Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 41

by Jennis Slaughter

  “It’s a few days early, but I don’t think they’ll object. Let me go grab my purse and we’ll get a move on. This one over here probably thinks we’re burning daylight. Clint’s not exactly a morning person.” Charlotte smiled and nodded at Maddie, who could barely sit down to eat her toast.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After spending a few hours around a party store, Sam’s leg needed a rest so the troop headed for a quick lunch before Sven separated, taking Maddie home. The little girl needed a nap and was already falling asleep at the table during their lunch; despite a chocolate sundae.

  Sven kissed Charlotte goodbye on the cheek and promised Sam he’d look after Maddie before the two women left without him to head to the hospital so Sam could look into having her cast removed. Once there, they were lead to a room, and it wasn’t long before an older female doctor with graying hair looked in on them. “Samantha Dupree?” she asked kindly, once she’d closed the door behind her.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Sam held out her hand to shake.

  Shaking the driver’s hand, the doctor smiled. “I’m Doctor Nelson. I specialize in hairline fractures, especially along joints.” Releasing her hand, the M.D. opened Sam’s chart and lifted her original x-rays and put them on the backlit wall display. Turning around, she indicated Sam could put her leg up on the table. “How has your recovery been progressing?”

  “I’m ready to get this thing off and start my physical therapy. I have some important things to do in the near future, and a leg cast just won’t work.” Sam tapped on the offending item.

  “Oh do ya now?” the Doctor’s Australian accent was interested as she began to take her pen and run it along the tip of each of Sam’s toes. “Do you feel this?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I certainly do.” The blonde wiggled her toes a bit to show that she did have movement.

  “Does it tingle or feel cold in any way?” Dr. Nelson asked as she wrote this down in her notes.

  Shaking her head, Sam answered, “No, ma’am. I kept a close watch on that. Before I left the hospital, they gave me a list of things to look out for and what not to do and such. I’ve been really careful and tried to just let things heal.”

  “Good.” The Doctor still wasn’t going to take it at face value, but she still had to get the cast off to see how well the blonde truly was healing. “Alright, unlike most Doctors in my field, I don’t believe in sawing the cast off. I’m just going to get some warm water and we’ll make it soggy enough to remove alright?” She explained that she’d just be a few minutes, leaving Charlotte and Sam alone.

  Looking over to her future mother-in-law, Sam grinned. “I hope that she says that it’s healed enough for a walking boot at least.”

  “Well you’ll still need to take it easy, but at least now you can go shopping for that engagement ring you and Nick keep whispering about.” Charlotte smiled kindly, patting Sam’s hand.

  “Nick wants a big ole flashy ring. I kinda want Addi to keep my mother’s, but if she wants something else, I’ll get it for her.” Sam looked away from the older woman, impatiently waiting on the Doctor.

  “I think Addison is more than happy with your mother’s ring, but why not put a new spin on it?” Charlotte wondered softly with another motherly smile. “You know that Addison doesn’t need all those diamonds, she just needs you.” Sam was saved from answering her when the Doctor returned with warm water.

  Over the next half hour, they soaked Sam’s leg, and then removed the plaster and wrappings before the Doctor gently felt along Sam’s leg to see if she could detect any deviations in the healing breaks. “I’m going to send you for some x-rays and then I’ll make the final judgment.”

  After sitting through another hour of x-rays, the Doctor was satisfied with the way Sam’s leg was healing. “I am going to put you in a boot so that you can walk when needed, but you’ll need a cane for now. But be careful and take it slow. Your physical therapy will start Monday.”

  “Ma’am, yes ma’am.” Sam gave the woman a smart salute. “Anything that you say.” She grinned over at Charlotte.

  “Alright, now Doc I’ve got to get this girl home, she needs some rest,” Charlotte exclaimed as she stood up to shake the Doctor’s hand. The Doctor laughed before leaving them with strict instructions.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Sitting in one of the lounge chairs at the edge of the lawn, Sam watched the stars twinkle overhead as she sipped a glass of Amaretto. The crickets and night animals were talking among themselves and the peacefulness wrapped itself around the driver like a cocoon. “I think I’m getting used to this,” she muttered.

