Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 39

by Jennis Slaughter

  “Um, no. I like you bossing me and out of the bedroom,” the redhead growled as a hand came up out of the darkness to cup Sam’s breast, toying with the nipple gently.

  “Ahh...okay. It was just a thought.” Sam arched up, pressing more of her flesh into her lover’s palm. “That feels good.”

  “Was there anything else to go along with that thought?” Addison asked as her lips brushed over Sam’s pulse point on her neck. Her fingers starting to circle the nipple teasingly.

  “What thought...?” the blonde moaned and moved her head, offering better access.

  “I can see we have already forgotten. job here is almost done...” Addi teased as her mouth dropped lower, nibbling along Sam’s collarbone as she slid a hand up under the blonde’s shirt. Once under the t-shirt, she cupped the breast and circled it with her thumb.

  “You can take off my shirt, Darlin’. Don’t let a piece of cloth get in your way,” Sam groaned.

  Sitting up on her knees, Addison took Sam’s shirt in her hands and ripped it in half in her urgency to get to Sam’s body. Her mouth descended on one breast while the other was palmed in her free hand.

  Sam arched up once more and fisted the sheets in an effort to keep from crushing Addi to her body. She wanted the young woman to feel more confident in herself, and right now, this was one of the few ways that she could let her.

  The younger woman watched the way Sam’s body reacted to her touch in the moonlight coming from of the open windows. As she kissed across to the other breast, she circled it with her tongue, replacing her fingers and nipping gently.

  “What are you trying to do to me, Darlin’?” Sam moaned. “You’re driving me up the wall here.”

  “I just want you to remember our last night together. We don’t know how long it will be before we see one another again...” Addison explained as she kissed her way down Sam’s stomach and helped her lift her leg to take off her pajama bottoms.

  Lifting her hips, Sam wiggled out of her bottoms and sighed as Addi started kissing her way back up her good leg. “You’re gonna have to make all this up to the other leg when it’s out of the cast,” she joked before she inhaled sharply as the younger woman found a tender spot near her knee.

  “Count on it....” Addison smiled as she nipped the tender spot with her teeth before continuing her trek up Sam’s inner thigh. When she was close to the apex of the blonde’s thighs, she took a deep breath, wanting to remember everything about her love while she was gone. Darting her tongue out, Addison tasted Sam slowly.

  Sam jumped at the touch and her hips lifted automatically. Her hand reached down so that her fingers could tangle in silky hair and held Addison right where she was.

  Lost in the moment, Addison’s hands slid up under Sam’s hips and pulled her lower body closer to her mouth as she slid her tongue up into Sam’s folds and deep into the woman. Groaning at the taste, she let her nose bump Sam’s clit as she swirled her tongue deeper.

  “Jesus...” Sam breathed as her hips began to move. “Yess....”

  Addi’s tongue trailed over Sam’s clit, sucking it into her mouth gently before toying over it with her tongue again and again as her hands left Sam’s hips and wandered up to her chest.

  Helping the wandering hands find a home, Sam placed them over her breasts and moaned as they started to squeeze and roll the nipples.

  Gray eyes opened in the darkness to watch Sam come undone above her in the small light coming in through their window. Addison wanted to take Sam to a place that she had never been before with another woman, she wanted to erase every other person from her memory.

  “Addi...I am yours,” the Southerner growled out.

  Addison removed her mouth from Sam’s clit and kissed her way slowly up the blonde’s body. Holding herself above her, the redhead let her fingers play with Sam’s hips then down to the soft skin of her inner thighs. “What was that Sam?” she asked softly with a smile.

  “I am yours Addison...there will never be anyone else.” Sam surged up to kiss her lover.

  As soon as their lips touched, Addison slowly slid three fingers into the blonde, her hip behind them as the two of them kissed slowly but enthusiastically.

  Sam pulled her mouth away to take a breath and looked up into dark eyes and before she could stop herself she asked, “Will you marry me?”

  Addison didn’t need to think about it...she didn’t need time or space to think about the question. “Yes...” she whispered back with a smile, slowly kissing Sam. She felt tears prick her eyes from happiness.

