Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 37

by Jennis Slaughter

“Addi...please. I want to see you,” Sam pleaded.

  The redhead relented and climbed off of Sam’s bed so she could drop the bottoms from her bikini. They pooled at her feet, leaving the younger blocker naked in front of her boss and girlfriend. Lifting her feet out of the shed bikini, she stepped towards the bed.

  “Can you umm...get above me?” Sam asked. She held out her hand to her lover.

  Blushing yet again, Addison crawled on top of Sam and let her body stay on her hands and knees. She looked down into vibrant green eyes that made her breath leave her chest.

  “That’s not exactly what I meant.” She let her eyes travel along the toned body, letting them linger over the breasts and then moved slowly down.

  “What...what did you mean?” Addison felt herself become more aroused just from Sam’s eyes on her body. She watched the green orbs wander from her neck to her breasts, to her toned stomach, down to her hips and then to her shaved sex.

  Reaching down to grasp the woman’s hips, she pulled Addi towards her. “Put your thighs on either side of my head. Let me taste you.”

  Addi let herself be moved up towards Sam’s lips, her hands naturally reaching up to the high headboard of her girlfriend’s bed. “Wait...are you sure this is okay? You aren’t going to hurt yourself right?” she asked nervously. Truth be told she felt a little exposed like this, but she trusted Sam not to do anything to hurt her.

  “I won’t get hurt,” Sam groaned as Addi’s scent filled her senses. The sight of her lover above her was almost more than she could handle. She tugged gently on the woman’s hips. “Come ‘ere babe.”

  Scooting up, Addi parted her thighs further. She felt like she was settling into the saddle when she rode Sunny.

  Sam lifted her head slightly to let her tongue slide over slippery nether lips, groaning at the taste. Her hands slipped around to caress Addi’s ass.

  “Saaaaam...” Addi whimpered as her grip turned vice-like as she gripped the headboard that much tighter. Her eyes fluttered almost closing, but she kept them open trying to watch Sam.

  Tugging down, Sam let her tongue delve in deeper into sweetness. She drew in as much of it as she could. Looking up, she stared into gray eyes and knew her eyes were as dark as they could be with love. This wasn’t a passing fancy. This was what she wanted in her life for as long as possible.

  Reaching down, Addison let her fingertips slide beneath Sam’s neck pulling her just that much closer as her mouth fell open. “Sam...your mouth...” she groaned as shivers racked her body.

  Pulling away slightly, Sam groaned, “Come lower.” She let her tongue go in a deeply as she could, curling it slightly to draw out the sweet nectar.

  Addison thanked her many hours at the gym and her dedication to yoga as she almost did the splits over Sam’s mouth. “ that okay?” she asked with a whimper.

  “Mmm hmm,” Sam moaned as she let her nose press against Addi’s clit. Her eyes twinkled as Addi began to tremble.

  “Yes...Please...right there.” Addison brokenly pleaded as the blonde took her to heights she had never thought she could reach. Her eyes closed as her mouth opened in a small ‘o’. “S-s-sam!” Addi cried out softly as her hips arched down into the blonde’s waiting mouth.

  Pulling a hand between their bodies, Sam let her fingers slowly fill her lover as she moved her mouth to suckle the tiny bundle of nerves.

  “Shit...” Addison cursed as her eyes opened to watch Sam pleasure her. Her teeth clenched together, startling white against the soft berry color of her ripe lips.

  Flicking her tongue, Sam withdrew her fingers and then pushed three back in, filling Addison even more. She started a steady pace, loving the way that the redhead moved above her.

  “Ah....” This time when Addison gasped, her whole body tightened up around the blonde. She felt sparks ignite up and down her flesh, like electricity on a high wire. “Sam...” she groaned out slowly as she fought to keep herself upright.

  Seeing that her lover was starting to lose her balance, Sam pulled her mouth away and whispered. “Do you wanna lie down?”

  “Please...” Addison begged as her thighs trembled and burned.

  Giving Addi’s clit one final flick with her tongue, Sam withdrew her fingers and held open her arms. “Come ‘ere Darlin.”