  Addison had pulled into the drive quiet as a church mouse, cutting the lights a quarter of the mile down the road. She’d even left her bags in the car, but her bodyguards had seen to them. Walking around the corner of the house, the redhead saw her fiancée sitting quietly in the dark.

  When she heard her mutter about getting used to this, the redhead smiled and leaned against the doorway, one hand on her hip. She just wanted to enjoy a few more quiet moments watching the woman she had missed so much. “It is quite relaxing, but I think the world would miss you,” Addison husked.

  Sam’s head swiveled around so fast she was surprised that she didn’t break it. “Hey! What are you doing here?” She slowly stood up and walked towards the younger woman.

  “I moved up my flight.” Addison’s legs carried her towards the blonde, her eyes glistening with unshed tears she was so happy to see Sam. “Oh my God, when did they take your cast off?” she gasped, taking Sam’s hands in hers.

  “Yesterday...why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would have met you at the airport and we could have stayed at a hotel.” Sam wrapped her arms around the shorter woman and drew her body against hers.

  “Because I wanted to surprise you,” Addison breathed softly against Sam’s lips; she kissed the other woman’s chin softly. “And that doesn’t mean we still can’t go to a hotel...” she teased as one of her hands slid into Sam’s back pocket.

  “Then let’s get Drew and head over to one. I want to be with you without worrying that your family will hear us,” Sam moaned.

  “Let me grab him and you can go pack an overnight bag.” Addison refrained from kissing Sam the way she wanted to. If she did, they would both end up naked and sweating on the patio stone floor. Smiling, she left the blonde’s arms to find her bodyguard.

  Grabbing her wallet and her cane, Sam slipped on a shoe; she needed only one with the walking boot. Happily she headed towards the front door. She decided that she would just buy anything that she needed to whatever hotel they ended up at, and smiled as she came around the corner, seeing Addison talking to Drew.

  The driver was checking the contents of her clutch and her cell phone to make sure she’d missed no important calls from anyone. Drew nodded that he understood their plans and walked out the front door to fetch Addison’s rental car to take them to a hotel. Turning around, Addi smiled at Sam slowly as she watched the blonde walk toward her with a bit of a limp. “Ready?”

  “You have no idea how ready...I am so glad that you’re home.” Sam reached out with her free hand to grab Addi’s.

  “I feel like the roles have been reversed. Remember La Luc, France? Remember Germany and that RV shower.” Addison’s gray eyes twinkled mischievously as she slid her hand into Sam’s as they walked out the front door together towards her rental. Drew was behind the wheel of her black, Cadillac CTS as she opened the back door for Sam.

  “Yeah, I was scared shitless that I was gonna say something stupid.” The blonde chuckled. “And then you would say that you decided to go to another team.”

  After Sam climbed into the car, Addi slid in after her, and played with the blonde’s hands as they drove away from the house towards the city and a suitable hotel. “I’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve put that foot in your mouth, Dupree.” Addi laughed heartily.

  “What do you mean?” Sam shifted so that she was almost facing the younger

  “You try not to say something about my body or do something and you just can’t help yourself. I guess being a virgin wasn’t a disadvantage.” The redhead smiled, running a set of fingers through the blonde’s hair. They spent the rest of the ride cuddled in each other’s embrace. When they pulled into a hotel parking lot, she let Drew run in quickly to check on a room while they sat idling in the valet area.

  Since they were alone, she explained further, “I was always afraid that my...inexperience in certain area’s that would eventually would get on your nerves. Just one of my insecurities, I guess, that you would move on to greener pastures. But I blame Becca for that one.” Addi smiled wanly.

  Sam reached up to take Addi’s hand from her hair. “No, don’t blame Becca for that one. I’ve never kept anyone around for any long period of time. I don’t want to get hurt so I figured I could use them the same time that they used me, and we go on with our lives.”