  With the answer, Sam spasmed around her lover’s fingers and let loose a soft moan. Once she caught her breath, she smiled as she gently kissed Addi. “You said yes....”

  Addison removed her fingers slowly before kissing Sam again. “I did, didn’t I?” She smiled as she slowly licked her fingers clean in front of Sam’s eyes.

  Sam pushed aside her hand and brought down Addi’s lips to hers, tasting herself on her tongue. She moaned and clasped the younger woman against her. “When do you want to get married?”

  “As soon as we can plan the wedding. And as soon as your leg is okay to walk on,” Addison whispered happily, her gray eyes sparkling. She was going to marry Sam Dupree; little Addison McCloud.

  “In two months, we’re getting married. Come hell or high water, I’m telling you right now.” Sam grinned up at her fiancée. Her fiancée! Who would ever have thought?

  “I’ve known you long enough to know you always get what you want. No matter what.” Addi leaned back into the pillows and yawned a bit, but refrained from kicking her legs in joy. Just like the first time they made love, she was so excited. Now they were getting married.

  “Addi, I don’t always get what I want, but in this instance I am.” Sam turned to look at the young woman. Reaching over, she brushed a strand of hair away from Addison’s face.

  “I love you Sam,” Addison whispered in the dark, kissing her future wife’s chin. “I can’t believe we are going to get married. Someone pinch me so I can wake up from my fairy tale.”

  Reaching out, Sam drew Addison closer so that the young woman laid her head on her shoulder. “They would need to pinch both of us because I never thought that I would find someone like you to share my life with.”

  Addi snuggled in close wrapping her arms around the blonde and closing her eyes with a yawn. “Nick told me that the lingerie company you and I went shopping at in Melbourne wants me to be their spokesperson.”

  “Yeah, but let’s discuss it in the morning, okay? Right now, you need your sleep.” Sam kissed the head underneath her chin.

  “I think my flight leaves after dinner...” Addison whispered again, but her eyes started to drop and she was soon fast asleep.

  Sam lay awake for a long time, watching Addi sleep and smiled as the moonlight danced across her creamy skin. She was still shocked that she had blurted out the proposal. It was early morning when she finally drifted off to sleep.


  When Addison woke up, she was still in Sam’s arms, arms that were still tight around her waist. Nuzzling into the soft blonde hair, she kissed around Sam’s ear softly. “Time to wake up, sleepy head.”

  “Mmm...I’m awake,” Sam’s voice was rough from sleep, but she turned to smile at the young woman. “I’m gonna have to get used to you being a morning person.”

  “I’d say so, especially if you are going to spend the rest of your life with me.” Addi smiled, trailing a fingertip over Sam’s lips before sliding her out of bed to find something to wear for the day and to begin packing.

  “Well, it does help when I get to look at your sexy body every morning.” Sam grinned and sat up slowly.

  Looking over her shoulder, Addison winked at Sam before slipping on a pair of lacy blue boy-shorts and matching bra. “What do you want for breakfast?” she asked digging for a pair of jeans.

  Carefully sitting up, Sam swung her legs over the side of the bed and reached for
her crutches. “I can make my way to the kitchen after I get dressed...with a little bit of help. And I have another offer that I would like to tell you about.”

  Shimmying into a pair of jeans and then a well-worn deep green sweater, Addison then helped Sam putting on some socks and then underwear and a bra. The blonde made it known she wanted shorts and a white linen button up then had Addi roll up the sleeves. “Alright, all done, now do tell.”

  Slowly making their way towards the kitchen, Sam started, “Gryffyn Perfumes called me yesterday afternoon and wanted to offer you the position of spokeswoman for their new scent.”

  “I’d prefer to do that than take off my clothes...but we’ll see.” Addison smiled, looking at her watch. After breakfast she had a conference call with Sam’s President of the Board, then she had a sit-down with Nick to go over her schedule, and then she wanted to eat lunch one last time with her family before she left.

  “I’ll give them a call and have them fax over the contract and you can go over it to see if you agree with everything.” Sam opened up a cabinet to take out some plates.