  The smaller woman slid down slowly into Sam’s arms. Once there she tucked her head into the blonde’s shoulder and neck, relaxing as her body finished with its smallest and last tremors. “Mmm Sammie...” she whispered, fitting their hips together.

  “Yes, dear?” Sam turned her mouth away for a moment to wipe it on the sheet. “You okay?” she asked as she then placed a gentle kiss against a sweaty forehead.

  It took several long moments for Addison to recover enough to speak full words. “Yes...thank you.” Addison lifted her head long enough to give Sam a loving and adoring kiss. She could taste herself on the blonde’s lips, and though she felt her body respond to the need to touch Sam, pushed it down knowing the blonde wasn’t cleared medically for that yet.

  “I don’t think that this is what Neely meant by me getting up, but it works, don’t ya think?” Sam grinned.

  “I think it works wonders....” Addison closed her eyes, stretching out her naked body beside Sam’s. Stretching like a feline who was more than sated.

  “So I guess that we should get out of bed and make it to breakfast before she decides to come in here and see what’s taking so long.” The blonde let her eyes caress Addison’s body.

  “Mmm, I suppose you are most likely right....” Addison crawled out of bed naked and leaned over, pulling her bathing suit off of the floor. She exchanged it for a pair of panties, jeans, a white under shirt and flip flops before helping Sam into some clothes as well, then handed her the crutches.

  Slowly they made their way out onto the patio where Clint and Maddie were just finishing up with their meal.

  “Morning are you doing today?” Sam asked as she took her seat.

  Maddie’s face instantly lit up when she saw Sam. “Is your leg going to be okay?” Maddie asked, straight to the point, just like a child.

  Clint turned and made a tsking noise. “Maddie, that’s not very nice.” But he wanted to know the same thing as he watched his sister help the tall blonde into a chair.

  “It’s okay, Clint.” She waved a hand at the young man before turning to the little girl. Beckoning her over, Sam carefully picked her up and held her in her lap. “I hope so Sweetie. It’s gonna take a little time for me to get well, but with yours and your brother’s help, I’ll be as good as new real soon.”

  “Our help?” Clint asked confused as he took a bite of his eggs. Maddie reached up and played with a long lock of Sam’s golden hair twisting it around her fingers.

  “Mom didn’t tell you?” Addison accepted the plate of food from Neely who also laid one down in front of Sam with plenty of bacon. “Thank you Neely. You, as in you, Maddie and Mom are going to stay here with Sam. Would you like that?”

  Looking at her lover for a moment, Sam wiggled her eye brows. “Yeah, we’re gonna get to know each other really well.” She licked at her bottom lip before turning back to Clint. “I’m gonna need some help with my physical therapy and getting my car ready to start racing again and I thought that you could help me.”

  “Totally, I mean I’m not that strong, I can’t really lift you, but I can help.” His voice cracked at little, still a seventeen-year old boy. His eyes darted to Addison’s as he waited for her to tease him over his voice, but his sister just winked back at him and smiled warmly. “What are you two going to do today?” Addison knew she had to leave soon to get back on the road.

  “Go with Neely to get groceries,” Clint answered while Maddie nodded, fiddling with Sam’s crutches now.

  Taking a bite out of her bacon, Sam moaned. “Just make sure she gets more of this bacon. This stuff is great.” She turned to her lover. “Are you going to the track today?”

  The redhead nodded
while she took a sip from her coffee and wiped her lips on a napkin. “I need to log some car time. If I don’t, we won’t be in the top ten for long.” Addison traced a fingertip around the edge of her coffee cup as her eyes looked out over the property. She knew the loneliness of leaving Sam would be worse than what she felt all those months tucked away at the F1 school in France while the blonde raced all over the world. Now the tables would be turned.

  “Make sure that you take Drew with you. I don’t want you alone,” Sam requested quietly.

  “As long as Sven stays here at the house with you,” Addison whispered back as she turned her gray eyes back on Sam with a smile.

  “He’s with your mom, but there are others nearby that you don’t see. I’ll be fine.” The blonde took a bite of her eggs. “Nicky said that the board will be watching via short-circuit camera. They want to make sure that you’re alright to drive.”