  “I’ll never use you Sam. Ever,” Addison whispered back as she stared into Sam’s eyes. She was startled out of her trance by Drew knocking on the window. When they exited the vehicle, he handed Sam a black card. “Penthouse with a personal butler. Sven’s told me how you like your comforts.” Addi refrained from adding it was mostly because Sam didn’t want anyone to hear her scream the blonde’s name.

  “Thank you...I would like someone on the same floor and another in the lobby. And if you wouldn’t mind, in the morning just tell Neely that we’ll be home sometime tomorrow...maybe.” Sam smiled and headed towards the elevator.

  Drew spoke into his com-link and rode up with the two women. When the doors opened, he stepped out first and took a quick look around before he took the card key from Sam to open the suite door.

  Quickly walking through, he nodded his head to the woman. “I’ll be at the end of the hall should you need me.”

  “Thank you Drew...see ya later.” Sam walked in and pulled Addi in behind her.

  Smiling at Sam’s enthusiasm, Addi walked into the suite and tossed her clutch and cell phone onto the large circular couch that dominated the center of the room. Off to the right was an open-air balcony where a butler was pouring champagne into two flutes, a slice of fresh peach in each. The other door to her right led to a kitchenette area and a dining room close by, with a door off to the master bedroom.

  The butler walked in with the champagne glasses on a silver tray and presented them to the two women. “ name is Thomas and anything that you want, please let me know.”

  “Thank you, Thomas...I don’t think that we will need you anymore this evening, but if we do, we’ll call.” Sam took both of the glasses and handed one to Addi. “Good night.”

  The butler bowed politely and left the suite as Addi took the flute and raised it to Sam. “To home being where the heart is.” She smiled.

  “And you are my home, Addison.” The blonde touched her glass to Addi’s.

  Reaching up to undo the top three buttons to her sweater, it was easy to see Addi hadn’t worn anything but a black lace bra underneath. Taking a sip of the champagne she walked backwards towards the bedroom area. “I wonder how big the bed is in this suite.”

  “Who says that we need the bed?” Sam put down her glass and stalked towards the younger woman.

  “Good point.” Addi looked back at Sam daringly as her hand let the glass rest on the countertop. “Tell me how badly you missed me during those late night chats, hmm?” she all but purred as her hands slid into her back pockets, staying just out of arms reach teasingly.

  Sam’s eyes narrowed briefly as she figured out what the redhead was doing. Her own hands reached up to start unbuttoning her own shirt and hobbled past Addi into the bathroom. “Care for a shower?”

  The redhead just stood there, shocked at the turn of events. Taking a deep breath, she not only picked up the glass of champagne, but the entire bottle and followed Sam. When she reached the bathroom, she threw back the whole flute and then filled it halfway. “Sure. Are you hungry? Would you like me to call down for something?” she asked.

  “I’m fine, Darlin’, but if you want something to nibble on other than me, please call down now because you’re gonna need all of your energy soon enough.” The blonde took off her shirt, tossing it aside and standing there in a white lace bra and low waist black jeans.

  “My attempts at seducing you always turn against me.” Addi pretended to sigh as she set down her glass and slid her hands slowly around Sam’s waist, then back around, dropping to the zipper of her jeans, and then the button slowly pulling them down the blonde’s long legs. She stopped long enough to remove the walking boot and Sam’s other shoe. “But as long as I end up in the same position, I’m okay with it.” She grinned.

  “And what position is that?” Sam drawled as she held onto the younger woman’s shoulder as she eased down her jeans.

  “Any position that involves you inside of me...” Addison husked as she looked up at Sam with a devilish gaze. She carefully removed the walking boot and then Sam’s jeans; leaving her standing there in white underwear. Addison felt her breath catch in her throat.

  Reaching up to unclasp the front clip of her bra, Sam popped it open and let it slide from her arms, dropping it on top of her jeans. Carefully stepping away from the pile of clothes, she headed over to the bed and pulled down the comforter and top sheet. “You gonna stand there all night or are ya gonna join me?”