  As soon as Neely saw Sam, she swatted her out of the kitchen onto the back porch where Maddie and Clint were already waiting their breakfast, along with Sven, Drew, Nick, and Charlotte. As the couple sat down, Addison intertwined her fingers with Sam’s under the table.

  “I am not helpless, woman,” Sam called out to the older woman. She turned to her newest family. “Morning all...did everyone sleep alright?”

  “Yep!” chirped Maddie. Clint nodded while Charlotte cleared her throat looking at her daughter knowingly. “This house has thin walls...” she murmured, winking at her daughter who blushed a deep red.

  “Uhh, sorry mom.” Addison grimaced as she pretended to look at the clouds.

  Sam looked over at her fiancée and raised her eye brows, silently questioning if Addi wanted her to tell their news.

  Addison pretended to fan herself with the hand that would don her engagement ring and nodded teasingly before leaning over and kissing Sam’s cheek softly. “I love you, Samantha.”

  “Love you too, Addi.” Sam turned to the rest of the family. “I think that I should tell you that I asked Shorty here last night if she wanted to make this arrangement a permanent thing, and she said yes.”

  Charlotte looked confused for a moment before Addison clarified. “Engaged, mom. She means engaged.” Charlotte blinked then started to stutter before she wrapped her oldest in a big hug while Clint and Maddie started to clap.

  “I take it that you are okay with this?” Sam grinned at her new family.

  Maddie hugged Sam around the waist while Clint shrugged. “At least she’s marrying someone hot.” He winked at his new sister in law.

  “I’m sure that she took that into consideration, Buddy.” Sam winked back as she hugged the little girl.

  “Samantha Jayne...” Nick crossed his arms, tears in his eyes. “I never thought I would see this day. Never.” He couldn’t help himself from squeezing his best friend into yet another hug. “Who’s going to help pick out the ring?”

  “I’m going to pick it out by myself, thank you very much. I plan to do this only once and it’s gonna be something that I and Addison want,” Sam explained.

  “Well when are you going to do it?” He checked his water. “She leaves in a few hours, silly.” He rolled his eyes, ever the dramatic one. “Unless you want me to push back her flight?”

  “No, I’ll find her one while she is gone and I’ll take it to her when I find the perfect one.” Sam reached inside of her pocket to pull out something that she had slipped inside. She pulled out her mother’s engagement ring. “Hopefully, this will hold you over until then.”

  Addison’s jaw dropped as she looked down at the ring. “Sam, I can’t take that....” The redhead blushed and admired the modest diamond on a platinum band. “Wasn’t this your mother’s?” Addison had seen pictures of Samantha’s mother. She was a strikingly beautiful blonde woman with long legs and an icy gaze, but she had been Sam’s mother, and the younger driver wondered what Sam’s parents had been like.

  “Yes, but she died when I was young.” Sam slipped the band on to Addison’s ring finger and smiled seeing that it was a perfect fit.

  The redhead let her thumb glide over the ring before she reached up and pulled Sam’s head down for a slow kiss. “I love you, Sam more than anything,” she whispered, keeping her eyes closed.

  “Eww, get a room!” Clint all but yelled, embarrassed because it was, after all, his sister. Sven smiled and patted his young charge’s back.

  Sam pulled away for a moment to say, “Don’t stay if you don’t want. I’m not quitting.”

  Clint grumbled and he trooped inside with Maddie on his heels; she wanted to go get her dolls to play out her sister and Sam’s wedding. Charlotte kissed her daughter’s forehead before tugging Nick and Sven inside with her children. “Let’s give these two some alone time, huh?” She smiled.

  “Thank you Charlotte...” Sam muttered before she kissed the woman’s daughter once more.

  After a moment, Sam felt a cloth whack her on the back of her head. “And when exactly when were you going to let me know about this bit of news, young lady?” Neely stood behind the couple with her hands on her hips.

  Addison laughed and ran a hand through Sam’s hair. “I’m sure she would have told you eventually, Neely. She sprang it on me only last night....” She winked at the older woman.