  Upon hearing this, Addison felt an extra layer of added pressure stack on top of what she already felt, but she knew Sam supported her and would always want to protect her. But it was high time she started pulling her own weight in the company and in their relationship. “Alright, then I need to talk to Nick. Can you excuse me for a moment?” she asked, standing up and taking her cup of coffee with her.

  Sam watched her walk away with a frown on her face, but Maddie interrupted her thoughts by asking if she could braid Sam’s hair. “Maybe after I eat breakfast, sweetie.”

  Turning to Clint, she asked him a question. “Have you met any new friends?”

  “Not yet, but if I’m going to be here awhile I hope to. It’s hard though, when you don’t have the local accent.” He pushed his plate back, much like his sister in his brooding, but he looked up with a smile a moment later. “Australia has some pretty women though.”

  “I wouldn’t know. Your sister is the only one that I care about.” She smiled at the young man. “I hear that they have a skateboard park nearby. Maybe you could go check it out?”

  “A skate park?” Clint asked, sounding excited. “Awesome. I’m gonna go grab my board and see if my mom will let me ride for a bit.” He took off running into the house to ask Charlotte. Maddie smiled up at Sam. “Can I braid your hair now?”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After her brief meeting with Nick, Addison collected her things, kissed Sam goodbye and left for the track with Drew in tow. The massive bodyguard was as silent as Sven, but his demeanor was more military than mercenary. Addison dressed quietly in her trailer as she waited for Nick to come and tell her the car was ready.

  She nervously paced up and down the trailer, wearing the same jumpsuit Sam had suggested she try back when they had first met. It was old and faded but it fit tight and snug like it should while still allowing the redhead her freedom of movement. She keyed up her netbook and flipped through some F1 news while she sat at her desk in the quiet trailer.

  Rapping on the door, Nick called out, “Are you decent?”

  Addison shut down the netbook but not before taking a long look at a picture of Sam in a black bathing suit from their trip to Hong King. God, that woman would be the death of her before long. “Yes I am, come in.” The redhead stood up to greet her girlfriend’s assistant.

  Opening the door, he stepped inside and looked at her critically. “You ready to go and dazzle them?”

  “You could say that,” Addison muttered quietly as she zipped up her jumpsuit. “Everything ready?”

  “Listen...I’ve had offers for you to be the spokeswoman for a lingerie company, but I don’t know how Sam will feel about it so I thought I would mention it to you first.” Nick stood with a hand on his hip.

  That threw Addison for a loop. She knew she was pretty, that much Sam had made quite clear, but a lingerie spokesperson and model? Her? “What? I think I misheard you...I thought you just said something about a lingerie company, and me in the same sentence,” she joked, tucking her good luck picture of her family and Sam into her jumpsuit. It occurred to her that now she could have them all in the same picture.

  “Yeah, you heard me right, but like I said, I don’t know what Sam will say about it.” He picked up her helmet. “But right now, you need to concentrate on your driving. You need to convince the board that you’re ready to drive. Sam brought over Dennis Slater to be your blocker and he’s waiting on you. He understands that you’re the number one driver.”

  “Okay, you’re right.” Addison had to remind herself Nick was usually right. Taking her helmet, she followed him out of her trailer and down to pit row. Once there, she quietly checked over every inch of her car making sure it was sound before talking to Arnie about its read outs from that morning.

  Bringing up his laptop, Nick booted up a program that connected him with Sam. “‘Hey Sam. Ready to watch her run?”

  Sam nodded her head as she wiped her hands on her shirt. “Did she seem nervous?”

  “Very. Normally she’s all swagger on the concrete, but she’s spooked without you here, I think she’s lost.” Nick commented as he looked down at his iPad and wondered how to tell Sam about the lingerie issue. He leaned on the tabletop watching Addison climb into her car but sit halfway out of it to listen to what Dennis said about the weather.

  “Did you tell her about the offer?” Sam knew that Nick would be surprised that she knew, but it was her company and she knew about almost everything.