  Addi forgot completely about the shower they were supposed to be taking. Swallowing hard, the young redhead slowly walked to the edge of the bed and began to undress in the low light of the suite’s bedroom, her eyes on Sam’s as she crawled up, pulling the covers after her. “I’m always right behind you. On the track and in life,” she teased.

  “I would rather have you beside me in life though.” Sam reached for the redhead, threading her fingers through silky hair to draw Addison’s mouth down to hers. “I’ve missed you, Darlin’.”

  Smiling, Addison kissed Sam softly. She was in no rush at all, quite the opposite. She only had three days to spend with her family and she wanted to make the most of it. Especially with Sam. “I missed you too. It’s lonely out there with you.”

  “How would you like it if I came with you then? I still can’t drive, but I don’t see why I can’t travel?” the blonde murmured against soft lips.

  “That works for me...I’d like someone in my RV when I get back. You know...scrub behind my ears.” Addi slid her body beneath the sheets and up between Sam’s legs, settling her body there.

  A low moan slipped from Sam’s lips as her fiancée settled against her. “I’ll get all the creases, and other spots that need tender loving care as many times as you want. Gotta make sure my girl is happy.”

  “Well then....” Addison lifted Sam’s left hand and kissed her ring finger. “I need to get on with planning that wedding of ours. Addison McCloud Dupree has a nice ring to it.” She grinned as she let her lips settle on pulse point beneath Sam’s ear, kissing it softly.

  “Mmm, yeah it does.” Sam let her hand drift down Addison’s back, lightly dragging her fingertips over smooth skin until she could cup the younger woman’s ass and pulled her snuggly against her.

  Groaning as their centers glided against one another, Addison kissed her way down Sam’s chest wrapping her lips around a puckered nipple. Her tongue circling it slowly before teasing it with her lips as one of her hands began to drift up the outside of Sam’s left thigh.

  “Aww feel so good,” Sam growled as she spread her legs a bit wider, making sure that her bad leg had plenty of room to move if she had to. “Touch me Addi...I need you so bad.”

  The younger woman was mindful of Sam’s leg as she kissed her way down Sam’s chiseled stomach towards the glistening strip of blonde hair that was her destination. Finally reaching the apex of the blonde’s thighs, she dove right in, figuratively of course, taking one long lick with her tongue.

  Sam’s hips jumped at the first touch even as he
r hand was reaching down to hold Addison’s head right where it was. The older woman could smell their arousal and it was a heady scent. She rolled her hips against the redhead’s tongue, moaning.

  Addi let her nose nudge Sam’s clit as she circled her opening with the tip of her tongue before sliding ever so slowly inside of her, teasing even more. Her whole intent was to drive Sam to the point of begging her for release.

  “Ohh...Addi...I have missed you,” the blonde groaned out. She couldn’t remember anyone else who could affect her as much as the redhead. Addison didn’t even have to touch her; just a look could make her weak in the knees and as wet as a summer shower.

  For her part, the young blocker couldn’t stop tasting Sam. She was delicious; her taste was so thick it almost made Addison drunk. As she carefully parted Sam’s thighs further, she lifted a hand, sliding three fingers slowly into Sam as she licked her clit slowly.

  “Addi...please, don’t tease.” Rolling her hips, Sam tried to bring more of her lover inside. “I need you.”

  Dragging her tongue up Sam’s hip with a gentle bite she let her lips work slowly upwards as her fingers curled and moved in and out just as slowly. Addison didn’t say a way word as she kissed Sam, hungrily slipping her fingers in that much deeper.

  Sam wanted nothing more than to flip them over and to show the younger woman exactly what she needed, but because of her bad leg, she wasn’t sure if she could pull that off without hurting herself. “Please Darlin’...I’m beggin’ you here.”

  “Mmm tell me what you need?” Addison teased against gasping lips with an evil grin knowing full well that Sam couldn’t be in charge now. She held the blonde in the palm of her hand so to speak. Her fingers slid out of the pulsing warmth to tease over the blonde’s clit with maddening slowness.

  “I need you to make love to me...I’ve been dreamin’ of you every night and I need to cum. Please let me....” Sam’s body was trembling.


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