in school in France. Or even on the road with you...” Charlotte explained slowly, putting on a pair of sunglasses to shield her eyes from the blistering sun as Addison picked Maddie up and ran out into the waves. Clint continued to flirt with the girls down the beach, trying to imitate their accents. “You should know that Addison fell in love with you the moment she saw you that day at the track,” Charlotte confessed Addison’s darkest secret. “She never thought you would notice her.”

  Sam sighed. “I did notice her, and it wasn’t just her looks. I liked the way that she worked on her car, not trusting anyone else other than Arnie. I liked the way that Carl and John thought that she was good enough to run her own team.” She pushed herself up from the chair and watched her lover play with her sister. “I love the way that she talks about you, Maddie, and Clint.”

  She turned back to the older woman, and softly said, “I love how she thinks I’m her knight in shining armor. I’ve told her that I’m not perfect, but she seems to think that I am.”

  “You’re her version of perfect.” Charlotte smiled, leaning back. “To her, perfect isn’t really perfect. You love her; she loves you. To her that’s perfect. You wouldn’t let anything happen to her and you’d defend her with your last breath, and you’re not ashamed of her. That’s her version of perfect, Sam.” The mother smiled as Maddie ran up into her arms wanting a drink. Addison was much slower, walking out of the waves and pushing wet hair out of her face as she smiled at Sam.

  One last response to the elder McCloud: “I will protect her, I promise.” Sam turned to walk to the redhead. “ might wanna cover up. Don’t want you to get burnt.”

  Addi leaned up on her toes kissing Sam’s lips. “I’m wearing SPF 75. I wanted to at least get a tan.” She laughed softly, pulling Sam after her into the ocean.

  Sam laughed as she pulled away to dive underneath some waves. She came up out of the water a few feet away, pushing her hair from her eyes.

  The redhead ducked under the water and swam past Sam in long purposeful strokes to stand in waist deep water a few feet away. Crooking her finger, she beckoned Sam closer. “I want a real kiss,” she called.

  Sam laughed and made her way to her lover. “I do believe that I gave you a real kiss a few hours ago, but if you really want another, I think I have a few for you.”

  “Just a few?” Addison pretended to pout as she wrapped her arms around Sam and pulled her down for a long slow kiss. “What did you want to do tonight after my family goes to bed?”

  “Hmm, what do you feel like doing?” She wiggled her eyebrows. “We do need to get a good sleep before the race.”

  “A nice joint bubble bath, a bottle of wine, and relaxing,” Addison whispered against her lips with a smile. “You and my mom seemed awfully cozy over there.” She nudged her girlfriend with her hip under the water. “Should I be worried?” Laughing Addison kissed Sam softly.

  “I don’t know...should you be?” Sam pulled Addison against her, and rested her hands on the shorter woman’s hips.

  “No, Sven is taking my mom out tonight. I told Maddie she could sleep in bed with us, Clint needs some privacy.” Addi rolled her eyes.

  Sam chuckled. “Is this going to be after our joint bubble bath?”

  “Mmm.” The redhead smiled. “It’ll be good practice. You know, eventually I want children so I need to get in what experience I can.” Addi smiled at Sam’s shocked face.

  “Uhh, okay.” Sam’s mind spun at the declaration. She honestly hadn’t given that much thought to children.

  “Sammie?” Addison asked softly looking up at her. “Did I say too much? I did, didn’t I? I’m sorry I’m such an idiot. I shouldn’t have opened my mouth and...Oh my God.” The younger woman covered her face, trying not to cry.

  Sam gently drew down Addison’s hands from her face. “You didn’t say anything wrong, Darlin’. I think that a mini you running around will be amazing.”

  “Well, not for at least another few years. I doubt you’re ready to marry me anytime soon.” Addison smiled wistfully at the idea of Sam proposing on one knee with a diamond ring. “C’mon let’s go get dried off and back to the hotel.”

  Sam reached out and tugged on Addi’s hand as she fell back into the surf. “I love you Addi...and if you want children in a couple of years, I think we can make that happen.”

  “Sam....” Addison’s eyes teared up in happiness. “I love you too.” She sighed, pulling Sam down for a soft kiss. “I want a mini me and a mini you.” The blocker closed her eyes, holding Sam close.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After getting back to their suite, Sam called out, “Did you want anything to munch on?”

  “No, just the wine is fine, Sammie,” Addison responded. She started untying her bikini as she walked into the suite’s bathroom. As the top hit the floor, she leaned over turning on the enormous Jacuzzi bath while untying the bottoms with her spare hand.

  Sam paused to watch the younger woman disrobe before she headed to check out the wine. Looking at the selection, she chose a nice white and opened it before she grabbed a couple of glasses to head to some quality bubble bath time.

  When Sam re-entere
d the bathroom, Addison was reclining in the tub, relaxing with her hair piled up in a messy ponytail. Gray eyes followed Sam as the blonde moved about undressing. “I love watching you,” Addison quietly stated.

  Sam tugged off her bikini. “I love watching you too.” She walked over to the tub, handing Addi a glass of wine. “Is there enough room in there for me?”

  “More than enough. Here and in my heart.” Addi smiled, moving so that Sam could join her.

  Sam handed Addi the second glass of wine so that she could slide behind her. “Ahh...this feels so feel so perfect.” Sam reached around her for the wine.

  The redhead handed it back to her girlfriend as she reclined again, snuggling into Sam’s arms as she sipped from her own glass. Her eyes closed slowly. “You are right, this does feel so perfect,” she whispered.

  Taking a sip, Sam then nuzzled a tender spot under Addi’s right ear. “Are you ready for tomorrow?”

  “Yes,” Addi admitted with a smile. “Are you?”

  “Oh yeah...with you starting out ahead of me, we can use that to our advantage. The other drivers won’t know what to think,” the blonde surmised.

  “Only so you can win,” Addison argued back with a smile. “I’m just the blocker; you are the winner, Sammie.”

  “No, Addi. We are a team. The team is the winner; not a single driver.” Sam licked at a drop of sweat that was slowly making its way down Addi’s shoulder.

  The redhead bit back a small groan before she relented. “You’re right.” She smiled, taking a sip of wine to calm her racing heart. “So what did you and my mom talk about today while I helped Maddie build that sand castle?”

  Sam leaned back to take another sip of wine. “Nothing much. She wanted to know my intentions towards you.”

  Addison smiled happily. “Did you mention the farm?”

  “It may have come up?” The blonde grinned even though Addison couldn’t see her.


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