  “Damn it woman, you make my job hard. Yes, I told her...what do you think about it?” he asked opening up the email and re reading it.

  “I would prefer that she not do it, but I can’t tell her not to. I don’t like her showing that much of herself to the world. I’m afraid that she thinks that I prefer models to someone like her, and it’s just the opposite.” Sam sighed.

  The assistant could see how Addison felt that way. Sam had a nasty track list of dating the hottest women with the shortest skirts and the longest set of legs anyone could find in any city. “Well let’s see, but you are probably right, she’s trying to shed the image of a little girl and become a woman. Let her enjoy her sexuality a bit,” Nick offered as he turned the laptop so Sam could see Addi.

  “I would rather her not enjoy it in front of the world, Nick. There are people out there who will take advantage of her and eat her up alive.” Sam appeared to lean closer to the screen. “I see that Dennis made it there safely.”

  “He did.” He straightened his shirt. “He and Addison seem to get along just fine. Let’s see how they drive together; she’s pulling out of pit row now.”

  Sam cast a very critical eye on her lover’s driving, but could see nothing wrong. She was a bit timid the first lap, but that was to be expected. She quickly asked Nick to let her know of the lap times as she was dialing up the board to hear what they were thinking.

  Nick quickly typed in the lap times as Addison went around and around again. She only came in for a refueling, but the redhead wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. The more she drove, the quicker her lap times and the more cohesive her driving was with Dennis. On the last and final lap, she cut so close to the wall on the curve, she ground away part of the front bumper of the car trying to lessen her lap times.

  Sam smiled as she listened to the board’s approval of her lover’s driving and agreed with them before she hung up. “Nick, can you hear me?”

  “Loud and clear Samantha Jayne,” he responded, listening to one of the pit crew swear at the amount of body work the car would need.

  “Tell Addi good job for me and to hurry back. And tell whoever is complaining that it’s his job to repair cars, not to bitch. If he doesn’t like it, he can leave.” Sam grinned at the times. Her lover was doing better than she had ever hoped.

  “Do you want her to keep the jumpsuit on?” Nick grinned at the flushed look in Sam’s eye. He’d seen it before when his boss had found a new conquest to pursue, but the look she sported now was infinitely more interested than she had ever been before. He turned his eyes, watching Addison climb slowly out of the Formula 1

  “No, tell her to talk with Dennis if she feels the need. I’ll be here when she gets back.” Sam leaned back, slightly perturbed with her assistant. He was becoming a bit too familiar with her goings on and it was really beginning to bother her.

  “Alright, I’ll pass on the message to her. Is there anything you’d need before I bring her back?”

  “No, just tell her that I’m proud of her and that the board is pleased. Talk with you later, Nicky.” Sam powered down her computer and leaned back.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After Addison spoke with Dennis for a few moments, she allowed Drew to escort her back to her trailer so she could shower the sweat off and change into some clean clothes. Finishing up, she left the trailer and met Nick in the Mercedes that Drew was driving. “How did the board like my driving?”

  “They think that you’re great and so did Sam. She said that she was really proud of you and that she’s glad that you got along well with Dennis.” Nick glanced at his iPad.

  “Good, I wanted...well I just want her to feel safe with me behind the wheel. There’s a lot of pressure on my shoulders right now, so I need to do well.” Addison sighed, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

  “All you need to do Sweetie is drive. Sam has faith in you and so does the board. Sam wouldn’t want you to have any more pressure than you already do.” Nick glanced over to the young woman. “Sam knows about the offer, and no, I didn’t tell her.”

  Without opening her eyes Addison answered him, “She doesn’t like it and she doesn’t approve. Let me mull it over. We’ll see. I might do a magazine printed only for her.” She yawned.

  “She’s gonna let you make up your own mind. It’s gonna be up to you.” Nick sighed.

  “I know that Nick,” the young woman’s voice sounded tense and uncharacteristically sharp. Addison had a lot on her mind; her family, the race, the board, and her father, for starters. One hand lifted to her temple as she massaged the beginnings of a deep-seated migraine. “How many days till I have to leave?”


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