  Sam turned to face her oldest friend. “I didn’t have a chance to let you know, Neely. Like she said, I sprang it on her last night.”

  The older woman came over and hugged the young woman, who she loved like a daughter. “Your father would be so proud of you.”

  Sam choked back the lump in her throat and hugged the woman. “Thank you, Neely.”

  Watching the scene unfold, Addison thought about how much she didn’t know about Sam and resolved to find out. “Neely, why don’t I go grab us something to eat and you sit here with Sam a bit okay?” she asked as she got up and walked into the kitchen.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Clint!” Charlotte McCloud called out across the skate park. “I’m going to take your sister to the swings, do not ditch your bodyguard again!” she admonished her son, who shook his sweaty hair from his eyes. He’d spent all morning fixing the Honda Ruckus that Sam had bought him to ride around on the property and the small neighboring town.

  “Okay...” Clint called back distractedly having intentions of listening. The second his mother was out of sight, the boy ran up to the concessions stand and looked for the cute girl he’d seen earlier.

  “Hey there young look like you could use a drink.” An older man with shoulder length hair and a beard was standing beside the concession stand, and he smiled at Clint.

  “Uh....” Clint’s eyes darted around for his bodyguard, Adam. He didn’t see the Australian man in a suit anywhere nearby, and he fought down his rising panic, his hands clutching his skateboard. “Yes sir, I guess.”

  Handing the boy an unopened can of soda, the older man backed away. It wouldn’t do for anyone to get too suspicious right off the bat. True he needed to work fast, but Dana Tatum had to work smart for the first time in his life.

  “Thanks....” Clint took the can of soda and smiled, relieved when he saw Adam walking toward him, talking into a cell phone very fast. Yes, he was in trouble, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t happy to be found.

  “Ay mate, ya gotta quit wanderin’ away from me,” Adam gently scolded as he closed his phone. “Sam will have a fit iffn ya do it again.”

  “Sorry, but I’m not a kid!” Clint tried not to get mad; Adam was only trying to protect him. But his teenage attitude got the better of him.

  Adam stared his young charge down. “No you’re not, but there are people out here that might want to use you to get to Sam or your sister. Do you want to be the cause of that?”

  That shut the kid up. “No,” he mumbled, letting Adam guid
e him back to the limo where his mom was waiting. She was red in the face with anger and Clint winced. “Now I’m in trouble,” he muttered.

  “You’re grounded from using the Ruckus for a week,” was all the older woman said. She didn’t want to air family issues in front of other people.

  Clint didn’t say anything, but nodded when he heard this. Climbing into the limo, he handed over his cell phone and his iPod. When his mother snatched them up, he sighed and fiddled with his board the whole way home.

  Dana stepped out of the shadows as he watched the car pull away. He needed to get an ‘in’ to talk with Dupree to try and smooth things over. He knew that he should be able to charm his way out of this mess. He was gonna blame all of it on Becca and just knew that Sam would believe him.

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he headed back to the low-rent apartment that he was hiding out in to wait and see if Clint showed up the next day.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison opened tired eyes. She and Dennis had spent the previous evening driving together. They were becoming a cohesive team, but it didn’t make him Sam. Not that he wasn’t a good driver, but in Addison’s eyes, he just wasn’t up to Sam’s level. There were going to be many long, lonely nights in Addison’s future, and she was not looking forward to it.

  “Rise and shine, Darlin’,” Sam’s voice drifted out of the IPad that was on the nightstand. “You’ve got a long day ahead of you and I want to wish you a good morning.”

  Not bothering to even sit up, Addison reached over the IPad and held it above her head so Sam could see her lying in bed. “Morning beautiful....” She yawned with a smile.

  “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes. Did you sleep alright?” Sam smiled at the tousled redhead.

  “I usually sleep a bit better when someone gives me a good work out before bed.” Addi gave Sam a dirty wink before rolling over onto her stomach and leaning the iPad against the headboard. Holding her sheet up to her chest, she stretched and ran a hand through her hair. “But I’ll make do.”


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